1 minute read

When your caring role changes

If you can no longer provide the help the person you care for needs, you will need to look at other ways of keeping them safe. You could look at: • making sure they have a care needs assessment from the local council which reflects their current needs • having a new or updated Adult Care and Support Plan for yourself • whether moving to a care home is the best way of meeting their care needs

See Age Scotland’s guides Care and support at home: assessment and funding, Housing Options and Care homes for more information.


Care and support at home

assessment and funding

Housing Options Care Home Guide:

Funding Care Home CHECKLIST Care Home Guide: Before You Move

Your choice of home in later life: A guide for older people a guide to housing options for older people in Scotland in Scotland

AGE housing 2018 A5 V3.indd 1

25/04/2018 13:51

If the person you care for dies, try to give yourself time to come to terms with the changes this brings in your life. As well as being bereaved, you may suddenly lose the contact you had with other people involved in their care and the structure of your day. You may need to re-establish contact with family or friends if you have become isolated.

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