Agni M Work Samples

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WORK SAMPLES Agni Morales Selected works 2016-2022

BACKAPLAN Beställare Skandia Fastigheter Omfattning 120 000 m² bostäder, 17 000 m² hotell, 30 400 m² kontor Göteborg Programskiss


sedan delredoviningen fördjupat och forstatt att utveckla förslaget efter de koncept och principer vi presenterade Det nya Backaplan får med vår gestaltning en tydlig identitet i staden som fungerar både i den stora och den lilla skalan. Genom fördelningen av byggnadsvolymen med en lägre skala i kanterna och inslag av högre byggnader inåt gårdarna skapas en stadsmässig och variationsrik kvarters- och gatumiljö. Vi bygger staden utifrån och in, det blir upplevelserik och trivsam stadsdel med mix av bostäder och verksamheter - ett stort litet mikrokosmos som bygger ett rationellt system av varierade volymer. De högre byggnaderna står ut och syns på håll, ett landmärke i staden med en identitet som står ut - där ligger det nya Backaplan! När man är på plats slås man av hur trivsamt det är att röra sig genom kvarteren, man bjuds på upplevelserika stråk både på in- och utsidan. Här är det attraktivt att leva och arbeta.


Programmeringen av kvarteren bygger på samma variation, genom en genomtänkt mix av bostäder, verksamheter och handelskoncept skapas en trygg och levande stadsdel. Förslaget är flexibelt och enkelt att skala ner eller stuva om med bibehållna principer.

1 SKANDIA FASTIGHETER & ARKITEMA FRAMTIDENS BACKAPLAN SLUTPRESENTATION 4 SCENARIO A FÖRSLAG MÖJLIGA BYGGRÄTTER OCH FUNKTIONERHandel:57000 kvm Kontor: 30400 kvm Hotell: 17000 kvm Bostäder: 120000 kvm Skola Förskola: 4000 + 3100 kvm Service: 15200 kvm Övrigt kultur: 3300 kvm Ljus BTA: 250 000 kvm Mörk BTA: 81600 kvm

VÅRBY UDDE Beställare Magnolia Bostad AB Omfattning 150 000 m² 2.000 bostäder och verksamhetslokaler Strukturplan

2021-05-20 Vårby Udde Översikt TakplanSkala 1:1400 i A3 Plangräns KVARTER B4 CIGARREN / KVARTER C1 HOTELL / KVARTER F2 Vårby Allé 2CK 2 KVARTER B5 KVARTER C2 KVARTER C3SKOLA / KVARTER E1 FÖRSKOLA KVARTER B1 KVARTER H1 Befintlig bjälklag KVARTER B4 CIGARREN / KVARTER C1 HOTELL / KVARTER F2 Vårby Allé 2CK 2 KVARTER B5 KVARTER C2 KVARTER C3SKOLA / KVARTER E1 KVARTER A1 FÖRSKOLA / KVARTER B2 KVARTER H3 GF 3K 2 FÖRSKOLA KVARTER B1 KVARTER H1 Vårby Allé 2021-05-20 Vårby Udde Områdessektioner C-C och D-D Skala 1:1400 i A3 Befintlig bjälklag

3D modell här! TJÄRLEKEN Beställare Wästbygg Omfattning 13 200 m² 112 lägenheter Systemhandling I Bygglovhandling

ARK Area yp BOA OA OPA BOA LOA Beteckning Area Utrymme ARK Areatyp 1583.90LGH FRD Norrtälje Lägenhetsförhamneckningar

FÖRRÅD A-1001TR A-1002TR A-1101TR A-1102TR A-1103TR A-1104TR A-1201TR A-1202TR A-1203TR A-1204TR A-1301TR A-1302TR A-1303TR A-1304TR A-1401TR A-1402TR A-1403TR A-1404TR A-1501TR A-1502TR B-1001TR B-1101TR B-1102TR B-1103TR B-1201TR B-1202TR B-1203TR B-1301TR B-1302TR B-1303TR B-1401TR C-1001TR C-1002TR C-1003TR C-1101TR C-1102TR C-1103TR C-1201TR C-1202TR C-1203TR C-1301TR C-1302TR C-1303TR C-1401TR D-1001TR

Till LGH Area Placering C 0 9 C LÄGENHET Area 4002000 Beteckning

Norrtälje Lägenhetsförhamneckningar

FÖRRÅD Till LGH Ar Placering TR C 1 01 9 C LÄGENHET Area 4002000 Beteckning A-1001TR A-1002TR A-1101TR A-1102TR A-1103TR A-1104TR A-1201TR A-1202TR A-1203TR A-1204TR A-1301TR A-1302TR A-1303TR A-1304TR A-1401TR A-1402TR A-1403TR A-1404TR A-1501TR A-1502TR B-1001TR B-1101TR B-1102TR B-1103TR B-1201TR B-1202TR B-1203TR B-1301TR B-1302TR B-1303TR B-1401TR C-1001TR C-1002TR C-1003TR C-1101TR C-1102TR C-1103TR C-1201TR C-1202TR C-1203TR C-1301TR C-1302TR C-1303TR C-1401TR D-1001TR

ARK Are typ BOA OA OPA BOA LOA Beteckning Area Utrymme ARK Areatyp R C 14 1 1 7 0 ROK BOA

1583.90LGH FRD

-Rumshöjd-RumshöjdWC/D260cm,WC/Badrum 230cm -Bröstningshöjdfönster cm BOFAKTABLAD Spis Rum&Kök / 109m² BRF KKylskåpDMDiskmaskinSTStädskåpLEKEN ENTRÉ KÖK/MATPLATS BOFAKTABLAD Spis BOKAL 3 Rum& Kök /143m² BRF -Rumshöjd-Rumshöjd-RumshöjdFRDFörrådBRHFönsterbröstningTTTorktumlareU/MUgnFFrysskåpLEKENochmicrovågsugncm300cm,WC/Badrumsamtsovrum230cmkök/matsalsamtnedredel ST 30m² WC/D WC/D BOFAKTABLADENTRÉ Spis 3 Rum&Kök / 160m² BRF BRHFönsterbröstningSTStädskåpGGarderobLEKEN cm-VindsvåningFRDFörråd-Öppettillnock entré, -Rumshöjd10vardagsrum,kök/matsalsamtsovrumm²,övrigarumvarierandetakhöjdWC/Badrum230cm TR D-1302FRD.m²m²FRD. TR C-1303FRD.m² TRC-1301 4m² TRE-1301 2m² 3ROK 2ROK 1ROK 3ROK 3ROK 3ROK 3ROK 4ROK 4ROK 4ROK 4ROK 4ROK 5ROK 5ROK 4ROK 2ROK 2ROK 2ROK 2ROK 2ROK 4ROK 4ROK 3ROK METER 125SKALA010 1:100 FÖRRÅD Till LGH Area Placering TR C 1 0 3 0 C LÄGENHET Area 4002000 Beteckning A-1001TR A-1002TR A-1101TR A-1102TR A-1103TR A-1104TR A-1201TR A-1202TR A-1203TR A-1204TR A-1301TR A-1302TR A-1303TR A-1304TR A-1401TR A-1402TR A-1403TR A-1404TR A-1501TR A-1502TR B-1001TR B-1101TR B-1102TR B-1103TR B-1201TR B-1202TR B-1203TR B-1301TR B-1302TR B-1303TR B-1401TR C-1001TR C-1002TR C-1003TR C-1101TR C-1102TR C-1103TR C-1201TR C-1202TR C-1203TR C-1301TR C-1302TR C-1303TR C-1401TR D-1001TR ARK A typ BOA OA OPA BOA/LOA Beteckning Ar Utrymme ARK Ar typ R C 1 01 1 7 0 5 ROK BOA 1583.90LGH FRD Norrtälje Lägenhetsförhamnteckningar

3D modell här! FÖRSEGLET Beställare K2A Omfattning 7 600 m² 146 lägenheter Förslagshandling I Systemhandling I Bygglovhandling

FASADMOTSYDÖSTOCHNORDÖST,HUS 1:2001:100 Plan14 Plan16.5 Förklaringar Föreskrifter KoordinatsystemSWEREF99 30 Övrigamått millimeter HF_SHHänvisningarHANDLINGSFÖRTECKNINGSYSTEMHANDLING Entrélokal Entrégarage Entrégaragegående Plan14 Plan16.5 Förklaringar Föreskrifter KoordinatsystemSWEREF 1630 Övrigamått millimeter HF_SHHänvisningarHANDLINGSFÖRTECKNINGSYSTEMHANDLING Entrélokal Entrégarage Entrégaragegående A3A1 SYSTEMHANDLINGFÖRSEGLETFörsegletA-40-3-103

FASADMOTNORDVÄST,HUS 1:100 2022-06-10SKISS 1:200

1 CAB D E 2 4 3 A-40-2-101A-A A402102BB A-40-2-102 C-C A-40-2-103 D-D A402103EE +8,55 +8,55 +8,55 27 m² TR A-1103 1 ROK 27 m² TR A-1104 1 ROK 51 m² TR A-1106 2 ROK 44 m² TR B-1102 2 ROK 48 m² TR B-1106 2 ROK 48 m² TR2C-1102ROK 24 m² TR C-1103ROK 24 m² TR B-1104 1 ROK 52 m² TR A-1102 3 TR54ROKm²A-11013ROK 32 m² TR A-1107 2 ROK 24 m² TR B-1103 1 ROK 24 m² TR B-1105 1 ROK 29 m² TR B-1101 1 ROK 29 m² TR B-1107 1 ROK 32 m² TR2C-1106ROK 24 m² TR1C-1104ROK 27 m² TR A-1105 1 ROK TRAPPHUS A TRAPPHUS B TRAPPHUS C 33 m² TR2C-1101ROK 13400 14500 25000 21770 1100 47966 24036 SOVRUM KÖK ENTRÉ WC/D WC/DALLRUM WC/D ENTRÉ SOVRUM PASSAGE VARDAGSRUM ENTRÉ ALLRUM ALLRUM WC/D SOVRUM SOVRUM FRD PASSAGE WC/DVARDAGSRUMKÖK ENTRÉ G G DMK/F KM G G DMK/F STGG G G KM ALLRUMFRD ENTRÉ SOVRUMWC/DGGG G ST K/FDM DMK/F ST KMGGGG G DMK/FSTG GKMG WC/D ENTRÉ STK/FALLRUMGGKM K/FGGKM WC/D ENTRÉ ALLRUM K/FGGKM WC/D ENTRÉ ALLRUM K/FGG KM WC/DENTRÉALLRUMK/FGG KM WC/D ENTRÉ ALLRUM K/FGG KM SOVRUM ENTRÉ SOVRUMSOVRUMVARDAGSRUM STALLRUMG G G G KM K/F DM WC/DALLRUMENTRÉ KM DMK/FSTGG ENTRÉ KM ST G K/FALLRUMDMSOVRUMWC/D ENTRÉ FRDST G WC/D EI30-S₂EI30-S₂EI30-S₂ EI30-S₂ ₀₀ EI30-S₂ EI60-S₂ EI30-S₂ EI30-S₂ EI30-S₂EI30-S₂EI30-S₂EI30-S₂EI30-S₂ ₀₀ EI30-S₂ EI30-S₂ EI60-S₂ E30 S ₀ ES ₀ E30S E30 S ₀ E30 S E60 S ₀C WC/D ALLRUMENTRÉ KM K/FSTGGDMWC/D ALLRUMENTRÉ KM K/FSTGGDM ALLRUMENTRÉ WC/D SOVRUM FRD DM K/F G ST KM ALLRUM ENTRÉ WC/D DM K/FSTGG KM 61 m² TR3C-1105ROK SOVRUM VARDAGSRUMKÖK SOVRUM WC/DENTRÉ G KM GG ST FKDM G G G ALLRUM ENTRÉ WC/DSOVRUMFRD DM K/FG ST KM Förklaringar Föreskrifter Koordinatsystem SWEREF 99 16 30 Höjdsystem RH2000 Plushöjder anges meter Övriga mått millimeter FÖRHänvisningarKOMPLETTRITNINGSHÄNVISNING, SE: HF_SH HANDLINGSFÖRTECKNING SYSTEMHANDLING Entré hus Entré hus sekundär Entré lokal Entré garage Entré garage gående Entré lägenhet BRANDCELLSGRÄNSER SAMT BRANDKLASS PÅ DÖRRAR ENLIGT BRANDKONSULT 09 A Arkitema 08-545 856 00 1 0 FÖRSEGLET Nybyggnad bostäderSYSTEMHANDLINGFörsegletA-40-1-1112022-06-1025 10 ÄNDRINGEN AVSER 4910 r0 1400 2800 3435 r0 4200 0 r400 shöck S 2022-06-10SKISS ARBETSMATERIAL / UTKAST 1 Stor50 balkong 1 Hörnbalkong50 1 Principsektion50 Stålbalkong -Alt 1 3D-snitt, Princip -Stor Balkong-Fönster 2600 1400 r400r400 4910 1400 r400r400 1400 2800 3435 r400 4200 4835 r400 r400 425,000425,000130,000 -0,02 shöck S 210105PRINCIPDETALJNybyggnadA3A1SKALADATUMUPPDRAG.0 SKALA 1 25 METER 1:50 3D-Snitt, Princip -Balkong-Fönsterdörr ARBETSMATERIAL / UTKAST 1 Liten50 balkong 1 Stor50 balkong 1 Hörnbalkong50 3D-Snitt, Princip -Fransk Balkong 1 Principsektion50 Fransk Balkong 1 : Fransk50 Balkong 1 : Principsektion50 Stålbalkong -Alt 1 3D-snitt, Princip -Stor Balkong-Fönster BALKONGTYPER 2600 r 1400 2800 3435 4200 4835 004r 3D-Snitt,Princip-Balkong-Fönsterdörr ARBETSMATERIAL 1 Liten50balkong 1 Stor50balkong 1 Hörnbalkong50 3D-snitt,Princip-StorBalkong-Fönster BALKONGTYPERPlanPlan Förklaringar16.5 Föreskrifter KoordinatsystemSWEREF991630 Övrigamått millimeter HF_SHHänvisningarHANDLINGSFÖRTECKNINGSYSTEMHANDLING Entrélokal Entrégarage Entrégaragegående A3A1 SYSTEMHANDLINGFÖRSEGLETFörsegletA-40-3-101FASADMOTSYDÖST,HUSA-B 1:2001:100 FASAD MOT SYDÖST, HUS A-B Förklaringar Föreskrifter KoordinatsystemSWEREF9916 Övrigamått millimeter HF_SHHänvisningarHANDLINGSFÖRTECKNINGSYSTEMHANDLING Entrélokal Entrégarage Entrégaragegående A-40-3-104FörsegletFÖRSEGLETFASADMOTSYDÖSTOCHNORDÖST,HUS 1:2001:100 Plan14 Plan16.5 Förklaringar Föreskrifter KoordinatsystemSWEREF99 30 Övrigamått millimeter HF_SHHänvisningarHANDLINGSFÖRTECKNINGSYSTEMHANDLING Entrélokal Entrégarage Entrégaragegående A-40-3-104FörsegletFÖRSEGLET

FASADMOTSYDVÄST,HUS 1:100 2022-06-10SKISS 1:200 Plan14 Plan16.5

Förklaringar Föreskrifter KoordinatsystemSWEREF99 30 Övrigamått millimeter HF_SHHänvisningarHANDLINGSFÖRTECKNINGSYSTEMHANDLING Entrélokal Entrégarage Entrégaragegående A3A1 SYSTEMHANDLINGFÖRSEGLETFörsegletA-40-3-105

Southwest from DC, the developer owns several buildings, formerly leased by the government, and empty plots in an area known as Crystal City. Amazon intends to have 50,000 workers at HQ2 and is planning to invest around $5 billion in new construction. We developed a proposal where the Amazon complex blends in within the existing neighborhood. Offices and housing will be complemented with abundance of restaurants, coffee shops and stores, as well as public plazas and green pockets of space, to activate the area at the ground level.

With an initial built area required of 46,000 m2, and an area projected to be increase up to 752,000 m2 by 2027, the design aims to become a catalyst not only for the develop ment of Crystal City but for the DC Metropolitan region.

Because of the potential development, we have been working closely with the urban planners at the municipality. We have suggested some changing on the zoning regulations, such as to combine offices with housing and retail in the ground floor, that we believe would contribute to transform Crystal City into a more livable neighborhood. Considering that affordable housing is one of the biggest challenges in the area, we early proposed a balanced pool of housing alternatives, ranging from high end residential to more austere housing units.

Amazon HQ2 is the proposed second corporate headquarters in North America for online retailer and tech company Amazon. Our client, the developer, found that Amazon was highly interested in energy performance and sustainability and therefore decided to team with ZGF because of our strong portfolio and specific experience with eco-districts.

ZGF :: Master Plan Crystal City, Virginia


An extended campus that eaisily blends into the neighborhood.

Finally, the South District will be only midrise housing. Designed having in mind young families with children.

The North Disctrict, shaping the capital’s skyline and becoming a landmark for Amazon. Increassing opportunities for telecommute will change the working culture. The South District offers will accommo date several amenities and more over a cozy environment ideal to work from home.

The North District. Proposed as the first phase with the most denser area for offices and retail uses.

A second phase will start two years after. Also mix-use including offices and retail, but predominantly housing.

ZGF is a leading firm in terms of sustainability within the US. Therefore, we wanted to encourage the construction of the first mass timber building in the DC area. In order to accomplish this, the office teamed with a developer to propose a 10 stories office building. For the feasibility study, we work along with Fast + Epp, as structural consultant, and used a similar structural configuration as the one used for the Brock Commons at UBC, in Canada. We compare our new design with the most popular typology available in the local market, a reinforced concrete building with a grid of 30 by 30 feet. Because the building codes and regulations in the area still are 10 TIMBER

ZGF :: Schematic Design

Thus, the office has decided to actively promote and become the core of knowledge about timber construction within the local building industry. I have supported the design of the 10 Timber project, and arranged timber construction events, like the round table discus sion: “The future of mass timber in DC”, at the National Building Museum.

Washington, DC not ready to accept timber buildings over six stories, seven with a concrete podium, and because there are not many builders with the experience to construct with timber, its difficult to find investors willing to take that risk.

Rain water harvesting, drought tolerant planting, thermal comfort, photovoltaic cells and energy efficient systems among others.

Sustainability Strategies

Assembly diagram


Lighting, heating and air conditioning are distributed within the double glulam beams. Thus the wooden ceilings are not only expose but there is a plus in the overall floor height. The hollow steel joinery proposed, gives the opportunity to run through mechanical systems along the structural grid


Longitudinal Section Solar Fins

The roof terrace is semi covered by the photovoltaic panels. The green roof is also integrated in order to reduce the ‘heat island’ effect.

The design includes solar fins to limit solar exposure on the south and east facade, but at the same time optimizing natural lighting.

Arlington, Texas Master Plan, and the site design includes new outdoor spaces for the use of students, faculty, staff, and local residents. It will connect directly, via a two-story bridge, to the existing Life Sciences Building, growing the long-term value of an existing asset while increasing planning flexibility for the campus. The exterior design is simple and dignified with precise proportions and features generous windows and local Texas limestone.

colonate is the architectural element that helps to frame as you approach the building.

The Science and Engineering Innovation and Research Building (SEIR), is a four-story, 19,600 m2 hub for interdisciplinary research and innovation in multiple health science fields, includ ing chemistry, bioengineering, neuroscience, biology, nursing, computer science, and kinesiology.


I first work in this project helping to prepare the materials for the winning entry to the design competition. And then, I was involve in the schematic design and more specifically supporting the performance analysis for the façade as well as the design of the Great

SEIR will house purpose-built, flexible laboratories, in which a single neighborhood can be split between experimental, compu tational, or clinical space. In addition to their flexible design, the laboratories and related meeting spaces are designed to be highly transparent, to promote interaction between researchers, and to place science on display.

The building will exceed LEED Gold standards for new construc tion, integrating the performance of the building’s massing, envelope, shading, mechanical system, and day-lighting potential.

The centrally located Great Hall provides views into laboratory spaces while tying together all other site and program elements, including a cafe, an executive conference room, and four stateof-the-art teaching and event halls.

ZGF :: Competition + Design Development


The building aligns with the University’s long-term Campus

Limestone, concrete, glass and ceiling woods are the palette of exterior materials.

Gateway For the design competition, the team decided to present three different schemes. We proposed alternatives that propiciate different pedestrian dynamics based on how we shaped the buildings. We advised the client to create a building that becomes one of the main entry to the campus.

Level Ground2 Floor

A perforated atrium allows natural light into the building and helps to blend the boundaries between interior and exterior. The end of the laboratories are kept transparent in order to have science on display. Our intention behind doing this was to proomote the interest in experimental science and at the same time to help atract more undergraduate persue reseach in nanotechnology.


Carefully framed views of the garden will greet patients as they enter the building, and an outdoor terrace will offer access to the grounds. A multifunctional landscape will support the healing process with a series of outdoor experiences and physical therapy trails that encourage patients, staff, and visitors to rest and reflect, to walk or run, and to be immersed in the outdoor environment.

The University of Virginia (UVA), Musculoskeletal Center will establish a state-of-the-art center for orthopedic care. The 194,000 SF facility will support UVA’s mission of further advancing its academic medical center while also prioritizing the patient experience and the training of healthcare professionals. The building’s architectural design draws inspiration from UVA’s campus vernacular and from the musculoskeletal program it will Twohouse.separate wings of clinical, administrative, and support space will be joined by a “tendon” of public space, all focused around a central garden. Distinct iden tities will be established for each of the specialty clinics, while creating opportunities for the clinics to flex and share resources behind the scenes as patient volumes change. Taking advantage of the natural topography and garden-like beauty of its site, the building will nestle into

In this project I was task to support the overall energy performance strategy for the common areas. Because of the ‘tendon’ was predominately cover with glass, I focused on analyzing daylight autonomy as well as glare. I designed the sun shading devices and later also helped with the detailing for the wall assemblies in order to increase its energy performance. Healing garden. Looking at the Clinic from west.

ZGF :: Design Development Charlottesville, VA the hillside, minimizing its perceived size.


Program diagram

The project performance has been one of the main drivers for this Clinic. The building orientation as well as, its location withing the site helps to minimize the overall energy consumption.

The clinic is expected to open to patients in early 2022.

I’m passionate about timber, both because is the only building material that contributes to mitigate climate change and because of its biophilia effect. I therefore focused my thesis on designing a tall building using mass timber as the main structural material in Norra Djurdgårsstaden. This allowed me to do research about mass timber and also helped me to get familiar with the current developments and building regulations in Stockholm. For the program, I explored an innovative way to tackle the shortage of housing in the city, which is especially critical for young people. I addition, in a country with about 70% of the area covered with forest, it makes a lot of sense to build with timber. Thus, I proposed a mixed-use mass timber tower, mostly of co-housing units. The units privileged the shared areas over the private zones with bigger spaces and direct sunlight.

A central circulation core made of concrete and in addition a pinwheel configuration of a two-paired shear walls defines the building layout. Four vertical volumes are bundled around the central core and the assembly rests on a wider base. To complement and help with the lateral stability, a modular exoskeleton of CLT helps to transfer the horizontal loads into the ground. I made my thesis in collaboration with White Arkitekter at Malmo office, and had support from Sizar Failli and Joakim Hansson.

TALL MASS-TIMBER BUILDING Master Thesis :: Virginia Tech Stockholm, Sweden

Norra Djurgårdsstaden, Bird’s-eye view from the East. The National Royal Park on the left and the ‘old town in the background. Because of it’s location, the tower barely cast shadows on its neighbors.

*Masterplan by AIX Arkitekter, 2014 The site I choose in Norra Djurdgårsstaden is located on a prominent area by the sea; hence the impact of casting shadows over the neighbor buildings is minimized.

The building has two levels of parking underground, a ground floor with restaurants and cafes and a podium of eight floors that steeps back and allocates amenities and co-working spaces.

Assembly diagram. Modular exoskeleton built layering 3 cut modules of CLT. 5 ply CLT (200mm) STEEL BOLTEDPLATESINALLJOINTS SAME MODULE ROTATED 180⁰ MODULAR EXOSKELETONConceptIdea


FLEXIBLE HOUSING UNITS 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOMS 30 Floors, 4 Units each. 120 Units 24 Floors, 4 Every other floor. 48 Units Aprox. 7,800 m² Aprox. 3,000 m² +114.7 FLOORm34 +114.7 FLOORm63 +217.0 m TOP CO-HOUSING UNITS DUPLEX UNITS CO-WORKING SPACES TERRACES RESTAURANTS & CAFES WATERFRONT +106.7 FLOORm32 +7.9 FLOORm 2 +33.1 FLOORm

Core and Structure as Architecture Trying to minimize the core area, but at the same providing strong stability agains lateral loads, a cross like structural distribution of paired shear walls are concived. The structure also works as a mean of vertical transportation of utilities and in some cases as a built in furniture. HOUSING 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOMS Floors, 4 Units each. 120 Units 24 Floors, 4 Every other floor. 48 Units Aprox. 7,800 m² Aprox. 3,000 m² Stacking it up! Core and Structure as Architecture

Existing buildings and proposed street + blocks layout Not at scale


A public swiming area At the street level, the building articulates one of the most vibrant areas within the development, a public facility for swimming! All the activities generated at the podium level get an extention to the harbour promenade. 9

Existing buildings and proposed street + blocks layout. A very well located area close to old town; a former industrial area that is changing its vocation. A visual comparation between the building foot prints for conventional typologies -residential (houses and apartments), office and retail- and a tall building Footprint comparison *Gross lote size areas

Existing buildings and proposed street + blocks layout Not at scale -ICA-Tieto.comKvantum -Procter & -YrkesgymnasietGambleStockholm-Former Railway -Hotel Scandic -RekriteringsmendighetenAriadne -Norra Djurgårsstaden innovation -Dele Homerservice AB Footprint comparison *Gross lotesize areas Stacking it up! A visual comparation between the building foot prints for conventional typologies -residential (houses and apartments), office and retail- and a tall building Core and Structure as Architecture Trying to minimize the core area, but at the same providing strong stability agains lateral loads, a cross like structural distribution of paired shear walls are concived. The structure also works as a mean of vertical transportation of utilities and in some cases as a built in furniture. A public swiming area At the street level, the building articulates one of the most vibrant areas within the development, a public facility for swimming! All the activities generated at the podium level get an extention to the harbour promenade. FLEXIBLE HOUSING UNITS 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOMS 30 Floors, 4 Units each. 120 Units 24 Floors, 4 Every other floor. 48 Units Aprox. 7,800 m² Aprox. 3,000 m² +114.7 FLOORm34 +114.7 FLOORm63 +217.0 m TOP CO-HOUSING UNITS DUPLEX UNITS CO-WORKING SPACES TERRACES RESTAURANTS & CAFES WATERFRONT +106.7 FLOORm32 +7.9 FLOORm 2 +33.1 FLOORm 9 Existing buildings and proposed street + blocks layout Not at scale -ICA-Tieto.comKvantum -Procter & -YrkesgymnasietGambleStockholm-Former Railway -Hotel Scandic -RekriteringsmendighetenAriadne -Norra Djurgårsstaden innovation -Dele Homerservice AB Footprint comparison *Gross lotesize areas Stacking it up! A visual comparation between the building foot prints for conventional typologies -residential (houses and apartments), office and retail- and a tall building Core and Structure as Architecture Trying to minimize the core area, but at the same providing strong stability agains lateral loads, a cross like structural distribution of paired shear walls are concived. The structure also works as a mean of vertical transportation of utilities and in some cases as a built in furniture.


Trying to minimize the core area, but at the same providing strong stability agains lateral loads, a cross-like structural distribution of paired shear walls is concived. The structure also works as a mean of vertical transportation of utilities and in some cases as a built in furniture.


Public Swiming Area Upper

promenade. +114.7 FLOORm63 +217.0 m TOP Site plan

DUPLEX UNIT TYPICAL FLOORSCALEPLAN1:100 2122 2122 2122 2122 ONE FLOOR UNIT, TYPICAL FLOORSCALEPLAN1:100 50 ONE 50 Footprint comparison *Gross lotesize areas Stacking it up! A visual comparation between the building foot prints for conventional typologies -residential (houses and apartments), office and retail- and a tall building

A public swiming area

At the street level, the building articulates one of the most vibrant areas within the development, a public facility for the activities generated at the podium level to the harbour

get an extention


At the street level, the building articulates one of the most vibrant areas within the development, a public facility for swimming! All the activities generated at the podium level get an extention to the harbour promenade.

swimming! All

THANK YOU + 46 (0) 700 250 760

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