1 minute read
Looking ahead
Ssh Jane Morrison-Ross, Chief Executive of ScotlandIS, raised £2,049 in our Big Wheesht corporate event. 14-year-old Shreyas Nekkare raised £735 through a sponsored cycle.
Age is a protected characteristic - but it’s one that is often forgotten. I’m hugely supportive of Age Scotland and the Big Wheesht mission to make sure no one is alone, isolated and forgotten. In this unexpected long pandemic, I felt older, and more vulnerable people were the worst hit and hence thought that every little help would be appreciated. It would feel as if I have been able to do something for my grandparents living far away in India.
We took the difficult decision to close our Broxburn charity shop on 22 March. While able to reopen for a limited period in the Autumn, we’re now looking forward to re-opening more permanently when possible.
We are very grateful to our team of volunteers and staff, whose dedication and hard work has been essential to the running of the shop and who have shown continued commitment and passion to their community and Age Scotland as a charity.