Common Illnesses Caught at School
School attendance can be a matter of concern due to the high risk of contagion among children.
Although infections do not require urgent medical attention as they are not severe, they must be treated in time to break the chain of infection.
Both diseases are the most frequent infections in the school stage. Fortunately, not all cases require antibiotic treatment. Symptoms begin with a stuffy and runny nose, fever, cough, sore throat, and diarrhea and vomiting in some cases.
Lice are spread almost randomly and are very annoying. At the slightest suspicion of head lice, you must use a specialized product to prevent their spread and eliminate them.
Otitis is very common during childhood, and it is due to the accumulation of mucus in the Eustachian tube caused by a respiratory infection. In the case of children, ear pain may be present with fever, runny nose, and noise in the throat. Treatment consists of the use of antiinflammatory drops and antibiotics.
This condition is very contagious and often occurs at an early age, either due to an allergy or an infection. It produces redness in the eye and increases tear production as a defense mechanism. The treatment involves the application of an antibiotic if that infection is because of a bacterium.
The most common cause of infection is by eating infected food. Gastroenteritis manifests with abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. In the most severe cases, blood may be present in the body’s fecal waste.