The Advantages of Investing in Hydroponics
Hydroponics has continued to be an attractive form of farming. It is mainly because of the numerous advantages that are associated with it. In general, hydroponics refers to the form of farming that does not make use of the soil. The water usually acts as the main medium of growth in most cases. However, there are certain cases when other media of growth are used. For example, media such as rockwool may be used instead of having water alone. Nonetheless, both forms are used extensively and they are associated with a great measure of success.
Today, a good number of farmers across the globe are resorting to this form of farming. Many commercial farmers in the developed world are switching to this form of farming. It is clear that the future of the farming industry lies in the hands of hydroponics. This can be attributed to the numerous advantages that are associated with it. Some of the major pros that are associated with hydroponics are highlighted in the passage.
Today, the number of hydroponic investments has increased owing to the fact that it is a quicker way to produce food on a large scale. This is one of the major reasons why this form of farming has continued to replace soil farming at a pace that no one even imagined. In comparison to soil farming, hydroponics can enable farmers to grow food within a few weeks compared to the many months of waiting that are associated with soil farming. For example, issues such as ploughing and weeding can easily be avoided in hydroponics. On the other hand, it is also associated with a shorter waiting time because crops get nutrients directly without the involvement of the soil.
Compared to soil farming which requires the use of agricultural machinery such as planters and harvesters, this form of farming does not. The crops are grown in a medium such as water or a combination of water a culture solution. Therefore, there is no need to use machinery for planting and harvesting. Even if the need for machinery may arise, it is not as complex and as bulky as the one used in soil farming.
The growing medium is usually inert. This means that its chemical properties do not affect the growth of the plant. The roots and the plant as a whole are not affected by the medium of growth. This differs from soil farming where the soil possesses its own chemical properties which have the capacity to affect the overall growth of the plants. The soil can affect the ph and nutrient uptake of the crops. Another notable advantage that is associated with hydroponics is the fact that the ph of the growing medium can easily tested and adjusted as often as the need arises and the quick results are realised within minutes. This is not the case in soil farming where a change may be observed after several days. On the other hand, hydroponics eliminates the chances of leaching because the nutrients are accessed directly from the medium of growth.
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