Portfolio 2017 en

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Work experience 07/01/2015-29/06/2016 01/04/2015-01/06/2015

01/04/2014-30/06/2014 2012-2013

Consultant in sustainable architecture for Alberto Aimone’s Engineering Firm, Biella Analysis and evaluation of energy use in buildings Collaborator for Area T61, Turin Project collaborator in the International design competition for the Regional Museum of Natural Science in Turin. (Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino. Concorso per la progettazione delle aree di accoglienza, dei servizi accessori e dell’immagine coordinata). Stage for Gioacchino Alvente Architect, Turin. Help to the team of designers with graphic design and residential projects. Collaborator as a student for Polytechnic of Turin I was in charge of one oh the digital laboratories, helping students printing their projects and maintaining printers and plotters.


Education and training

Autocad 2008-2010 2D e 3D Photoshop CS4, CS5, CS6, CC Indesign CS4, CC Illustrator CC SketchUp 8 3D Studio Max Revit Architecture 2014 Termiko One (calcolo delle prestazioni energetiche) Kerkythea work in progress

30/12/2016 13/10/2011–26/09/2013

12/09/2007–26/09/2011 2007

Architectural license for professional practise Master of art in Architecture Construction City and Honour thesis Polytechnic University of Turin, Turin, Italy Thesis title: The tram-train and the industrial inheritance. New opportunities of urban transformation in Aosta Valley Bachelor’s degree in Science of Architecture Polytechnic University of Turin, Turin, Italy Thesis title: Drawn Architecture Baccalaureat Scientific High School A.Avogadro in Biella


96/110 80/100

Workshops and courses Italian (mother tongue) English French

Other skills Drawing and sketching Painting Photography especially architecture and landscape Garden design and gardening

Conctas agostina.aimone@gmail.com +39 340 24 88 112



Publications 2015

L’arte e la città, Architettura negli spazi pubblici aperti nelle Smat Cities. Tutors: Maspoli e Lattes e external contribuitors. Polytechnic of Turin The workshop was about creating new dynamics for the fruition of green public spaces in San Mauro, Turin. Paesaggio storia e valorizzazione. Tutor: Carlo Tosco Polytechnic of Turin A analysis of geographical, morphological, historical features of the heritage of piedmont land. After those studies all the students needed to build a strategy for the valorization of a small village in Piedmont using ecological museums, land-art museums, bicycle lanes etc. Photographs commissioned by Architestudio, published on Houzz http://www.houzz.it/photos/27970554/casa-giga-contemporaneo-other-metro

Honours and awards 2013

Master Thesis abstract published on Polytechnic of Turin’s web site as honour thesis http://www.architesi.polito.it/pdf/14452_uk_abs.pdf


The tram-train and the industrial inheritance. New opportunities of urban transformation in Aosta Valley


Regional Museum of Natural Science in Turin


Musical House. A multifuncional building in Corea


A diffuse social housing project


House Pend, Taipei, Taiwan. Reproduction of a building using a Bim sofware






All contents are property of Agostina Aimone This portfolio is ment to be viewed of screen not on paper. Please don’t print this documenti if not necessary. Save the planet.

The tram-train and the industrial inheritance. New opportunities of urban transformation in Aosta Valley Master degree in Architettura Costruzione Città 2013 Tutors: Alessandro Armando Robert Dini Marta Bottero We wanted to study the Aosta Valley, because its unique environment, its unique beauty, the narrow valley and the many difficulties we experienced during our travels. We studied the transport system and we found out that the majority of tourist prefer to travel by car, which increase the pollution problem. Train is used mostly by commuters. We decided to change the organization of the transportation by train, using a tram-train instead. Inspired by the Merano-Malles tram train in Trentino, we decided to choose a section of the rail way line to experiment this new way of travelling.

Aosta, Italy 31

11/01/2012-09/26/2013 Agostina Aimone Alexandra Mentakidou


City planning Architecture Economic evaluation

Then we tried to analyse the dynamics brought by the tram train. New spaces, new possibilities of expansion, but also new connections between the areas once used by the rail way. We studied this phenomenon and made a strategy of development, including urbanism and architecture project and a economic analysis of costs. We focused on the area of the Cogne factory, in Aosta for the architectural project. We hypothesized to reuse the land after the closing of the factory and we tried to give back those areas to the city, after almost a hundred years. We design buildings with courtyard from the shape of the factory buildings, with cuts along the axes left from the original Roman organization still visible in the city. We decided to keep the memory of the factory alive by using grey alucobond in the exterior façade of the court, the interior façade is covered with cladding formed by wood panels, it has bigger windows, balconies and terraces. The ground floor is dedicated to services and commercial, and all the floors above host residential units.

Urban Expansion Analisys NUS

Saint Christophe Residential area along the rail way

Nus Aosta

Villeir Amerique


Built-up area and the river

Aosta Valley now Small houses along the street

Aosta Valley project

Rail way Train station

Highway State highway

Our idea

Built up area New projetc

Nus new building

We decided to modify the main way of transportation, trying to convey more passengers from cars to train. We chose the tram train, a lighter way of traveling, to speed up transportation and have a less intrusive rail way. We thought that without a big rail way we could try to connect those centers cut from the rail way of the train. We analyzed the line for 11 km from Aosta and we found four suitable stops for the tram-train.

highway exit

bike lane


Historic interest

In those towns we studied the history of the urban expansion and we added new higher density districts, to respond the big request of new homes while trying to reduce the urban sprawl. Nus is the first of those centers with an high way exit, a bike lane, many interesting panoramic promenades and near the Fenis Castle. We chose, following the local urban law, to build our district near the new railway in those areas left free from the rail way influence.


Elevation of the outside

Masterplan with construction axes Black for roman axes Orange for Cogne Factory axes Ground floor plan Main use: commercial

Elevation of the inside Concept


Re-use of volume



Plans of the residential units Composition of flats and duplex apartment

Functions: Commercial Parking Green Public spaces Restorants Residential

Axonometric view


Regional Museum of Natural Science in Turin International Design Competition 2015

This competition’s main goal was to give the Museum of Natural Science of Turin a new entrance, more spaces for main services such as cafeteria, bookshop, and a wardrobe area. The request was to solve the main problem of spaces with architectural feature that denies access to the handicapped. Another task was to give a new image of the museum, and fix the yards with a new design. We thought to use a ramp, integrated with the all museum itinerary to solve the problem the architectural barrier. This slope allow to reach the different levels of the main exposition in the museum and to keep hidden all the technical components such as lighting fixture, ventilation system etc. We re-design the shelving units for the Mineralia exhibition, and place them in the right corridor, at the beginning of the itinerary, which continues counterclockwise and ends with the bookshop in the left corridor.

Turin, Italy 31

03/01/2015 - 05/18/2015 Collaboration with T61


Architecture Design Graphic design

The yards were re-design with low maintenance materials and greenery. The right yard is integrated in the itinerary with a building for the waiting room and the educational classroom and a vegetable garden. It is also a space to relax during the visit. The left yard is for public use, it can be access even during evenings, and used for small concerts and events. There is a added a new volume for a bar, music station and a small storage space. We individuated for the graphic corporate identity a logo, and designed tickets and gadgets, based on the elephant. The Elephant Fritz was the first animal of the collection of the museum. A famous part of the museum is a storage area open to the public called Noah’s ark. We translated that idea on the façade with animal shape electric sign, distributed on the two most visible façades.

Educational space in the right yard Left courtyard during the night

Project area denied access to the handicapped Shelving units inspired by minerals

Mirabilia exhibition and cafeteria

0 1 2



Section of the ramp


Left and right yards during the day

The evolution of the logo, from the picture of Fritz the Elephan to a new identity for the museum

Educational space and waiting area

Mineralia exhibition

Book and gadgets shop

Mineralia exhibition

New tickets design


Musical House A multifuncional building in Corea 2011

The project site is Heyri Art Village in South Korea, near the northern border. This particular town is a new born town with non traditional Korean buildings, projected by Europeans and Americans architects. We were asked to design a multifunctional building, home for a family plus an activity of our choice , in a common site with others groups. The master plan was the only common project, then every team could experiment with creativity, materials and function. As a group we decided to use the five senses ad a common theme. Heyri, South Corea 31



City planning Architecture Technology

We choose the sound and I designed a school of music and a home for school owner and his/her family. We were inspired by see shells and the sound propagation. We decided to place the school classes in the ground floor and the other activities of the school, such as a small theater, recording room and a open stage for solo performances in the ground floor. The entire building develops itself around that stage, with a round gallery and staircase, where it is possible to listen to the performance. The house is on the first and second floor, with big open space and full height glazed windows and private terraces.

East Elevation


South Elevation





The area was divided between three groups. We had the smallest central piece and we could use just one half for building. We decided to put in the underground the parking lot for the owners, a small theater and a record studio. The ground floor is used for classrooms and administration offices of the school. We had specific shape requests for the ground floor, but we were free for the elevation. We choose to think about see shell and sound. In every floor there’s a gallery where people can see the solo performance stage in the ground floor. Full height glazed facade with UV protection for the main entrance. Corten for the sides in the ground floor. Glass and timber for the 1st and 2nd floor façade.

Permanent sun shading steel sheeting Corten facade

Floor with radiation heating






Ground Floor Plan


1 st Floor Plan Drainpipe Gravel Waterproof membrane Insulating layer Levelling layer forming slope Reinforced concrete slab

1 2

False ceiling gypsum board on frame of steel C profile suspended from slab by tie rods

1 Skylight with steel frame and triple glazing with

U.V. protection and sun pressed fitted permanent sun shadeing steel sheets I beam and tie rods for the suspended balcony.

1st Floor Cafeteria (public space) with terrace Guests house with private terrace Duplex: kitchen, bathroom, living-room, music room with private terrace 2nd Floor Duplex: bedrooms, bathrooms and a relax area with terrace

3 Floor timber boards with radiation heating pro-


tected by eletrowelded reinforcing mesh insulating layer reinforced cincrete slab flase ceiling with acustic sound absorbing panels

4 Gypsum board wall 5 Ventilated hollow core



2nd Floor Plan 10

A diffuse social housing project Social housing in the Sabana near Bogota 2012

Bogotà, Colombia 31



City planning Architecture

This design unit started with a in depth analysis of the Sabana, near Bogotà, catheterized by swampland and small informal unorganized villages called “islands”. The lack of public services and real infrastructure were very clear. The request was to design a social housing building, to begin a new dynamic of construction in a area where informal houses are very common, self built, and often without public services, like water, light,etc. I chose a “island” near a big swamp pond. The main idea was to create a artificial lake after a reclaim of the pond. I thought to spread the social housing in that area, designing buildings 13,3 x13 meters of maximum three floors, instead of just one big building, because I thought wasn’t usual in that area. I wanted to preserve the identity of the Sabana, but give it the services and new houses it needed. Services are in common and distributed in the village. All the houses have more than one residential unit, with individual entrance and often they develop in two floors, creating duplex apartments. I decided to have different type of flats from studio flats to three/ four bed-room flats, forming standard combinations of houses. I theorized five type of houses and repeated them multiple times to create a village. A: one floor with a 95 m2 apartment, B: two levels ground floor two 45 m2 flats first floor two 65 m2 flats C: two levels ground floor one 65 m2 flat first floor one 95 m2 D: three levels two 65 m2 and two 95 m2 distributed in all floors E: three levels ground floor one 45 m2 flat one 65 m2 and two 95 m2 distributed on the 1st, 2nd 3rd floor I wanted to use a color code for the shutters to help people find their bearings in the village, because often with modular building can be very difficult. From the main street approaching the village the fist house in the line has always red shutters, the second one yellow and so on.

Residential area near BogotĂ

Project site



The project site has a slope in the direction of the swamp pond. I decided to divide the area in vehicle accessible streets (grey) and pedestrian only areas (brown). The main street to reach the area develops from north-east to south-west already existing, the area goes along a new street from east to west, ending with the piers.To all handicapped people will be assigned a home at the ground floor, along a vehicle accessible street and common services will be placed along those streets as well. A sport center is placed at north. Urban section Masterplan

House distribution from one floor (A) to three floors (D-E)

Color code of sun shades to allow better orientation of inhabitants


Ground floor studio apartments


1st floor two-bedroom flats


Ground floor Living area (Duplex)

AA Section




1st floor Sleeping Area (Duplex)




2nd Floor Three-bedroom flat



House Pend, Taipei, Taiwan Reproduction of a building using a Bim sofware 2011

This work was made during a Bim class. The task was to choose an existing building from a architectural magazine of our choice and re design it using Revit Architecture 2014. The goal was to learn the new software ad the Vasari plug in for solar radiation analysis. We were asked also render the building using Revit.

Taipei, Taiwan 31



BIM Software

Elevation of the main fornt

The building in the context

Summer solstice

Solar radiation analysis using the plug in Vasari. (BTU/ft2)

Ground floor plan


Underground floor

1st Floor

2nd Floor Ground floor

West Elevation



Waithing for the Mosque, Tunisi Canon EOS 1100D 2013

Man and fire, street artist in Tunisi Canon EOS 1100D 2013


Magnolia Canon EOS 1100D 2014

Red Maple, detail Canon EOS 1100D 2013


Fog, Biella Fujifilm 2013

Dawn, Biella Fujifilm 2012



The wise elephant 2015

Spathifyllum Studio 2017


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