unfathomably dense sea fog
Architecture is not a thing It is a system, a system of connections
The image was captured on May 29, 2019 by the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft at 13:14 local Mars time.
plant rose mold rose mold and oak mold - 1-month color development. Investigation of mold as a sunlight regulation and its light transmittance.
the color tone of the landscape
oak mold
C o n t e n t
1. Mosekonen Brygger 2. Nessie 3. Thesis19 4. Rosalie 5. Salt 6. Heila botanical
Phenology Phytosociology Carpology Flower Morphology Rhodology Phytogeography Phytochemistry
M o s e ko n e n Brygger
P The
cone Institute
Phenology is the study of periodic events in biological life cycles and how these are influenced by seasonal and interannual variations in climate, as well as habitat factors.
oak mold
Frederic Chopin Żelazowa Wola Poland 2018 Competition : Music and Conference Center Individual project
She sends the bog children out to find ingredients, and the lantern men, with hair of fire, heat up under the pot. The people of Moses are only out at night, they can not stand the light of day. the lantern men are out is it a matter of self-igniting methane (swamp gas) forming small blue flames that pop around like frogs croaking in a bog. The water vapor makes an optical scattering, so the resemblance to small men running around with lanterns is enchanting. * Mosekonen - an imaginary creature that emerged as a popular explanation for fog over meadows and bogs on balmy summer nights
The Mosekonen is a project that materializes fragility of the substance of natural phenomena such as : fog, mist, breeze into a tangible structure. What awakened my creative energy and brought inspiration was the moment when fog sneaks into an interior thanks to the welcoming of openings in a door. Filling the space with a mystical atmosphere.
N e s s i e 19
Industrial design Ballyvaughan Ireland 2019 Competition : ‚Pause’ Individual project
Nessie is the concept of beauty and harmony in the context of the Irish landscape. The design is intended as a reference to the roughness and smoothness of the nature of Ireland inhabiting land and water environments. This ambiguous concept highlights the connection between these two experiences. I desired to create a design that would be integrated with nature and figuratively protect mentioned characteristics of the landscape. * Nessie is a nickname of the Loch Ness Monster, a cryptid that reputedly inhabits the Loch Ness lake in Scotland.
P h y t o s o c i o l o g y
By covering the rock gaps filled with water, I imagined a sea being that emerges from the depths of the Earth, from the center of Earth, just in the way like whales when playing with relatives in the sea waters.
plant sociology, is the study of groups of species of plant that are usually found together
unevenness and sharpness of the rocky ground, combined with the contrast of smooth, oval shape, create a harmonious adventure of barefoot senses.
T h e s i s 19
Collective housing - Hotel Trubadurów, Gdansk Poland 2019 Bachelor thesis Individual project
The subject of my bachelor thesis was an architectural and construction concept of a collective residential building - a hotel, along with a design of land development that includes : communication, landscape design and public space at Trubadurow Street, Gdansk in Poland I raised questions : What is the relationship between urban tissue and the structure of the building? How the scale of volumes relate to the urban context and the typology of its buildings? How communication flow can be used as a design tool and discover new dialogue between urban context and the design plot? The project was qualified for the competition for the best diploma of 2019 at the Gdansk University of Technology. 8
The main purpose of the design process was to investigate different types of scale that occur in the neighborhood. As the transition between small historic scale and modern, big-scale volumes I designed the roof that enfolds the building proposal. Through multifunctional space under the roof cover, the ground floor of the building harmonizes with the surrounding.
flower morphology in architecture
C a r p o l o g y
hu m m i n g b i rd s , pollinating insects taking part in the building process as a driving force and a design tool
is a discipline of botany devoted to the study of seeds and fruits.
What I found delightful and fascinating was drawing details of nature among building structures. My inspiration to draw details of flowers has started with an exercise of drawing details as apart of a diploma task. I investigated the structure of different flowers and their implementation into various design contexts.
Rosalie 20
Music Theatre Rehabilitation Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso West Africa, 2020 Competition : ‚Theatre Populaire Ideal’ Individual Project
R h o d o l o g y
one of the scientific disciplines within botany that studies roses.
* Rosalie is a female entity frequently associated with water. Rosalie was considered with the soul of a woman at a young age, who died a tragic death, by drowning, before falling in love.
Rosalie is a visual aspiration indicating the idea of an Art and Philosophy of Movement My desire comes from the interest in the subject of physics and gravity that is closely connected with : The movement of Planets in The Solar System, the circulation of Earth and the movement on planet Earth. The main inspiration was the culture of dance in West Africa. The motion as a celebration of life and death. The body articulation of the connection to the ground and nature.
In the Roman Empire, Rosalia or Rosaria was a festival of roses Flowers were traditional symbols of rejuvenation, rebirth, and memory. 11
The proposal of the project is a platform situated in a structure filled with water. The project contains two dancing stages : Stage I a cone shape Stage II - an orbit shape Two rings with two spheres are responsible for the balance of the whole structure. The size of the stage varies according to the weight and the number of dancers that are performing. The behavior of water is proof of movement that has recently happened.
Archimedes’ principle, a physical law of buoyancy
stagnation/ balance
stage II
stage I
Dancers from Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
S a 20
Flat Shelter Salar de Uyuni Uyuni, Bolivia 2020 Competition : ‚Uyuni Salt Flat Shelter’ Individual project
Salt is a conceptual proposal of a material that is reactive to the extreme environment of the Salar Uyuni Desert in Bolivia. I inspire to propose a solution that protects natural surroundings and without any harmful interaction connects to the landscape and its raw values. To avoid intervention, I aimed to design material and structure that is responsive to the climate condition of Salar de Uyuni but developed and implemented in an artificial state such as a laboratory or digital reality. the first question that I asked myself was : who I desire to create a shelter for? The inspiration for the form of shelter was an egg of flamingo that widely inhabit the Desert of Salar de Uyuni.
the bright and dark side of tourism
Problem Specification
System Understanding
Pattern Abstraction
Pattern Transfer
Design Concept Phy to ge o g r aphy
botanical geography is the branch of biogeography that is concerned with the geographic distribution of plant species and their influence on the earth’s surface 14
The Skin I - isolation and outer stiffening layer The Skin II - perforated moist overlay Skin I is responding to weather conditions by shrinking adequately to dropping temperature outside of the surface. As a result, the Skin I is closing itself, the ventilation process through the surface is significantly limited. Warm air rises highest and changes its state to water. Water droplets are collected and harvested on the moist coat - Skin II thanks to its hydrophilic potential) and filling empty perforated places. Skin II hydrated water and keeps it in crystals. *Solvation In the warmest places, the moist coat of Skin II structure (with harvested water) is thickening - a scab/crust forms. Creating protection for the interior from heat radiation.
Skin II
an eggshell Skin I Skin II air circulation
egg yolk
a scab/ crust
Scanned with CamScanner
an air cell
H e i l a 2 1
Aspatial Shelter A design research project Individual project
The proposal falls into the following priority area(s) : material design research for temprorary bio-structure, new technologies for 3d printing manufacture techniques, biofabrication
Heila is a proposal of a pavilion that combines a leisure function with technology and material manifestation. The project brings forward a subject of healing places when one can find peace of a mind , not only because of a physical frame of an area but also because of nature-oriented healing outcomes, articulated by organic materials from which it is constructed. Places where material solutions and their regenerative functions have the potential to bring us closer to life science, material science, therefore the future, and create a more coherent relationship with natural processes.
In essence, the animate and inanimate matter is no longer divided by walls and ceilings but rather integrated and enhanced in order to align built and living structures for improved function.
architecture to heal to heal: the process of becoming well again : to make free from injury or disease: to make sound or whole Usually, the semantics of the word heal emphasizes the mental, emotional realm of the one. It underlines a connection with one’s psyche: greek soul or spirit IASO (Iasô), i. e. Recovery, was worshipped as the goddess of recovery; and in the temple of Amphiaraus at Oropus a part of the altar was dedicated to her, in common with Aphrodite, Hygieia, and Athena Paeonia. History has witnessed many dignified examples of architecture which design revolves around the sphere of the sacrum. Through decades the magnificence of sacral buildings has convinced us to believe there is something beyond human perception. Unreachable to the naked eye. Discrete as breath but powerfully present. In the holy peace, many find hope and relief. In sacral solitude, a nurturing mist can be experienced. Similar to the one, that every morning of late summer is resting on the tips of flower goblets, as a recovery after a long night and beginning of a new day.
what does it mean to be alive ? How do we consider things to be alive? Whether it is evidenced by breath or the way one was born? Does it make sense to give birth to inanimate matter?
chitosan healing attributes - soil nurturing One of the appealing outcomes of the project is to contemplate the regenerative process of soil through biodegradable material implementation.
The Lens the Lens is built from the biodegradable structure chitin through the water-based material fabrication 3d printing technology. The shape brings its form from the inspiration of stained glass. The Lens is made from small chitosan parts that are gently falling, piece by piece, after contact with water/rain. When dropped on the ground, the nourishing properties of chitosan and biodegradability nourish the soil inside the pavilion. 18
P h y t o c h e m i s t r y is the study of phytochemicals, which are chemicals derived from plants.
water-absorbing tissue shape changing material structure photographers explorers painters writers
thank you B.Arch. Agnieszka Kilian agnieszka.kiliann@gmail.com