7 minute read
Regional Profiles & Governance
Regional Parliament Composition, Economic Variables, Demographic Statistics*
*Some of the figures from the Census 2016 are partially prepared therefore may not reflect the true present values until they have been completely inputted into the Online accessible system (23/05/2017)
(All Profiles have been created by the Author)
Budgeting, Finance and Taxation
National to Regional
As the Economy of the Six Counties (Northern Ireland) has an annual expendtiure bill at stg£10 billion (€11.35 Billion), the management of the Ulster economy is best placed within a sub national and semi automonous mode , depending on the outcome of the Brexit negotiations , the budgeting for a Northern Ireland or a Six County Ulster within a Co-Operative Regionally based Ireland would then be more transparent with assistance from a British Withdrawal needing to compensate a Pro Europe Ulster with losses and a threat to the already declining quality of life index 5 , although the unemployment rate of Northern Ireland remains at 6% , the high level of Public Sector based jobs again reafirms the need to approach a Semi Autonomus state in a Sub National Irish context as per South Tyrol’s self management of Regional budgets with some state subsidies from the National Government and the European Union, the same criterion may suffice for the Six Counties of Ulster within a Unified Ireland as suggested by this document , The Second Republic.Both new established regions of Mid Ulster and Ulster North East would also help to establish greater transparency of economic needs and indicators thus making an accurate measure of funding to stablize and prepare the Six Counites of Ulster for an investment ready economy .The Irish Economy in the 9 regions and/or 26 counties would benefit from Regional economies allocating National funding based on variables and economic indicators to ascertain affluence compared to under developed regions , this in turn would create an equitable , regionally balanced Ireland , stablized economically and politically so growth can be easier to create from a strong and united socio-economic co-operative platform.
A Nationalized Regional Banking System
The establishment of Nationalized Rural and Agricultural Regional Banks are also proposed under the terms of The Second Republic , this institution would deal with people from less urban areas whom are earning under €27,000 per annum, therefore a foothold of Educational, Agricultural and S.M.E’s of Rural based Entrepeneurship can gain a competitive advantage in the Private Sector and overcome monopolisation by foreign franchises. The Agricultural mechanisms of this institution would seek to assist a D.E.D based Co-Operative Farming structure where farmers who don’t exceed more than 30 acres or €30,000 per annum can work within these Co-Operatives to produce a fine yield thus Machinery , Labour and Logistics costs could be assited by the aforementioned Regional Financial Institution. The Co-Operative style D.E.D based system is fixed toward the Live Export of the National Herd which has been reared from the Co-Operatives thus the remaining established large Farms supplying to the Private Meat distributors may continue. This will be outlined clearer in the agricultural chapter. The Regional Banking system also aims to provide greater post-budget transparency whilst being a vessel of capital for Regional Development projects thus incorporating a stable supply of capital to enrich and maintain equitable Regional Development to completion. The interest rate for mortgages on properties beneath €175,000 would be assessed within the active economic variables of each Region , this would present a favourable and affordable repayment method and interest rate to long term interested buyers whom are low wage earners (due to the fluctual and uncertain cycle of the labour market in peripheral areas of the country), the objective being to fill the existing properties available with long term buyers and provide the essential needs for the citizen i.e. shelter, while providing clemency onto to a damaged medium size and overpriced housing market , which has left vacant properties and many people homeless of 2017 after a speculated overinflated housing crash due
5 Northern Ireland Executive Budget 2016-2017 (accessed onhttps://www.northernireland.gov.uk/publications/budget-2016-17) , pages 5-24 to irresponsible banking methods and lack of governmental financial oversight and monitoring.
Within Constitutional changes the classification of Regions would adhere to Ordinary regions i.e. the 9 regions of the 26 counties and Special Regions i.e. the 2 regions of the 6 counties , the tax regime would be set by National Government , the automony of financing and taxation for regions in general would orginate with personal cost items such as Rental Rates , Property Tax , Housing Prices, Wage rates, (however national employment tax band rates would be Nationwide), the direct transfer system from the annual National Budget would exist but would also reflect the satisfying of key indicators of the region.In the case of both special regions of the 6 counties , to uphold the once Northern Ireland economy, it would need a combination of direct transfer , regional banking and external direct transfer i.e. granting initiatives from the European Union and compensation from the Westminister government for creating the disruption to the economy of the 6 counties and burdening the Irish and Eurozone Economy with a departure from the European Union. The classification of regions would compare the example of the Italian State to Regional taxation regime in the case of South Tyrol 6 ,
In this case the use of the “variable quota” method based on participation of the region within the National economy , the direct transfer system for the special regions may not be as useful as they could benefit from 90-100% of tax revenues from the National office within their region, as had been the case of Trentino-South Tyrol during the 1990’s. The National Budget would transfer for important Public Services such as Police , Judiciary , Tax Administration etc..using the variable quota method would increase the tax as the participation index would justify and reaffirm the quota system, for example the of Trentino-South Tyrol had benefitted immensly in 15 years from it’s installation in 1990 , the regional tax revenue had been 8.7 million , the variable quota and participation index had been then introduced where the Tax Revenues increeased to 19.03 million in 20047 . The constitiutional recommendation should outline that “Regions have the power to establish their own taxes in harmony with the prinicples of the National tax system on subjects of their respective competencies” 8 , For example Mortgage taxes would be retained 100% by the region whereas motor tax , 65% would be retained by the region and 35% by the National.
6 Jens Woelk et al ,(2008) Tolerance through Law; Self Governance and Group Rights in South Tyrol , European Academy Bozen,p.105-106
7 Ibidem , p.107
8 Ibidem , p.108
The Regional Statute within the Constitution of The Second Irish Republic should highlight some important prinicples as is the Constitutional standing of Trentino-South Tyrol9 ;
1. A region is entitled to receive nearly all tax revenue collected by the National Budget , The National retains a portion of regional tax revenue (1/10) or variable depending on the key economic indicators of the region and surplus which might emerge from more affluent regions. V.A.T rates and their proportion , the needs of Region and weighted among the key indicators and socio-economic indicators, the V.A.T Regional must be a human based tax regime within the wieghting and assessment of Tax Rates. The setting of rates would also be a first test and bonding , encouraging debate between Regional Parliament and the National Parliament. The Regional V.A.T rates would be subject to floors and ceilings thus maintain fair and balanced price elasticity avoiding stagnation, this in turn would also subject to regional unemployment rates and inflation.
2. The allocation of financial resources to the region must take place in regular periods , placing budgetary freedom before the Region and the collecting of taxes being the responsibility of the National Adminstration.
3. The financial system of the region must not be altered without the ratification of the regional parliament , presenting three kinds of revenues in a Regional Budget; a) Automatic Revenues: all revenues coming from the National Tax Revenues in a fixed share along with the revenues from the regions own taxes. b) Revenues connected to periodical agreements with National Government and E.U. would be transparently programme linked to contributions and the financing of the Regional Administration.
c) Revenues from the Public Property , assets and services
Therefore the fiscal environment leading to a regionally balanced , equitable Republic can then take place , the strengthening of weaker areas adds to the strengthening of the All Island economy with the Eurozone , retention of Mortgage Taxes (100%) within the region can also stablize house prices in each region which would not be agitated from a centralized system , the balance between Public Housing and implementation for those beneath a certain income threshold would also aim to create a greater balance in the housing market in the main thus upholding the key essentials for citizens such as Shelter, Food, Mobility and Employment . Being a household owner and using this 100% retention of the tax also creates Regions to have a greater say in Regional ,Local and Immediate local decisions taken from the Regional Parliament to the National Parliament. The retention of the Mortgage tax to the region avoids a “property bubble” which had been speculated from a centralized capital city centric regime close to central national government. Such kind of economic influence on property has created a neagtive cycle thus leaving the current centralized government, we have massive problems which needs to be broken down into it’s adminstrative form to tackle these problems head on without electoral retibution by the people. A Regional System holds the attributes to achieve this.
9 Ibidem , p. 109
In the Anaylses of each region ,(from the Regional Profiles above) we can also include the economic strengths of the region and suggest the appropriate changes that would improve each regions capacity to maintain employment levels , stabilize GDP, fix fair rates of rent and wages to project an improved standard of living inclusive of longevity and security rather than panicked clientele based profiteering which incorporates deeper class division.
The Second Republic should promote industrial expansion, entrepreneurship and foreign direct investment but also endorses meritocracy in employment supported by an education system geared toward recognising students’ ability at earlier stages to steer them into the appropriate sector. Recognising there will always be “well off” people in society that will be able to create their own path and security ,however as of 2017 these people are in a stark minority compared to those who work and struggle to maintain a humble and worthy lifestyle. With each region under analyses we have adopted a profile to outline the necessary merits and demerits of the region’s status and suggested improvements needed ….