Agnija Rubene Portfolio

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P O RT E F Ø L J E cand.arch.


[ l i s t e o v e r d e u d va l g t e p r o j e k t e r ]

N O R D R E O V E R S V Ø M M E L S E S F O RTÆ L L I N G E R F ra Fo r t i d s m i n d e r t i l Va n d e t s Ve j e _afgangsprojekt, Arkitektskolen Aarhus S C H Ø N H E R R , Kø b e n h a v n Carlsberg Byen; Struer Havn + By; Ny Amagerbrogade; Løkkensvej; Nyborg Slot _ e r h v e r v s e r fa r i n g A A R H U S A I R P O RT D e n m a r k S p r e a d C o u n t r y - a i r t ra n s p o r t h u b n e t w o r k _Arkitektskolen Aarhus

IL CAMPO UDSTILLING udstillingsdesign _Arkitektskolen Aarhus FILMBYEN EXTENSION reading the local plan _Arkitektskolen Aarhus AARHUS HAUNTING urban intervention _Arkitektskolen Aarhus Ø K VA D R AT - M I N D T H E G A P people meet people at wind-exposed places _open competition ICE FLOW B a l t i c S e a A r t Pa r k _open competition T H E WA L L B R I D G E a n d creating common or dividing space _ R ī g a s Te h n i s k ā U n i v e r s i t ā t e BOLIGHUS I RIGA konstruktionstegninger til bolighus _ R ī g a s Te h n i s k ā U n i v e r s i t ā t e U - R-A A r c h i t e c t s , R ī g a 0 . 2 m 3 O f f i c e - C o w o r k i n g C h a l l e n g e ; E x p o 2 0 1 5 Pa v i l i o n L a t v i a _ e r h v e r v s e r fa r i n g

illustration: Kunstnerens forestilling af Befæstningen under et angreb, af Franz Sedivy. 1887

N O R D R E O V E R S V Ø M M E L S E S F O RTÆ L L I N G E R F ra Fo r t i d s m i n d e r t i l Va n d e t s Ve j e [afgangsprojekt, Arkitektskolen i Aarhus] A.Rubene, vejleder Birthe Urup Nygaard Tunneldalen og befæstningslandskabet fra slutning af 1800-tallet Nordre Oversvømmelse, opdelt i 5 Bassiner ved Dæmningerne I-V, er et ganske særligt sted, som alligevel ikke står klart i vores hukommelser, fordi anlæggets arkitektoniske form ligger som en skygge af sig selv, overgroet og afsondret. Desuden rummer landskabet et stort klimasikringspotentiale, der står umiddelbart uudnyttet. Med dette projekt er den overordnede ambition om igen at skabe sammenhæng mellem by og fæstningsanlæg, gøre Nordre Oversvømmelse mere synlig, tydelig, tilgængelig og tilstedeværende i det moderne byliv, derfor hilses Nordre Oversvømmelse velkommen.

Den Blå - Den Grønne - Kulturarvet (på Københavns kort fra 1900 og 2016)

Skov for kongen, 1819.

Jagtkort fra 1690.

Fortroligt kort over Oversvømmelses militæranlæg, 1800-tallet.

Grønt naturområde i Storkøbenhavn, 2016.

Den bynære skovpark. Formidlingen af et stykke dansk militærhistorie, hvor klimasikring spiller en stor rolle i fortids- og fremtidsfortællinger omkring vandet.

Nordre Oversvømmelses FortÌllinger - fra fortidsminder til vandets veje. En helhedsplan for den bynÌre skovpark og kort med det hele analyse.

Kig oppefra Dæmning IV. Mod Klampenborg Galopbane og Dæmning III.

Kortudsnit med Bassin IV.

Ved Ordrup Mose og Dæmning II.

Kortudsnit med Bassin I.

Redegørelsen med den hele historiefortælling findes her: Interaktiv præsentation (proces og analyse) findes her:

Christiansholmslinjen. Vandet møder Øresund.

illustration: Schønherr

illustration: Schønherr

CARLSBERG BYEN [2015, Schønherr] Projektet omfatter 5 byrum i Carlsbergbyen, hvor der etableres 3000 m3 bassinvolumen til tagvand, som dimensioneres til at være fyldte ved en 10 års regn. Bassinerne anlægges som overfladiske bassiner, og tilpasses de enkelte byrums fremtidige karakter og brug, i udformning og programmering, og der gives således en funktionel og rekreativ (dobbelt-)anvendelse af byrummene. I projektering af Carlsbergbyen bidrog jeg med 3D modellering af Constantin Hansens Gade og Købkes Plads - af forskellige typer kantzoner og design på regnvandsbassinerne med opholdssteder og lejeredskaber. Derudover bidrog jeg her med oprettelse af visualiseringer af Købkes Plads og forskellige vejsnit.

illustrationer: Schønherr

illustration: Schønherr

S T R U E R H AV N + B Y [2016, Schønherr]

illustrationer: Schønherr

illustration: Schønherr

Struer er en by med store potentialer – og store problemstillinger. Fremtidens forventede forøgelse af både stormfloder og skybrud truer byens centrum, der er afskåret fra havnen og fjorden af både mentale og fysiske barrierer. Formålet med projektet er at genskabe en stærk forbindelse mellem bymidten og de smukke havnearealer. Med en stormflodssikring, der visuelt kobler sig til jernbanetracéets markante buer, kontrollerer vi vandets indvirkning på byen samtidig med at vi trækker byen ned til vandet. I en kombination af tre lave kanter placeret mellem Brobuerne og havnen og udvalgte mindre mobile sikringssteder skabes der et sted for både ophold og stormflodssikkerhed. Byen bliver et delta, hvorigennem livet trækkes ned til fjorden og havnen og vandet bliver igen en synlig og aktiv del af byens liv. I denne vundet konkurrence deltog jeg fra starten til slut og bidrog med 3D modellering samt tegning af skemaer, forskellige snit og opstalt.

illustration: Schønherr


program for idag

LØKKENSVEJ Lev godt, lad det gro


[2016, Schønherr] Projektet er et visionært bud på nye modeller for landdistriktsudvikling i Danmark og vil skabe nye forbindelser og styrke de store landskabelige kvaliteter langs Løkkensvej og dens seks tilstødende landsbyer. I projektet foreslås en grøn strategi, hvor fokus vendes fra vejen og ud mod områdets særlige landskab. Her bidrog jeg med oprettelse af illustrationer, som diagrammer og eksisterende planregistreringer.

program om 5 år


program om 20 år

illustrationer”Ådal og Landsby”: Schønherr

NY AMAGERBROGADE [2016, Schønherr]

Illustrationer: Schønherr

Illustrationer: Schønherr

illustrationer: Schønherr

N Y B O R G S L OT [2016, Schønherr] Nyborg er et ganske særligt sted i Danmark, hvor fra midten af fjortenhundredetallet var Nyborg det Danske Riges midte. Nyborg var det naturlige sted at mødes – over havet fra øst, over land fra vest. Denne hovedhistorie tydeliggøres i dette projekt via tre bylandskabelige historier: Rigets hovedstrøg; Nyborg Slot og forbindelsen til Rådhustorvet; Slottets omgivelser. I denne konkurrence deltog jeg i begge faser og bidrog med tegninger, som visualiseringer, skemaer, forskellige snit.










middelaldermarked GÅGADE

belysning om natten GÅGADE



Nyborg. Rådhustorvet i hverdagen. Illustrationer: Schønherr

MA sk me

KANT/ granit hammer

broforbindelse til slottet






AST kulpturelle master ed vimpler, flag og lys


afvanding i rammen

VANDKUNST / tågesky - dis

afvanding i rammen


Light branch with small paper planes - like a soul for the airfield hub to be designed. It should be created with a small impact on the landscape and it should be so considerate towards a chosen place, as if to dissolve in it.


A A R H U S A I R P O RT Denmark Spread Country a i r t ra n s p o r t h u b n e t w o r k [Forår 2015, Arkitektskolen i Aarhus] A.Rubene

Does Aarhus need to compete with other cities by having its own big airport or maybe a “new airport” is a system of air routes and agreements? The project states, that the re-thinking of the current situation is needed. The spread city urban fabric is surrounded by agrictultre fields, that are non-public landscape elements. This is why urban enclaves tend to be internally orientated. Approximately the same happens with towns Light branch with small papersmall planes is like a soul for theacross airfield hub to be designed. It should be created with the small impact the spread country Denmark. “What on the landscape and it should beI sowonder considerate towards a chosen place, as if to dissolve in it - at the same time enriching if we add to itsthe negative space of the agriqualities. culture fields active landscape elements, and some part of fields become public?” There are hidden possibilities between urban enclaves of the spread city, and new common centers can appear. Then hidden relationships between small towns and villages can open up.

big international airport

big international airport

Beder-Malling-Mårslet airfield - a new central public space for housing development in the spread city.

military airbase

military airbase

public airfield public airfield with asphalt runway with asphalt runway publc airfield with grasspublc runway airfield with grass runway glider airfield glider airfield

private airfield or turning point classified as a runway

private airfield Flyveplads or turning point classified asSpjald runway

Tønder Flyveplads

Tønder Flyveplads

Esbjerg Lufthavn

Esbjerg Lufthavn

Vestjyllands Lufthavn Stauning Vestjyllands Lufthavn Stauning

Morsø Flyveplads

Morsø Flyveplads

Thisted Lufthavn

Thisted Lufthavn

Sindal LufthavnTønder Flyveplads Sindal Lufthavn

Hadsund Flyveplads

Hadsund Flyveplads

Anholt Flyveplads

Anholt Flyveplads

Morsø Flyveplads Viborg Flyveplads Viborg Flyveplads

Endelave Flyveplads

Endelave Flyveplads

Odense H.C.Andersen Airport Odense H.C.Andersen Airport

There are so many runways lying in Danish landscape, and establishment of the new small aircraft hubsSydfyns doesn’t much. Ærø Lufthavn Ærø Lufthavn Flyveplads require Sydfyns Flyveplads

Spjald Flyveplads

Sæby Flyveplads Sæby Flyveplads Esbjerg Lufthavn

Lemvig Flyveplads

Lemvig Flyveplads Tønder Flyveplads Skive Lufthavn Tønder Flyveplads

Læso Flyveplads Flyveplads Morsø Flyveplads Morsø FlyvepladsAars Flyveplad VestjyllandsLæso Lufthavn Stauning

Struer-Bremdal-Humlum-Venø airfield with FlyvepladsSamsø Air Ser Sindal Lufthavn Tunø Flyveplads Tunø FlyvepladsHadsund Hadsund FlyvepladsLufthavn St Lufthavn Vestjyllands emphasis on turismEsbjerg development in the spread country.

Thisted Lufthavn Randers Flyveplads Randers Flyveplads Tønder Flyveplads

Anholt Flyveplads KoldingegnensHadsund LufthavnFlyveplads Koldingegnens Lufthavn Morsø Flyveplads Haderslev Flyveplads Haderslev Flyveplads

Viborg Flyveplads Endelave Flyveplads Vojens/ Skrydtrup Lufthavn Vojens/ Skrydtrup Lufthavn Sønderborg Lu Thisted Lufthavn Sindal Lufthavn Endelave Flyveplads

Skelund-Veddum-Als airfield with emphasis on Danish agriculture and trade between cities development. ÆrøÆrø Lufthavn Lolland-FalsterEndelave Flyveplads Lolland-Falster FlyvepladsHadsund Ringsted Flyveplads Ringsted Flyveplads Kalundborg Flyveplads Kalundborg Naviair Københ Flyveplads Odense H.C.Andersen Airport Koldingegnens LufthavnFlyveplads Lufthavn Flyveplads Anholt Flyveplads Viborg Flyveplads

IL CAMPO UDSTILLING [Forår 2015, Arkitektskolen i Aarhus] A.Rubene, A.Davis, G.G.Jensen I denne udstilling var jeg ansvarlig bla. for konceptudvikling af “Danmarks horisontlinje” - for en sammenhængende fortælling om et semester arbejde i vores studio - analyse og mapping omkring temaer Aarhus Spread City, Denmark Spread Country, Section across Denmark.

Aarhus Ringkøbing

FILMBYEN EXTENSION [Fall 2014, Aarhus School of Architecture] A.Rubene This project is Filmbyen extension with the focus on sustainability, using Cradle to Cradle and Design for Disassembly building strategies. The project includes building and site plan design proposals, were the strict program and such issues as strong wind and polluted soil of the former power plant area are considered. Carefully reading the local plans, I found out that the Local plan 2013 buries some nice Aarhus municipality intentions from the Harbor Area Development Plan from 2003 between Risskov and Tangkrogen. Filmbyen area was seen as a part of the proposed green connection. The footprint of the additional buildings for the Filmbyen was mainly located on the north side of the site and only two new small buildings were intended to serve the Filmbyen from its south, which is changed in 2013 plan where 6-storey buildings are planned to be built on the site, cutting the Filmbyen from the green park. My project is program solution with the emphasis on solving the site plan.

Functional cozy court yard as a stage for the Filmbyen workers, so visitors can see the everyday performance of the Filmbyen industry. Waist-high vegetation fields are penetrated by walking-through corridors, paths and circular cuts that serve as meeting places and wind shelters. Selection of locally growing plants will bring the biodiversity in this place to the proper level, and local species will have shelter as well. Green recreational path as a reference for the old city coastline. Polluted soil from the construction will be used for shaping small hills in situ. The top layer will be made of clean soil, so children are safe to play there whilst polluted soil being cleaned with bioremediation. These small hills would help to abate the wind at the site as well.

AARHUS HAUNTING [Fall 2014, Aarhus School of Architecture] team: M.Ø.Nørgård, A.Rubene, C.H.Olesen, T.Hartman, M.Mouritsen, H.Axelsson The aim of the workshop was to haunt special spots in the Aarhus and make some urban interventions as an experiment in the city studies. We found a spot between Storetorv and Domkirkepladsen, two squares with different characters. Small Domkirkepladsen, dominated by an actively used parking lot, defines a careful human behavior, while Storetorv is a spacious square with the freedom of pedestrian movement. The overlap between two squares is perceived as a threshold. In a daily rush pedestrians pass through the boarder of black bollards. To emphasize the threshold moment, we “plant” a “cornfield”, each swaying element of which, whether you call it a leaf or a flower, serves as a step of our development in the design process.

Field is made of all our prototypes, experiments and variations. We strived to make something that encourages people to touch it, to play with it, so they are tactilely delighted with their decision to act so. In the beginning of the experiment we left the “cornfield” as a strict grid, but after people interaction with it there was no strict order anymore. The “cornfield” appeared from nowhere in a few minutes, stayed at the place for 2 hours and disappeared without leaving a trace. Our photo fixation and memories of the people serve as a result of our haunting.

Ă˜ K VA D R AT - M I N D T H E G A P [2013, Open competition. Organizer:] A.Rubene





12 10

cell 1.5m x 1.5m for 2 people

8 6

cell 3m x 3m for up to 8 people

6 8


cell 1.5m x 3m for up to 4 people

12 12




Competition was looking for solutions, which will generate life along the Emil Holms Kanal in Ørestad North with innovative, exciting ways to utilize the long passive canal route as it appears today. Design proposal consists of a recreational square-shaped island, were people are involved in daily design of their public space by moving glass walls and creating wind protected areas for themselves. Ø KVADRAT has 10 x 10 cells grid, where cell of 1.5m x 1.5m big area is used as a module for the whole construction. This size is chosen with the careful attention to the human scale, because one cell is suitable for a person or two and it is possible to comfortably place there two Ø community outdoor chairs. There is a great amount of possible combinations in this complicated but yet so simple moving glass system, and the list of possible activity scenarios is endless: meeting with friends, neighbors and new people, reading, studying, working, relaxing, meditating, taking a sunbath, playing... - no matter if you are 8 or 88 years old!

the island’s lake and connections to the land

grid system with the sliding glass walls

cells for you alone and for meetings

maze for a game or exhibitions






s gla


ng rki




I C E F L O W - B a l t i c S e a A r t Pa r k [2013, open competition] ICE FLOW



team: O.Trebuhina, K.Smirnova, A.Rubene organizers: the Foundation for the Museum of New Art, the Town Government of Pärnu, the Union of Estonian Architects In the roots of the assignment lay wish to establish an art park in Pärnu, Estonia, where floating pavilions of Baltic Sea shore 9 countries can be shipped to as an annual arrangement. The other aim of the project was to connect Parnu city life to the waterfront and create a contemporary space for art and cultural events. The project contains proposals for the park, art museum building and Latvia’s floating pavilion proposal. The metaphorical concept of the park design is taken from the cold, freezing Baltic Sea character – park “islands” are the symbolic ice floes, which break, travel and melt indicating the start of the spring after a long winter. The conceptual part, program and design of the park, some schemes and 3D modelling of everything + Photoshop was my contribution to this project.

“ice blocks� islands of the park

green sea

main connections to be created

second promenade and floating pavilions

art museum building






T H E WA L L B R I D G E [2012, RTU student idea competition, 1st place] team: Z.Pastare, K.Smirnova, A.Rubene This competition took place at the same time with my bachelor work Bridges in Urban Space. The issue was to propose the solution for the new situation, where old RTU FAUP (Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning) gets to co-work and compete with newly established RISEBA FAD (Faculty of Architecture and Design). As two schools are located on the opposite banks of the Zunda canal, the place between them is considered as the topic question. We proposed the place for the general events to be organized, like lectures, exhibitions, concerts, movie screening, etc. The canal has been interpreted as an isolating and at the same time mutual educational space, which is the embodiment of dynamics and changes. The Wall Bridge symbolically isolates us, protecting from the loss of the identity, while simultaneously giving an opportunity to glance at what is happening on the “other bank�.

BOLIGHUS I RIGA [2011, RTU, det tekniske boligprojekt] A.Rubene In Riga Technical University I learned a lot about tectonics and construction of the build things, from small pavilions to bridge construction principles. This project of the private house included the technical part, with drawings of plans, elevations and sections of the building with specification of used materials, plans of overlaps for both floors, roof slope plan, site plan and technical drawings of building nodes.

0 . 2 M 3 O F F I C E F O R B E TA H A U S [2013, U-R-A Architects] team: A. Jurchenko, A.Rubene International ideas competition The Coworking Challenge, Organizers: Betahaus, Jovoto, Deskmag, Dreisechsnull. illustrations: U-R-A Architects

Nowadays added value is being created at different places, at different times, in changing team constellations. The completion seeks answers on question how will the co-working environment of the future look like and which elements will be its integral parts. Our element proposal is low budget personal office set (table+chair+safe), which when folded takes only 0.2 m3 thus serving a good solution for the limited co-working spaces. In this project I contributed with concept development for this piece of furniture and was making 3D model, which Antony later used for visualizations.

+ added regulation of the table height (65-85cm)

+ width of wooden lightweight panels is minimized + corners are rounded

+ color added

+ removable chair back added

Before last improvements. Illustrations: U-R-A Architects

illustrations: U-R-A Architects

E X P O 2 0 1 5 PAV I L I O N LAT V I A [2013, U-R-A Architects] team: E.Leonov, A.Dembo, A.Rubene. Project competition, 4th place. Organizer: Latvian Ministry of Economics. Co-authors: G.Gabrans, SIA Pareiza Kimija, “Dabas Koncertzale”, LieneTomsone, A/S RBSSKALS With World Expo 2015 exhibition’s main theme being “Feeding the Planet. Energy for life”, Latvian exposition was devoted to Latvian honey and bee theme, having the motto “Life apiary”. In this project I was involved in the process of developing the concept, shaping the pavilion interior and exterior space - with main emphasis on creating new ideas for visitors’ experience in and around building. Pavilion is a singing apiary, where interior is shaped like a hive, where each cell visually and audibly displays the Latvian natural ecosystems - the sea, forest, freshwater, marshes, meadows and land. Latvian pavilion roof is an open-air venue for musicians and artists, open terrace for restaurant, viewing platform and a dreamlike garden, which consists of Latvian-selected varieties of flowers and serves as a present for Italian bees.

illustrations: U-R-A Architects Natural Canal mirror system that allows to see the endless Latvian meadow restaurant additional tables service entrance entrance to the VIP rooms restaurant entrance spectator amphitheater

travelator for people with reduced mobility „natural canal” roof (open-air stage)

roof stairs promenade roof garden with varieties of Latvian flowers „take away” restaurant terrace entrance to the roof

front square for queue placement

Main Alley

entrance to the exhibition

illustrations: U-R-A Architects

Similar to the queen bee in beehive, “Natural Canal� cell is the central attractive force of the pavilion. A system of variable transparency mirrors shows fabulous Latvian meadows and creates an effect of infinity. Only 3x4 meter big installation appears infinitely wide in all directions, thus creating a visual link between exhibition visitors and Latvian nature. A restaurant is continuous part of the exposition, where its offers are deeply linked to exhibition cells’ ecosystems. Specially developed food boxes for each cell coincide both with architecture and interior design, thus ensuring the continuous identity with achitecture, stage design and concept of the restaurant.


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