Pont Neuf Winter 2016

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Nelly V8630 Blouse, Liva L1312 Pants

Frontpage: Siri V8640 Tunic, Luna V5042 Pants

Tilde V8690 Tunic, Dagny V2781 Scarf

Tilde V8641 Tunic, Ann V7208 Skirt

Siri V8628 Tunic, Liva L1312 Pants

Kitty V2521 Dress, Dagny V2781 Scarf

Nette V2496 Dress

Kitty V2498 Dress

Kitty V2487 Dress

Nova V3255 Jacket, Alva V4737 T-Shirt, Ann V7208 Skirt

Labbi V2495 Dress, Dagny V2781 Scarf

Nette V2493 Dress

Bolette V2518 Dress, Dagny V2781 Scarf

Ronja V3540 Jacket, Nelly V8610 Blouse, Ann V7208 Skirt, Dagny V2781 Scarf

Alva V4749 Blouse

Kitty V2514 Dress

Stella V3256 Jacket, Salka V2403 Dress

Isa V2494 Tunic, Liva L6062 Pants

Peggy V2499 Dress

Clara V4038 Cardigan, Nelly V8627 Blouse, Ann V7208 Skirt

Kitty V2516 Dress

Labbi V2495 Dress West Denmark Ulla Nielsen +45 53 36 28 43 un@pardon.eu

East United Kingdom Rodney Price +44 786 073 6793 A12rod@aol.com

East Denmark Gitte Broch +45 22 80 15 62 gb@pardon.eu

Northern Ireland Buchanan Agencies +44 289 048 7770 buchananagencies@btconnect.com

Norway Linda Røed +47 90 73 41 20 linda@stormote.com

Austria Georg Schröckelsberger +43 772 344 464 georg.schroeckelsberger@gmx.at

South Sweden Mari Frederiksson +46 733 646 060 mari@micollection.se

Switzerland Amega AG +41 448 295 151 m.eggenberger@amega.ch

North Sweden Eva Hasselstrøm & Jan Larsen Eva +46 708 177 570 Jan +46 709 301 465 Jan.bjorn.larsen@mail.com

Belgium Textielagentuur Senza Fine BVBA +32 497 434 540 info@senzafine.be

Finland Hannan Agentuuri +35 840 754 1414 hrajewski@hotmail.com

Baltic Countries SFK OÜ +37 25 11 03 41 ehabrinkmann@gmail.com

Netherlands Big Fashion Brands +31 488 454 070 info@bigfashionbrands.com

Poland Berger & Berger Moda +48 601 508 108 victoria@maximoda.pl

West United Kingdom Sarah Handley +44 796 736 2246 sarahhandley@live.co.uk

Iceland Halla Ragnarsdöttir +35 48 93 34 30 hallar@simnet.is

Germany Schleswig-Holstein/ Hamburg/ Niedersachsen/ Bremen Rolf-Werner Deetken +49 171 643 8057 info@deetken.de Nord Rhein Westphalen Michael Jungmann +49 177 871 2841 m._jungmann@web.de Berlin/ East Germany Modeagentur Ralf Schmidt +49 172 312 1890 modeagentur-ralfschmidt@gmx.de Baden-Würtemberg Adolf Glassner +49 716 195 0300 adolf.glassner@arcor.de Bayern Andre Weber-Sydor +49 178 558 3256 aws-mode@arcor.de Hessen/ Rheinland-Pfalz/ Saarland Roland Hätty +49 171 772 6264 rolandhaetty@t-online.de

Pardon Clothing A/S | Navervej 13 | DK-7430 Ikast | Denmark | Tel. +45 9692 5000


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