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The eighth grade class got into their Empire State of mind on the much-loved New York City trip which was offered for the first time since 2019. “This trip has been a favorite learning experience since 2009 when a group of teachers used a summer growth grant to plan an interdisciplinary trip that incorporated elements from history, science, and English,” said history teacher Ann Ramsey. “Life skills, problem solving, and teamwork are added into the activities.”
The three-day outing is part of a history unit about the 1880-1920 Second Wave of U.S. Immigration that occurred primarily through Ellis Island. “Studying this chapter of U.S. immigration helps students understand how the concepts of race and social hierarchy change over time,” said Corey Willingham, Interim Middle School Director. Ramsey added, “Students used the Ellis Island databases to research immigrants who made the trip. We also toured the Lower East Side and Eldridge Street Synagogue and Museum to get a glimpse into the vibrant and dynamic communities which were landing points of many immigrants. We were happy to do the trip again. The students learn so much.”