Varicocele in Adolescents | Pineville Pediatrics | Ballantyne Pediatrician

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Varicocele in Adolescents

VARICOCELE The varicocele is a varicose dilation (similar to varicose leg veins) of the spermatic cord located within the scrotum. Contrary to what may be believed, this condition is common, and it may be present in 10-15% of young men. Varicocele can lead to poor sperm production and sterility. However, not all varicoceles affect sperm production, but they can cause abnormal development of the testicles.

Although varicocele occurs over time, it is easy to diagnose in most cases. And if this condition causes symptoms, it can be repaired surgically.

What is The Spermatic Cord?

All males have a structure called the spermatic cord. This structure contains arteries, veins, nerves, and tubes and provides connection and blood circulation to and from the testicles. And a bunch of valves regulate blood flow and prevent it from flowing backward. When varicocele occurs, these valves fail, and some of the blood can flow in reverse. The consequence is backed-up blood that collects in pools in the veins, causing the veins to stretch and become swollen.

CAUSES AND SYMPTOMS The causes of varicocele are related to abnormal development of testicles during puberty. Indeed, it is not demonstrated that this condition can be preventable. And this problem causes the vein valves to work inadequately, leading to issues when carrying this extra blood.

In most cases, guys have no symptoms at all. A guy might not even be aware that he has a varicocele. When symptoms do happen, it’s usually during hot weather, after heavy exercise, or when a guy has been standing or sitting for a long time. Furthermore, pain is rare but signs can range from a brief discomfort to sharp pain.


Also, varicocele can become more noticeable over time. Discomfort can be like a feeling of “worms” palpable in the testicular bag or heaviness or dragging in the scrotum.


For further information, call your trusted professionals on Pineville pediatrics or your Ballantyne Pediatrician.

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