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What is the significance of the location in relation to the represented group?
Ninstints, Haida Gwaii Island, British Columbia
The Ninstints is a Canadian village site, that teaches the history of the Haida Gwaii. This site, owned by the Haida Gwaii nation consists of totem poles significant the Haida Gwaii culture. The site apart of the Gwaii Haanas national park as well as the Haida heritage site. The Ninstints village site is popular heritage site around the world, and is a well known national historical site in canada. The island the Ninstints site is located on is very remote, the only ways to access the island is though boat or plane from neighboring towns and islands. The Ninstins has one of the largest totems sites, with more totem then most other sites. The totems are surrounded by the wilderness that makes the experience seem more real. The totems there are monuments created by first nations people from the picific Northwest.There totems represent history, people ancestry, or events. The site represents first nations as well as their heritage and their culture. The site was made on the Haida Gwaii islands because the islands are first nations own islands. The totem made on the islands relate to the land and the first nation culture. This is an example of culture affirmation, because totems poles have great significance to first nations and their culture. Totems represent the first nation groups in huge ways, and are big examples of Haida Gwaii culture.