1 minute read
Health problems related to sight and hearing loss
If you have reduced levels of vision then you may have difficulty negotiating steps or uneven ground. Poor vision also affects balance, co-ordination and mobility. People with hearing loss can also have problems with balance which increase the risk of falls. See Age Scotland’s guide Up and About for information about reducing your risk of falls.
People with mild hearing loss have nearly twice the risk of developing dementia compared to people with normal hearing, and the risk increases for people with more severe hearing loss. People living with dementia may have problems with their sight caused by their dementia. They may have difficulty making sense of what they see because of brain damage, rather than a problem with their eyes. Age Scotland has a range of guides for people living with dementia and their carers about issues including benefits, care, living well and having dementia-friendly home. See our website for information www.ageuk.org.uk/scotland/information-advice/ or call our helpline on 0800 12 44 222.
Age Scotland has a range of publications on staying well in later life
You can order free copies by calling the Age Scotland helpline on 0800 12 44 222 or through our website www.ageuk.org.uk/ scotland/information-advice/publication-order-form/
Keeping well and who can help
Mental health and wellbeing in later life
NHS services for older people
Eat Well
A guide for older people in Scotland Hydration matters