February 2011 Editor: Melissa Easley, CPS/CAP
Mind, Body, Spirit Refining Your Résumé How long has it been since you reviewed your résumé? Would your résumé stand out in a crowd? Whether you are looking for a new position or not, keeping your résumé updated can give you a certain sense of accomplishment and perspective on your career path. Here’s some tips on refreshing that important document.
around with how the emphasis changes with new rearrangements.
you spend on professional development?
Use Action Verbs
Tailor the Résumé to the Job
When describing your prior job experience and duties, use active language. Instead of starting your sentence with a noun, start with an active, descriptive, impressive verb: developed, created, assisted, managed, supervised, etc.
Try a Different Style
Include Statistics
Microsoft Office has many templates with a variety of styles and themes. Try putting your information in a new order and play
Give numbers to provide concrete details in describing your job duties. How much money did you save in cost efficiencies in dollar amounts? How many people reported directly to you? How many hours did
If you are applying for a new position, read the job description carefully and tailor your résumé to emphasis the skills the employer is seeking. For example, if the position is based on skill and experience, then the beginning of your résumé would not be your educational background. Whether the applicant screening is done by a human resources department or a manager, let their first impression by, You are the best candidate for their specific opening.
Certified Professional Secretary (CPS) Certified Administrative Professional (CAP) Exam Dates May 6th, Friday -CAP May 7th, Saturday -CPS Mind, Body, Spirti…………………1 Standard of Integrity…….……...2-3 President’s Message………...…….3 Events Around Town………….…..4 Chapter Events……………..……...5
Deadline for Registration is February 15th! COMING THIS FALLOrganizational Management, the CAP-OM
The Month of February February was named after the Latin term februum, which means purification. Synonyms for purification: cleansing, sanitization, decontamination, distillation, refinement, refining
Standards of Integrity Interna onal Associa on of Administra ve Professionals (IAAP) Along with our February theme of purification and refinement, the Standards of Integrity is the perfect starting point for all members of IAAP and our Chapter –Melissa Easley, Editor
Preamble. IAAP members, chapters, divi‐ sions, affiliates, Interna onal Board and Headquarters Staff will exhibit the highest stand‐ ards of integrity through core values; ethical representa on; and, transparent demonstra on of financial stewardship. Members around the world will focus their skills, energy and commitment to excellence in support of IAAP by conduc ng business responsibly and in a manner that reflects favorably to the Associa on.
Respect ‐ We create respect within our profession and associa on through listening, understand‐ ing and acknowledging member feedback.
We will encourage the diversity of views, with compassion and respect for the rights of others to hold values, a tudes, and opinions that may differ from our own.
Commitment ‐
Adaptability ‐
IAAP has a responsibility to the people it serves and shall not prac ce, condone, facilitate or collaborate in any form of dis‐ crimina on on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orienta on, age, religion, language, disability or socioeconomic status.
We ensure the success of our associa on by embracing posi‐ ve change and by nurturing diversity, crea vity and vision‐ ary thinking. We will encourage others to op‐ erate outside of their comfort zones, facing ambiguity with a spirit of innova on and forward thinking.
IAAP Core Values*:
Integrity ‐
Communica on ‐
We demonstrate this corner‐ stone of our profession through honesty, accountability and high ethical standards.
We will conduct our profession‐ al ac vi es in a manner that will reflect well upon the profession. Page 2
We are steadfast in our goals to develop learning opportuni es for career‐minded administra ve professionals and to strengthen efficiency and effec veness.
These Standards will also en‐ compass full support for the Confiden ality and Conflict of Interest Statement and the IAAP Code of Conduct, with keen awareness of compliance with the law and always working from a posi on of trust.
It is readily accepted that infor‐ ma on given and assessed must be based on truth, fairness and accountability. We will obey the law, perform in good faith, and seek fair outcomes.
We cul vate and maintain ex‐ cellence by remaining ap‐ proachable at all levels, com‐ munica ng openly and building strong rela onships.
*The IAAP Core Values noted in bold type are those approved by the Interna onal Board of Direc‐ tors on November 1, 2008.
Ethical Business Conduct for IAAP Members Trust IAAP members shall: P A S S I O N AN D P U R P O S E
Maintain truthfulness and hon‐ esty, not compromising either of these for advancement, honor or personal gain. Encourage open communica‐ on, crea vity and dedica on.
Zealously guard against conflict of interest or its appearance. Ensure that others receive credit for their work and contribu ons. Take responsibility for our own errors.
Share knowledge.
Maintain dignity and poise un‐ der all circumstances.
Be loyal to your employer and to the ideals of confiden ality, re‐ spec ng and protec ng privi‐ leged informa on. S mulate and maintain an envi‐ ronment of transparency.
Behavior IAAP members shall: Establish procedures that pro‐ mote ethical behavior and hold employees, members and oth‐ ers accountable for their con‐ duct. Recognize our behaviors and how we affect those around us. Respect each other, our leaders and our members through our ac ons and the quality of our P A S S I O N AN D P U R P O S E
Sheila Dotson, CPS/CAP
Live and work by the highest ideals by establishing, prac cing and promo ng professional standards.
Chapter President Message.
Exemplify loyalty and conscien‐ ousness.
Ethical Business Conduct of Those Who Represent and Gov‐ ern IAAP. The Interna onal Board of Di‐ rectors, Execu ve Director and Headquarters Staff shall act in the best interest of the associa‐ on and not in their own inter‐ est or in that of another organi‐ za on; and act as reasonable and prudent. They shall main‐ tain the confiden ality of infor‐ ma on entrusted to them from whatever source, except when disclosure is authorized or legal‐ ly mandated. They shall not use confiden al informa on for per‐ sonal benefit or to benefit per‐ sons or en es outside the as‐ socia on. Any known or poten‐ al conflicts of interest shall be openly communicated before considering any business trans‐ ac ons on behalf of IAAP.
Howdy Aggieland! I hope every‐ one is having a wonderful Febru‐ ary despite the extreme weath‐ er we are experiencing. Hopeful‐ ly that groundhog was correct, and our cold weather is going to end sooner than later. This is a good opportunity as we are staying warm inside to pre‐ pare for the IAAP year‐end and make sure you are on track for Member of Excellence. I encour‐ age every Aggieland member to check this out! The Louisiana Division mee ng is coming up and offers the op‐ portunity to earn lots of recer ‐ fica on points, make tons of ad‐ min connec ons, and rejuve‐ nate your passion for the admin career. I have made so many connec‐ ons through my Division friendships and look forward to a ending every year. If you are interested let me know and I’ll help coordinate transporta on and roommates. Happy Valen nes to each of you and I encourage each of you to con nue to have Passion & Pur‐ pose in everything you do! Sheila Dotson CPS/CAP
03.08.09 Page 3
Follow Us:
Officers: President Sheila Dotson sdotson@tamu.edu 979-845-1649
Vice President Tammy Prater alntam@gmail.com 979-218-7034
Treasurer Lea Ann Westmoreland law@tamu.edu 979-845-7995
Events Around Town
Hospice Happening Event Details
Saturday, February 19th 6:00-11:00PM Brazos County Expo Complex Dinner Buffet, Auctions, Blackjack, Craps, Roulette & Texas Hold 'Em Tables
Notable Quotables: The human story does not always unfold like a mathematical calculation on the principle that two and two make four. Sometimes in life they make five or minus three; and sometimes the blackboard topples down in the middle of the sum and leaves the class in disorder and the pedagogue with a black eye. ~Winston Churchill P A S S I O N AN D P U R P O S E
Entertainment by “The Texas Twisters� For ticket information please contact Hospice Brazos Valley 979-821-2266 Kim Augsburger or Leslie Parnell Page 4
Upcoming Chapter Events February 17 at 5:30 pm TAMU General Services Complex, Room 101A
Advanced Communication for Professional Organizations
Presented by Royce Hickman, President/CEO of the BCS Chamber of Commerce 1 Recertification Point will be awarded
$12 for Members $7 for each Guest you bring When you pay for Guests, after confirming your address, look for the "Note to Seller" link. Please enter your guest's name. You will have to pay for yourself and each guest separately.
Upcoming National Events
Bounce Back—Bounce Higher 2011 Spring Conference March 7-9, 2011, Tampa, Fla.
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