Mental health therapy charlotte NC

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American college osteopathic family medicine In February of 2008, Gaffney Health Services under it’s founder Mary E. Gaffney, DO, MPH moved into its current location which is centralized to the entire Charlotte, NC area in the uptown corridor providing full preventive health care and in office diagnostic testing.

Mental health therapy charlotte NC In 1996 Gaffney Health Services was created by Dr. Mary Elizabeth Gaffney who reasoned that health people make for a health community. To ensure that Charlotte and Mecklenburg county received the best in preventive health care the formation of GAFFNEY HEALTH SERVICES a full scope health care facility emerged. Addiction is a common problem in the United States, affecting more than 20 million people. Without proper treatment, addiction significantly affects your quality of life. Mary Gaffney, DO, MPH, at Gaffney Health Services in Charlotte, North Carolina, specializes in the assessment and management of addiction. She provides the help you need to gain control over your addiction so you can get your life back. For compassionate, patient-centered care, call Gaffney Health Services today or request a consultation online.

Contact Us Address: 4925 Albemarle Road Charlotte, NC 28205 Phone :(704) 566-6332 Email: Site Url :

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