PORTFOLIO - AGNES RUDEHILL OLCÉN Arch.stud at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture.
2011-2014 Bachelor degree, department 10.
3rd year
Big Box
Group assignment with Tora Hagen Frogner.
The assignment was to challenge the invisible infrastructures in the background of the contemporary city, their conventional isolated relation to their context, and their typically and monofunctional character. We were asked to combine a Nemlig.com big box distribution center with mixed functions at Refshaleøen, an industrial area in Copenhagen. We chose to work with emptiness as a theme and made a functional big box for daily work combined with a night club.
technical world of invisible infrastructures
cultural social world of visible material architecture and urbanism in the city
3rd year
Urban textures Part 1.Textures: regional habitats. Research, analyse, assess and document urban textures. Distinct from focusing on building objects alone, we were asked to explore how these urban fields and patterns constitute built habitats that function as interconnected (ecological, social, economic, political etc.) systems. Part 2. Utopia. Design and present, through the medium of the model, an urban texture as a sustainable utopia within a regional context, the Øresund region. Group assignment with Aistė Bagdonaitė and Giordana Pacini.
Part 3. Urban potentials (beyond the local plan). Develop the texture through the components of what is normally referred to as a Master plan document or design qualities handbook, through section and plan drawing and visualization. Define spatial, urban and atmospheric qualities of the scheme.
Group assignment with Aistė Bagdonaitė, Else Marie Five Melvær and Tora Hagen Frogner.
The site is an open and isolated landscape of fields on the Swedish coast in Skåne. Inspired by monasteries and kibbutz’s we wanted to create a strong community offering a simple lifestyle where one can get experience and be aware of food, production and nature through cultivation. A flexible texture making it able for people to combine a farming life with their every day life, invite them to commute to nature. A public dining space, a market place and public green houses contribute to the community.
3rd year
To house and host new birth and new family Bachelor assignment.
With this year’s bachelor assignment, you will explore an alternative framework (environment) for housing the birth of babies and the creation or extension of family. We want you to create different spaces and different atmospheres than those dictated by the efficiency and running cost advantages of the super-hospital idea. This is an opportunity to change the current perception of birth as seen by health authorities and the medical industry and to challenge the language used currently. We want the new language to be directed towards the new born baby who enters our world. What world do they enter? What should this first experience be? Sharp light and stainless steel or have we another, better option to offer? We claim that architects can think holistically. We want you to demonstrate this competence via the process and result of this assignment. We want you to show how architects can give form to a space which understands the complex process that begins in early pregnancy and concludes some weeks after the new family is formed (if indeed there is ever a ultimate end to the process at all!?). You will seek spaces which suit and support the event of birth as a family experience; in some cases with only the mother active, in others, the wider family beyond only big sister. There should be space for all in the building you create. The site is located on Islands Brygge, an area of Copenhagen in rapid development. We see changes in the residential population of the old part of Islands Brygge. Younger families are staying here to remain central to the city. This has increased the housing demand and fuelled a major housing boom in the area. This development continues and many new families are moving in. Your site is located at the boundary between new and old Islands Brygge. It is an unoccupied, triangular site, midway on Sturlasgade, surrounded by new office buildings, offices in renovated industrial buildngs, new housing, a kindergarten, a concert venue for chamber music and a diverse mix of workshops and studios (music studios, design offices, photographers, galleries etc.). It is a complex context. Just as complex as the life you are to design for in the new building. March 27, 2014 – by Peter Henning Jørgensen (Translated to english by Dominic Balmforth).
The project deals with two key elements, the contrast between the solid and the fluid, the fixed volumes and the passages. The solid represents the safe, controlled, enclosed feeling you wish for during the process of having a child, inspired by old castles with thick walls as a symbol for safety hiding something magic and exclusive. Like a birth that is an exclusive and unreal experience for those who are involved. The fluid spaces between the solid volumes connects everything as it flows throughout the entire building. It creates a rhythm and the in between spaces functions for movement, waiting areas and meeting points. The complexity of the solid and fluid spaces makes it a building to discover and get to know. You will visit it several times before and after birth and it allows you to take your time for consideration, waiting and conversation. An important part of the life changning event of having a child, that I experience is missing at super-hospitals. The building is divided into a public and a private zone. The public areas are placed nearest the road and the garden, and the private areas are placed in the back. The passages makes it possible to move free throughout the building and the more private the spaces gets the more narrow and intimate they are. The materials underlines the atmosphere I wish for in the building. The heavy dark brick gives a sense of beeing outdoors in the fluid passages in combination with the green areas that consist of two atriums, one flower shop and a garden area. Brick has also a warmer quality, it’s a material you feel like touching. The concrete floor contributes to the outdoor atmosphere and creates a contrast when walking into the volumes where there is wooden floor and a cosier atmosphere. The nature elements and the pillar openings are important for orientation and getting daylight into the building. I wanted to create a light transition from outdoor to indoor but still a feeling of being surrounded and safe between the volumes. In this building for birth my main focus has been to create interesting and usefull passages and meeting points and a stable building where the visitors feel free to move, safe and taken care of.
facade NE
plan ground floor
plan 1st floor
plan 2nd floor
section A-A
section B-B
3rd year
Urban block
Group assignment with Louise Hagelberg.
Propose an utopian-realist project for a sustainable city-block as an architectural project. It is up to you to frame how you interpret/construct the term ‘sustainability’, but we require you to be critical of the current orthodoxies associated with this discourse. You are asked to utilize the formal vocabulary of one architect throughout the project. The intention of this part of the exercise is to foreground explorations of the organisational/spatial/programmatic potential of hybrids. Inspired by Aldo Rossi and his view of the city as a container collecting historical memories we wanted to create a monument of today. With an monumental architectural language inspired by Fernand Pouillon and Dogma we designed a city-block discussing the typical sustainable behaviour of scandinavians compared to other cultures. One main element is the dense forest in the center of the block, an unusual public space for Copenhagen city centre. In some cultures a forest equals danger, we wanted to introduce the scandinavian view of the forest as a recreational space for people living there and people visting. The external facade is closed which intensify the atmosphere in the forest.The inner facade, with balcony accesses, allows trees and plants to integrate with the strict grid.
exchange of knowledge
typical “immigrant” sustainable behaviour
Living on scarcer resources Living more compactly and closer to others typical “scandinavian” sustainable behaviour
Different use of public areas ,such as
street corners etc, not connected to consumption.
Using parks and nature for recreational and
Solidarity with others
educational use
Awareness on environmental issues and problems
Using/cultivating nature (such as vegetable plots)
Legislation exchange of knowledge
2nd year
Housing project Write a program for a housing project. The site was a plot at Refshaleøen, an industrial area close to the water and Copenhagen city center. Narrow paths lead to the independent small houses which are placed reversed. The house offers pleasant light conditions, subtile level divisions and material changes composing the rooms. The living room, kitchen and work space all share the same view to the harbour or garden. A harmonic place to live close to nature and water.
2nd year
Analysis and model making of Lund City hall by architect Klas Anshelm. Group assignment with Ina Welve, Siri Tjønneland and Else Marie Five MelvÌr.
2nd year
Glass workshop at Bornholm + Bus shelter competition. Group assignment with Filip Larsson and Tora Hagen Frogner.
We worked with the billowing ability of glass to create space with various qualities. We were fascinated how curved glass distorts the surroundings and puts focus on already existing elements but in a new interesting way.
We had a glass workshop at Bornholm which resulted in a participation in an Innosite competition to create a bus shelter in HolbĂŚk in Denmark.
3rd year
Tek 4 course - Sustainability: Principles, Process and Design Group assignment with Else Marie Five MelvĂŚr.
The assignment was to improve an existing project with focus on sustainability. We chose to improve the New York City subway system that we have experienced as a space with poor physical comfort. Heat, noise, poor light conditions makes it unpleasant and, with many people moving at a small platform, unsafe.
The challenge was to make a comfortable space, focusing on indoor climate, ventilation, daylight and safety.
3rd year
Public space workshop. R책dhuspladsen. Part of Atlas of Copenhagen. Analysis and Rhino drawing.
2nd year
Study trip to Portugal, sketches.
2014-2015 Intern at In Praise of Shadows Arkitektur, Stockholm Competitions, collaboration with Gustav Bergstrรถm.
Internship fall 2014 - spring 2015, In Praise of Shadows Arkitektur
Landsort, Stockholm archipelago Cultural and Knowledge Center In Praise of Shadows Arkitektur
A building as a node for the continuing evolution for Landsort as a living society in the archipelago environment. Making the Baltic Maritime heritage visible and accessible on a site where it actually originated and partly still lives and also understand it in a Baltic Sea Contest.
Internship fall 2014 - spring 2015, In Praise of Shadows Arkitektur
Persikan, Sรถdemalm, Stockholm Urban block In Praise of Shadows Arkitektur
Master plan and planning of 100 dwellings in south of Stockholm.
Klockelund, Farsta, Stockholm Urban villas In Praise of Shadows Arkitektur
As part of a new housing area by the lake Drevviken south of Stockholm we proposed 3-4 urban villas in massive wood elements for the developer Folkhem that have taken a decision to mainly build in wood.
Competition - Spring 2015
TA’ PLADS competition Pendulum bench Partner Gustav Bergström.
Nikolaj Kunsthal og Dansk Arkitektur Center inviterer kunstnere, designere, arkitekter, snedkere og andre til at nytænke den klassiske københavnerbænk på Nikolaj plads, en af Københavns mest centrale pladser.
Vores “bænk” er ett forsog at nyfortolke et sted for pause og interaktion i byen. Et fælt af gynger, 32 stykker, placeres i et grid in mellom træerne i den lille allé nord fra kunsthallen. Konceptet med et grid accentuerer den befintliga perspektiviske siktlinje som allerede findes i den smukke allé. At gynge er en afvæbnende og velkommende aktivitet som vi alle kender fra vores barndom. Vi håber at vores struktur kan bidrage til att fler får lyst at vandre i gennem allén og opholde sig. Relativt tæt sammen er gyngerne samlede. Ikke som i børnehaven hvor de er placerade i en række. Her må man passe på hinanden, man må bevæge sig forsigtig og omhyggeligt. At ved denne aktivitet blive opmærksom på stedet og de mennesker som bruger det vil vi tro kan føre till interessante møder og samtaler. En enkel konstruktion av det tunge træ og de lette gynger. Tagkonstruktionen laves i massivtræ-skiver som skæres ud og “flettes” sammen i krydspunkterna, uden negler. Disse hviler på søjler. Gyngerne vedlagtes i tagskiven som ligger på den bærende tagkonstruktion.
Competition - Spring 2015
Gl. Holtegaard & Danske Arkitektforening competition Part 1. Orangeri pavilion - Kålgården Partner Gustav Bergström.
Baroque - “rough or imperfect pearl” perspectives, exaggerated, extravagance, drama, tension, exuberance, grandeur, light-and-shade, the bold play of volume and void, monumentality, dramatic Orangeri practical, Spiseriet is lacking a kitchen garden, adapted to danish climate, cabbage: gloomy, dark, their irregular and rough shapes are in contrast to the beautifully symmetrical garden
Competition - Fall 2015
Gl. JHoltegaard & Danske Arkitektforening competition Part 2. Menageri pavilion Partner Gustav Bergström.
Det befintliga orangeriet reser sig i barockhaven med en inre konstruktion och ett enkelt yttre skal. Vi ville skapa en fortsättning på denna berättelse, en släkting, som i motsättning till orangeriet har ett komplext yttre och ett enkelt inre rum. När vi arbetade med det yttre “skelettet” ledde det oss in på anatomi, inte bara arkitekturens utan även människans och djurens.Vi fann det passande och upplysande att i vår pavillion visa upp djurskelett, ett museum av ett förgånget menageri. Från ett komplext skal träder man in i ett enkelt rum där man möts av skelettkonstruktioner. Konstruktionen är uppbyggd av enkla moduler av trä som byggs upp i par och bildar en oktagon som är knappt fyra meter bred. På dessa moduler kan ett inre lager av korrugerad plåt fästas och bilda ett runt rum. Det inre plåtrummet har ett släpp på en meter från marken där dagsljus faller in. Högst upp i den sju meter höga konstruktionen släpps himmelsljus in i rummet genom boxar av plywood.