From Teen to Adult: Helping Them Understand Their Medical Condition | Pineville Pediatrics | Ballant

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From Teen to Adult: Helping Them Understand Their Medical Condition

Chronic diseases are health conditions that require frequent interventions because they do not have an immediate cure. In this sense, they lead to medical follow-up for a long time or life. For children with chronic illnesses, limitations in growth and development, frequent aches or pains, or reduced physical activity may occur. These illnesses range from mild (ear infections, vomiting, or diarrhea) to severe (congenital heart disease, childhood cancer, and diabetes).



Parents need to understand their child’s condition. The more you know about your child’s illness, the more you are aware of your child’s capacities and abilities (sports and household tasks your child can do).

Knowing about the disease allows parents to understand which behaviors and symptoms are normal and which are not. This knowledge also helps parents answer any questions the child may have about the condition (in this way, parents should ask the child’s doctor for information regarding the disease).

Often, children’s reactions are unpredictable. Parents should make an effort to help their child process their emotional situations. It can be accomplished by listening, providing help, and discussing the child’s feelings. It is essential that children with chronic illnesses feel that they can talk to their parents without being criticized or worrying about their parents. Parents should also remember that the child’s opinion and feelings about the disease may change over time.

Helping Children Cope With Their Feelings


However, parents should treat the child with a chronic disease like any other child. Similarly, they need to consider the child’s condition and needs. It can be challenging for parents, but they must help their children participate in activities that include other children of the same age.

On the other hand, although many parents are reluctant to set limits on their sick children, they need parental discipline. Discipline provides children with structure and security, which is reassuring to them.

Proper discipline teaches the child to control her behavior. Parents must ensure that discipline is consistent. Praising good behavior, using break time with young children, and limiting privileges to older children are essential steps.


For further information, call your trusted professionals on Pineville pediatrics or your Ballantyne Pediatrician.

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