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Andthat’swhenit happened. Iturnedto drink. Beerat rst… then whisky… thenabsolutely anythingIcouldgetmy handson. Iwasafailure, a wreck, amanthatcouldn’t eventakecareofhisown family… andIstarted drinkingmoreandmore.

I thought I’d hit rock bottom… but little did I know that worse was yet to come. After stumbling home drunk one night after I’d hit the Jack Daniels hard after working a late shift… Monique told me that she’d had enough. She couldn’t have our children see me like this… and she asked me to leave and not come back until I’d turned my life around.


That was the lowest point. It was a dagger to my heart.

Because I knew she was right. I was nothing. A useless drunk who couldn’t even provide for his own family. And it was at that moment that I knew that something inside of me had to change. beamingsmilewasperched inthelittlegapleft betweenmyfeetandthe endofthebench.

So the next day, after spending the night on a work colleague’s sofa, I vowed to change the way I thought about life. I was going to be more positive, more open to new things, I was going to knock the drink on the head and I was going to nd a way to make a success of my life and win my family back.

And I did quit the drink. For one day. Yep, 24 hours later I was back on the booze again and this time my work colleague was not quite so forthcoming when I asked to stay a bit longer on his sofa. So that was me, with barely a cent to my name until payday, and now completely homeless.

After work that day, I grabbed a bottle of the cheapest, nastiest liquor I could nd, sought out a quiet bench at the end of a busy street and drank… until I eventually passed out.


But I instantly knew that this man was there to help me. He possessed an aura of warmth and kindness that I’d never experienced before. I felt a hundred different emotions at once, all while feeling entirely serine.

Hetoldmethathisname wasAaronSurtees, hewas aworldfamous hypnotherapistfromthe UnitedKingdom, andthat hewastheretohelpme. Heexplainedtomethat everythinginlifehappens forareason, thatthe universehadawayof guidinghimtothosewho werethemostinneedof hishelpandthatthiswas hiscallinginlife. shockedmetomyvery core. Aaronexplainedthat newstudiesintheworldof hypnosisandveri edtime andtimeagainbyscientists hadshownthathumans onlyused9ofthe10 switchesprogrammed withintheirminds. Which meansthatoneofthose switchesliesdormant withinallofus,yettobe activated.

Hepromisedmethattherewasaway outofmysufferingandthathecould bemyguide.

For a few moments, I sat in silent contemplation. I was stunned. It was as though this stranger had some kind of psychic ability. He had been guided straight to me. But why me? Was this a trap? I had so many questions. And I knew there was only one way to get answers. And so, putting my doubts and fears aside, I accepted his offer to join him for a coffee in the small coffee shop across the road.

Spending time with Aaron felt like meeting an old friend and a zen Buddhist master, at the same time. Time escaped us as we made our way through numerous matcha lattes, as the evening drew on.


Because it is within this 10th switch, where our “wealth magnet” is located.

It is this “wealth magnet” that is responsible for our ability to attract wealth and abundance into our lives and yet for 99.99% of the world’s population that switch has not yet been activated.

Aaronalsoexplainedthat thankstoadvancementsin medicaltechnology, scientistshavebeenableto usethelatestneurological scanningequipmentto investigatechangesinthe brainwhileapersonis underhypnosis.

99% of the population have this 10th switch obscured by something that Aaron calls ‘mind fog’.

But to be more technical, ‘mind fog’ is, in essence, when the electrons in your brain are vibrating at a low frequency. And when a person’s vibration is low, they attract low frequency things, such as demotivation, lousy jobs, toxic relationships, depression, poor health and even poverty.

The only way to change your life in any positive, meaningful way, is by raising your vibration to a level which enables that 10th switch to be turned permanently ON in your mind.

And that’s where Aaron’s unique powers can help you.

Because while Aaron has helped countless struggling individuals to lose weight, quit smoking and nd love by reprogramming their subconscious minds, Aaron’s forté is what he calls a ‘Wealth Mind Switch’ in which he switches that 10th switch on inside a person’s mind, allowing them to suddenly manifest incredible sums of money.

Money to free yourself from debt, to buy a luxury mansion or to cruise the winding roads of the Swiss Alps in your new sports car. It could just ow into your life effortlessly as if some kind of higher power is sending it to you, each time in a new and more incredible way. And whilst it will seem coincidental, you will know that it’s all the work of Aaron’s Wealth Mind Switch activating that dormant 10th switch within your mind.

After our long chat in the coffee shop, I agreed to let Aaron work his magic on me.

And so the following morning Aaron began the cleansing process of reprogramming my unconscious mind; ridding my brain of negativity and gradually raising my vibration to a level at which he could activate the vital 10th‘wealth magnet’ switch within my mind.

Aaron’s voice was calm and soothing as he spoke to me. I felt more at ease than I’d ever felt in my entire life. I was in a state of relaxed, concentrated awareness. As Aaron spoke, I could feel a heavy weight lifting from my shoulders, negativity leaving my mind and positive energy ooding my entire body.

It was Nikola Tesla that once said,

Aaron explained that the default position of the human mind is to vibrate at an average or below average frequency, thus preventing wealth and abundance from owing to us. And whilst the idea of frequency and vibration is nothing new, the discovery of the missing 10th “wealth magnet” switch in our minds is only known to just a handful of individuals in the world of hypnosis.

And what makes it even more incredible is that Aaron is one of only 4 or 5 people in the world with the spiritual ability to reprogram a person’s mind in order to activate that ‘Wealth Mind Switch’.

Thetruthis, the10 switchesthatwepossess withinourminds, affect whatweattract. Andwhilst9ofthese10 switchesarepermanently

Think of it like this, whilst you know that within your own mind, 9 of your 10 mind switches are activated, some will only be activated at half-power, a quarter power or less.

So if your life is lled with love from family and an ideal partner then the chances are that the switch within your mind that attracts love and friendship is vibrating at full power on a high frequency. For others not so fortunate in their personal relationships, that switch will be vibrating on a much lower frequency.

But what we also know is that in 99.99% of the population, the mind’s 10th switch lies dormant and remains deactivated. Even millionaires and billionaires have gained their wealth, not through activating that switch, but by vibrating at a much higher frequency within the other switches in their mind, which control aspirations, motivation and hard work.

Aaron asked me how I’d been doing since our session. And whilst I felt much more positive about my life, had secured some temporary accommodation and spoken regularly with my family, I hadn’t actually manifested any of the wealth that I’d been hoping for now my mind’s 10th switch had been activated. Aaron smiled and told me not to worry. I was now ready for the nal step in my journey.

Hethenproceededtohand meoverasmallslipof paperwithacodewritten onit. Itsaid1.3824.

I was confused. ‘What’s this?’ I asked, starting to feel a little worried that I was being duped.

“That”, Aaron said, “is the key to everything your heart desires.”

Aaron explained that this number - 1.3824 was the exact frequency at which he was able to activate my mind’s 10th ‘Wealth Magnet’ switch and that my knowledge of this number was crucial to increasing the frequency at which this switch was vibrating in order for me to attract the wealth and abundance that I desired.

“Keep this number”, he said, “until you have memorized it and know it off by heart. Treasure this number for it is what you have been searching for”. And with that Aaron smiled, shook my hand and left. And so I did as Aaron instructed me, I kept that slip of paper with me until the number 1.3824 was a number that simply rolled off my tongue.

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