2 minute read


Ian Forman, NSTS manager

Fertiliser prices continue to remain high, which makes it ever more important to ensure accurate application of fertilisers again this season. Think about all of the factors that affect spreading, weather and field conditions, operator training and making best use of the technology available all have an impact on accuracy, but with time constraints some of these aspects may get overlooked.


accurately your machine is set up.

Knowing your machine is in good condition and set up correctly is a good starting point and something that can be easily managed both before and during spreading operations.

cases is achievable.

Having a correctly set up machine will also help you meet obligations to protect the environment. NVZ rules and Farming Rules for Water requires farmers to apply fertiliser as accurately as possible to reduce the risk of pollution. Including a border spreading check when having a spreader tested will help meet these requirements, especially when spreading near watercourses.


Advice from AHDB last year suggested in some cases a 20% reduction from RB209 recommended rates for machines not set up accurately. With prevailing high prices this year, and perhaps without the benefit of having some fertiliser left in the shed from 2021 when prices were much cheaper, this should be considered if you don’t know how

Included as part of an NSTS spreader test is a check over the whole machine, paying close attention to the condition of the vanes and agitators. Each product is tested for weight, size and hardness to allow an accurate comparison against manufacturers recommendations for setting up a machine, and adjusted accordingly.

Trays are then laid out across the full width of spread to gain a figure for coefficient of variation (CV). A result of a CV less than 10% is aimed for and in most

For further information, contact NSTS, or go to the website, www. nsts.org.uk where you can search for a Test Centre near you and arrange a test on your machine to ensure it is applying all your fertiliser products on target and evenly across the field.

Transport And Machinery Safetyimportance Of Maintenance

Transport and machinery are the biggest contributor to the high fatality rate the agriculture endures

Transport and machinery are the biggest contributor to the high fatality rate that agriculture endures. Here are some simple ways you can reduce the risk and keep you, and others, safe.

One of the easiest ways of keeping yourself safe is by ensuring all the equipment you require is properly maintained and therefore suitable for the intended tasks. This can apply to any piece of equipment you run, for instance tractors, trailers, ATVs, towed appliances, farm vehicles, handheld machines etc.

Daily and regular checks

By completing daily checks before commencing use of the machine or vehicle, you are more likely to notice any possible defects that could prevent the task being carried out safely.

In addition to this, regular maintenance checks completed by a dealership are also recommended to ensure any defects that are not highlighted on daily checks are addressed. This can ensure that small issues are repaired before they escalate and have a bigger financial and safety impact.

Maintenance. Why you should care.

Ensuring your machines and transport are well maintained will also ensure it is running efficiently and therefore likely to reduce long term costs associated with the machine, while also having the potential to increase its longevity.

A well-maintained vehicle or machine is more likely to be complaint with what is considered roadworthy. As such, if an incident should occur (that is not your fault), you are likely to be in a more favourable position if your vehicle or machine is well maintained.

Multi Industrial Doors Ltd is a family owned company founded back in 1985. We pride ourselves on providing a top quality service at an affordable price.

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