6 minute read

Social security in 2022

The system of benefits and social security is always changing, so it’s a good idea to regularly check that you’re getting all you are entitled to. Benefit rates increase a little every April, but with pressures on budgets from the cost of living it is more important than ever to make sure you have every penny you are due to help make ends meet. Many older people miss out on money that should be in their pocket. The way some benefits are paid is changing. The Scottish Government is taking control of some entitlements, and these will be paid by Social Security Scotland. Social Security Scotland already pays Funeral Support Payment for help with funerals costs, and top-up payments of Carer’s Allowance Supplement for people who receive Carer’s Allowance. They also deliver benefits that are designed to reduce child poverty. More changes are coming: Adult Disability Payment has already started to replace Personal Independence Payment in Scotland as the disability benefit for people who are working age and by next winter the Cold Weather Payment (paid automatically to people in a benefit like Pension Credit in very cold weather) will be replaced by Low Income Winter Heating Assistance. Other benefits will be replaced over the next few years too, including Winter Fuel Payment, Carer’s Allowance and Attendance Allowance.

The rules and amounts won’t change much at first, as it is important that no-one’s income is interrupted as payments are transferred, but changes are expected later to make the benefits work better. It can be tricky to find out what you are due, but Age Scotland is here to help. We provide: • Expert benefits advice from Age Scotland’s friendly helpline team - call freephone 0800 12 44 222, 9.00-5.00 Monday to Friday. • Information guides on our website and free to order through our online order form or by calling the helpline. • Our Check in Cash Out campaign that focuses on specific entitlements throughout the year, including carer’s rights, Attendance Allowance, energy,


Pension Credit and Council Tax Reduction. • Free online Social Security workshops that provide an overview of entitlements for older people, and explain how best to complete an Attendance Allowance form.

Unlock your entitlement

Benefits and social security for older people

Follow up information from Age Scotland training about benefits, making a claim and who can help.

The benefit rates listed are for financial year 2022/2023 State Pension age State Pension age is 66 until 6 May 2026 then increasing to 67 by 6 March 2028. Find your State Pension age: Check your State Pension age (www.gov.uk) Our Benefit and pension changes guide will help you keep up to date with what’s changing: M2-benefit-and-pension-changes.pdf (www.age.org.uk) Non means tested benefits For non means tested benefits the government does not generally need to know about your income or savings, but they may need to know about your other circumstances. The Benefits Maze guide gives an overview of benefits for older people in Scotland: M1-benefits-maze.pdf (ageuk.org.uk) Non means-tested: State Pension Summary: payable to people at State Pension age if you have sufficient National Insurance payments or credits. Different rules about contributions and amounts before and after April 2016. Find out about National Insurance contributions and credits:

National Insurance: How much you pay (www.gov.uk) Where to claim: The new State Pension: How to claim (www.gov.uk) Information:

M3-state-pension.pdf (ageuk.org.uk)

Get a forecast of your State Pension: Check your State Pension forecast (www.gov.uk) Non means-tested – Winter fuel payment Summary: Winter Fuel Payment of £250-£600 (depending on your age, whether you live alone or in a care home) paid each winter to people of State Pension age – those who had reached 66 by the third Monday in September each year. It should be automatic but you may need to claim the first time.

Information: Winter Fuel Payment (www.gov.uk)

Get involved with Age Scotland’s latest fundraising challenges!

The Age Squatland fundraising challenge is back this August

Do you want to get more active and raise funds for a great cause in the process? Then the Age Squatland challenge is for you! We encourage you to set a target between 50-200 squats a day. This challenge can be completed anywhere – whether you do it from home, at the gym or even on your lunch break. This is a fun challenge suitable for all ages. Get involved and feel the burn!

Sign up at age.scot/squatland Don’t forget to share your progress online and tag @AgeScotland using #AgeSquatlandChallenge We can’t wait to see all your pictures!

Support Age Scotland with a gift to help us improve the lives of older people in Scotland. Please complete the donation form below and return to: Age Scotland, Freepost RSBS_KEHC-GBBC, 160 Causewayside, Edinburgh, EH9 1PR. Alternatively you can phone 0845 833 0200 or visit www.agescotland.org.uk.

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Yes, I want Age Scotland* and its partner charities to treat all donations I have made for the four years prior to this year, and all donations I make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise, as Gift Aid donations. I am a UK tax payer and understand that if I pay less income tax and/or capital gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

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Will you “haud yer wheesht”?

Help tackle loneliness by joining the Big Wheesht in September!

Whether it’s a sponsored silence, 24 hours without social media or a silent disco, you can raise vital funds to support isolated older people.

Business leaders can also take part in our special corporate challenge on Thursday 16th September, challenging themselves to raise £1000 in silence before being allowed to talk again.

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