2 minute read
Anthropology introduces students to the scientific study of humankind and human cultures. The first semester of the course focuses on physical anthropology: the study of human ancestors and evolution and the prehistoric past. The second semester covers cultural anthropology: the study of cultures, peoples’ beliefs and practices, and modes of organization. Physical anthropology topics include the biological and evolutionary aspects of modern humans, our extinct human ancestors, and genetics, among others. Students also learn about the use (and misuse) of anthropological data in the classification and division of groups of people by race, etc. Cultural anthropology topics include the research methods employed in the study of human culture, the origins and patterns of economic, religious, and social behaviors, and methods of social and familial arrangements (especially those different from the Western European norm). Students undertake a range of activities including “field studies”, mock excavation, museum visits, interviews with family members, etc. Students may take this course “With honors” by engaging in and successfully completing a passion project related to either a physical or cultural anthropological topic of their choice. Note: This course may be taken as a Classics or Science elective. This course is open to students in grade 12 for one semester or a full year.
Computer Science I
All of your favorite mobile apps, websites, music players, video games, and even the productivity tools you use to write papers and make graphs have something in common: they all are computer programs. Have you ever wondered how to write your own programs? Computer Science I provides a foundation in the theory and practice of computer programming. Major areas of study include data and control structures, algorithm development, and object-oriented programming. Program debugging techniques are emphasized throughout the course. Students compile a digital portfolio of original programs using the Python programming language and the class culminates in the creation of a video game. No prior computer programming experience is required. Note: The course is open to students in grades 9-12 and may be taken as a Mathematics or Science elective.
Computer Science II: Web Application Programming
In this class, students expand on their knowledge of the Python programming language. Additionally, students learn the basics of the web-based markup language, HTML. The major focus of the course is to learn web application architecture, design, and development through project-based learning with the framework web2py. The ultimate goal is for students to produce their very own web applications throughout the year. In the professional world, programmers generally work in development teams, so there is a heavy emphasis on collaborative work and incremental development methodologies. Note: This course may be taken as a Mathematics or Science elective. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Computer Science I.
Computer Science III Honors: Advanced Topics
In this Computer Science elective, students expand their knowledge of web technologies to include javascript, CSS, and their respective frameworks (Bootstrap CSS, AngularJS). Students gain practical and authentic programming experience as they apply these technologies to one or more long-term projects. In addition to coding, emphasis is placed on the design process, including: requirements gathering, wireframing, and prototyping. Students also engage in alpha and beta testing of their applications, as well as the collection of user feedback in an effort to refine their prototypes into a polished, final product. Note: This course may be taken as a Mathematics or Science elective. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Computer Science II.
*** May be taken With Honors. See description on page 4.