Keeping Children Healthy at School | Pineville Pediatrics | Ballantyne Pediatrician

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Keeping Children Healthy at School


Currently, many children in the U.S. are resuming face-to-face classes. Again, they will spend more time in school than in other places. In this sense, the conditions of school infrastructures can impact our children’s health.

First, we must consider that many childhood illnesses are caused by viruses. In this sense, many schools are breeding grounds for germs that can lead to infections and viral diseases. Indeed, a single can spread a virus in a school when experiencing coughs or sneezing during the classroom, and children sitting nearby cab inhale the infected respiratory droplets.


As a first step, parents must ensure all vaccines to prevent the spread of many diseases. For this reason, they must see the pediatrician to make sure their child has all the immunizations they need. On the other hand, organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that all 12 years and older patients receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

HYGIENE Hygiene consists of common sense behaviors that can help your child stay healthy in school. In the first instance, frequent handwashing may protect your child against infectious disease. On the other hand, it is crucial to have hand sanitizer to use when handwashing isn’t possible. Also, it is crucial to remind your child that handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is one of the most important ways to prevent the spread of viral and bacterial illnesses.

In the same way, parents must teach their children to cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with a tissue. If they have no tissue, teach them to cough or sneeze into the crook of their arm.


Parents and schools share a common goal of supporting children by encouraging healthy eating, physical activity, and proper hygiene habits. For example, a poor diet is associated with decreased cognitive performance as the lack of alertness, memory, problem-solving, and other problems. Also, higher physical activity and physical fitness can improve cognitive performance among students.


For further information, call your trusted professionals on Pineville pediatrics or your Ballantyne Pediatrician.

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