Agri Properties Farms for Sale

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Central- & Eastern Europe

Farms for sale Catalog January 2014 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Crop farm 821 ha

Czech Republic, Region Jiho!eske"

• 43 ha owned land with buildings and 778 ha rented land • 708 ha rented till 2030 • good buildings for machinery and grain storage • little machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 216 ha winter wheat, 328 ha corn, 37 ha oats, 128 ha potatoes, 80 ha grassland • sales price ! 1.650.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Crop farm 2.321 ha

Slovakia, Region Levice

• 1.144 ha owned land with buildings and 1.177 ha rented land • 2260 ha in operation • good buildings for machinery and grain storage • grain storage for 16.000 ton • complete machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 1000 ha winter wheat, 540 ha corn and 700 ha sunflower • sales price ! 11.800.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Manor & crop farm 1.184 ha

Slovakia, Region Levice

• 873 ha owned land with buildings and 311 ha rented land • 1.142 ha in operation • renovated hunting manor, no farm buildings • no machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 617 ha corn, 368 ha sunflower, 84 ha winter wheat, 27 ha soya and 46 ha mustard • sales price ! 7.800.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Dairy - & crop farm, 989 HA

Hungary, Region Nógrád

• 84 ha owned land with buildings, 760 ha rented land and 145 ha in use without agreement • 965 ha in operation, 260 dairy cows and 230 pieces young livestock • renovated buildings for milk production, grain storage and machine houses • complete machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 300 ha corn, 100 ha triticale, 350 ha winter wheat, 180 ha alfalfa and 35 ha grassland +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Top dairy farm, 939 HA

Hungary, Region Csongrád

• 647 ha owned land with buildings and 278 ha rented land • 924 ha in operation, 690 dairy cows and 695 pieces young livestock • free stall with 500 cubicles (2005), modern renovated buildings • complete machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 301 ha corn, 51 ha soya, 276 ha alfalfa and 296 ha grassland • sales price ! 8.500.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Crop farm, 1.292 ha

Romania, Region Cluj

• 1.292 ha rented land included buildings • 1.130 ha in operation, fertile black soil and clay • basic farm buildings • complete machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 210 ha winter rape, 150 ha sugarbeet, 340 ha winter wheat, 300 ha corn and 130 ha sunflower • sales price ! 1.250.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Crop farm, 438 ha

Poland, Region Lubuskie

• 297 ha owned land with buildings and 141 ha rented land • 241,5 ha arable and 164,7 ha grassland, all fertile clay • basic farm buildings and a permit for a poultry operation of 406.550 broiler chickens


• complete machinery and equipment • sales price ! 2.500.000


! +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Dairy farm, 837 ha

Latvia, Baldones Region

• 74 ha owned land with buildings and 763 ha rented land • 795 ha in operation, 272 dairy cows and 225 pieces young livestock • 2 tie stalls for 256 cows (1978), elderly farm buildings • complete machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 110 ha triticale, 65 ha spring barley, 75 ha corn and 465 ha grassland • sales price ! 650.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Dairy farm, 827 ha

Latvia, Valmiera Region

• 577 ha owned land with buildings and 250 ha rented land • 638 ha in operation, 272 dairy cows and 225 pieces young livestock • new free stall for 156 cows (2014, under construction) and 2 milking robots, tie stall for 300 cows (1976), elderly farm buildings • complete machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 120 ha rye, 43 ha oats, 75 ha beans and 400 ha grassland • sales price ! 5.700.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Dairy farm, 340 ha

Latvia, Valmiera Region

• 240 ha owned land with buildings and 100 ha rented land • 310 ha in operation, 210 dairy cows and 50 pieces young livestock • frees stalls, workshop, biogas plant (2010) • complete machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 30 ha corn and 280 ha grassland • sales price ! 3.000.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Crop farm, 838 ha

Ukraine, Ternopil Region

• 838 ha rented land included buildings • 830 ha in operation, fertile black soil • basic farm buildings • complete modern machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 226 ha winter wheat, 113 winter rape, 291 ha corn and 200 ha soya • sales price ! 1.300.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Crop - & potato farm,

Russia, Kaliningrad Region

• 201 ha owned land with buildings and 299 ha rented land • 80 ha in operation, mainly for potatoe and market gardening • basic buildings for machinery and potatoe storage • elderly machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 15 ha potatoes, 14 ha vegetables, 12 ha winter wheat, 15 ha spring barley and 144 ha fallow • sales price ! 750.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Crop - & dairy farm, 4.235 ha

Russia, Tver Region

• 2.653 ha owned land with buildings and 2.261 ha rented land, 161 ha in use without agreement • 1.511 ha in operation, 300 dairy cows and 413 pieces young livestock • eldery farm buildings and a flax processing factory • elderly machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 350 ha flax, 269 ha oats, 100 ha triticale, 192 ha peas and 600 ha grassland • sales price RUB 125.000.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Crop - & dairy farm, 8.710 ha

Russia, Oefa Region

• 135 ha owned land with buildings and 8288 ha rented land (black soil) • 6.723 ha in operation, 429 dairy cows and 289 pieces young livestock • good farm buildings • complete machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 929 ha rye, 789 ha spring wheat, 1.102 ha spring barley, 256 ha oats, 189 ha peas, 580 ha sugarbeet, 280 ha sunflower, 498 ha alfalfa, 1.351 ha hamp and 631 ha fallow • sales price ! 7.000.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Crop - & dairy farm, 8.675 ha

Russia, Orel Region

• 7681 ha owned land with buildings and 994 ha rented land (black soil) • 5.690 ha in operation, 300 dairy cows and 250 pieces young livestock • 5.500 ton renovated potato storage, basic farm buildings • complete machinery and equipment, modern large scale potato machinery • cropping plan 2013: 50 ha potatoes, 850 ha corn, 990 ha spring barley, winter wheat, 400 ha grassland and 1.500 ha fallow • sales price $ 15.000.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Black Angus beef farm, 2.790 ha

Russia, Pskov Region

• 730 ha owned land with buildings, 60 ha rented land and ca. 2.000 ha in use without agreement • 2.714 ha in operation, 615 Black Angus and Charolais animals • good farm buildings • complete machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 150 ha winter barley, 27 ha potatoes, 5 vegetable, 82 ha alfalfa, 0,5 ha apple trees, 650 ha grassland and ca. 1.800 ha meadow/pasture • sales price ! 2.750.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Top dairy farm, 15.773 ha

Russia, Chelyabinsk Region

• 29 ha owned land with buildings, 12.744 ha rented land and 3.000 ha in use without agreement • 15.744 ha in operation, 2050 dairy cows and 2.471 pieces young livestock • 2 farms (2011 and 2007) for 3.000 dairy cows and young live stock • elderly machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 234 ha rye, 1.888 ha spring wheat, 1.430 ha spring barley, 319 ha oats, 260 ha peas, 600 ha corn and 9.055 ha grassland/meadow • sales price ! 35.000.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Crop - & dairy farm, 2.408 ha

Russia, Ekatarinburg Region

• 1.156 ha owned land with buildings, 552 ha rented land and 700 ha in use without agreement • 2.024 ha in operation, 220 dairy cows and 172 pieces young livestock • 7.500 ton renovated potato storage, basic farm buildings • complete machinery and equipment, modern large scale potato machinery • cropping plan 2013: 402 ha winter wheat, 159 ha barley, 227 ha oats, 115 ha rye, 252 ha peas, 150 ha potatoes, 281 ha grassland and 501 ha meadow • sales price RUB 100.000.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Crop - & dairy farm, 4.907 ha

Russia, Vladimir Region

• 3.741 ha owned land with buildings, 795 ha rented land and 371 ha in use without agreement • 4.862 ha in operation, 760 dairy cows and 1.192 pieces young livestock • good farm buildings with large scale potato storages, tie stalls for dairy cows • complete machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 1.500 ha cereals / potatoes and 2.352 ha cow feed • sales price on request +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Crop farm, 2.920 ha

Russia, Nizjni Novgorod Region

• 2.920 ha owned land with buildings • 700 ha in operation, 2.640 ha arable land, 280 ha forest • basic farm buildings • elderly machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 200 ha spring wheat, 350 oats, 50 ha potates, 100 ha grassland and 1.940 ha fallow • sales price ! 5.000.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Beef - & crop farm, 22.180 ha

Russia, Magnitogorsk Region

• 8.230 ha owned land with buildings, 13.950 ha rented land and ca. 30.000 40.000 ha in use without agreement (meadow/pasture) • 22.180 ha in operation, 7.320 Hereford beef cows • good farm buildings • complete machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 7.701 ha winter wheat, 2.416 ha oats, 1.334 ha spring barley, 8.679 ha grassland and 2.050 ha corn • sales price $ 40.000.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Crop farm, 4.336 ha

Russia, Kazan Region

• 2.485 ha owned land with buildings and 1.851 ha rented land • 3.899 ha in operation • basic farm buildings • elderly machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 809 ha winter wheat, 146 ha rye, 268 ha spring wheat, 319 ha spring barley, 153 ha peas, 518 ha corn and 1.686 ha grassland • sales price RUB 180.000.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Crop - & beef farm, 1.308 ha

Russia, Tver Region

• 802 ha owned land with buildings and 506 ha in use without agreement • 1.150 ha in operation, 93 ha forest, 160 beef cows • basic farm buildings for 990 beef cows and 540 pieces young livestock • elderly machinery and equipment • cropping plan 2013: 313 ha oats, 15 ha rye and 822 ha grassland • sales price ! 1.150.000 +31 653 315 318!

FOR SALE Crop farm, 4.200 ha

Russia, Kursk Region

• 4.200 ha owned land with buildings • 4.000 ha in operation, 100 ha forest and 95 ha other use 2

• basic farm buildings for grain storage (3.950 m ) • cropping plan 2013: 1.500 ha winter wheat, 500 ha spring wheat, 1.000 ha oats, 500 ha rye and 500 ha buckwheat • sales price ! 3.200.000

! +31 653 315 318!


FOR SALE Farmland, 1.546 ha

Russia, Kaliningrad Region

• 1.546 ha owned land • 1.000 ha in operation • 1.300 ha arable land, 186 ha meadow/pastures and 60 ha other • no farm buildings • sales price ! 2.000.000 +31 653 315 318!

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" +31 653 315 318!

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