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Clean, cut, then weigh Power in packaging

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voice of licians

voice of licians

Contrary to the proverb, you can judge a lot about the book by its cover. Our meticulous packaging is instantly recognisable and has made a name for itself. We use patented, vacuum sealed and temperature controlled containers to deliver all our products.




Most places weigh the meat first. A lot of pieces that are not fit to eat get thrown out but the customer still pays for the original weight. At Licious, we first clean, cut and then weigh. Buying 1 kg of chicken? You get exactly 1kg.

“Our mantra is ‘feel like the customer’. Once we gain that perspective, everything falls into place and everyone does the right thing”


Head of Manufacturing

You have feasted your eyes on how everything falls into place at Licious. Now, it's showtime.

74/ 76/ 84/ 86/ key ingredients to our success

Being a lician is awesome because... our teams

Voice of Licians


Licious Secret Recipe

How to prepare confidence chutney and dazzle people in 6 easy steps

Confidence chutney

How do you talk to yourself? Instead of beating yourself down for slip-ups or procrastination, show kindness and bounce back. Try doing new things. Think of ways you can knock the ball out of the park in every project. Can you suggest new ideas or products? Show them what you got. You can’t always be perfect (that’s impossible). Remove the magnifying glass you’ve placed on your mistakes and set attainable goals. Instead of steamrolling over the unpleasant parts, acknowledge them with


Positivity - 5 cups

Boldness - 3 spoonfuls

Self love - 2 ½ cups

Open mind - Increase everyday

“Hello frustration, I see you’re active today”. Understand what gives you more confidence and do that often. Perhaps you want to start speaking up more at work or finally wear that outfit you've always wanted to. Turns out, there’s some truth to, “fake it till you make it.” So for garnish, add a bit of sass to your personality and slay.


Confidence chutney is ready. Unlike Maggi your confidence chutney will take more than 2 mins to prepare. Steady practice and small achievements will one day culminate and soon you’ll realise that you’ve gone a lot further than you thought you could.

We have always been an open kitchen. Our values are the key ingredients to our success.

eyed and fun and hold the mirror! sustainable, scaling detail

Dreamy eyed

You would have heard people say, “there’s no such thing as a bad idea” and around here we actually believe it. As a bunch of creative heads, nothing excites us more than having big, crazy, ambitious goals and driving our success. That’s how we like it. We jump out of bed every morning knowing that our imaginations will not be halted or stifled. We believe the only way to find out what’s possible and to grow - is to venture beyond the boundary line. How else do you think we were able to build a transformational supply chain?

Image will be replaced with new shoot image

Friendly and fun and hold the mirror!

We are backyard grillers and shawarma- eaters. We are amateur stand up comedians and Avenger buffs. We are paw mamas and plant parents. We’re dead serious while arguing if boneless chicken tastes better than chicken with bone and super professional while deciding where to go for team outings. After all life is meant to be enjoyed.

“Our co-founders are the friendliest people on the planet. Abhay has an infinite energy at parties and Vivek’s sarcasm is so on point!”

Rishit Shetty CFO

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