Agribusiness Catalogue October 2015

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Information and Knowledge Management Platform


Product of Agasha Group Limited |

An initiative of Agribusiness Platform +256-703-698 550 @agribizplatform

Information and Knowledge Management Platform





Information and Knowledge Management Platform



7 Events

13 Forums


Agri Market Corner


Sharon Againe CEO & Founder Agasha Group Dear Agribusiness Platform members and readers,


t gives me great pleasure to present this premier edition of Agribusiness Catalogue, which is a result of weekly discussions online Whatsapp forums. This catalogue summaries most of what was discussed across the different Whatsapp groups. In the last three months, Agribusiness Platform has grown from 28 pioneers to 850 members by September 2015 and more are being invited to join. We share business opportunities, events, knowledge and referral contacts on daily basis in real time via Whatsapp and Twitter. Agribusiness Platform is the initiative of Agasha Group Ltd, publishers of Agribusiness Directory East Africa. The agency mainly facilitates direct interactions between the different stakeholders along the agriculture value chain to share information, experiences, opportunities and challenges. These are the ultimate objectives of the platform: ü To promote direct market linkages between farmers, agro-input suppliers, buyers and agribusinesses among other stakeholders ü To increase visibility of local products and services at regional and international levels



ü To facilitate exchange of opportunities and references among the various players in the agriculture sector ü To create space for exchanging knowledge and experiences, which may be used in improving farming business practices. ü To inspire, recognise, reward and celebrate with agribusinesses and farmers that have made it. Our vision is to be the preferred Agribusiness Information and Knowledge Management Platform in East Africa through the use of creative, already existing simple-to-use agricultural extension service marketing tools that can be accessed by anyone within any agriculture related sector. I, therefore, invite you to be part of the platform by whatsapping +256703698550 or send an email to directoryagribusiness@gmail. com. Special thanks to our partners and sponsors: aBi Group, Engineering Solutions Limited and Stanbic Bank Uganda. Credit goes to Dr. Gudula Naiga Basaza for her innovative ideas towards the development of the platform. I also appreciate AgaSha production, marketing and mobilising team for your tireless efforts to facilitate the platform. Finally, I express my gratitude to each and every member for being on the platform. I look forward to interact with you on our next Farm Visit at Dr. Emma Naluyima (Maama Pig)’s place on Saturday 17th October 2015.

Information and Knowledge Management Platform

Other banks talk about growing their interests. We’re more interested in

WHAT YOU GROW. The agricultural businesses that bank with us value expertise tailored to their way of working, from specialists who put words into action. This is how we’re moving your business forward. For more information on agriculture finance, visit your local branch or contact us at: Stanbic Bank - Agriculture Financing 9th Floor, Short Tower, 17 Hannington Road, Crested Towers, P.O Box 7131, Kampala. Tel +256 417 154 000/446/210/654/449/886

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aBi Agribusiness is Vision

A Competitive, private sector led agriculture in Uganda

Mission To promote private sector agribusiness development to enhance wealth creation in Uganda CaTALOGUE


aBi aBi •• UMOJA UMOJA HOUSE HOUSE 22ndnd Floor Floor •• Plot Plot 20, 20, Nakasero Nakasero Road Road •• P.0. P.0. Box Box 29851 29851 Kampala Kampala •• Uganda Uganda

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aBi is a multi-stakeholder institution devoted to private sector agribusiness development. Founded by the governments of Denmark and Uganda in 2010, aBi follows a long time commitment being both a catalyst in support of the Ugandan agricultural sector and a conduit through which development partners and investors can build the capacity of the agricultural sector .

Our Business aBi Trust • Value Chain Development, Financial Services Development

aBi Finance • Agribusiness Loan Guarantee Scheme, Construction Guarantee Fund (CGF), The Endowment Fund, Lines of Credit

Cross Cutting Issues • Green Growth, Gender, Human Rights Based Approach

Tel: +256 312 351600 • Email: •

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While reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure accuracy of contacts and information provided in this edition: neither Agasha Group Limited nor its partners, sponsors, advertisers; nor printers can accept responsibility for any damages or inconvenience that may rise therefrom. Agasha Group Limited does not accept responsibility for misleading or unethical advertising. However, when discovered it will be investigated and removed from the next edition. Agasha Group Limited assumes no liability for errors/omissions/ inaccuracies occurring in this edition. Errors and omissions will be corrected in the next edition if noted and/or reported to Agasha Group editorial by calling +256(0)779 791 780 or emailing to:


e strongly recommend our readers to do prior investigation and strictly follow the traditional methods and rules of doing business before going into any deal with any party listed in the Agribusiness Catalogue. Such as: getting prior company/ organization confirmation by phone, fax or by mail besides necessary cross checks done through the related local bodies like banks, chambers of commerce, related trade associations, service providers and local government authorities among others especially before making any money transaction.

Copyright Š 2015 by Agasha Group Limited All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphically, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording, taping, scanning, web distribution or information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of Agasha Group Limited.

For Advertising & General Inquiries Contact Us: Agasha Group Ltd. Capital Shoppers Building, Nakawa (Opp. MUBS) P.O. Box 7133, Kampala - Uganda. Whatsapp:+256 703 698 550. Mob:+256 779 791 780, +256 776 791 780. Email: Twitter: #AgricEvents #AgricForum #AgriMarket



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Super Members of the Month


AQUELINE NASSALI is an emerging professional with 4+ years’ experience in administration and has excellent transferable skills in public relations, project coordination and research management. She is currently Administrative Coordinator at Farmers Network Uganda (FNU) and holds a BSc. Fisheries and Aquaculture. “I believe in the farming industry which is why spread the passion as much as possible via hashtag!” She is also a climate activist, whose future plans include specializing in climate change vulnerabilities with particular emphasis on agricultural activities and linking gender inequality.

Why a Super Member? Jacqueline Nassali realized that the world needed to know about what was happening in our Whatsapp phone chats. She proactively and voluntarily started hashtags on Twitter where she invests her time summarizing our discussions in the weekly Wednesday’s online Whatsapp side group forum. She also tags people and businesses relevant to the topic discussed.


TEVE HODGES is Managing Director of African Agriculture Risk Management Services (U) Ltd, a consulting and training business he founded, as well as serving as Chief Operating Officer of Uganda Agribusiness Alliance (UAA). For 16 years Steve has been helping farmers and small agribusinesses in the USA and Africa to increase business success by managing risks. During the last 5 years in South



The best moment was when the ambassador of the Netherlands Uganda retweeted our discussion on Piggery forum led by Dr. Emma Naluyiima. Jacqueline has created three important hashtags of #AgricForum where you can find previous forum discussions, #AgricEvents where we share photos and upcoming events worldwide and #AgriMarket for

sale and buy of produce. She is also a professional instant reportuer and she has worked in different events including AgriProFocus Market Information Symposium, Dairy Stakeholders Event and ICT in Agriculture Vodafone PowerTalks. To tweet your event instantly, Whatsapp Jacqueline: +256 782 507 456. Congratulations Jacqui!

Sudan and Uganda, he has conducted 16 trainings in agricultural risk management for 425 farmers, 100 university students and 120 bank loan officers. He has helped NGOs integrate an agricultural risk focus into value-chain analyses, and has written and will teach two course modules on agricultural risk for a post-graduate diploma program of a Ugandan university beginning in 2016. For UAA he is providing, organizing, coordinating and research assisting to 16 agribusinesses participating in an Avocado Value Chain Group. He is beginning a similar Organic Pumpkin Value Chain Group, and is helping develop criteria and process for selecting growth-oriented mediumscale Ugandan agribusinesses to be assisted to accelerate their success with customized business development coaching, assistance and financing.

Information and Knowledge Management Platform

Why a Super Member? Steve Hodges is one of the members committed to sharing “Happening Now” moments on the platform in a professional manner. The selection was based on how Steve updated Group 1 via whatsapp about the proceedings of ICCO AgriBusiness Innovation Prize pitching at Silver Springs. Additionally, he endeavors to include a description of the photo posted about the event. Congratulations Steve!

Featured Platform Members Sharon Againe

is the Founder and CEO of Agasha Group Limited that facilitates Agribusiness Information & Knowledge Management Platform. Againe was one of the experts for ICCO Agri-Business Innovation Challenge 2015 and she is also a member of Advisory Committee for Fund for the Rural Prosperity-The Mastercard Foundation Program. Sharon was a lead consultant for developing AgriExperts Guide publication for EU funded project KALIP/ALREP in Northern Uganda. She has worked as a product development consultant for Ecological Organic Agriculture Directory funded by SSNC & SDC implemented by PELUM Uganda and NOGAMU. She also consulted with AgriProFocus Uganda/SNV Uganda in coordinating agribusiness events and as the farmer entrepreneurship network Assistant Facilitator. She previously worked with Grameen Foundation in Uganda to motivate farmer group leaders and Super Community Knowledge Workers (CKWs). Sharon worked as an intern for

Allegro Coffee Company in USA, and as an Alumni Consultant with Technoserve Mozambique. While at EARTH University, Sharon acted as Administrator in 2009 for the Student Entrepreneurship Project and as a General Manager for an EARTH project, Natural Herbs Ltd from 2006 to 2009. Sharon started doing agriculture related businesses at the age of 10 where she mainly traded coffee, sweet bananas, Ground nuts and banana pancakes to raise her school fees. Againe has won awards including BiDNetwork Business Plan award for Women in Business Competition Africa, Latin America and Asia in 2010; and as a second runner-up for African Orange Social Venture Prize in 2011. While in secondary schools, Sharon won titles on merit for Assist Miss Agriculture, Miss Agriculture and Queen of Agriculture from Katikamu S.D.A. Secondary School, Wobulenzi. She speaks internationally at events including International Women Forum in Washington D.C., UN University for Peace in Costa Rica, Youth in Agriculture, Women International Day in Uganda, World Convergences Forum in Europe, Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) Network TechCamp in South Africa and as a Ugandan Delegate for NewYorkForum Africa among other events. Sharon is Agronomic Engineer (Ingeniera Agronomo) by profession and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Sciences from EARTH University, Costa Rica. +256 703 698 550 @sharonagaine,

Dr Michael Kiprotich Bett Cooper K-Brands Ltd. Kampala. Dealers in distribution of Vet Farm Inputs, Cattle Genetics and Advisory services. I am interested in networking and knowledge sharing via the platform. +256 756 443 355,, Group 7 (G7)

Brian Businge Pig Farmer, Nguruwe Ent. Kampala, Uganda. I joined the platform to build on Farming Knowledge and Networking. Through the group, I have got the opportunity to directly ask the experts on the best piggery practices and I always get instant replies. Â +256 753 339 450,


@bbrayo,, Group 10 (G10)

Information and Knowledge Management Platform

Featured Platform Members Violet Kawuma Kaala Trading Ltd, providers of tractors and farm implements located in Bweyogerere, Jinja Road We joined to know more about customer needs from those in the sector and find out better ways to satisfy our customers’ needs from supporting sectors like banking where they can get financing

services. The forum discussions are good because they help us handle our customers better. +256 776 640 540, Group 6 (G6)

Enyetu Joshua

Bracha Trenchant Firm. We deal in irrigation Engineering, farm mechanization, hydraulic structures, green house farming and general farm management. I was invited on the panel of Agricultural machinery weekly online Whatsapp forum. Since then the benefits are significant among which are: 1) Inspiration from other farmers. 2) Knowledge about the available agricultural products and services. It becomes easier to inquire for some technical information that could cost high consultation fees. 3) Easy access to information, like what is happening around, seminars and others. 4) Easy access to market within the group and opportunities cross-posted by the admin. 5) Networking amongst members. It’s very good that the groups have members from other countries such as Kenya, Rwanda, UK, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Nigeria, Tanzania, DRC, Costa Rica, USA, Netherlands and France among others. 6) It has presented a lot of opportunities for famers to participate in like farm visits, trainings, workshops and high level conferences. The group is also being offered free or discounted entrance slots which individuals would not have accessed. I am indebted to the administration for coordinating and continuously updating this platform. +256 786 224 831,, Group 6 (G6)

Senkungu Ibrahim A passion fruit grower from Buddo. I joined so as to share information on agricultural practices relating to business. It is good to be part of this group because it has increased my knowledge and understanding on farming as a business. +256 757 807 466., Group 5 (G5)

Bbosa Dan Nguru Richard Nguru Farm, Pig Farming. Kampala. I joined the platform to build on Farming Knowledge and Networking. I enjoy the weekly Wednesday’s forum. It is very educative. +256 752 943 351 Group 9(G9)

Director, Decent Renplus (U) Ltd, dealers in Construction, Civil Works and Fabrication of Agricultural Equipment. I personally deal in Poultry, Piggery and Forestry. I joined Agribusiness Platform in order to get current information on agriculture and agricultural products plus inputs. I have since got links with different agricultural firms including businesses. +256 774 899 704. Mob: +256 701 899 704, Group 3 (G3)

Information and Knowledge Management Platform



Lisa Katusiime Likamis Software Ltd, developers of AgroMarketDay, a mobile application that links farmers to market, input and agronomy information. With AgroMarketDay, farmers are now able to access a wider and more profitable markets by simply uploading their produce on the platform. Plot 45 Martyrs way, Ntinda, Kampala. I have been able to network and expand my business to people on the platform. I also get updates on various events e.g the Market Information Symposium through the platform. Thank you again and I hope to promote my mobile application to more people through your platform. +256-793 938 587, @agromarketdayUG, Group 1 (G1) Aloysius Ivan Kalanzi Aiskka Agro Enterprises dealing in piggery, matooke and horticulture farming. We are located in Bukasa, Buloba, Wakiso District. I joined this forum to share different experiences of farmers and get useful knowledge so as to improve on my farming methods and make my farming projects profitable businesses. I have learnt a lot about the best piggery keeping methods and care. I greatly thank the caring farmers that started up this great training forum and appreciate the efforts of all those who have sacrificed their time to answer the numerous questions and those who keep sharing their experiences. We are going to be formidable modern farmers! +256-702 454 734,

@AloysiusKalanzi,,, Group 5 (G5) Abaho Colline Farmaco deals in Dairy Equipments & Services. We are located on Plot 18 Martyrs Way, Ntinda, Kampala. I joined the platform to market our products, network and learn of the new Agricultural practices. +256-772 937 025,


Group 2 (G2)

Markson Turinzirwe Chemispark Company that manufactures Turkson Green Tra Drink in Kampala. Information sharing and targeting sales. The platform inspires new farmers into farming as a business +256 774 146 685,,, Group 05 (G5)

Francis Ssebuggwawo Emiroy Investments that deals in piggery and horticulture located in Kasanje SubCounty -Wakiso District. Being a startup business, I joined the forum to gain valuable advice and best practices that would enable me run a profitable and sustainable piggery business. The forum has indeed been beneficial to many existing and start-up farmers. I recommend formation of a group that will influence positive change of government policies towards agriculture in Uganda +256-776 588 304,, Group 10 (G10)


Information and Knowledge Management Platform


from Platform Members


n the last three months, at least 233 business deals, events participation and knowledge sharing benefits have been obtained through the Agribusiness Platform Whatsapp group as reported by 105 surveyed members. To join, Whatsapp +256 703 698 550

....................................................... I have realised that being in the garden doesnt mean knowing the garden; i now consider why i’m there. I need to research my markets and understand why we buy & sell the same commodities at different prices, and that the farming business as a whole is gaining currency & momentum. This is the time to invest for the long-term. (Norbert, G3)


....................................................... I have learned it’s easy to use whatsapp groups to do a survey.

(Steve, G1) .......................................................

Specifically in my line of work...editing a farming magazine, I get contacts & ideas for stories. As a person who plans to do farming as a business in the near future, it’s very helpful in that regard. (David, G1).


I have learned about new developments in agriculture sector and various issues faced by farmers as well as up coming events (Chelsea, G1)

....................................................... Got knowledge of agribusiness potential in access to information & role of ICT in emerging markets especially in EAC (Andrew, G1).

Information and Knowledge Management Platform



Upcoming Events

Agricultural & Networking Events -October 2015

Date 28th Sept. to 4th Oct. 29th Sept to 2nd Oct.




Nairobi International Trade Fair

Jamhuri Park Showground, Nairobi, Kenya

Agricultural Society Kenya +254 724 643 701

African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF)

Lusaka, Zambia

By invitation only.

The 6th African Grain Trade Summit (AGTS)

Kigali, Rwanda

Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC)

6th Uganda Coffee Day and Exhibition

GLADFarm, Kapeeka, Nakaseke, Uganda

Uganda Coffee Federation (www.ugandacoffeefederation. org)

AgriProFocus Kenya Networking Day

Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya

23rd Uganda International Trade Fair

UMA Show Grounds, Lugogo, Kampala, Uganda

Uganda Manufacturers Association (UMA)

FACOM Workshop & Training

Kolping Hotel, Makerere Kavule, Kampala, Uganda

+256 773 248 530 +256 784 105 161

Fish Farming Training

AquaFarm Fish Farm, Buloba, Mityana Road, Uganda

+256 772 438 236 +256 702 437 490

Mushroom Growers Dialogue Meeting

Makerere Kavule, Kampala, Uganda

+256 701 951 000 +256 772 484 293

Networking Session on Market Opportunities in Denmark/EU

Ntinda, Kampala, Uganda

Danish Agro Connect +256 775 563 484 +256 772 521 256

Kampala City Festival

Kampala, Uganda

7 Oct.

Avocado Value Chain Meeting

Victoria House, Bukoto, Kampala, Uganda

Uganda Agribusiness Alliance (UAA) +256 753 461 348 steve.hodges@

8th Oct.

Emerging Leaders Forum discussing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Serena, Kampala, Uganda

Leo Africa Forum

9th Oct.

Uganda National Pig Farmers’ Association Formation Meeting

Kampala, Uganda

+256 778 217 045

12th Oct.

Africa Agribusiness Academy (AAA) Annual General Meeting

Kampala, Uganda

Only Members +256 772 911 719

13th Oct.

AgriProFocus Uganda Networking Day

Silver Springs, Bugolobi, Kampala, Uganda

By Invitation only

14th Oct.

Breaking the Bottlenecks to Scale up Bean Seed Systems in Africa Event

Iowa, USA

The World Food Prize

1st Oct.

2nd-11th Oct

3rd Oct.

4th Oct.


Upcoming Events continue on page 16 See more Events & photos via Twitter: @agribizplatform #AgricEvents


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WITH A LEADING DISTRIBUTOR Case IH has powered global agriculture for more than 160 years and the Case IH brand represents a tradition of leadership. Case IH tractors lead the industry in power, productivity, cost effectiveness and simplicity of operation. Our tractors are designed to withstand the most rugged conditions and deliver the maximum power for every task. Case IH has a full line of tillage equipment, sprayers and floaters, as well as specialty harvesters for grain and sugar cane. In partnership with our authorised distributor, Toyota Uganda, Case IH will provide excellent after sales support when you take delivery of your new machine and whilst it remains in your ownership. Call or visit us TODAY!


Toyota Uganda Ltd Plot 1, First Street, Industrial Area, Kampala Tel: 0312-301500 Email:

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Upcoming Events Agricultural & Networking Events October 2015 Date




Bi-Annual International Women’s Coffee Alliance (IWCA) Convention

Bogota, Colombia

16 Oct.

World Food Day

Rwebitaba Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute (RZARDI), Fort Portal, Uganda

+256 702 612 876 +256 772 612 876

17th Oct.

Farm Visit to Dr. Emma Naluyiima’s Farm (Maama Pig)

Entebbe Road, Uganda

Whatsapp: +256703698550

21st-22nd Oct.

Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) Network TechCamp: Digital Strategies for Grassroots Organizing

Pretoria, South Africa

By Invitation only https://youngafricanleaders.

21st– 23rd Oct.

High-Level Conference for an African Agricultural Transformation Agenda “Towards a Strategy for a strong Agricultural Sector in Africa”

Dakar, Senegal

African Development Bank

22nd Oct

Youth Agriculture Regional Inspiring Conference (YARIC)

Mbale, Uganda

23rd Oct.

5th Indigenous Food Fair

UMA Conference Hall, Kampala. Uganda

+256 773 313 557

15 -16 Oct. th



23rd-24th Oct.

Pig Farmers’ Training

Matugga, Uganda

Pig Production & Marketing Uganda Ltd +256 773 422 445 +256 706 730 661

26th Oct. to 1st Nov.

Karamoja 1st Agricultural and Trade Fair 2015

Moroto Grounds, Uganda

+256 774 481 944

27th-28th Oct.

International Forum for Women Food Leadership in the Global South

Washington D.C., USA

By Invitation only http://womensfoodleadership. com/

29th Oct

AgriProFocus Nyama Platform Launch

Kampala, Uganda

Marrakesh, Morocco

30th Oct-1st The Atlantic Dialogues for Nov Emerging Leaders

See more Events & photos via Twitter: @agribizplatform #AgricEvents


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Information and Knowledge Management Platform



Past Events


Jinja Agriculture Show 2015 by UNFFE

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ICT in Agriculture, Vodafone Power Talks - 2nd Edition

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6th National Honey Week Event 2015, Forest Mall by TUNADO


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Information and Knowledge Management Platform



ICCO Agri-Business Innovation Challenge Awards & 50 Years Celebration RIP


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Information and Knowledge Management Platform



Visit to Jesa Dairy Farm, organised by ENGSOL-Suppliers of SAC Milking Machine


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Information and Knowledge Management Platform



Passion Fruit Training, Kasana, Luweero by Nan Lyne

Farm Visit to Uganda Youth Agriprenuers, Nakifuma-Mukono; supported by IITA


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Mushroom Sharing Event, Kampala hosted by Francis Mujjuni


Information and Knowledge Management Platform

Farm visit to KK Foods, Naalya, Kampala

Bill’s Farm Visit -Manna Harvesters International Ltd in Baale Kayunga

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2nd CURAD Agribusiness Incubation Challenge Awards, 2015


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Information and Knowledge Management Platform



6th Market Information Symposium 2015 by AgriProFocus Uganda


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Information and Knowledge Management Platform



High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Transformation in Uganda, Golf Course Hotel

Technology in Agriculture Training by SIRACO, Kampala


Information and Knowledge Management Platform

.... v . viii .... x .. 14



IRRIGATION SYSTEMS Best Technologies For Best Harvests

Sustainable Irrigation and Consultancy Co. (SI RACO)

Online Whatsapp Forum every Wednesday (Past events) August, 2015

Passion Fruit growing Vegetable Growing and Exporting Mushroom Growing Business Agromachineries and Tractors



September, 2015

Dairy Farming Market Information & ICT in Agriculture Piggery Rearing Status of GMOs in East Africa Farming as a Business


. 37 ..41

Get the details of the weekly discussions via: Twitter @agribizplatform @farmersuganda #AgricForum

g . 57

. 66

Upcoming online whatsapp Forum, every Wednesday at 2pm

. 69

ngs ..81

. 85

October, 2015

Coffee Farming Post Harvesting and Storge Poultry business Youth in Agriculture

ng 101


106 125 127

143 145 149

Plot 2758, Ntinda-Kiwatule Road P.O. Box 22076, Kampala. Tel: +256 392 175 835. Mob: +256 701 487 750, +256 778 609102. Email: Web: Products: Irrigation, Greenhouse, Rainwater Tanks and Agriculture Consultancy

To join the forum, whatsapp admin; +256-703-698 550 Get the details of the weekly discussions via: Twitter @agribizplatform @farmersuganda #AgricForum

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Information and Knowledge Management Platform

Agri Market Corner

Information and Knowledge Management Platform



Agri-Market Corner I have 2 Metric Tonnes of Maksoy 3N soya bean seed in Mbale for sale. Sam, G1, +256 757 280 017. Where can I get good Bracharia and Lablab pasture? Charles, +256 776 700 228/ +256 700 100 228. Who can supply me with good quality red onions every week? Sophie, G2, +256 782 335 511. Looking for anyone who can supply me African Bird Eye red pepper and Maize. Aaron, G1, +256 783 636 104. Get good quality honey from West Nile and congo areas. A litre at 15,000/=. Discounts offered for orders above 1000L. Simon, G5, +256 702 139 912.

Looking for suppliers of Langstroth bee hives. Sayed, G1, +256 781 084 481. Sunflower available. Simon, G9, +256 702 139 912. How many bags of maize can I get from an acre? Richard, G1, +256 752 960 057. Barley seeds available at 2,500Ugx per Kg. Isaac, +256 706 730 661. In need of 2 in-calf heifers preferably around Wakiso. Emma, G1, +256 772 589 613. Anyone who knows where I can buy 200 bags of coffee husks? Jim, G4, +256 772 500 734. Any one exporting cashew nuts? Please contact me for supply, Sam, G1, +256 757 280 017.

Where can I buy cashew nut seedlings? Robert, G4, +256 772 308 992.

Any clients for watermelon and red onions? Ben, G5, +256 776 387 808

10 Tonnes of Beans are needed per week. Adadi, G1, +256 774 334 866.

Ready to plant ginger seeds (rhizomes) are needed. They should be ready for immediate planting in one acre. G1, +256 755 444 404.

350 Kgs of Ravaya/bbiring’enya are needed. Bob, G1. +256 782 098 005. 500 kuroiler chicken ready for sale in Bushenyi. Levi, +256 782 934 853.


Information and Knowledge Management Platform

Where can I get good seeds of garden peas? Diana, G4, +256 772 755 014

Agri-Market Corner Anyone with Soybean? 400 tones wanted, Dusman, G1, +256 756 572 082. Am I looking for someone with broilers eggs for hatching. +256 700 445 843. Can anyone offer me chicken or goat dropping for free? Cyria, G3, +256 712 549 819 Do you know anyone selling seedlings of beets, red cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli? Shiba, G4, +256 772 661 602 I am looking for the contacts of farmers rearing boer goats? Robert, G4, +256 772 308 992. Looking for scotch bonnet hot pepper seeds. Ben, G5, +256 776 387 808 Am in need of breeding stock large white and cambrough. JB, G9, +256 773 087 194. Anyone interested in high quality vegetable seeds from Netherlands. Contact House of Seeds. +256 757 745 555, +256 757 765 555. Posted in G6. Anybody knows anyone with dried ginger of 5000Kg? Joy, G5, +256 775 958 355. Exporter looking for 40 Tonnes of good quality Nambale Long beans (6 and 12); 50 Tonnes of Maize; 400 boxes of local fresh Mangoes; One Tonne per week of Ground nuts in shell and Red Kidney beans. Tumukunde, G2, +256 705 056 932.

JOB OFFER Interested in entrepreneurship and helping local youth communities develop basic business skills? FinAfrica is looking for a project coordinator for their UPLIFT Programme; someone who has training experience, can mentor the youth and help them develop business skills. Are you up to it? Contact FinAfrica,, I am looking for somebody experienced in coffee procurement with qualifications in agriculture and two year or more experience in coffee sector. The person will be responsible for buying good quality coffee from farmers and traders. Tumukunde, G2, +256 705 056 932. LOOKING FOR INTERNSHIP PLACEMENT A student from EARTH University in Costa Rica is looking for internship in Africa starting next year. He is interested in working in a genetic engineering in plants or agriculture in greenhouses with highly effective irrigation system. Kindly email/whatsapp Phenny Omondi: Phenny, G6, +506 8460 0614.

Information and Knowledge Management Platform



ENQUIRIES In most parts of Lwengo there is no rain yet this season. Most seasonal crops take 70-90 days and more to mature, with moisture needed even in the last trimester. If the rain starts now, should we still plant and hope for normal length of rain period? Iga, G4, +256 772 517 232.

What is the best way of reviving a banana plantation that is no longer yielding? Mark, G3, +256 776 497 040.

I want to start growing ginger. Who can advise me on ginger growing and cultivation? Godfrey Ssali, +256 702 940 010.

I need a guide on how to start a profitable hot pepper and its market. William, G10, +256 774 706 024

Can anyone advice what product contains lots of calcium for foliar application? Grace, G2, +256 775 600 404.

I am looking for someone growing sunflower? Brian, G8, +256 772 633 495.

My pig is not eating and has no appetite at all. What could be the problem and the cause? Onesmus, G10, +256 774 705 973


Information and Knowledge Management Platform

I am searching for organic passion fruits from Kasese. James, G8, +256 771 636 110

Can someone advice on what vegetables are safe to intercrop with recently transplanted passion fruit seedlings? Joseph, G2, +256 772 863 693.

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Information and Knowledge Management Platform

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