agri Vol 46 • No 2
Highly Commended
FOKUS • FOCUS • Meganisasie/Mechanisation • Energie & Elektries/Energy & Electrical • NAMPO
agri Inhoud/Contents
Redaksioneel Editorial
41 ‘n Pluim in die hoed van SA se landbouskrywers
uid-Afrikaners het ‘n rare vermoë om saam te staan en indrukwekkend ‘n wa deur die drif te trek as dit moet. Dink maar aan die sokkerwêreldbekertoernooi van ‘n klompie jare gelede. Landbouskrywers SA (‘n vereniging waaraan die meeste plaaslike landbou joernaliste behoort) het vanjaar pa gestaan vir die International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) se jaarkongres, wat deels in Gauteng en deels in die Wes-Kaap gehou is. Agri SA was een van die borge. Die 136 joernaliste van 30 lande het Suid-Afrikaanse gasvryheid uit die boonste rakke beleef. Daar was ook besoeke aan plase in Gauteng en in die Wes-Kaap. Die besoekers was baie beïndruk met Suid-Afrika se boere wat nie net in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook in Afrika diep voetspore trap. En dit nogal sonder staatsteun. ‘n Mens moet onthou dat al hierdie joernaliste wat by die reëlings betrokke was voltyds vir brood op die tafel moet werk en dus al dié reëlings so tussen die sperdatums deur moes tref. Geluk aan Nico van Burick, voorsitter van die reëlingskomitee, en sy span. Julle het ons trots gemaak om Suid-Afrikaners te wees. Derick van der Walt
Inhoud Contents
3 Redaksioneel 5 Boekresensies/Book Reviews 7 Stille waters 8 Standpunt/Viewpoint 12 Brokkies/Snippets
15 19 22 23 27 29 29 30 33 35 36 36 36
NUUS/NEWS Landelike beveiliging verg meer beskermingsmaatreëls Jou uil is nie noodwendig ‘n valk nie! Retributive model of radical socioeconomic transformation Agri SA speel noodsaaklike arbeidsrol Agriculture shows its mettle Jou grond is beset: Wat nou? Agri SA’s Transformation Hub Agricultural Landholdings Bill Draft Regulation of Agricultural Landholdings Bill Die Grondwet verbied onteiening sonder vergoeding No unqualified support given to shale gas development Disturbing developments at AgriSETA Stats SA will visit you during 2017
41 41 43 45 71 73 87
Credit ratings will impede region Hou president verantwoordelik Politieke leierskap beduiwel die ekonomie Looking back at the drought Operasie Phakisa International agricultural journalists treated to South African hospitality Baie boere by Monsanto se inligtingsdag
FOKUS/FOCUS 49 Energie & Elektries/ Energy & Electrical 54 Meganisasie/Mechanisation GEREELD/REGULAR 100 Wyn/Wine 103 Water 104 Bewaring/Conservation 106 Fauna 107 Uit ‘n ander hoek
Highly Commended
Voorblad geborg deur/ Cover sponsored by Nedbank Bladsye/Pages 16 & 17
agri Vol 46 • No 2
FOKUS • FOCUS • Meganisasie/Mechanisation • Energie & Elektries/Energy & Electrical • NAMPO
BKB-7863 AgriSA Strip Advert 210x30.indd 1
2016/10/19 16:10
Jou opinie maak saak... Vertel ons waarvan jy hou en wat jy sou verander in Agri. Your opinion is important... Let us know what you like and what you would like to change in Agri. Stuur jou kommentaar en besonderhede aan:/Send your comments and details to: Privaatsak/Private Bag X180, Centurion 0046 agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
YOUR PASSION. OUR SUPPORT. PANNAR is for the farmer. During our 60 years as an African agribusiness, we’ve weathered some tough seasons alongside farmers. Yet, amid all the uncertainties in agriculture, they know they can count on us for the best internationally-available seed technologies uniquely packaged for local success, and the right product combinations for their crop mix and farming practices. We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with farmers as they face every season with renewed hope and ambition. | ® Registered trademarks of PANNAR LTD, © 2017 PANNAR LTD TM
agri Agri (waarby ingelyf Die Boer/The Farmer), word vyf keer per jaar versprei aan lede van Agri SA en ander intekenare. Agri (under which Die Boer/The Farmer is incorporated) is distributed five times a year to Agri SA members and subscribers. Redaksionele komitee/ Editorial committee Omri van Zyl, Johan Pienaar, Christo van der Rheede, Nic Opperman, Kobus Visser, Elize van der Westhuizen, Annelize Crosby, Derick van der Walt, Hamlet Hlomendlini & Livhuwani Ngwekhulu Personeel/Staff Uitvoerende redakteur/Executive editor: Derick van der Walt 082 770 5111 Advertensiebestuurder/ Advertising manager Mabel Schmahl 082 563 4427 or (012) 997 3407/12 Senior sales executive Riaan Schmahl 074 170 6403 Kantooradministrateur en intekenare/ Office administrator and subscribers Thea Liebenberg Medewerkers/Contributors Dr Gerhard Verdoorn, Cassie du Plessis, Dr Gerhard Backeberg & Lehman Lindeque Uitleg/Layout Fréda van Wyk Adres/Address Agri, Privaatsak/Private Bag X180, Centurion, 0046 Blok/Block A, Inkwazi Gebou/Building, Embankmentstraat/Street, Zwartkop, Uitbreiding/Extension 7 Tel: (012) 643 3400 Faks/Fax: (012) 663 3178 E-pos/Email: Reproduksie en drukwerk/ Reproduction and printing Business Print Centre: (012) 843 7600 Agri SA aanvaar geen verantwoordelikheid vir aansprake wat in advertensies gemaak word nie en die menings en aanbevelings van individue of enige ander liggaam of organisasie wat in artikels in Agri verskyn nie. Kopiereg word voorbehou en inhoud mag slegs met die toestemming van die direkteur: Korporatiewe Skakeling gereproduseer word./ Agri SA accepts no responsibility for claims made in advertisements or for opinions and recommendations expressed by individuals or any other body or organisation in articles published in Agri. Copyright is reserved and the content may only be reproduced with the consent of the Director: Corporate Services.
Indien u op Agri wil inteken, skakel/ If you wish to subscribe to Agri contact Thea Liebenberg Tel: (012) 643 3400 Faks/Fax: (012) 663 3178 Artikels in Agri is ook op aanvraag in ‘n alternatiewe taal beskikbaar/Articles in Agri are also available in an alternative language on request. Sirkulasie/Circulation
agri Boeke/Books
Boekresensies Book Reviews ‘n Boek verniet Agri gee ‘n eksemplaar weg van elk van die boeke wat op bladsy 5 bespreek word. Stuur ‘n e-pos met jou naam, posadres en telefoonnommer na Sê ook watter boek jy wil hê (slegs een boek per e-pos, asseblief). Die Suid-Afrikaanse melktert-versameling Callie Maritz, Mari-Louis Guy (Human & Rousseau) In Die Suid-Afrikaanse melktert-versameling neem Mari-Louis en Callie ’n melktert-reis, van die ontstaan tot die toekoms – die geur van nostalgie vir elke Suid-Afrikaner en die mees blywende simbool van ons baktradisies. Daar is regtig ’n melktert vir elke okkasie en na elkeen se smaak: met ’n handgemaakte skilferkorskraag met etlike lagies of ’n krummelrige broskors, koekiekrummelkors of sonder kors gegeur met kaneel, nartjieskil, perskeblare, neutmuskaat of ’n vanieljepeul, selfs amandelgeursel, karamel, sitrusskil of kardemom. Sommige kry ’n bietjie skop met ’n skeut rum of brandewyn gebruik as ’n tert; gebak of ongebak, of nagereg. Hierdie gewilde lekkerny bly so gewild dat dit selfs gelei het tot skommeldrankies, “shooters” en melkskommels of as vulsel vir ander gebak soos doughnuts. Melktert van oor die hele wêreld; van Nederland, Portugal, Spanje, Amerika, Frankryk, Engeland en selfs China is in die versameling opgeneem. Navrae: Bring nature back to the city Ernst Wohlitz (Briza Publications) This book focuses on urban nature conservation, aspects that will resonate with advisors to local government, people interested in bringing back nature to cities and anyone with a keen interest in nature. Our ecosystems are under threat and green infrastructure needs to be better managed so that there will be less fragmentation and habitat loss, the author believes. People have to live more towards a sustainable urban nature environment. The book informs how to participate and synchronise lifestyles to contribute to sustainable urban nature environments. Urban wetlands, watercourses, riparian zones, buffer zones, ecological corridors and functions are explained. The annexures in the book describes owl boxes, bird feeders, earthworm bins and how to produce organic compost. Enquiries: Tel no (012) 329-3896, fax: (012) 3294525, email:, website: www.briza.
Business Writing for South Africans Bittie, Viljoen-Smook, Johan Geldenhuys, Wena Coetzee (Tafelberg) How should you write and present a business proposal? What is the best way to take minutes? When should a work email be formal or chatty? Communicating in a clear, concise manner with colleagues and clients is a key aspect of professionalism and good business practice. Yet many South African companies do not train their staff to do this, leading to confusion and lost hours, and it also affects how people view your ability to do your job. Now help is at hand with plain-language experts. Enquiries: Elim Helena Hugo (Lux Verbi) Toe Daniël Basson vir Anna Catharina die eerste keer soen, is dit op aanbeveling van sy neef Arnoldus. Dié het hom die raad gegee om ’n vrou te kies wat hom liefhet, en die een te vergeet op wie hy so hopeloos beenaf is. Anna is van kleins af verlief op Daniël en sy verruil met plesier haar gemaklike lewe vir die harde bestaan van ’n boervrou op ’n afgeleë Karooplaas, sonder om selfs op hul troudag seker te wees dat Daniël haar net so volkome liefhet soos sy vir hom. Onderlinge struwelinge is daar wel nog, tog lyk dit asof hierdie verbintenis ’n tydperk van vergifnis en versoening vir die Bassons van Mispa inlui. Die opvolg op die gewilde roman Mispa wat in 2016 verskyn het. Navrae: As in die mond Nicole Jaekel Strauss (Queillerie) ’n Kinderlose ma op ’n Griekse eiland, die helder kleure grys vir haar oë ná die trauma van ’n verwoestende brand. ’n Tuisnywerheidbaasbakker trek sy wit kaftan uit, word Aisha en skik sy kopdoek voor die dag se samoesaaflewerings. By die Parowse tuisnywerheid beloer twee seuntjies mekaar oor die perfekte >>> bladsy 7 agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Promosie/Promotional
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© 2017 Lindsay. All rights reserved. Zimmatic and FieldNET are registered trademarks of the Lindsay Corporation.
agri Stille waters
Stille waters God bly in beheer Die Here het hom koppig gemaak om hom in jou mag oor te gee. Hy is nou nog in jou mag (2:30). GESELSVRAAG: Wie maak die wêreld vir jou moeilik?
ns het baie teenstand van een van die plaaslike leiers gekry,” vertel ’n sendeling. “Toe het die Here my gewys hoe ek hom moet benader. Hy het nie alleen vir ons toestemming gegee om voort te gaan nie, maar hy
<<< bladsy 5 suurlemoenmeringueterte. ’n Folterende viool beland in ’n dam en ’n vrou gee haar onrustig oor aan die bruuske hande van ’n hammamwasdame. Op ’n brandstapel sterf ’n jong heilige en haar ma versamel die klippies waarop haar as geval het. In die Paarl staan ’n moederlose tiener met haar ouma se naaldwerkskêr in die hand, reg vir die week se hare-offer. Die deurlopende draad: Wat het gebeur op die vlammenag? Verwikkelde verhale vorm ’n onthutsende eenheid in hierdie kortverhaalbundel. Navrae: Eindspel Wilna Adriaanse (Tafelberg) Ellie hou van haar nuwe lewe op die platteland. Tyd om te dink oor haar pa se dood by die padblokkade, om te herstel van haar tyd in die polisie. Sy help selfs uit as kerkorrelis en vul haar dae met alledaagse goed. Net wanneer sy nie kan slaap nie gaan sit sy in die spaarkamer, waar haar kaarte,
was uiteindelik die een wat die werk die meeste bevorder het.” Vir die Here is alles moontlik. Moses herinner die volk daaraan hoe die Here vir hulle voorsien het deur die aggressiewe koning Sihon in hul hande oor te gee. So het Israel grond oorkant die Jordaanrivier bekom wat hulle eeue lank bewoon en benut het. Maar Israel het besef dat alles wat gebeur het, nie toevallig was nie. Die Here was in beheer. Dit was sy manier om vir hulle te voorsien. Ons weet nie watter uitdagings hierdie jaar op ons wag nie. As ons die Here nie geken het nie, sou ons maklik moedeloos kon word. Maar ons Vader is steeds in beheer. Ons kan Hom vertrou. Ons moet net seker maak dat ons sy leiding reg
diagramme en lyste opgeplak is. Name, datums, verbintenisse. Êrens in die web is haar pa se moordenaar. Sy moet net hard genoeg soek. Navrae: Die Poort 3: Helers Nelia Engelbrecht (Tafelberg) In die derde aflewering van Nelia Engelbrecht se fantasieverhaalreeks Die Poort val nog meer van die legkaartstukke vir die vier NuwelingBewakers in plek. Die boek skop opwindend af wanneer Kali-hulle terugreis in tyd en haar Hugenote-voorouers ontmoet. Terug op Bospoort kom die skoolvakansie nader, en Kali moet saam met Leonardo, Tara en Nomsa Italië toe reis terwyl Zak alleen agterbly. Sal sy ooit haar Bewaker-geheim met hom kan deel? Die fantasie, aksie en romanse verdiep soos die reeks vorder: Wie sal Kali kies? Mede-Bewaker Leonardo, of Zak, haar kleintyd-vakansiemaatjie? Kan sy Zak 100% vertrou? Navrae:
verstaan en gehoorsaam. Hy bou ons geloof deur die uitdagings en probleme wat ons ervaar. So kan ons Hom ál beter leer ken. Dit is juis in tye van teenstand dat ons leer Wie eintlik in beheer is. Wees bloot gewillig om by die Here te leer. GEBED: Hemelvader, ons weet nie wat vanjaar vir ons voorlê nie, maar U weet. Lei ons deur elke krisis. Lees vanaand in Deuteronomium 3:1-11 hoe die Here soms sukses aan sy mense gee. Skool is ‘n riller Saamgestel deur Marianna Brandt, illustrasies deur Luan Serfontein (Human & Rousseau) Geluide in geheimsinnige donker gange, monsters, mummies, moordenaar onderwysers en vreemde wesens ... skoolgaan is beslis nie vir bangbroeke nie. En wie sal tog omgee oor kwaai onnies en huiswerk as hulle nog met toordokters, spoke en reusagtige spinnekoppe ook moet rekening hou? Hierdie 20 grillekker stories sal jou nekhare laat regop staan en jou laat wens dat die skoolklok vir huis-toe-gaan-tyd wil lui. Navrae:
Boekwenners vorige uitgawe: Remarkable Trees, JW Cason, Greylingstad, 2415; Toor met hoender, Hestie van Niekerk, Jeffreysbaai, 6330; Die tuiskoms van Mina Afrika, Johan Coetzee, Lichtenburg, 2740; Storiemuis Boek 4, Martie de Jager, Vryburg, 8600. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Viewpoint
The land issue and the fragile future of South Africa ... OMRI VAN ZYL, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AGRI SA
Yesterday was a very disturbing day for me – S&P downgraded the South African economy to junk status. I felt an earth tremor for the first time in my life and the two coincided with our presidents’ cabinet reshuffling. This was a shock to my logic, senses and sense of being a South African.
he bottom line is – we’re in trouble, we’re in serious trouble. As we prepare our submission to the minister of rural development and land reform on the Draft Regulation of Agricultural Land Holdings Bill, which seeks to ban foreign ownership of agricultural land and seeks to limit size of land ownership. So, what does this mean for South Africa: - The Bill makes provision for the establishment of a Land Commission (Commission) appointed by the minister responsible for rural development and land reform (minister). The Commission is to establish a register of public and private agricultural land ownership. Every owner of a private agricultural land holding must lodge a notification of ownership with the Commission in the prescribed form within 12 months of the commencement of the Act, if enacted in its present form (commencement). - Every person who acquires ownership of a private agricultural land holding after the commencement must lodge a notification with the Commission within 90 days of the acquisition. A Registrar of Deeds (Registrar) may not register the transfer unless the notification has been lodged with the Commission. - The notification is to include the race, gender and nationality of the owner, and the size and use of the agricultural
holding. If a person is a foreign person (see below) or becomes one or ceases to be one, that person must also file a notification within 90 days of such change of status. A “foreign person” will not be entitled to acquire ownership of agricultural land from the commencement date. A “foreign person” is defined as a natural person who is not a citizen or not ordinarily resident in South Africa, a foreign juristic person (excluding a foreign juristic person controlled by a black person as defined in the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Black Person), or a juristic person in which a foreign person or foreign juristic person holds a controlling interest, which includes a trust. After the commencement, foreign persons may only conclude long leases of agricultural land (30 to 50 years) and such long leases must be registered in a deeds registry within 90 days of conclusion. A foreign person wishing to dispose of an agricultural land holding must offer it to the minister who will have a right of first refusal to acquire ownership of such land. A black person must be offered the redistribution agricultural land within a prescribed period, whereafter the minister must negotiate with the landowner to acquire such. If the
owner and the minister are not able to reach agreement as to the price for the redistribution agricultural land, the minister may expropriate the land in question, subject to the expropriation laws at the time. What is Agri SA doing to challenge this piece of legislation? Our legal teams and our Agricultural Development Centre of Excellence is working hard to get legal positions on a variety of issues pertaining to the legislation. We are challenging the legislation on a couple of fronts: Constitutionality: Agri SA has briefed senior counsel to scrutinise the draft Bill, focusing on whether what is being proposed is in line with the property clause, the equality clause and the limitations clause in the Constitution. Should there be grounds for a constitutional challenge to the Bill, Agri SA will not hesitate to approach the Constitutional Court on this matter. Economic impact: The basic premise of our funding model is that we lend against the value of our properties to qualify for production loans – farming debt totaled R144 981 billion in 2016 and our debt ratio is 33.9% against a total value of farm assets of R427 790 billion. This must be seen in the light of farming units becoming larger in order to achieve economies of scale – we currently have approximately 40 000 tax paying farmers >>> page 9
V E N N OT E I N L A N D E L I K E B E V E I L I G I N G | PA R T N E R S I N R U R A L S A F E T Y Use agricultural fleet code F14911 when purchasing a Nissan vehicle for Nissan SA to contribute to farm safety | Gebruik landbouvlootkode F14911 wanneer ‘n Nissan voertuig aangekoop word vir Nissan SA om ‘n bydrae te maak tot plaasveiligheid
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Standpunt
Die grondkwessie en ‘n brose toekoms vir Suid-Afrika ... OMRI VAN ZYL, UITVOERENDE DIREKTEUR, AGRI SA
Gister was ‘n ontstellende dag vir my – S&P het die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie afgegradeer na rommelstatus en ek het vir die eerste keer in my lewe ‘n aardbewing beleef – beide waarvan gelyktydig met die president se kabinetskommeling geskied het. Dit het gekom as ‘n skok vir my sisteem, my logika en die betekenis van Suid-Afrikanerskap.
ie slotsom: ons is in die moeilikheid, ernstige moeilikheid. Dit terwyl ons ‘n voorlegging aan die minister van landelike ontwikkeling en grondhervorming moet voorberei ten opsigte van die konsep-wetsontwerp op die Regulering van Landbougrondbesit wat poog om buitelandse eienaarskap van landbougrond te verbied en die mate van grondbesit te beperk. Wat beteken dit vir Suid-Afrika? - Die wetsontwerp maak voorsiening vir die daarstelling van ‘n grondkommissie (kommissie) aangestel deur die minister wat verantwoordelik is vir landelike ontwikkeling en grondhervorming (minister). Die kommissie moet ‘n register van landbougrond in openbare en privaat besit saamstel. Elke eienaar in besit van privaat landbougrond moet op die voorgeskrewe vorm ‘n kennisgewing van eienaarskap by die kommissie indien binne 12 maande nadat die wetgewing in werking tree indien sodanige wetgewing in sy bestaande formaat in die wetboeke opgeneem word (Inwerkingtreding). - Elke persoon wat in besit kom van privaat landbougrond ná inwerkingtreding moet binne 90 dae ná verkryging daarvan, ‘n kennisgewing by die kommissie indien. ‘n Registrateur van Aktes (registrateur) mag nie ‘n oordrag registreer tensy sodanige kennisgewing by die kommissie ingedien is nie.
- Die kennisgewing moet inligting oor die ras, geslag en nasionaliteit van die eienaar, asook die grootte en gebruik van die landbou-eiendom insluit. Indien ‘n persoon ‘n buitelander is (sien hieronder) of ‘n buitelander word of nie langer ‘n buitelander is nie, moet daardie persoon ook ‘n kennisgewing binne 90 dae vanaf sodanige verandering in status indien. - Vanaf die inwerkingtredingsdatum sal ‘n ‘buitelander’ nie daarop geregtig wees om eienaarskap van landbougrond te verkry nie. - ‘n ‘Buitelander’ word omskryf as ‘n natuurlike persoon wat nie ‘n landsburger is of normaalweg woonagtig in Suid-Afrika is nie; ‘n buitelandse juridiese persoon, uitsluitend ‘n buitelandse juridiese persoon wat beheer word deur ‘n swart persoon
soos omskryf in die Wet op Gelyke Indiensneming, 1998 (swart persoon), of ‘n juridiese persoon waarin ‘n buitelandse persoon of buitelandse juridiese persoon ‘n beherende aandeel hou, met inbegrip van ‘n trust. - Ná inwerkingtreding mag buitelandse persone slegs langtermyn-huurkontrake vir landbougrond sluit (30 tot 50 jaar) en sodanige langtermynhuurkontrakte moet geregistreer word by die Aktekantoor binne 90 dae ná ondertekening daarvan. - ‘n Buitelandse persoon wat enige landbougrondeiendom van die hand wil sit, moet dit aan die minister aanbied en die minister sal dan ‘n reg van eerste weiering op die verkryging van sodanige grond hê.
will make it very difficult for farmers to get production loans against their property values, which in turn will have a massive impact on our production ability. Job creation and the erosion of our tax base: All these factors will cause the sector to shrink markedly, job losses would occur and economic growth for South Africa would become almost impossible. Not only could this cause South Africa to slide into a recession, but it is totally contra the principles in the National Development
Plan, and the outcomes of Operation Phakisa. Food security in jeopardy: These factors combined would have an adverse impact on food security and food inflation and would create an untenable situation for all South Africans. Rest assured – Agri SA will do all it can to stop this piece of legislation, not just in the interest of agriculture, but in the interest of South Africa.
>>> bladsy 17
<<< page 8 with about 34 000 farming on a full-time basis. Land ceilings would interfere with the free market growth in the sector, and would be counterproductive to global trends such as consolidation of land and leveraged finance. Financing impact: The commercial banks will find many farmers un-bankable with limitations on their property sizes, this in turn will have an adverse impact on the value of land and would decrease the value of land in South Africa. This in turn
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Standpunt
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Promosie/Promotional
GoGlobal, the new umbrella brand behind GoReefers GoGlobal can rightfully be seen as an industry disruptor. The company has built a remarkable reputation as a truly innovative organisation that maintains a forward thinking mind-set in everything it does. The GoGlobal umbrella, which began as GoReefers, has over 15 years of experience, a love for the industry and dedication to its clients, establishing its pioneer status and cementing its spot as one of the most influential and most successful brands in the market.
eing at the forefront of logistical services, the GoGlobal team attended this year’s Fruit Logistica Exhibition in Berlin, Germany. The exhibition included numerous key importers and exporters, fruit and vegetable producers, wholesalers and retailers, packaging and handling specialists, transport and logistic specialists and more. GoGlobal was in the centre of over 76 000 trade visitors from 130 countries, and exhibited alongside 3 077 companies and organisations from 84 countries. The GoGlobal stand drew massive attention with the launch of the highly anticipated GoReefer’s App; ground-breaking technology that was successfully showcased alongside other industry leaders from across the globe. Initially GoGlobal was one of the first industry players to offer an innovative and state-of-the-art 24/7 login function with password protection, which allows clients to obtain live, up-to-date information and reports on their cargo via their website. GoGlobal integrated its existing online tracking and cargo management software with a new, cutting edge mobile application. “The App not only provides advanced tracking of freight and cargo through integrated EDI systems worldwide, but provides up-to-date sailing schedules of multiple shipments and containers.”
It allows real time booking and cargo management. Included is container packing list information, export document status with waybill courier information and a search function, indicating PUC blacklist status. The app provides booking notifications with stacks closing or SI cut-offs and customisable push-notifications offering information on arrivals or delays in transshipment, ports of discharge and container collection. This enables clients to access their online information 24/7 from their smart devices, whether at home, office or in the field. GoReefers, the team responsible for setting up the GoReefers App, is a logistics service specialising in the shipment of perishable cargo to and from South Africa. Its track record speaks for itself with more than 50% of clients having been with the company for over 10 years and 75% for over five years. A network of agents and offices, locally and globally, the newly opened UK office, as well as agents in the Far East, NWC and the Mediterranean can assist clients with a wide scope of unconstrained logistic services. GoGlobal has also invested heavily in industry-leading IT systems, used and developed not only by GoReefers but other services, GoIntel and GoSolutions. Linking GoGlobal’s vast operational system with its clients’ IT system, results in transparency and
efficiency of a previously unachievable level. In addition to the IT solutions, GoGlobal has also developed and created GoChill, an ultra-modern, purpose-built cold storage and citrus handling facility situated close to the Durban port in KwaZulu-Natal. On both sides of the South African border, GoBorders offers a one-stop cross-border solution for all import and export needs, linked with relevant customs authorities. On the road, GoRoad is the proud owner of a fleet of private trucks that haul both long and short distance loads in South Africa, as well as across SADAC regional borders. Through innovation, the company has created services and products to provide value and tools for clients to manage their businesses more efficiently, giving them visibility in the chain, reducing handling of cargo and thus cutting direct costs. GoGlobal does not merely consolidate customers’ freight needs; it truly adds value throughout the entire logistics chain. Looking back over its journey, GoGlobal has created an entire suite of value-added services that are entirely unique – something that cannot be found anywhere else under one umbrella. This culmination of modular services is why GoGlobal was developed. The company motto to Go Beyond truly means that it will go further, go bigger and do infinitely better.
Snippets Brokkies
agri Brokkies/Snippets
Top class business plans developed by these youngsters CHRISTO VAN DER RHEEDE, DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AGRI SA
Congratulations to the young farmers who have attended and successfully completed the Agri SA Agricultural Enterprise Management Programme in collaboration with the University of Pretoria’s department of agricultural economics, extension and rural development. They developped top class business plans and some of them are already implementing their plans.
Agri SA is industry role-player of the year
Gavilon South Africa makes contribution to farm security
During Agri SA’s general council meeting held in March the company Gavilon made a contri bution of R100 000 to the Agri Securitas Trust Fund. On the photo is Japie Gronler (chairman of the fund) and Handro Swart, marketing manager of Gavilon. The initiative started with Rhett Newton and Eben du Plessis of the Bo-Suurberg Farmer Association in the Eastern Cape and Leon Lotz, representative of Gavilon in the province. Gavilon provides quality fertiliser and excellent service and is becoming a wellknown brand in Southern Africa. A group of investors formed Gavilon in 2008. The company opened office in Johannesburg in 2009, enabling product distribution in South Africa and neighbouring countries. Their main storage facility is based in Durban, making it convenient to supply customers with products countrywide and across borders.
Agri SA was named Landbouweekblad’s Industry Role-player for 2016 in recognition of its handling of the drought relief programme for farmers. Agri SA received the award at a function presented by GWK last year. On the photograph Nicol Jansen, vice- president of Agri Northern Cape (left) presents the trophy to Johannes Möller, president of Agri SA.
Regter Appie Steenkamp, wat op 31 Maart in Kimberley oorlede is, het diep spore getrap in sy gemeenskap, maar ook in die boere-gemeenskap in die breë. Hy het sy kennis van en liefde vir boerdery en die reg aangewend om leiding te gee oor baie netelige kwessies waarmee die destydse Suid-Afrikaanse Landbou-unie (SALU) en later Agri SA geworstel het. Regter Steenkamp was op sy dag voorsitter van die Vereniging van Deeltydse Boere, wat by SALU geaffilieer was. Hy was ook voorsitter van SALU se grondsakekomitee. Regter Steenkamp was met sy dood nog ‘n lid van Agri SA se regskomitee. Hy het ‘n groot rol gespeel in die destydse onderhandelinge oor die eiendomsklousule en het waardevolle insette gegee oor baie van die wetgewing oor grondhervorming en die meeste van die hofsake waarby Agri SA betrokke was. Hy was altyd bereid om tyd aan Agri SA af te staan en was ‘n baie lojale ondersteuner van die organisasie. Ons dra graag ons waardering en hulde op aan regter Steenkamp en ons simpatie aan sy vrou, tannie Bettie, en hulle vier kinders. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
Agri SA in samewerking met Shoprite/Checkers, het onlangs gebottelde water aan skole en ouetehuise in die droogtegeteisterde Calvinia gaan aflewer. Dankie aan Agri Noord-Kaap onder leiding van hul president Henk van Wyk, wat behulpsaam was met die koördinering.
agri Brokkies/Snippets
Suiwelproduk van die jaar gekroon Parmalat se Mature Gouda (10 maande), wat uitsluitlik vir Woolworths vervaardig word, is tydens vanjaar se Agri-Expo Qualité-toekenningsdinee as die 2017 SA Suiwelproduk van die Jaar gekroon. Hierdie kaas, ‘n aromatiese en intensgegeurde kaas, volg in die voetspore van hul 6-maande verouderde Gouda wat hierdie gesogte titel in 2006 ingepalm het. Op die foto is Arnold Nieuwoudt (produksiebestuurder: Parmalat SA). Fotograaf: Andrew Gorman.
SAPPO appoints new CEO Johann Kotzé joined the South African Pork Producers’ Organisation (SAPPO) in April as new chief executive officer. Kotzé took over from Simon Streicher, who retired after 17 years with the organisation. Kotzé (46) joins SAPPO from First National Bank (FNB), where he was responsible for growing the bank’s footprint in Africa as FNB’s head of Africa Agriculture. He managed FNB’s agricultural portfolio in Tanzania, Zambia, Mozambique, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland and Botswana. His responsibilities included strategic planning, financial solution initiatives, as well as risk analysis and mitigation. A major focus during this time was green field projects, and the structuring of black economic empowerment partnerships.
THEY ARE SA’S BEST BUTCHERIES Consumers have spoken and the countries’ best butcheries were recognised at the annual Cleaver Awards in Johannesburg in April. Scooping the national accolades in the three categories of the competition (butcheries with three or more till points, butcheries with three or fewer till points and food market/supermarket butcheries) were Impala Vleis, Brits (Platinum), Boma Vleismark, Moreletapark (Gold), Boma Olympus, Faerie Glen (Platinum), Uitkyk Vleismark, Litchtenburg (Gold), The Grove Superspar, Nelspruit (Platinum) and Karaglen Superspar, Edenvale (Gold) respectively. Pictured here with their awards are in the front: Gold winners: Pieter Steenkamp (Boma Vleismark, Moreletapark), Michelle Laing (Uitkyk Vleismark) and Marius Jordaan (Karaglen Superspar) and at the back, Platinum winners: Francois Rossouw (Impala Vleis), Hendrik Steenkamp (Boma Vleismark) and Rudi Oosthuyse (The Grove Superspar). Since these awards were introduced in 2005 butchery standards have significantly improved. An initiative of the South African Red Meat Industry Forum, the awards acknowledge butcheries, which meet consumer expectations on in-store hygiene, the supply of quality assured roller marked South African beef, their level of competency in offering the best advice on meal preparations and perceived value for money..
Eerste Merino-dag by US Woordfees Die eerste Merino-dag by die US Woordfees is met groot sukses in Maart 2017 op Stellenbosch deur AgriExpo aangebied. Die waardeketting van die Merino is uitgebeeld deur Merino-skape wat vertoon is, Merinowol in verskillende stadiums van die kamproses en gesogte Merino-kledingstukke. Die hoogtepunt van die dag was die geproe aan ‘n Merino-lamsboud wat deur die bekende sjef Bertus Basson aangebied is. Merino-lamsboude van verkillende streke regoor Suid-Afrika is op presies dieselfde wyse, sonder enige geurmiddels, gaargemaak. Besoekers kon dus die smaak en geure van die verskillende streke proe en self besluit watter streek se lam vir hulle die beste smaak. Gesogte Veritas-bekroonde rooiwyne is saam met die geleentheid deur Kaapse wynmeester Bennie Howard aangebied. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Nuus/News
STRATEGIESE LANDBOUVENNOOTSKAPPE Agri SA en die Agri Securitas Trustfonds het strategiese vennootskappe met die privaatsektor gesluit tot voordeel van lede van die landbousektor. Dié ondernemings maak finansiële bydraes tot Agri SA en die Trustfonds se werksaamhede.
STRATEGIC AGRICULTURAL PARTNERSHIPS Agri SA and the Agri Securitas Trust Fund have concluded strategic partnerships with the private sector to the benefit of members of the agricultural sector. These businesses make a financial contribution to Agri SA and the Trust Fund’s activities. Nissan SA Nissan SA is by die Agri Securitas Trustfonds betrokke en dra by tot die fonds se landelike beveiligingsprojekte. Gebruik die vlootkode, F14911, by u handelaar wanneer ‘n Nissan-voertuig aangekoop word, sodat Nissan SA sy bydrae tot die Trustfonds kan maak. Besoek l Nissan SA is involved with the Agri Securitas Trust Fund and contributes to the Fund’s rural safety projects. Use the fleet code, F14911, when you visit your dealer to purchase a Nissan vehicle so that Nissan SA can make its contribution to the Trust Fund. Visit
T&E FinOps Dié maatskappy het die gesinsbeskermingsplan in samewerking met Agri SA ontwikkel, waarin onder meer voorsiening gemaak word vir dood, ongeskiktheid, trauma, hospitaalkontant en passiewe oorlogvoeringvoordele. Kontak Tiens Theron, 082 386 1593. l The company has developed a family protection plan in collaboration with Agri SA which, among other things, makes provision for death, disability, trauma, hospital cash and passive-war benefits. Contact Tiens Theron, 082 386 1593.
CrisisOnCall CrisisOnCall beskik deur middel van verskeie diensverskaffers oor die infrastruktuur om mediese hulp, reismonitering, padbystand en vele meer, aan lede regdeur die land te bied. Kontak deur te sms, coc Agri SA na 33282. l CrisisOnCall, via its various service providers, has the necessary infrastructure to provide medical assistance, travel monitoring, roadside assistance and many other services to members throughout the country. To contact CrisisOnCall, send an sms, coc Agri SA, to 33282.
Sonfin Dié maatskappy spesialiseer in groenkragoplossings en bied doelgemaakte oplossings aan kliënte, wat in hulle eie kragbehoeftes wil voorsien. Kontak Chris Schutte met verwysing AgriSec/Sonfin, 087 751 1216. l The company specialises in green energy solutions and can offer custom-made solutions to clients who wish to meet their own energy needs. Contact Chris Schutte, 087 751 1216, and use AgriSec/Sonfin as reference.
AliSom Die ooreenkoms met Vodacom bied deur die maatskappy se “fulfilment partners”, soos AliSom, die landboutoegang tot moderne tegnologiese oplossings op die sellulêre, satelliet- en dataplatforms. Kontak Niandre, 082 389 5169 of e-pos l The agreement with Vodacom offers through the company’s “fulfilment partners”, such as AliSom, members of the agriculture sector, access to modern technological solutions on cellular, satellite and data platforms. Contact Niandre, 082 389 5169 or email
Sanlam Sanlam maak deur die Agri Securitas Trustfonds ‘n bydrae tot Agri SA se Transformasie Kommunikasie, waardeur gepoog word om die beeld van kommersiële landbou te bevorder. Besoek l Sanlam, via the Agri Securitas Trust Fund, makes a contribution to Agri SA’s Transformation Communication, which strives to promote the image of commercial agriculture. Visit
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Nuus/News
Landelike beveiliging verg meer beskermingsmaatreëls KOBUS VISSER, DIREKTEUR: KORPORATIEWE SKAKELING, AGRI SA
Na raming sal 421 boere en 6 800 plaaswerkers en hulle afhanklikes veiliger kan woon en werk nadat die Agri Securitas Trustfonds fondse bewillig het vir landelike beveiligingsprojekte in verskeie provinsies.
ie boerderygemeenskap het die afgelope paar maande weer deurgeloop onder gewelddadige plaasaanvalle met gepaardgaande moorde en erge trauma. Dit raak daarom toenemend moeilik om aan diegene wat direk blootgestel is of was aan misdaad te verduidelik dat die Agri Securitas Trustfonds met die finansiële hulpbronne tot sy beskikking alles moontlik in werking stel om ‘n verskil te maak aan die veiligheid van boere en plaaswerkers. Hiermee saam word ‘n premie op landbou-ontwikkeling, werkskepping en die verantwoordelikheid om voldoende voedsel vir die land te produseer, op die sektor geplaas te midde van die voortslepende misdaadkultuur. Hierbenewens sorg die boerderygemeenskap dat daar ook stabiliteit in die land is deur voldoende voedsel aan die groeiende bevolking te voorsien. In ‘n poging om die boerdery gemeenskap in hulle landelike beveiliging pogings by te staan, het die Agri Securitas Trustfonds pas weer verskeie beveiligingsprojekte finansieel ondersteun. Die projekte behels kamerastelsels vir Hartbeesfontein in die Noordwes-provinsie en die Buffelshoek-landbouvereniging in die Oos-Kaap. Die stelsels het ten doel om toegang in die gebied te monitor en ook om as ‘n afskrikmiddel vir misdadigers te dien. Kameras het ook die vermoë om waardevolle inligting oor verdagte voertuie en persone wat die gebied binnegaan vir verdere optrede deur die polisie vas te lê. Fondse is ook beskikbaar gemaak vir Frankfort Landbou en die Marquarddistrikslandbou-unie in die Vrystaat vir die aankoop van veiligheidstoerusting en die oprigting van radioherhalers om kommunikasie te verbeter. Die veiligheidstoerusting sal deur die plaaswag gebruik word in hulle landelike beveiligingsoptredes binne die raamwerk van die Landelike Beveiligingstrategie. Goeie kommunikasie tydens misdaadvoor komingsoptredes is bepalend vir die sukses daarvan en die radioherhalers sal ‘n bydrae hiertoe maak. Laastens is fondse ook aan Vrystaat Landbou se Veiligheidslessenaar beskikbaar
gestel om ‘n integriteitskeuringsdatabasis in werking te stel van voornemende werksoekers om te bepaal of hulle ‘n misdaadrekord het. Landelike beveiliging raak ‘n groot koste-item vir boerderygemeenskappe met verskeie uiteenlopende dimensies wat daaraan gekoppel word. Met die bydraes poog die Trustfonds om ‘n bydrae te maak tot die vestiging van ‘n veiliger produksieen woonomgewing vir boere en plaaswerkers. Geen beskerming maatreëls kan as waarborg dien dat ‘n plaasaanval nie sal plaasvind nie, maar die afskrikwaarde daarvan moet nie onderskat word nie. Die Trustfonds kan hierdie taak nie alleen uitvoer nie en daarom word erkenning gegee aan sy strategiese vennote Nissan SA, Sanlam, CrisisOnCall en Sonfin vir hulle
deurlopende finansiële ondersteuning. Die onlangse bydraes deur Santam, Gavilon, OFM, Afgri, NWK en Senwes word ook erken. Met die ondersteuning van dié landbouvriende probeer die Trustfonds om ‘n veiliger landelike omgewing te skep.
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agri Promosie/Promotional
NEDBANK IS AGRISA’S NEW CORPORATE PARTNER edbank is proud to announce our corporate membership with AgriSA. We look forward to growing our relationship with all of you in your personal capacity and through AgriSA and its provincial affiliates. Farming is the lifeblood of our economy, and we deeply value all our farmers and enterprises involved in secondary agriculture. You play an irreplaceable role in the food security, economy, stability and prosperity of South Africa. We are committed to being your partner in agriculture, to sharing our financial agricultural expertise with you, and doing our part in advancing profitable, sustainable agricultural practices throughout the agricultural production and consumption value chain. Our focus and growth since the early 2000s Our agricultural focus has grown visibly since the early 2000s when we merged with BoE, Boland Bank and Natal Building Society. In 2010 we took this further and committed to specialising in the agrisector, with the launch of our Business Banking Agricultural Division. Client base growth since 2010 Over the past seven years our agricultural client base has grown substantially throughout South Africa. In certain provinces we are the leading business bank in the agriculture sector. In KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), for example, Nedbank is the market leader in the sugar cane sector. We also have a dominant market share in the wine sector in the Western Cape and a strong share of the secondary agricultural sector. Over the next few years our aspirations are to achieve similar growth in other provinces, including the Free State, Mpumalanga, Limpopo and the North West. Our aim is to get to know you better through our team outreach programme and sponsorship of a number of provincial agricultural affiliates and agricultural shows, in addition to our sponsorship of the annual AgriSA conference. Responding to your needs As a bank, we grow with our clients and we are committed to understanding and responding to the many needs, and business challenges facing the agricultural sector today.
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We believe in working hard to establish, build and maintain our client relationships, including offering excellent service and putting together strong, customised offerings for all our existing and potential agricultural clients. Our clients are our strongest advocates We have succeeded in onboarding an inspiring number of primary and secondary agricultural sector clients, including several of the largest farmers and cooperations throughout the country. Whole-view Business Banking™ With Whole-view Business Banking™ from Nedbank we gain a holistic view of your entire business, which allows us to create unique business and financial solutions together. Our whole-view banking approach includes innovative tailored agricultural solutions spanning financing, investing, transacting and insuring over the short, medium and long term. We can help you manage part or every aspect of your money, business and business requirements in ways that will make real and positive differences to your financial health, your life and the lives of all those who depend on you. Key environmental issues Our support goes further and includes addressing key environmental issues, such as drought, water supply, renewable energy and climate change, to help our farmers plan and farm more effectively and more sustainably. Our commitment to sustainability is borne by our innovative products, services, support of key projects and sustainability credentials, including the fact that Nedbank is acknowledged as Africa’s first carbon-neutral financial organisation. Sustainable Agriculture Programme Since 2012 we have committed R18,3m to WWF-SA’s Sustainable Agriculture Programme, which aims to research and help solve the key natural resource challenges we are facing in relation to water, energy and soil. The programme works with farmers, consumers and government towards achieving healthy, functioning ecosystems on our farmlands in five key farming sectors: fruit, wine, dairy, beef and sugar.
Innovative research has been conducted as part of this programme, and we are happy to share this with our agricultural clients. By combining sustainable agricultural practices with financial agricultural expertise, we at Nedbank are working hard to ensure that this sector can grow and thrive and that South Africans from all walks of life have access to nourishing food, clean water and employment. This way, we can achieve a thriving agricultural economy with a positive long-term future, together. Our divisional managers Nedbank’s three divisional Agricultural Managers are all agribusiness specialists and will be at the Nedbank stall at NAMPO. They look forward to meeting you. Daneel Rossouw Agricultural Divisional Manager: Western Cape Daneel has a BAgric degree from Stellenbosch University, majoring in Agricultural Economics, with a focus on wine and table grape production. He joined Nedbank in 2011 with 21 years of agriculture banking experience behind him. ‘Coming from a farming background, I always had a passion for agricultural finance, as did my father, whose career was with the Land Bank,’ says Daneel. ‘Joining Nedbank was extremely motivating for me as it offered the opportunity to be part of creating and leading our focus specifically on agriculture which has enjoyed such good growth over the past couple of years. I thoroughly enjoy the discussions with farmers around the outlook for agriculture, and how they always seem to find solutions to the many challenges they face. They are innovative and proactive, and it is just great to be able to add real value to their businesses.’
agri Promosie/Promotional
<<< page 68 John Hudson Agricultural Divisional Manager: KZN, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape and Free State John grew up on a farm in KZN and graduated from the former University of Natal (Pietermaritzburg) with an honours degree in Agricultural Management, majoring in Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Production. John has been involved in agricultural finance since 1991, and he joined Nedbank in September 2010. ‘Over the past six years my team and I have established a specialised agricultural team in our provinces, and the growth achieved in our agricultural client base has been incredibly inspiring. Structuring financial solutions
for our farmers and agribusinesses has the ability to unlock all this potential and increase what has already been achieved.’ Cobus de Bruyn Agriculture Divisional Manager: Gauteng, North West, Mpumalanga and Limpopo Cobus has a BSc Agric Honours degree, majoring in Agricultural Economics from the University of Pretoria. He joined Nedbank in 2010 with 12 years of experience in banking in the commercial and agricultural sectors. ‘My father owned a farm in Marble Hall and my interest in agriculture and agricultural finance developed from there.
Through good conversations with our clients we ensure that we use our experience and insight to provide the right solutions for our clients. We inherently understand the risks and the opportunities in the sector, and we also have considerable expertise in the agricultural export business. What is so appealing about farming is that it is literally a living, growing industry where you can see seeds grow and calves being born, and where you closely experience nature. We look forward to our new membership with AgriSA. Through this membership we will join hands with AgriSA to address the important agricultural opportunities and challenges in South Africa.’
EMAIL US AT AGRICULTURE@NEDBANK.CO.ZA <<< bladsy 9 - Herverdelings-landbougrond moet aan ‘n swart persoon gebied word binne ‘n voorgeskrewe tydperk, waarna die minister met die grondeienaar moet onderhandel vir die verkryging van sodanige grond. Indien die eienaar en die minister nie daarin slaag om ‘n ooreenkoms oor die prys van sodanige herverdelingsgrond te bereik nie, mag die minister die betrokke grond onteien, onderhewig aan die onteieningswetgewing wat op daardie tydstip geld. Wat doen Agri SA om hierdie stuk wetgewing teen te staan? Ons regspanne en die Landbouontwikkelingsentrum vir Uitmuntendheid werk hard om regsmenings oor verskeie aangeleenthede wat verband hou met die wetgewing in te win. Ons bevraagteken die wetgewing op ‘n aantal fronte: Grondwetlikheid: Agri SA het senior regslui aangestel om die konsepwetsontwerp te bestudeer, veral ten einde te bepaal of dit wat voorgestel word in lyn is met die eiendomsklousule, die gelykheidsklousule en die beperkingsklousule
in die Grondwet. Indien daar bevind word dat die grondwetlikheid van die wetsontwerp op enige basis bevraagteken kan word, sal Agri SA nie huiwer om die Konstitusionele Hof in hierdie verband te nader nie. Ekonomiese impak: Die basiese vertrekpunt met ons befondsingmodel is dat ons ingevolge die waarde van ons eiendomme kwalifiseer vir produksielenings – boerderyskuld het in 2016 R144 981 miljard beloop, en ons skuldverhouding is 33,9% teenoor totale waarde van boerderybates van R427 790 miljard. Dit moet gesien word in die lig van boerdery-eenhede wat groter word ten einde skaalvoordele te bewerkstellig – ons het tans nagenoeg 40 000 belastingbetalende boere met ongeveer 34 000 wat op ‘n voltydse basis boer. Grondplafonne sal inmeng met vryemark-groei in die sektor en sal teenstrydig wees met globale neigings soos grondkonsolidasie en hefboomfinansiering. Impak op finansiering: Die kommersiële banke mag besluit dat baie boere ‘onbankbaar’ is, met beperkings op hul eiendomgroottes, wat dan ‘n negatiewe impak op die waarde van grond sal hê. Die
waarde van grond in Suid-Afrika sal dus afneem, met die gevolg dat dit baie moeilik sal wees vir boere om produksielenings te bekom gebaseer op hul eiendomswaardes, wat dan weer ‘n massiewe impak op ons produksievermoë sal hê. Werkskepping en die erodering van ons belastingbasis: Al hierdie faktore sal veroorsaak dat die sektor aanmerklik krimp, met daaropvolgende werksverliese, en dat ekonomiese groei in Suid-Afrika bykans onmoontlik word. Dit sal nie net veroorsaak dat Suid-Afrika in ‘n resessie verval nie, maar is ook geheel en al teenstrydig met die beginsels van die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan en die uitkomste van Operasie Phakisa. Ondermyning van voedselsekerheid: ‘n Kombinasie van hierdie faktore sal ‘n negatiewe impak op voeselsekerheid en voedselinflasie hê en sal ‘n onhoudbare situasie vir alle Suid-Afrikaners skep. Wees gerus – Agri SA sal alles in sy vermoë doen om hierdie wetgewing te stop, nie net in die belang van die landbou nie maar ook in die belang van Suid-Afrika. agri • MEI/MAY bladsy/page agriAPRIL MEI/MAY • JAN ‘17 ‘17 bladsy/page
A modern farmer faces many challenges and takes on different roles to overcome them. You’re responsible for your farm, your workers, your assets, your home and your family. At Santam we understand just how much a farmer does. That’s why we take an in-depth, scientific approach to protecting your crops and assets on and off the farm. Because we believe you deserve one-of-a-kind insurance. For more information, call your broker or visit Santam. Insurance good and proper. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
Santam is an authorised financial services provider (licence number 3416).
agri Nuus/News
agri Nuus/News Agri SA het einde April twee strydrosse gegroet wat diep spore in die georganiseerde landbou getrap het. Johan Pienaar en Nic Opperman het vir dekades die kom en gaan van die onderstrominge in die landbou beleef. Wat onthou hulle en wat is hulle laaste boodskap aan boere?
Jou uil is nie noodwendig ‘n valk nie! Johan onthou Mariëtta Kruger se gelukkige hond in ‘n televisie-ateljee en die les wat hy daaruit geleer het...
k moet erken toe Derick van der Walt, redakteur van Agri, my gevra het om vir “oulaas” iets te skryf oor my landbouloopbaan, ek verkies het om die boodskap te ignoreer. Dié soort stories neig mos maar om stereotiep te wees. Ek hoor ook die jongspan se opmerkings van “corny” en “uncool”, gevolg deur “whatever” oor dié soort gekyk na jou lewe. Soos alle goeie joernaliste het Van der Walt hom egter nie so maklik laat afskrik nie. Ek moes in elk geval van beter geweet het. Ek het immers oor ‘n tydperk van 34 jaar baie met hierdie beroep te doen gehad. ‘n Vreesaanjaende ervaring met die media was in ‘n televisie- en radio-ateljee. Ironies genoeg, het Mariëtta Kruger, wat met my ‘n onderhoud gevoer het, se hond my ‘n waardevolle les geleer. Die hond het hom aan niks gesteur nie, nie aan die kabels, kameras en gewigtige onderwerpe nie. Sy prioriteit was gewoon om te speel. Hoewel nie maklik om uit te leef nie, bly dit ‘n universele waarheid. Bekommernis gaan niks tot jou lengte toevoeg nie. Wat ‘n mens as belangrik ag, bly maar relatief. Jammer, Derick, jy het kliniese vrae gevra wat ek sal probeer antwoord, maar laat my toe om nog so ‘n klein anekdote te deel. Ek was in my loopbaan bevoorreg om met werklik groot geeste skouer te skuur, so dink ek altans. Oom (dit was die hoflike aanspreekvorm in daardie tyd) Kobus Jooste, president van SALU, het ‘n afvaardiging na een van die grootste nyweraars in die land gelei. Ná afloop van die vergadering het iemand verwys na die opmerklike nederigheid van die persoon waarmee ons gesels het. Oom Kobus reageer toe só: “Dit is omdat hy so nederig is dat hy so suksesvol is.” Dié opmerking, komende van een van landbou se uitstaande leiers, het ‘n blywende indruk op my gemaak en is na my mening vandag steeds van toepassing. Jy vra spesifieke vrae oor my agtergrond en opleiding. Ek het op Kirkwood in die Oos-Kaap skoolgegaan. My besliste fokus was om akademies uit die moeilikheid te bly. Sport, spesifiek rugby, was eintlik my ding. Ek was nie regtig Springbokmateriaal nie, altans nie
soos ons toe gespeel het nie. Ek het darem vir my skool se eerstespan gespeel en so hier en daar ‘n bietjie applous gekry. Daarna het ek by verskeie universiteite my “luck getry” en ekonomie voor- en nagraads gestudeer. Daarna was dit die weer mag en ‘n ruk by die destydse Yskor. Ek het by SALU agtergekom dat daar baie van ‘n ekonoom verwag word en ek het toe maar weer van vooraf begin met voor- en Johan Pienaar, Martina Benadé (ekonoom en jarelange nagraadse studies in belasting en kollega van Johan) en Christo van der Rheede (adjunk-uitvoerende direkteur, Agri SA) rekeningkunde. Miskien was die dryfkrag om soos op skool sover moontlik uit die moeilikheid te bly. Tóg was ‘n opmerking van een van die wysgere met wie my pad gekruis het, ook bepalend: “As jy ophou leer voordat jy doodgaan, moet jy eerder betyds doodgaan.” As ek hoogte- en laagtepunte moet uitsonder, sal dit baie ruimte in beslag neem en ook nie noodwendig interessant wees nie. Dit is seker voldoende om te sê dat ek met Elize van der Westhuizen (senior besuurder: elke fasset van die landbou en die Arbeidsverhoudinge), Martha Lushaba en ekonomie te doen gehad het. Dit sluit Christo van der Rheede (adjunk-uitvoerende direkteur, ernstige droogtes in die tagtigerjare Agri SA) in, ‘n reeks handelsooreenkomste, wateraangeleenthede, veiligheid, die stand belastingwette soos die koms van van die ekonomie, arbeidsaangeleenthede BTW, eiendoms- en kapitaalwinsbelasting, en so aan. wateraangeleenthede en probleme met Hoewel die georganiseerde landbou oor insetkoste. jare verander het (onder meer spesialisasie Die mandaat was altyd ‘n redelike deur bedrywe en meer prominensie op eenvoudige een. Ons moes die ekonomiese tweede- en derdevlakregering deur die posisie van boere verbeter. Daar is genoeg algemene organisasies soos boere bewyse dat ons darem merendeels hieraan verenigings) is die gebrek aan eenheid op voldoen het. nasionale vlak ‘n ernstige leemte. Om te dink Wat my werklik genot verskaf het, was jou uil is ‘n valk, gaan nie die welvaart van goed wat nie noodwendig voorbladnuus boere en die landbou bevorder nie. gehaal het nie. Ons het byvoorbeeld Wat ek nou gaan doen? Dit klink nogal individuele boere met ekonomiese advies na “die laaste fluit” uit Toon van den Heever gehelp en dit was lekker as hulle hierna se gedig, In die Hoëveld. Verseker gaan ek suksesvol was. Ek moes selfs vele boereleiers weer probeer om ‘n ordentlike ekonoom te help met hopelik goeie toesprake. Miskien raak in die mate wat dit nog moontlik is, al is klink dit bietjie ydel, maar iemand het eendag dit nou ook net vir my eie bevrediging. Daar ná so ‘n toespraak opgemerk: “How do you is baie navorsing en moderne denke oor die peasants always succeed in staying one step ekonomie waarmee ek nie tred gehou het nie. ahead?” Dit was nogal ‘n veer in die hoed. Ná ‘n pendelhuwelik van nagenoeg drie My bekommernis oor die pad van die jaar skuld ek seker my vrou ook ‘n paar landbou vorentoe is maar die bekende goed koffies in “coffee shops”. soos grondaansprake, asmede eiendomsreg, >>> bladsy 21 agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
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From Factory to Field Providing agriculture and forestry with more than just a good boot Our range of gumboots have been engineered for the varying hazards of these industries. With such a wide selection of gumboots for diverse environments, Wayne provides the appropriate protection for wet and muddy conditions. Our comfortable gumboots are designed to tolerate the dangers workers face everyday. At Wayne, we go the extra mile to deliver world-class service and exceptional quality products, because your safety is at the heart of everything we do.
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Volhoubare landboupraktyke noodsaaklik, sê Nic Hoe en wanneer het jy by die georganiseerde landbou betrokke geraak? Ek het in die Delmas-omgewing op die plaas Rietvallei grootgeword, waar my ouers geboer het. Ek was op Delmas op skool. Daarna het ek deeltyds aan UP en Unisa gestudeer en ‘n BA-graad in geesteswetenskappe verwerf. My loopbaan in die georganiseerde landbou het by die Transvaalse Landbouunie (TLU) in 1980 begin, aanvanklik as sekretaris en later bestuurder: bedryfsdienste, verantwoordelik vir die bedryfskomitees en Koöperatiewe Raad. Ek het die TLU in soortgelyke strukture by die Suid-Afrikaanse Landbou-unie (SALU) verteenwoordig. Daar was ‘n loopbaanskuif in 1995 toe ek by SALU aangesluit het. Natuurlike hulpbronne, veral omgewing- en watersake, ook bedryfskamer-portefeuljes, was my verantwoordelikheid.
Hoogte- en laagtepunte? Normale boerderyrisiko’s asook die voorkoms van rampdroogtes, vloede, haelskade, migrerende plae en ook die toenemende tekens van klimaatsveranderinge is kenmerkend waarmee die landbou van
tyd tot tyd mee te kampe het. Dit verg unieke uitdagings van die landbougemeenskap om hierdie wisselvallighede die hoof te bied en in die landbou te oorleef. Hoogtepunte sluit beslis die blootstelling en deelname aan die Verenigde Nasies (VN) se Kommissie vir Volhoubare Ontwikkeling in en die Johannesburg Aardeberaad in 2002, wat gevolg het tien jaar ná die Rio Konvensie. ‘n Laagtepunt was die hofsaak wat Agri SA in die Konstitusionele Hof oor die beperking op eiendomsreg van mineraleregte verloor het.
Hoe het die georganiseerde landbou oor die jare verander? Toenemende bedryfspesialisasie was kenmerkend tydens my loopbaan. Dit het ook ‘n bepaalde invloed gehad op Agri SA se rol en funksie. Die vertrekpunt was om elke saak op die laagste vlak van organisasie te hanteer, en om sodoende duplisering te vermy en slegs gemeenskaplike sake by Agri SA se funksionele strukture tuis te bring. Die werking van ‘n nasionale bedryfstruktuur is tans weer onder die loep. Hopelik sal daar spoedig hieroor uitklaring wees.
Nic Opperman, Anneke Roux (vir jare sy persoonlike assistent) en Omri van Zyl (uitvoerende direkteur, Agri SA)
Waaroor is jy bekommerd vir die landbougemeenskap vorentoe? ‘n Onsekere politieke bedeling het ‘n direkte invloed op die landbou. Dit wil voorkom asof hierdie onsekerheid vir geruime tyd gaan voortduur, ook ten opsigte van byvoorbeeld grond- en waterreghervorming. Natuurlike hulpbronne verkeer onder ernstige druk weens toenemende mynboubedrywighede. Dit is veral water- en lugkwaliteit, asook die verlies aan landbougrond, wat hierdeur beïnvloed word. In landbougeledere is daar ook ruimte om tradisionele landboupraktyke met volhoubare bewaringspraktyke te vervang. Wat nou verder? Hopelik meer tyd vir kampeer. Daar is nog soveel mooi plekke in ons land wat besoek moet word. Fietsry is my passie, terwyl tyd saam met die gesin en kleinkinders ‘n bonus sal wees.
Nic Opperman, Heleen Swanepoel, Johan Pienaar, Kosie van Zyl, Christo van der Rheede, Martha Lushaba, Omri van Zyl en Hans van der Merwe. Swanepoel, Van Zyl en Van der Merwe is oudkollegas wat kom inloer het.
Het jy ‘n laaste boodskap vir boere? Plaas slegs jou vertroue in ons Skepper, omdat Hy alleen in beheer is.
Two new faces at Agri SA Janse Rabie joined Agri SA in April as head of Natural Resources and succeeds Nic Opperman, who retired end of April 2017. Janse is an attorney, specialising in marine and environmental law.
anse obtained a B.Com (law) in 1995, as well as a LLB (1998) from the University of Pretoria. An LLM (marine and environmental law) from the University of Cape Town followed in 2005. Janse’s detailed knowledge of South African constitutional, administrative, energy, land use planning, and environmental law is a major asset to Agri SA. He also has vast international experience. Yolisa Mfaise joined Agri SA in April as legal advisor. Yolisa is a LLB graduate from the University of the Witwatersrand. She worked at the Legal Resources Centre
as a candidate attorney in various departments. These include Land Reform, Environmental Law, Gender Law and the Constitutional Litigation Unit. She also gained valuable experience as a personal assistant to Janse Rabie justice S Khampepe at the Constitutional Court of South Africa. Her areas of interest include constitutional law, international law, human rights law, alternative dispute resolution and mining. She believes that the law is an instrument
to bring about change in the lives of ordinary citizens. Agri SA is extremely excited about the expertise Janse and Yolisa will bring to the organisation, Yolisa Mfaise says Omri van Zyl, executive director of Agri SA. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
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Retributive model of radical socio-economic transformation will cost South Africa dearly CHRISTO VAN DER RHEEDE, DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AGRI SA
Economic crises erupt when a country has two problems at once, financial weakness and political weakness.
onsequently, the model of retributive radical socioeconomic transformation as envisioned by the governing party will because of these problems and the lack of political will to solve it, cost South Africa dearly. Rather than dealing with fundamental issues such as an underperforming economy, the constraints that inhibit growth, job losses, corruption, institutional weaknesses, limited accountability, as well as parliament’s failure to perform its oversight function, shifting blame and populist rhetoric have now become the norm. To spew all kinds of rhetoric about radical socio-economic transformation is one thing, translating it into pragmatic and innovative plans is something else. In this respect, very good state driven development plans were developed, but sadly though the follow-through which is so critical, is in most instances not there. According to a report by the IJR titled “Breaking the mould, prospects for radical socio-economic transformation”, radical socio-economic transformation in the South African context supposedly implies “an end to the iniquities of the past, a substantial eradication of poverty, a lifting of education standards, a dramatic increase in productive and decent work at elevated income levels, a major expansion and change in appearance of urban centres for the better, an overall improvement in living standards, a productive rather than wasteful state machinery, a
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lessening of the ‘us-and-them’ mind-set, and an improvement in general well-being.” Needless to say, these outcomes are all captured in our state driven development plans, but it struggles to realise these outcomes due to sheer incompetence, corruption and lack of accountability especially at implementation level. The intended radical socio-economic transformation will therefore be of very little help, not only due to fragmented state intervention strategies, policy uncertainty and corruption, but more so it singles out law-abiding, tax paying and innovative entrepreneurs based on ethnicity as the culprits. Such narrow-mindedness seeking to penalise those who are still prepared to invest money, build businesses and create jobs as opposed to incentivising them, will only lead to greater capital flight and the most talented leaving South Africa for greener pastures somewhere else. Instead of our government encouraging and incentivising the most talented regardless of whether they’re are black or white to come up with innovative ideas and promote economic growth through innovation, all kinds of legislative constraints are dreamt up, which in turn drive racial polarisation instead of social cohesion. Ideas and more so innovative ideas matter in today’s highly advanced, globalised and competitive economic world. Retribution in the form of taking away from those who drive economic activity and enriching the politically
connected few will create even greater economic hardship in South Africa. Nothing drives poverty as much as unemployment. Driving out innovative entrepreneurs will consequently exacerbate unemployment and the many socials ills permeating all levels of society. Why not aggressively reaching out to our current crop of entrepreneurs and international investors regardless of whether they’re black or white and lay the basis for win-win partnerships between them and new entrepreneurs? Driving a wedge between fellow South Africans based on race and populist rhetoric, will only result in a win-lose scenario and take South Africa backwards. Where is the master plan to bring about an innovation-driven, network and partnership oriented, value added and globally competitive economy? This will enhance ownership, management and control of economic activities. Radical economic transformation that only focuses on retribution instead of creating wealth will take us on a slippery slope of economic stagnation and decline! Albert Einstein once said that the only justifiable purpose for the existence of political institutions is to ensure the unhindered development of all people in society. This in essence should be the sole goal of our government. Put all of our people first regardless of ethnicity and connect them all to the benefits of economic growth. This is now more important than ever! In the absence of such growth, disillusion and hopelessness set in and the poorest of the poor are the first to suffer. For the poor and unemployed it really doesn’t matter whether the proverbial cat that catches the mouse is white or black? As long as it catches it all of South Africa stands to benefit. Our current state of economic and political weakness will be further weakened as a result of poor and race-based policy interventions. True radical socio-economic transformation though deals with these weaknesses first, whilst simultaneously opening up the economy for everyone. Fresh and innovative business ideas that flourish in an uninhibiting environment are what we now need. Not more state intervention and more bureaucratisation of the business environment.
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Arbeidsake het ’n regstreekse uitwerking op boerderysukses in Suid-Afrika. Die uitdaging is om ’n produktiewe en tevrede werkerskorps te verseker sonder om die oorlewing van boerdery-ondernemings in die gedrang te bring.
gri SA is deur sy beleidskomitee vir arbeid en maatskaplike sake en ook op ander vlakke ten nouste betrokke by prosesse om werkbare arbeidsbeleid tot stand te bring. Dit sluit deurlopende betrokkenheid in by organisasies wat in die brandpunt van belangrike arbeidsbesluite staan, waaronder die Internasionale Arbeidsorganisasie (ILO), die Nasionale Ekonomiese Ontwikkelingsen Arbeidsraad (Nedlac) en Besigheids eenheid Suid-Afrika (Busa). Hoe positief die landboubedryf ook al teenoor loonaanpassings en verbeterde werksomstandighede is, is dit ’n feit dat buitengewoon hoë loonverhogings aan plaaswerkers baie boere in ’n verliessituasie kan plaas en uiteindelik uit die bedryf kan dwing. Onlangse navorsing deur die Buro vir Voedsel- en Landboubeleid (BFAP) het opnuut bevestig dat veral arbeidsintensiewe bedrywe soos die aartappel- en suiker bedrywe besonder weerloos is teen drastiese loonaanpassings. Die volgehoue betrokkenheid van Agri SA by arbeidsake oor verskeie jare het bepaald verseker dat baie boere steeds ’n oorlewingskans gebied word. Voorbeelde van positiewe uitkomste vanweë dié organisasie se rol sluit onder meer die volgende in: • Omvattende voorleggings gedurende 2015 aan die Diensvoorwaardekom missie oor die hersiening van die sektorale vasstelling vir plaaswerkers. Voorleggings is gegrond op navorsing deur BFAP oor die uitwerking van verskillende loonscenario’s op die kostestruktuur van verskillende landbou kommoditeite, wisselend van arbeids intensief tot minder arbeidsintensief. Die verslag het bewys gelewer van hoe die finansiële posisie van landbouondernemings verswak namate loonuitbetalings vergroot word. Die aartappel- en suikerbedrywe is as voorbeelde genoem van arbeidsintensiewe bedrywe wat nie kan oorleef wanneer minimumlone verhoog word nie, selfs wanneer dit bloot ’n verhoging van VPI + 1,5 persentasiepunte behels. Agri SA het gevolglik aanbeveel dat die bestaande formule vir die berekening van loon verhogings behou word. Die organisasie het ook met senior
afgevaardigdes van die departement van arbeid gesprek gevoer oor die uitwerking van die droogte en die verskillende vergoedingscenario’s op boere. Dit het gehelp om die verhoging in die minimum lone vir plaaswerkers met ingang van Maart 2016 tot 6,6% te beperk. • Die verskuiwing van Agri SA se arbeidskomiteefokus van slegs wetlike aspekte na maatskaplike dialoog ná die onbeskermde stakings in die WesKaap aan die einde van 2012. Sake soos sosiale dialoog op plaasvlak en riglyne om te verseker dat die griewe van werkers aangehoor word en wel aandag kry, het dringende aandag geniet. Agri SA het onder meer goed gemotiveer de voorleggings gedoen aan voormalige adjunk-president Kgalema Motlanthe onder die vaandel van die Vulnerable Workers Forum, waarna ’n loodsprojek in die De Doorns-gebied gevolg het waarby georganiseerde besigheid, die regering en arbeid saamgewerk het om die lewens van werkers te verbeter. • Deur sy betrokkenheid binne Nedlac, waar belangrike arbeidsake deur verskillende rolspelers uitgespook word, sorg Agri SA dat die landbousaak so goed moontlik oorgedra word. Dit verseker dat oplossings vir knelpunte gesoek word en spanning ontlont word in plaas van moontlike dooie punte, boikotte en stakings wat landbouproduk sie uiteraard kan lamlê. Die Nedlac-platform vergemaklik ook gesprekke en besluitneming oor verwante landbousake, insluitend maatskaplike sekerheid soos voorsorgfondse vir plaaswerkers, beroepsveiligheid en gesondheid. Dit bied ook die geleentheid aan Agri SA om sterk standpunt in te neem teen denkrigtings wat onhoudbaar vir die landbou kan wees. Nedlac het in die onlangse verlede toegewyd gewerk aan meganismes om die arbeidsmark te stabiliseer, veral om gewelddadige en uitgerekte stakings te beperk. Verskeie
meganismes is ontwikkel, insluitend ’n goeiepraktykskode vir kollektiewe bedinging en arbeidsoptrede, riglyne en reëls met betrekking tot intimidasie, geweld en skade tydens stakings en ander belangrike sake. • Agri SA beywer hom vir omvattende oplossings om ’n stabiele landelike omgewing moontlik te maak. Deurlopende skakeling met die plaaslike en buitelandse media om objektiewe nuusdekking te verseker, is deel van die samewerkingsproses. • Agri SA lewer waardevolle insette by die Internasionale Arbeidsorganisasie (ILO), waar hy in die afgelope jaar as komiteelid onder meer betrokke was by die verslag oor klein, mikro- en mediumondernemings (KMMO’s). Die ILO, wat in 1919 gestig is om met internasionale arbeid- en maatskaplike standaarde te handel, is ’n agentskap van die Verenigde Nasies (VN) en bestaan uit verteenwoordigers van georganiseerde werkgewers, georganiseerde arbeid en regerings. Die ILO SA Decent Work Country Programme, wat beter arbeidstandaarde nastreef, word onder die beskerming van Nedlac en met die bystand van die ILO uitgevoer. Sosiale dialoog deur georganiseerde besigheid en die twee ander maatskaplike vennote (georganiseerde arbeid en regering) op ’n nasionale vlak het ’n belangrike deel van goeie regering in Suid-Afrika geword. Die ILO het ook vroeër ’n verslag oor toestande op Suid-Afrikaanse plase beskikbaar gestel, wat onlangse jare se beleidsveranderings en die uitwerking daarvan (wat beide werkgewers en werknemers betref) op die landbousektor aangedui het. Gesprekke oor hoe om vertroue tussen Agri SA (as lid van Busa) en georganiseerde arbeid te verstewig het ook onder die ILO-vaandel plaasgevind. Bevindinge van die ILO-verslag oor toestande op plase is ook bespreek. Nodeloos om te sê: Agri SA se insette op internasionale, streeksen nasionale vlak is waardevol en noodsaaklik om die saak van die sektor te stel om die inpak van arbeidsbeleid tot die minimum te beperk. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
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Agriculture shows its mettle MARTINA BENADÉ, ECONOMICS & TRADE, AGRI SA
South Africa’s esteemed agricultural sector is still a net exporter of agricultural products.
ccording to statistics received from the directorate: Statistics and Economic Analysis from the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (Daff), the estimated value of agricultural products exported increased from R86 090 million in 2015 to R97 901 million in 2016, an increase of R11 811 million or 13,7%. On the other hand, imports increased from R67 244 million in 2015 to R82 362 million in 2016, an increase of R15 118 million or 22,5%. Imports escalated at a rate of 9,6% per year from 2008 to 2016, compared to an increase of 9,9% per year in the case of exports.
Agriculture’s contribution towards total exports from South Africa amounted to approximately 9% in 2016, while 7,5% of all imports were agricultural products. Citrus, wine, grapes, fruit (mainly apples, pears and quinces) and wool were, in money terms, the most important five groups of export products during 2016. Maize trade varied from year to year due to climatic conditions and during 2016 yellow and white maize were
imported to cover the shortfall caused by the drought. On the import side, maize, rice, meat, wheat and meslin and palm oil were the major import products in terms of money value. The largest increases occurred in the case of palm oil (R1 031 million or 32%), poultry (R814 million or 17,5%) and soyabean oil (R518 million or 29%). However, the decline in imports during 2016 was relatively large – viz 25,7% in the case of wheat and meslin. Argentina is the largest single exporter of agricultural products to South Africa and the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Zimbabwe and Mozambique are four of the top destinations for South Africa’s agricultural products. According to statistics received from Daff, South Africa is trading in a wide range of products with a host of countries. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
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Die vele grondbesettingsuitsprake die afgelope tyd in die media is ten sterkste deur Agri SA se Landelike Beveiligingskomitee veroordeel by ‘n onlangse vergadering met ‘n hoëvlakpolisie-afvaardiging.
gri SA verwerp alle uitsprake oor die besetting van landbougrond en aansprake dat boere hulle grond op ‘n onregmatige wyse bekom het en grondbesetting daarom geregverdig is ten sterkste. By die komitee se vergadering is die volgende onder lede se aandag gebring: • Agri SA se inligtingsdokument oor die hantering van grondbesettings, wat by provinsiale organisasies beskikbaar is, is van toepassing en moet plaaslik toegepas word; • Die implementeringsriglyne van die Landelike Beveiligingstrategie oor betreding- en grondbesettingsklagtes moet toegepas word; • Agri SA se protokol vir plaastoegang op plaaslike vlak; • Gebeurlikheidsbeplanning moet in die provinsies gedoen word;
• Boereverenigings moet met hulle plaaslike polisiestasies konsulteer en ‘n aksieplan ontwikkel oor hoe grondbesettings hanteer moet word; • Alle sake wat met betreding en grondbesettings verband hou, moet onmiddellik aan die polisie gerapporteer word; en • Hou rekord van alle gebeure tydens ‘n grondbesetting om later as getuienis in ‘n hofsaak te gebruik. Polisiebeleid en -prosedures oor die hantering van betredingen grond
besettingsklagtes is weer beklemtoon en ‘n beroep is op die polisie gedoen om plattelandse polisiestasies bewus te maak oor die implementering daarvan.
Agri SA’s Transformation Hub launched to coordinate transformation projects
gri SA’s Transformation Hub was launched in February to achieve the following outcomes; • To co-ordinate and align the various transformation
projects and land reform projects executed by the various commodities and other agricultural role-players; • To mobilise financial institutions and donors to fund the various transformation
initiatives by commodities; • To communicate a holistic picture of what the private sector is doing to bring about transformation and its role in terms of land reform; • To show case best practices and in so doing build a positive image of the sector. See link at http://www.agrisa. of the various transformation, empowerment and land reform initiatives by the agricultural sector; • To collaborate with government on Phakisa initiatives, NDP and Apap initiatives, as well as land reform and farmer development processes by the DRDLR and Daff; • To ensure that transformation projects are aligned with the AgriBEE charter; • To inculcate an inclusive agriculture valuechain approach to entrench a culture of collective responsibility for transforming the agricultural landscape; and • To deepen the partnership between the four critical shareholders: agrienterprises, labour, community and the state through social dialogue and human capacitation. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Nuus/News
Agricultural Landholdings Bill not well thought through Since 2011 the concept of land ceilings has been hotly debated. A number of studies have been undertaken on the feasibility of taking such a measure and many articles have been written about it. ERNEST PRINGLE, CHAIRMAN OF AGRI SA’S POLICY COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT
ome of the advisors appointed by Minister Gugile Nkwinti’s department of rural development and land reform had advised against such a step. Agri SA has made it very clear why the organisation regards this as an ill-considered idea. Nonetheless, Minister Nkwinti has decided to publish the draft Bill on 17 March, allowing only 30 calendar days for public comments. Agri SA will request an extension of the deadline. Ernest Pringle, chairman of Agri SA’s Policy Committee on Agricultural Development, said that international experience with ceilings demonstrated that land ceilings had several negative impacts, including: • The fragmentation of agricultural land; • Affecting productivity adversely; • Contributing towards agricultural being considered a low-profit venture in several parts of the world;
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• Having neutral or negative effects on poverty; • Leading to unsatisfied levels of equity and efficiency; • Failing, to a large extent, to change agrarian structures with large inequalities continuing to exist; • Impacting negatively on functional land rental markets; • Proving costly and difficult to administrate; • Being characterised by circumvention, contestation, corruption and litigation; • Leading to tenure insecurity; and • Discouraging land-related investment. Pringle added that the proposed system would be costly, and that the huge administration cost would outweigh any potential benefits that government was punting. Also, the proposed scheme would make planning extremely difficult
if bits and pieces of agricultural land were to be excised from farms all over the place. This would likely leave farmers and beneficiaries with uneconomical units. Ernest Pringle Providing services to far-flung beneficiaries would also be a huge challenge. This policy would deliver fragmented pieces of land spread across the furthest reaches of a district. Small parcels may end up being ‘sliced-off’ larger landholdings with little or no access to natural resources, infrastructure or services. “Agri SA holds the view that the Bill also faces constitutional challenges and is in the process of getting senior counsel opinion on that,” said Pringle. Agri SA has proposed alternative approaches to achieve speedier and sustainable redistribution of land.
agri Promosie/Promotional
Knittex makes it presence felt at Nampo Having proved itself as a specialist supplier to South African farmers since 1964, Knittex will again make its presence felt at this year’s NAMPO Harvest Day, held from 16 to 19 May at Nampo Park in Bothaville.
ive lucky visitors to Knittex’s facebook page can win Nampo tickets. Winners will be announced on 8 May. In addition, Knittex will also be giving away four ground sheets at its Nampo stall during this popular trade show. Because of the recent drought, many farmers are looking for new ways of becoming more water-conscious. One foolproof method is to create barriers against direct sunlight. Creating shade increases water consumption efficiency in agricultural fields by reducing the amount of evaporation from free water surfaces.
Knittex produces customised products, including decorative and agricultural shade fabrics and other specialist products such as recreational groundsheets, soil stabilisation net, windbreak net, perimeter netting, frost protection membranes and ropes and twines. These locally produced products have proven their worth nationally and internationally. This year, the Knittex stand at Nampo will also showcase video footage of various intensive research and testing projects
on its shade nets. One product that farmers might find interesting is Spectranet, which provides protection for crops against natural elements such as birds and insects. It also shelters crops against harsh weather elements such as wind, sunburn and hail. Contact us or visit our stand at Nampo to view our product range. Speak to a Knittex specialist today for all your crop protection needs or call 011 692 1658.
Manufacturers of Knitted Agricultural and Decorative Shade Netting
Multiknit (Pty) Ltd: +27 (0)11 692 1658 | | agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Nuus/News
Bruce Whitfield
Finansies: Arbeid, Diversifikasie & Finansiële Beplanning
From Commodity to Trademark
Theo Vorster
Eusebius McKaiser
Jeremy Maggs
Suzanne Paxton
Die Rol van Raadgewers, Tegnologie & Grondgesondheid
Derek Watts
Agriculture – A Positive Outlook
Vroue in Landbou Focus on Youth: A Future in Agriculture
Successful Transformation Initiatives Chris Burgess
Mpumelelo Mkhabela
Andile Khumalo
Platinum Vennote:
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Goue Vennote:
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agri Nuus/News
Draft Regulation of Agricultural Landholdings Bill
published for comment The Draft Regulation of Agricultural Landholdings Bill was published for comment on 17 March. Written comments must be submitted within 30 days of the date of publication.
gri SA has written to the directorgeneral of the department of rural development and land reform to request more time for submitting comments. Agri SA has already prepared draft comments and circulated them among affiliations for their
input. Senior counsel will also be sought to provide an opinion on the constitutionality of certain aspects of the Bill. The Bill has three main objectives: • To establish a register of ownership of agricultural land; • To prohibit foreign owners from acquiring land in South Africa; and • To set ceilings on the ownership of agricultural land. The Bill is likely to meet with much resistance. The constitutionality of certain
of the provisions is questionable. It will be costly to implement and the setting-up of the commission, the gathering of data and the determination of ceilings per district are likely to take a very Annelize Crosby long time. Only after all of these steps have been taken the ceilings will be able to be implemented. This policy is likely to deliver fragmented pieces of land spread across the furthest reaches of a district. Small parcels may end up being ‘sliced-off’ larger landholdings with little or no access to natural resources, infrastructure or services. This seems to be contrary to good agricultural practice and planning policy.
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Heelwat onverantwoordelike uitsprake oor onteiening sonder vergoeding word die laaste tyd gemaak – ook deur senior politici. Die feit van die saak is dat onteiening sonder vergoeding nie moontlik is ingevolge Suid-Afrika se Grondwet nie.
rtikel 25 van die Grondwet vereis regverdige en billike vergoeding by onteiening. Ontneming sonder vergoeding is wel moontlik. Onteiening is ‘n tipe van ontneming. Die oomblik wat ’n staatsoptrede as onteiening gedefinieer word, is vergoeding altyd betaalbaar. In baie lande van die wêreld is vergoeding ook betaalbaar vir konstruktiewe onteiening, oftewel gevalle waar die staat nie die eiendom verkry nie, maar wel die eienaar se regte sodanig aantas dat daar waardevermindering of ‘n verlies aan regte ten opsigte van die eiendom is. Die konsep is nie pertinent deel van ons reg nie, maar dit is moontlik dat die regspraak so kan ontwikkel dat sekere optredes as konstruktiewe onteiening geag sal kan word. Ontneming word ook beperk deur die Grondwet. Artikel 25 van die Grondwet verbied arbitrêre ontneming. ’n Ontneming sal arbitrêr wees indien dit nie die toets van artikel 36 van die Grondwet, die sogenaamde beperkingsklousule, slaag nie. Artikel 36 werk onder meer met begrippe van rasionaliteit en proporsionaliteit. Dit behels in eenvoudige taal dat daar ’n verband moet wees tussen die legitieme doelwitte van wetgewing en die maatreëls wat voorgestel word om daardie doelwitte te bereik. Die maatreëls mag ook nie buite verband wees met die doelstellings nie, en die howe kan onder meer oorweeg of daar nie ander, minder ontwrigtende maatreëls bestaan om dieselfde doelstellings te bereik nie. Enige wegneem van eiendom sonder vergoeding is ’n baie ernstige ingryping in die regte van ’n individu. Eiendomsreg is ’n fundamentele mensereg wat deur die meeste internasionale konvensies op menseregte as sulks erken word. Hou in gedagte dat artikel 39 van die Grondwet bepaal dat howe, by die uitleg van die handves van regte, die waardes van ’n oop en demokratiese samelewing moet bevorder. Howe moet dus ook die volkereg in ag neem. Die volkereg is onder meer vervat in die internasionale konvensies op mensregte. In die meeste moderne jurisdiksies het grondeienaars wel ’n grondwetlike reg op vergoeding. Die Food and Agricultural Organisation
(FAO) van die Verenigde Nasies het in 2009 ’n gids gepubliseer oor internasionale beste praktyk by onteiening. Die uitgangspunt van die dokument is dat die gedwonge verkryging van eiendom misbruik kan word en dat daar maatreëls in plek moet wees om dit te verhoed. Die gids vereis onder meer duidelike en deursigtige prosedures vir gedwonge verkryging van eiendom en vergoeding wat verseker dat geaffekteerde persone nie slegter daaraan toe is ná die onteiening as voordat dit plaasgevind het nie. Dit vereis dat geaffekteerde persone nie slegs vir die verlies aan grond vergoed moet word nie, maar ook vir verbeterings en vir die ontwrigting wat gepaard gaan met so ’n stap. Daar is ook ’n warm debat aan die gang oor die berekening van vergoeding in terme van Suid-Afrika se Grondwet. Die Waardeerder-generaal se regulasies wat toegepas sal word ten aansien van grondaankope deur die staat word afgewag. Die regulasies sal na verwagting poog om groter duidelikheid te gee oor hoe die faktore wat in artikel 25(3) van die Grondwet gelys word, aangewend moet word om by regverdige en billike vergoeding uit te kom. Die feit is egter dat die eindresultaat regverdig en billik moet wees en enige relevante faktor kan in hierdie berekening in ag geneem word. ’n Laaste vraag wat opduik is wat dit sou behels om artikel 25 uit die Grondwet te verwyder of te wysig. Artikel 25 beskerm ’n fundamentele mensereg, wat ingevolge internasionale menseregte-instrumente soos die Universele Verklaring van Menseregte van die Verenigde Nasies, die Europese Konvensie op Menseregte en die Afrikakonvensie op Menseregte (African Charter
on Human and Peoples’ Rights) beskerming geniet. Daar is nog nooit vantevore in SuidAfrika gepoog om ’n fundamentele mensereg wat beskerm word in die Menseregtehandves in die Grondwet te skrap of te wysig nie. Een van die grondwetlike beginsels vervat in Bylae vier van die Grondwet bepaal dat elke persoon alle universele fundamentele regte en vryhede moet geniet, welke regte in die Grondwet vasgeskryf en beskerm moet word. Dit is ’n baie ernstige en radikale stap om te neem. In praktyk sou dit behels dat ’n tweederdemeerderheid in die Nasionale Vergadering ten gunste daarvan stem en dat ses van die nege provinsies in die Nasionale Raad op Provinsies ook ten gunste daarvan stem. Solank as wat artikel 25 in die Grondwet is, is onteiening sonder enige vergoeding onmoontlik. As daar onteiening is, moet daar regverdige en billike vergoeding betaal word. Daar is wel nog ’n mate van onduidelikheid oor presies hoe ons howe die konsep van regverdige en billike vergoeding gaan hanteer. Daar is wel internasionale gesag en beste praktyk wat vereis dat mense wat onteien word, nie ná onteiening slegter daaraan toe moet wees nie. Ontneming sonder vergoeding is moontlik; dit sal gewoonlik regulatoriese stappe wees, maar dit sal slegs grondwetlik wees indien dit nie arbitrêr is nie, want die Grondwet verbied arbitrêre ontneming. Die betrokke artikel gaan ook in op watter prosesse gevolg sal moet word om artikel 25 te skrap of wysig. Sodanige stap sal baie drasties wees en teenstrydig met beskerming wat in internasionale menseregte-instrumente aan eiendomsreg as ’n fundamentele mensereg verleen word. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Nuus/News
No unqualified support given to shale gas development Agri SA took note of the minister of mineral resources Mosebenzi Zwane’s announcement that shale gas development was about to commence in the Karoo region.
ccording to Johannes Möller, president of Agri SA, the minister indicated that on balance of scientific evidence the government decided to proceed, which in actual fact means that there is no complete certainty on the possible impact and ramifications of the mining activities. “Although we are fully aware of our country’s international commitments towards carbon reduction and cleaner air we are not convinced that this cannot be achieved
through other means, e.g. wind farms especially, since costs in this regard have decreased significantly in recent times,” Möller says. “Also, we are fully aware of the need for economic development. We cannot give our unqualified support to unchartered territory. Fracking entails in South Africa more so because of uncertainties that still exist with respect to the impact these activities may have on the limited water resources in the Karoo area.” Möller says that Agri SA appreciates the minister’s assurances that all legal measures
will be put in place and applied to make fracking a viable and sustainable option. “We as an organisation, however, owes it to our constituency to closely monitor the particular activities. If damage of whatever kind occurs, we will insist on justifiable and fair compensation and we urge government to even at this early stage consult on guide lines in this regard. Agri SA will, if the need becomes evident, consider appointing environmental specialists to monitor activities even during the exploration phase, which now apparently is about to commence.”
Agri SA has currently two representatives serving on the board of AgriSETA, Christo van der Rheede and Niel Hamman. Our members must please take note of the following disturbing trends. • AgriSETA quarterly report According to a letter received from the deputy director general: Skills Development, ZC Mvalo, the quarterly monitoring report reflects that the SETA is seriously under performing and that it has only achieved 66% of its targets as set out in Service Level Agreement 2016/17. An action plan has been requested indicating how the SETA’s performance will be improved. This must be submitted within 21 days since receipt of the letter on 30 March 2016. • Letter from public protector According to a letter dated 13 January 2017 from the office of the public protector it is in the process of finalising a report relating to
allegations of maladministration, corruption, financial mismanagement and abuse of power within the AgriSETA. Some board members as well as the CEO are implicated in alleged submission of fraudulent claims, discretionary funds being allocated for gala dinners without the approval of the board, fictitious deviations for transactions to cover up illegal transactions etc. • Forensic report A forensic report was submitted to the board, which exposes serious transgressions regarding tender awards, recruitment processes, staff intimidation, irregular payments, misrepresentation to the board. South Africa’s 21 SETA’s receive more
than R14 billion in ring-fenced funding every year from employers and employees. This money is supposed to be used to up-skill our work force and to ensure that our youth in particular is highly skilled and find employment. Sadly though, in many instances corruption, irregularities, maladministration, inefficiency and a host of other governance and management challenges beset these institutions. The board of the AgriSETA has requested the CEO to submit a detailed response to each of the aforementioned reports and a disciplinary process has been initiated to deal with the allegations leveled at the CEO and some board members.
Stats SA will visit you during 2017 MARTINA BENADÉ, ECONOMICS AND TRADE, AGRI SA
As in the past, Agri SA encourages its affiliates, as well as their members, to comply with and participate in surveys conducted by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA).
s from next year, Stats SA is introducing new technology in its data collection, which will see paper replaced with tablets. Field workers will collect data from sampled households/individuals using these electronic devices. Reliable statistics are of value for various reasons. They determine, among others, agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agricultural policy development, and are therefore valuable to the industry. Statistics SA again assured that information is regarded highly confidential and will not be disclosed. Field workers and all staff members of Statistics SA have to take an oath of confidentiality that information will only be made public in an aggregated way.
The accompanying table on the opposite page, received from Stats SA, contains a schedule of dates and projects that will be conducted by Statistics SA during 2017/18. If you experience problems during the conducting of these specific projects, please contact Agri SA or the person responsible from Statistics SA.
agri Nuus/News
Target audience
Publicity period
Survey method
Reference date of survey
Contact person
Annual Agriculture • Organised (farming) and agriculture (OA) Related Services • Media Survey, 2016
• Postal • Electronic • Visits where requested
January to November 2017
Sally Wheeler 012 310 4632
Annual Agriculture • Organised (farming) and agriculture (OA) Related Services • Media Survey, 2017
• Postal • Electronic • Visits where requested
January to November 2018
Sally Wheeler 012 310 4632
General Household Survey (GHS) July
• OA • Media • Press associates
First week of every month, exceptions: • February – last week of January • December – last week of November
• Personal Interviews
January to December 2017 Fieldwork: middle two weeks of the month, exceptions: • January – last 2 weeks • December – first 2 weeks
Magret Sethlabane 012 337 6378 082 809 3606
Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS)
• OA • Media • Press associates
First week of every month
• Listing • Personal Interviews
January to December 2017 Fieldwork: middle two weeks of the month
Magret Sethlabane 012 337 6378 082 809 3606
Domestic Tourism Survey (DTS)
• OA • Media • Press associates
First week of every month, exceptions: • February – last week of January • December – last week of November
• Personal Interviews
January to December 2017 Fieldwork: middle two weeks of the month, exceptions: • January – last 2 weeks • December – first 2 weeks
Magret Sethlabane 012 337 6378 082 809 3606
Victims of Crime (VOCS)
• OA • Media • Press associates
January to December 2017 First week of every month, exceptions: • February – last week of January • December – last week of November
• Personal Interviews
January to December 2017 Fieldwork: middle two weeks of the month, exceptions: • January – last 2 weeks • December – first 2 weeks
Magret Sethlabane 012 337 6378 082 809 3606
Master Sample
• OA • Media • Press associates
January to December 2017
• Maintenance
January to December 2017
Pietersen Dion 012 310 8327 082 888 2135
Survey of Employers and the Self Employed (SESE)
• OA • Media • Press associates
July to September 2017 • Personal Interviews
July to September 2017
Magret Sethlabane 012 337 6378 082 809 3606
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agri Promosie/Promotional
UPHOLD™ 360 SC proves that two is better than one
Radical new insecticide to save harvests by delivering a knockout to pests The battle for the protection of crops against the onslaught of agricultural pests is an ongoing one. Many modern-day insecticides often fall short of giving farmers fast, hard-hitting and long-lasting measures for the most common and destructive of crop pests.
he introduction of new UPHOLD™ 360 SC arrives just as South Africa has reported a crippling outbreak of the Fall Armyworm (FAW), and promises relief from other prevalent maize and cabbage pests. The insecticide, developed by industry leader Dow AgroSciences, has been developed on the proven efficacy and reliability of two principle active ingredients and is available in a convenient, easy-to-use coformulation. The two powerful award-winning active ingredients that make up UPHOLD™ 360 SC are methoxyfenozide and spinetoram, both of which were discovered and developed by Dow AgroSciences and have proven track records for the control of various key pests. Spinetoram acts quickly to knock down its target, whilst methoxyfenozide has longer lasting activity that offers farmers greater control over pests – the combination of the two, both of which are honoured recipients of the U.S. Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award, ensures a comprehensive and carefully formulated answer to the blight of
lepidopteran pests. Through rigorous testing, UPHOLD™ 360 SC has shown robust control over a wide range of destructive insects across various crops, working harder and faster than many other market equivalents. The key advantages of UPHOLD™ 360 SC lie in its quick action and ready-to-use co-formulation that requires no additional mixing. With a wide window of application, users can expect to see results within 3-24 hours as well as seeing effects that are enduring – the product guarantees proposed control of pests ranging from 10-21 days, depending on the species. Reaching target pests takes the form of both contact and ingestion, thus allowing for a broader target pest range, especially those pests that have been known to be resistant to existing insecticide modes of action. Rain is not a barrier to efficacy, as the product offers a two-hour rain-fastness. Farmers can have peace of mind knowing that UPHOLD™ 360 SC impacts all pest stages. Dow AgroSciences recognises the importance of balancing the control of
crop pests with the careful creation of a product that does not negatively impact both environmental and human health. This has been at the centre of UPHOLD™ 360 SC development and thus promises minimal impact on nature’s most beneficial of insects such as bees and parasitoids. Using UPHOLD™ 360 SC could not be simpler: the product suspends well in water and can be applied as a foliar spray with ground spray equipment appropriate for conventional insecticide application. It is an ideal solution for quick results and gives its users swift dominance over pest outbreaks as well as acting as a preventative method. With UPHOLD™ 360 SC, the control of a wide spectrum of even hard-to-subdue species comes together in one powerful product that can be applied using any of a variety of pesticide application equipment, depending on the region or crop. As a straightforward premix, UPHOLD™ 360 SC targets those common and destructive insects with two modes of entry, making it a Southpaw that pests will find impossible to get up from.
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Credit ratings will impede region The recent downgrading of the country will also have a negative regional impact, says Agri SA.
he full impact of the South African credit ratings downgrades is still uncertain but it will be short-sighted not to expect that it will have an impact on the region and that it will most certainly also be felt by neighbours, especially the Southern African Development Community (SADC), says Johannes Möller, president of Agri SA. “South Africa was in the past often viewed as the gateway to Africa in terms of investment and logistics, whilst also being a major trading partner for many of these countries.” On the investment front, the country’s downgrading and also those of major local banks will most certainly not be conducive towards obtaining international funds for
lending to Africa nor can expansion of the banks into Africa be expected. “Local interest rates also seem likely to increase, which will aggravate this situation.” If the economy is to move into a recession, which seems likely, it will lead to a reduced demand for imports in general and equally so for South Africa’s neighbours. “Livestock imports is a case in point as it is general knowledge that meat consumption is directly correlated to economic performance in South Africa; if we were to move into a recession the impact on our neighbours, some of them being heavily reliant on South Africa for these kinds of exports, is obvious. “In the customs union (SACU) reduced imports will also impact negatively on the customs pool – a major source of income for the BLNS countries. A depreciated rand is also not going to save the day for the region – despite its normal quality of supporting exports.” Möller says that infrastructure in South Africa is for the most part of it in a dilapidated state, while important for proper interconnection in the region.
“Our fiscal space to deal with these matters will, as a result of the downgrades, become further cramped not only because of the general impact on the economy but also as a result of higher interest rates crowding out funds availability for capital expenditure by government.” It is clear that the full impact of the downgrades will also be felt outside South Africa’s own borders, Möller says. “Not only is the current situation deserved of focused attention by the social partners inside South Africa but members of especially SADC should also, in their own interest, contemplate joint solutions to deal with this situation. We trust that the government – and specifically also president Zuma – will take the lead in devising plans to restore the dignity of our country and also in the interest of the region.”
Hou president verantwoordelik vir sy optrede In die lig van die onlangse kabinetskommeling en gebrek aan ekonomiese leierskap deur die president se kantoor, het Suid-Afrika ’n gradering van rommelstatus van Standard & Poor (S&P) en ander graderingsagentskappe ontvang.
or die afgelope 19 jaar het S&P slegs 23 lande afgegradeer na rommelstatus, waarvan slegs ses binne die kortste herstelperiode van vyf jaar herstel het. “Om te herstel van ’n afgradering verg ’n besondere poging van die politieke sowel as ekonomiese sektore van die samelewing. Die president moet nou verduidelik wat hy gaan doen om Suid-Afrika uit sy rommel statussituasie te kry,” sê Johannes Möller, president van Agri SA. S&P het verduidelik dat die afgradering die gevolg was van die kabinetskommeling Vrydag kort ná middernag. “Hierdie is ’n regstreekse gevolg van politieke besluite
wat gemaak is en sal ’n impak hê op die onbestendigheid van die wisselkoers, devaluering van die rand, belegging en soewereine leningsvoorwaardes. Dit sal ’n nadelige uitwerking hê op landbouproduksie in Suid-Afrika, asook inwaartse belegging en
potensieel voedselsekerheid,” sê Omri van Zyl, uitvoerende direkteur van Agri SA. Möller sê die president moet aan SuidAfrika verduidelik wat sy plan is om die land uit die gemors te kry. “As jy verantwoordelik is vir iets wat 55 miljoen Suid-Afrikaners raak, moet jy as staatsleier verduidelik wat jy gaan doen om die situasie reg te stel. Indien die president nie sy optrede kan verduidelik nie, moet hy bedank.” Volgens Möller is Agri SA bekommerd oor die huidige verwikkelinge en die uitwerking wat dit op politieke en ekonomiese sekerheid en stabiliteit in die land het. “Politieke en ekonomiese leierskap is die enigste manier waarop ons vorentoe kan beweeg,” maan hy. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
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agri Nuus/News
Politieke leierskap beduiwel die ekonomie Die onlangse kabinetskommeling gaan nie net oor individue nie, maar meer oor die onderliggende boodskap wat uitgestuur word – veral ten opsigte van die ekonomie, sê Johannes Möller, president van Agri SA.
ns beskou hierdie stap wat die president geneem het as ’n miskenning van die ekonomie, onkundig heid ten opsigte van beleggervertroue en onverskilligheid oor die toekomstige besluite van die graderingsagentskappe. Ons het beslis geen verdere onstuimigheid en onsekerheid nodig nie, ook nie wat die wisselkoers betref nie.” Suid-Afrika volg blykbaar tans ’n beggar thy neighbour-beleid, volgens Möller. Dit is ’n beleid wat tradisioneel beskryf word as een waar ’n land sekere beleidsmaatreëls aanvaar het wat nadelig vir ander lande kan wees. “Dit is tans duidelik ’n irrelevante verwagting, veral indien die lae vlak van regstreekse buitelandse investering (RBI) in Suid-Afrika as barometer dien. Volgens die jongste World Investment Report het die RBI in Suid-Afrika met bykans 70% in 2015 afgeneem, vergeleke met die vorige jaar – die laagste vlak in 10 jaar. Buitelanders is duidelik nie bereid om plaaslike beleid goedsmoeds te aanvaar nie.” Op die oog af maak dit baie min sin dat president Zuma minister Pravin Gordhan beveel het om vergaderings met beleggers in Londen en New York te kanselleer en huis toe te kom, sê Möller. “Watter boodskap stuur dit uit oor die vlak van vertroue wat ons het in ons huidige senior verteenwoordigers en selfs, soos aangekondig, hul opvolgers? Sekerlik sal sodanige stappe aanleiding gee tot ’n verdere skerp afname in die broodnodige RBI,” sê Möller. “Heroorweging van beleidsformulering en politieke optrede is duidelik nou van uiterste belang sodat ons land nie ’n ‘mislukte staat’ word nie.”
Möller sê die feit dat 17 miljoen mense tans afhanklik is van staatstoelae – mense wat kon aansluit by die werkende en entrepreneurs kaders van die ekonomie – dien as bewys dat dringende aksie nou nodig is in hierdie verband. “Hoewel die landboubeleidsomgewing nie direk geraak word deur die kabinet skommeling nie, is dit net so onseker, indien nie erger nie. Politieke uitsprake oor onteiening sonder vergoeding, onpraktiese voorstelle oor inkorting van grondbesit, die grondrestitusieproses wat tans vloeibaar is, die onsekere toestand van toekomstige beskikbaarheid van water en vae eise vir swart ekonomiese bemagtiging waaraan gehoor gegee moet word, is beslis nie bevorderlik vir belegging in ons sektor nie – dit terwyl optimum produksie op ’n lewensvatbare kommersiële grondslag vereis word om die toekomstige vraag na voedsel vir die hoofsaaklik verstedelikte bevolking in die land te verseker.” Agri SA glo dat hy as ’n organisasie die regering voorsien het van werkbare oplossings met betrekking tot grondher vorming en gepaste finansieringsmeganismes in dié verband, sê Möller. “Hoekom daar tot dusver basies geen reaksie hierop was nie
is onduidelik – miskien weens ’n sekere vlak van wantroue wat aangespreek moet word, in die mate dat dit wel bestaan.” Volgens Möller is die sporadiese oproepe vir wysigings aan die Grondwet ’n uiters kommerwekkende aspek van die openbare debat. “Indien ons daardie roete volg, sal selfs die baie beperkte beleidsekerheid wat wel bestaan ook verdwyn. Ons het beslis meer beleidsekerheid nodig – nie minder nie.” Möller sê dit mag nodig wees vir sosiale vennote, d.w.s die regering, die sakesektor en arbeid, om die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan (NOP) op ’n openlike en eerlike wyse te herbesoek, aangesien die verskeidenheid van prysenswaardige en werkbare voorstelle in die NOP besig is om te vervaag. Hy haal soos volg aan uit die NOP: “South Africa has the means, the goodwill, the people and the resources to eliminate poverty and reduce inequality. But it will not happen unless we write this new story, a story of people, their relationships, their dreams and their hopes for a better tomorrow.”
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Promosie/Promotional
Jooste cylinders synonymous with quality Since 1967 the Jooste cylinder has been improved and developed from the original galvanised steel J-Model, which operated telescopically, to the modern stainless steel, positive displacement AS-cylinder manufactured today.
he first stainless steel cylinder was manufactured in 1989 and won the “Cullinan Good Engineering Design Award” in 1993. The Jooste name has become synonymous with quality, reliability and excellent service. Today, the Jooste Cylinder & Pump Company is recognised as a leading manufacturer and distributor of high quality products throughout South Africa and Namibia. It is the company’s mission to promote a more sustainable and greener environment.
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agri Nuus/News
What interventions did government put in place? HAMLET HLOMENDLINI,CHIEF ECONOMIST, AGRI SA
South Africa’s agricultural sector is heavily dependent on rainfall. More than half of the country’s arable land lacks irrigation facilities and is labelled rain-fed. During the recent drought, which is still present in some parts of the country like the Western Cape and some parts of the Eastern Cape, the dependence on rain manifested in a shortfall of the country’s grain production, forced livestock sales and loss of livestock life. Last year, six provinces (KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, North West and Northern Cape) were declared disaster areas, while the Western Cape and Eastern Cape only declared certain district municipalities as disaster areas.
hen considering the impact of the drought on agriculture, the following facts emerged. A severe shortage of grain occurred and, for the first time in years, the country had to resort to imports to help offset the shortfall. In addition, the national livestock herds reached record lows as farmers were forced to sell off and/or slaughter regularly to prevent stocks from dying. Unfortunately, not all farmers were able to do that; scores of cattle and sheep died helplessly all over the country during the drought. From a socio-economic perspective the effect was more severe. It has been observed that in countries prone to this natural phenomenon, severe drought is almost invariably associated with famine which has its own social and economic consequences such as a drop in employment, fall in purchasing power, scarcity of drinking water, food and fodder, rise in the inflation rate, and heavy reliance on the fiscus. Likewise, South Africa is currently confronted with these socioeconomic ills that were aggravated by the recent drought. The greatest impact of a drought is usually more severe on the sections of the society with less purchasing power. In terms of government interventions, the following occurred: According to the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (DAFF) (2016), Section 24(b)(iii) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, prescribes that everyone “has the right to have the environment protected, for the benefit of present and future generations, through reasonable legislative and other measures that secure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources, while promoting justifiable economic and social development”. The Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act 57 of 2002) and the National Disaster Management Framework (NDMF) of 2005 mandate all organs of the state to prepare disaster management plans as line functionaries. In keeping with these mandates, DAFF has the primary responsibility of drought management, while shared responsibility lies
with other tiers of government, organised agriculture and the farming community. This means that DAFF must develop a drought management plan that outlines the vision and strategy pertaining to drought disaster risk management, while providing guidelines for its implementation. DAFF developed the Agricultural Drought Management Plan (ADMP), dated October 2016. Prior to this, there is no document that provides a plan for drought disaster management in the country. It could therefore be concluded that due to the non-existence of a drought management plan prior to October 2016, the current drought caught the country poorly prepared from a policy point of view. In response to the drought situation, DAFF and provincial departments allocated funding from their budgets to assist smallscale farmers with animal feed, medicines and water reticulation or water for livestock consumption. Other government departments such as the department of rural development and land reform (DRDLR) assisted with livestock feed and water projects. Various non-governmental organisations (NGOs) also assisted with the distribution of fodder to both smallholder and commercial farmers. The table on the right summarises the value and nature of drought relief interventions by government and its parastatals. DAFF monitors the progress of govern ment’s drought relief interventions on a regular basis. According to the latest figures,
an amount of R173 601 303 was spent by provinces from the equitable share budgets. An additional amount of R 261 236 956 was spent from the CASP budget. It is, however, not clear whether this is additional to R226 million quoted in the table below or not. Due to the recent drought, the DAFF management in consultation with the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) and national treasury took a decision to procure animal feed on behalf of the provinces from an allocation of R212 million in the financial year 2016/17. According to the government, implementation is currently ongoing in the specified provinces. The table below provides an overview of the breakdown of the allocation per province: Province
Eastern Cape Free State KwaZulu-Natal Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape Gauteng
R29 000 000 R31 000 000 R23 000 000 R26 000 000 R25 000 000 R38 000 000 R12 000 000 Pending declaration and funding will be sourced through the NDMC emergency funds
Total national R212 000 000 allocation Source: DAFF >>> page 47 agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Promosie/Promotional
The PPECB welcomes new board members The Perishables Products Export Control Board (PPECB), South Africa’s official export certification agency for the perishable produce industry, is proud to announce the appointment of its new board members for the three year period effective 1 December 2016.
stablished in 1926, the PPECB has delivered valuable services to the perishable products industry for over 90 years by enhancing the credibility of the South African export certificate and supporting the export competitiveness of South Africa’s perishable product industries. As a national public entity the PPECB is constituted and mandated by the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (Daff) to perform cold chain services along with inspection and food safety services. The PPECB board is structured in accordance with the Perishable Products Export Control Act (PPEC Act), No 9 of 1983. In line with this the board is appointed by, and accountable to, the minister of the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (Daff) and comprises of nonexecutive directors, representing industries in which the PPECB operates. The board welcomes six new members namely Khaya Katoo, Arthur Shipalana, Clive Garrett, Anton Kruger, Martli Slabber and Mooketsa Ramasodi, who joined Angelo Petersen, Dr Mono Mashaba, Jill Atwood-Palm and Eurica Scholtz, who were reappointed for an additional tenure. Furthermore, Angelo Petersen was redesignated as the chairperson of the board while Dr Mono Mashaba was redesignated as vice chairperson. In addition, to discharge
its duties more effectively, the PPECB board has approved and delegated authority on specific matters to various committees, namely the audit, human resources and special projects committees. “The new members bring a wealth of varied skills and diverse experience, which include executive and stakeholder management, marketing, finance, agriculture, food safety and biosecurity. Their proven business leadership, as well as their extensive industry experience, will serve the PPECB and the industry well,” said Petersen. “Furthermore, the previous board provided a sound platform for the new board to build from which I believe has laid the foundations for a promising and successful tenure.”
THE CURRENT PPECB BOARD MEMBERS INCLUDE: Angelo Petersen (chairperson) was elected as a member of the PPECB board in September 2013. He represents the vegetable, grain and oilseed industry and is currently the executive general manager: corporate services at global fruit marketing and logistics player, the Capespan Group. He serves on the boards of various Capespan subsidiaries and also sits on the Human Resources Committee of the PPECB board. Dr Mono Mashaba (vice chairperson) was elected as a member of the PPECB board in September 2013 and currently sits
The PPECB board members in front from left to right: Arthur Shipalana, Jill Atwood-Palm, Khaya Katoo, Martli Slabber, Eurica Scholtz. At the back from left to right are Dr Mono Mashaba, Mooketsa Ramasodi, Clive Garrett, Anton Kruger, Angelo Petersen.
on the Audit Committee of the board. He represents the pome and stone fruit industries and is currently the managing director of Africa Excel Advisory Services, a consulting company advising South African fruit industry associations to broaden their international market access. He also serves as a director for Hortgro, Fresh Produce Exporters Forum and Onderstepoort Biological Products. Jill Atwood-Palm was elected as a member of the board in September 2013, representing the deciduous fruit industry. She is currently the general manager of the SA fruit and Vegetable Canners’ Association and serves as chairperson of the special projects committee of the board. Eurica Scholtz was elected as a member of the board in September 2013 representing the table grape industry. She is currently chairperson of the Bergriver Table Grape Producer Association and serves as chairperson of the human resources committee of the board. Khaya Katoo represents the citrus industry and has managed a family citrus farm since 2004 and is also the chairman of the Entabeni board of directors. He is a member of the Citrus Marketing Forum and a member of the Citrus Growers Development Chamber. He also sits on the Special Projects Committee of the board. Arthur Shipalana represents the fishing industry and has had involvement in numerous businesses, including the current three fishing entities Basani Marine, Visko Sea Products and ZWM Fishing. In addition, he is a shareholder and director of Cape Pine Investment Holdings, which owns MTO Forestry. He also sits on the human resources committee of the board. Clive Garrett is the chairperson of the audit committee of the board. He represents the subtropical fruit industry and currently holds the position of marketing manager at ZZ2 and is a director of the South African Avocado Growers Association, also serving on their market development committee. Anton Kruger represents the pome and stone fruit industries and has extensive experience in stakeholder management as well as executive management in various industries. Since 2012 he has held the position of CEO of the Fresh Produce Exporters’ Forum. He also sits on the human resources committee of the board. >>> page 47
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Nuus/News
<<< page 45 Name of organisation/ programme
CASP & IIima/ Letsema DAFF
Reprioritised to provide for immediate responses to the agricultural sector. Resources were made available for the distribution of animal feed and other interventions.
R226 935 000
All nine provinces
Social relief measures Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grants. Dept of social development
Provision of food parcels/ nutritious meals through the establishment of Community Nutrition and Development Centres (CNDCs).
R45 832 800
Free State KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga North West
Household Food Production Support DAFF & dept of water and sanitation
Provision of support packages which included drilling of boreholes and equipping them to provide water for irrigation and livestock. Packages also included small stock and indigenous chickens, grain silo, garden equipment, and vegi-packs
R130 424 680
North West Free State KwaZulu-Natal Mpumalanga Limpopo
Enhancing access to drought tolerant seeds DAFF, ARC & SA National Seed Producers Organisation
Distribution of drought tolerant maize seeds to farmers and farming communities. The development of other drought tolerant crops
R37 000 000
Land Bank
Concessionary Disaster Relief Fund
R400 000 000
Forced Stock Sale Deposit
R375 000 000
Rainwater harvesting programme as part of the food security strategy
R18 000 000 (2015/16)
KwaZulu-Natal Free State
Implementation of restrictions on all national dams under the control of water catchment management agencies
R10 500 000
North West Limpopo Eastern Cape Western Cape
Water sector responses dept of water and sanitation
While government interventions in the drought crisis were widely acknowledged, particularly by those who benefited from them, there is also a general sense that government was not well prepared to promptly respond to the crisis. It is known that South Africa is prone to short, cyclical droughts at regular intervals. Since 1980 the country has experienced four droughts which varied in severity, but all had an adverse impact on the agricultural sector. Unlike the previous droughts which occurred once in five to ten years, the recent drought was to a certain extent a one-off occurrence, considered to be the worst in 35 years. It begs a very important
question as to whether or not South Africa can cope with prolonged droughts. Does the country have an effective strategy in place to effectively deal with and minimise the impact of any kind of drought the country might face in the future and does the the Agricultural Drought Management Plan (ADMP) cater for this? The problem with this government plan is that it was developed just to cater for the recent drought; raising questions around its sustainability due to its political linkage and its effectiveness in terms accommodating the farming community at large, as well as its impact on the social side of things. Section 27 of the Constitution seeks to contribute towards socio-economic needs,
especially ensuring sufficient food and water for everyone in the Republic of South Africa. Taking this into account, it is clear that the ADMP is a very specific disaster management strategy, which focuses on helping a certain group of farmers and is silent on dealing with the socio-economic ills mentioned in the preceding section. South Africa must ask itself what it has learnt from the recent drought and what should be done to ensure that the negative impact experienced will be minimised should drought strike again. It cannot be left solely to government to answer these questions. Collaborative planning between government and the private sector is crucial in this regard.
<<< page 46 Martli Slabber represents the citrus industry and is currently managing director of Hexrivier Sitrus. Furthermore, she was the founding chairperson of the Soft Citrus Focus Group and serves on the audit committee of the board. Mooketsa Ramasodi was elected as the ministerial representative. He currently
holds the position of deputy directorgeneral: Agricultural Production, Health and Food Safety at the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries and has over 19 years’ experience in government biosecurity regulatory services. He sits on the audit committee of the board. “The PPECB’s strength has always been encapsulated in the diversity of its
people and I believe the composition of the new board members exemplify this. Their extensive and diverse experience will ensure that the PPECB remains abreast of developments across all sectors, which it serves and that decisions are made collaboratively and for the betterment of the industry as a whole,” said Lucien Jansen, chief executive officer of the PPECB. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Promosie/Promotional
Mieliesaad vaar uitmuntend Graanboere van oor die KwaZulu-Natalse middellande is in hul noppies met die uitmuntende resultate wat hulle met Capstone Seeds se witmieliebaster CAP 9021 behaal het. KUILVOER en van dié gebied se mielieprodusente, Jason Shewan van Grassy Park Dairy in Nottingham Road, het dié kultivar die afgelope seisoen op ’n paar hektaar beproef en erken dat die mielie se oesprestasie sy beste verwagtinge oortref het. Dit is bekend dat boere in dié omgewing erg sukkel met siektes en CAP 9021 het dié siekte-aanslag met vlieënde vaandels geslaag: reg langs hom was ’n bekende kultivar van ’n ander saadgroep wat aansienlike skade gehad het weens grys blaarvlek en ander kalante. Shewan het CAP 9021 teen ’n plantdigt heid van 73 000 plante per hektaar geplant, maar sou beter resultate gehad het indien hy teen 55 000 plante per ha geplant het. ’n Meer konserwatiewe stand stel die plant se breë mielieblare in staat om sy opbrengs maksimaal te bereik. Dit beteken nie dat hy nie goed gevaar het nie: 65 ton kuilvoer en selfs meer per hektaar is nie te versmaai nie. Gevallestudies soos dié is algemeen, met verskeie boere wat baie goeie graanopbrengste met CAP 9021 behaal het.
So is die voorlopige oesskatting van Hardingboere wat teen ’n stand van 55 000 plante/ ha geplant het net-net onder 10 ton graan per hektaar – in ’n gebied waar nog nie meer as 7 ton/ha afgehaal is nie.
GRAANPRODUKSIE Boere wat Capstone Seeds se geelmielie presteerder CAP 122-60 geplant het, glimlag ook breed. Dié kultivar het keer op keer puik gevaar in die mark, insluitend die beste in die Sonop-proewe twee jaar gelede en minstens in die voorste vyf vanjaar. Stiaan van Rensburg, verkoopsbestuurder vir die Hoëveldstreek, het selfs onlangs ’n oproep van ’n Prieska-boer ontvang waarin hy sy lof uitgespreek het vir
CAP 122-60 se oesprestasie: ’n oesverwagting van minstens 14 ton/ha onder besproeiing is die gemiddeld vir die area en hy is vol vertroue dat CAP 122-60 dit sal oortref. Capstone Seeds spog nie net nie – dié saadgroep bemark die afgelope jare ’n lys puik presterende variëteite waarmee SA boere ’n suksespad kan stap.
CAP 9021 se prestasie regs is opvallend, terwyl ’n mededinger se variëteit (links) erg gesukkel het.
Ons boere is ernstig oor boerdery; ons is ernstig oor saad. MIELIES
PAK GROOTTE 80,000 Sade 80,000 Sade 80,000 Sade 80,000 Sade 80,000 Sade
SAAIDIGTHEID 40 - 80 000 sade/ha 40 - 80 000 sade/ha 40 - 80 000 sade/ha 40 - 80 000 sade/ha 40 - 80 000 sade/ha
AANPLANTING Okt - Des Okt - Des Okt - Des Okt - Des Okt - Des
SAAIDIGTHEID kg/ha 10-25 10-25 10-25 10-25
AANPLANTING Okt - Des Oct - Dec Oct - Dec Oct - Dec
GEEL OOPBESTUIFDE MIELIES VARITEIT Sahara Okavango Okavango Flint Nelson’s Choice Geel
PAK GROOTTE 25kg 25kg 25kg 25kg
VARITEIT Kalahari Early Pearl Select Shesha Nelson’s Choice Nelson’s Choice QPM ZM 1521 ZM 1421 ZM 1523 Matuba Select
SAAIDIGTHEID kg/ha 10-25
25kg 25kg 25kg 25kg 25kg 25kg
10-25 10-25 10-25 10-25 10-25 10-25 10-25
Okt - Des Okt - Des Okt - Des Okt - Des Okt - Des Okt - Des Okt - Des
VARITEIT CAP 9299 CAP 311 CAP 341 NG WE 3127
PACK SIZE 25kg 25kg 25kg 25kg
SAAIDIGTHEID kg/ha 10-25 10-25 10-25 10-25
AANPLANTING Okt - Des Okt - Des Okt - Des Okt - Des
25kg 25kg 25kg 25kg 25kg 25kg 25kg
10-25 10-25 10-25 10-25 10-25 10-25 10-25
Okt - Des Okt - Des Okt - Des Okt - Des Okt - Des Okt - Des Okt - Des
WE 3128 CAP 9401 CAP 9055 CAP 9503 CAP 9019 CAP 9001 CAP 9021
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
Mark Wattam - 082 603 8471
Kommersiële Bestuurder Verkoopverteenwoordiger - Oos-Kaap
Steve Thomson - 082 654 2162 Area Verkoopsbestuurder - KZN
Thys Fourie - 082 326 6797 Nasionale Verkoopsbestuurder
Stiaan van Rensburg - 082 602 4414 Area Verkoopsbestuurder - Hoëveld
FOKUS • FOCUS Energie & Elektries/Energy & Electrical
Electricity licensing regulations fast-tracked NIC OPPERMAN, DIRECTOR: NATURAL RESOURCES
Agri SA requested Tina Joemat-Pettersson, former minister of energy, to expedite the gazetting of the draft Licensing Exemption and Registration Regulations, which were published in the Government Gazette No. 40464 on 2 December 2016. Agri SA supported the contents of the draft regulations.
enewable energy developers specialising in consulting and provisioning of solar PV systems and products to businesses and individuals, lodged a significant number of applications to Eskom (grid access unit) and applied to Nersa for the licensing of these plants. All these applications are for solar PV plants smaller than 1MW and will solely supply a single consumer (mostly farmers) by connecting and using the national grid. The design, intention and purpose of these plants fall under the ERA amendment, and are within the limitations of the requirements as set out in the draft regulations. Applications follow the approved IPP process, where a Nersa generation license must be obtained before a grid connection can take place. Currently, Eskom requires the agricultural sector to apply for a license
at Nersa, which can take almost 120 days from the day all information is received to decide on the license application. Nersa indicated that these projects will only be processed once the regulations are gazetted. Considering the above, Eskom’s customers are currently trapped in the middle and are uncertain – as they are not allowed to become embedded generators because: • Nersa will not issue any licenses for gridtied embedded generation systems; and • Eskom will not connect systems without a license being obtained from Nersa. Rising energy and fuel prices, electricity supply constraints and the global drive towards greener economies are just some of the contributors to the rising demand for alternative energy. Solar PV systems bring timeous relief for some of these
as well as other pressing constraints South Africans have faced to date. To the contrary, according to the Power Quality and Renewable Services analytic entity, there are already more than 100MW of commercial and residential rooftop solar PV installations connected. It is presumed that most of these installations are connected to municipal networks (grid tied), without the needed Eskom intervention. This illustrates the disparity, which excluded the agricultural sector as a beneficiary. Agri SA submits that the gazetting of the long-awaited Licensing Exemption and Registration Regulations will enable the agricultural sector to benefit from the renewable energy mix. Simultaneously, solar PV plants contribute towards cleaner and sustainable energy use as advocated in the draft Integrated Energy Plan (IEP) and Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
FOKUS • FOCUS Energie & Elektries/Energy & Electrical
Die Natuur verskaf gratis energie! Neem dus kennis... Almal verwys na natuurlike energie as “alternatiewe” energie. Dit spreek boekdele oor hoe ons mensdom gekondisioneer is om te dink - dat iets wat oorspronklik, eg en gratis is as “alternatief” geklassifiseer moet word! ZMSA se uitgangangspunt is eenvoudig: gebruik die natuur om hierdie gratis energie tot jou voordeel te benut!
KRAGOPSTORING Geseëlde VLRA-, jel en nuwe, super-gehalte loodkristal-batterye is beskikbaar. ‘n Volledige reeks ondersteunende en beheertoerusting word ook aangebied. MARANGATÚ WEIDINGSAAD Oorspronklik afkomstig uit Afrika, is hierdie Brasiliaanse weigrasse oor dekades verfyn vir ons toestande. 100% son-energie! Direk uit die weiveld vir jou beeste, skape of perde.
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
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Vir baie mense is die Son, Wind en Water nie Krag nie!
WATERKRAG Tot ‘n Klein stroompie kan betroubare hernubare energie opwek wat per Watt
WINDKRAG ZMSA bied verskeie windturbines aan wat wissel van 1kW tot 60 kW. Díe word as volledige stelsels verskaf. Twee soorte is beskikbaar: Horisontale en Vertikale turbines.
van die vervaardiger gebied wat tot mededingende pryse lei. Die befaamde GoSun Cooker wat as ‘n effektiewe kookstelsel dien en net sonlig gebruik is ook beskikbaar. Dis ideaal vir buitemuurse aktiwiteite.
WATERPOMPE ZM Bompas waterpompe word van top gehalte gietyster, aluminium en polimere vervaardig wat roesbestand is en ‘n langer lewe verseker. Watervalle en riviere dryf Spaan- of waterwiele en flotasiesisteme aan wat water oor lang afstande en hoogtes kan pomp. Windgedrewe en sonkrag/fotovoltaïse waterpompsisteme is ook beskikbaar.
minder kos as son- of windturbine krag. ZMSA het verskeie turbines wat by verskillende toestande aard. Die kragleweringspotensiaal hang uiteindelik van watervolume af. Faktore soos valhoogte (kop) en vloeivolume (vloeitempo) is bekangrik. Klein, medium of grootskaalse Hidrokraginstallasies word gedoen.
• Brachiaria Brizanthe • Panicum Maximum Perfek vir Afrika - vars weiding!
MSA se fokus is om volhoubare en hernubare energie te benut, hetsy dit son-, wind- of waterkrag is. Hulle deskundiges kan jou help om die mees gepaste produk vir jou toestande en behoeftes te kies.
FOKUS • FOCUS Energie & Elektries/Energy & Electrical
Sonkrag bied oplossing vir afgeleë boorgate Boere maak toenemend gebruik van fotovoltaïese sonpanele en spoedbeheer (VSDs) om deurlopend krag by hul boorgate op afgeleë plekke te kry. Dit skakel duur infrastruktuur en kabel-investering uit om by die nasionale elektriese toevoernetwerk aan te sluit.
est WEG-groep, ’n filiaal van die voorste Brasiliaanse motor- en beheervervaardiger WEG, verskaf dié tipe oplossings sodat gebruikers in die landbousektor onmiddellik kan voordeel trek uit “gratis” sonkrag vir die pomp van water. Een van die belangrikste pluspunte van dié tegnologie-oplossing is die feit dat die VSD die motor beskerm teen wisselende energievloei van die sonpaneel deur die motorspoed wat wissel na gelang van die sterkte van die son se strale tydens veranderinge in weersomstandighede gedurende verskillende tye van die dag. Dit verseker optimale stelselbeskikbaarheid gedurende die dag, terwyl dit die motor en VSD beskerm. Hierbenewens bied die VSD ook ’n verskeidenheid van ander funksies en beskermings vir motors soos oorspanning, onderspanning, fase-wanbalans, fase-verlies en oorstroom, wat normaalweg gedoen sou word deur ander eksterne toerusting. Die toepaslike model van VSD word
gekies uit ’n reeks van WEG-standaardeenhede om by die grootte van die motor en pompkapasiteit aan te pas. Tipiese toepassings vir die fotovoltaïese sonpaneeloplossings is vir motorgroottes tot ongeveer 5.5 kW, maar daar kan ook vir groter motors voorsiening gemaak word deur die installering van meer sonkragpanele. Die toegevoegde waarde van die WEG VSD sluit die maatskappy se vermoë in om VSD-programmatuur in-huis te ontwikkel, wat jou in staat stel om die effektiwiteit van die motor en pomp volgens die toepassing te optimiseer. Die sonkrag-opsie skakel ook die probleme uit geassosieer met lang kabellengtes en spanningsval weens die feit dat boorgate normaalweg ver geleë is van die punt van koppeling met die elektriese toevoer. Dit verminder ook die risiko vir moontlike kabeldiefstal, wat ontwrigting en bygevoegde koste veroorsaak. Die ondersteuning van kliënte is van kardinale belang vir die ZEST WEG-groep
2 7
for the entire agricultural sector.
8 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Diesel Generator Set WWash Motor Invicta Vibrator Motors Indoor Customisable Control Panels Overhead Lines Transformers All Weather Outdoor Control Panels Pole Mount Transformers Premium Efficiency Motors Variable Speed Drives Soft Starters Direct Online Starters (DOL) Motor Protective LV Switchgear Pushbuttons and Pilot lights
Tel: +27 11 723 6000
10 13 12
Zest WEG Group has been servicing the agricultural sector for more than 35 years with its range of robustly engineered products.
WEG products, designed using modern technology, offer farmers optimum reliability coupled with excellent energy efficiency. From WEG Premium Efficiency electric motors to WWash electric motors with WEG Variable Speed Drives, all have developed a reputation for solid performance in the most demanding conditions. Low maintenance requirements as well as ease of serviceability allow reduced total cost of ownership to the agricultural sector. As a market leader, Zest WEG Group offers access through WEG Brazil, to international best practice in electrical solutions for the agricultural sector. The Zest WEG Group operates a strategically situated network of branches and distributors to ensure optimum availability of product and parts.
ZestWeg_770_agri_adv_Agri_180x122.indd 1
en diens word ondersteun deur ’n netwerk van takke regoor Suid-Afrika en die vasteland. Ervare tegniese personeel is landwyd beskikbaar om kliënte te adviseer, sowel as om hulle met raad en daad by te staan om hierdie soort stelsels in bedryf te bring en sodoende te kapataliseer op hierdie volhoubare energie-gebaseerde oplossing.
2016/11/28 10:59 AM
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FOKUS • FOCUS Energie & Elektries/Energy & Electrical
Biogas hier om te bly Biogas word deesdae as een van die oplossings vir Suid-Afrika se energieprobleme beskou en baie boere getuig reeds dat dié vorm van herwinbare energie ‘n duik in hulle elektrisiteitsrekening gemaak het. Biogasaanlegte skiet oral op soos paddastoele. Met goeie rede.
otala is een van die eerste ingenieursfirmas wat in biogas spesialiseer en op dié manier boere en ander landbouvertakkings help om bekostigbare elektrisiteit te produseer. “Plase verskil en het spesifieke behoeftes. Dieselfde plan werk nie vir almal nie. Daarom ontwikkel ons saam met boere en landboubesighede planne wat nommerpas vir hulle omstandighede is,” sê Peet Steyn van Botala. Die firma se ingenieurs besoek plase en besighede om eerstehands te bepaal watter plan die beste gaan werk. “Die konsep van groen energie of energie vervaardig van afvalmateriaal is lankal nie meer net gonswoorde nie, maar ‘n werklikheid waarvan Suid-Afrikaanse boere moet kennis neem. Om elektrisiteit te produseer en terselfdertyd van afval ontslae te raak, maak eenvoudig besigheidsin. Biogas word reeds vir jare in Europa en die VSA geproduseer. Dit werk ook in Suid-
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Afrika en ons klimaat is ideaal daarvoor geskik,” sê Steyn. Een van Botala se kliënte is ‘n hoenderboer naby Heidelberg in Gauteng, wat deur die opwekking van biogas van hoendermis sy Eskom-elektrisiteitsrekening met ‘n driekwart verminder het. Die boer se biogasaanleg beslaan net 15m x 20m. Dit het ‘n kragkapasiteit van 25kW per dag, wat hy met slegs 500 kg hoendermis opwek. Botala het ook ‘n biogasaanleg vir die Tswane Food and Energy Centre buite Bronkhorstspruit opgerig. Dié 80kW-aanleg verskaf energie, buiten dié wat hulle van Eskom gebruik, vir hulle hoenderbroeiprojek. Die aanleg word gevoed deur afvalgroente
wat van die Tshwane Varsproduktemark afkomstig is, sowel as hoendermis van die plaas se broeiaanleg en kuilvoer wat spesifiek vir energie-opwekking aangeplant word. Botala het ook ‘n kliënt naby Tarlton wat van vrugtepulp gebruik maak om die biogasaanleg te voed. Steyn sê hierdie is almal suksesverhale wat wys dat biogas ‘n verklikheid vir SuidAfrikaanse boere geword het en hulle geld bespaar.
FOKUS • FOCUS Energie & Elektries/Energy & Electrical
Eskom not applying for additional price increase NIC OPPERMAN, DIRECTOR, NATURAL RESOURCES, AGRI SA
Eskom investigated the possibility of applying for an additional increase as per the NERSA decision on 23 February 2017 and responded to the NERSA determination. The power utility, however, did not submit a tariff application because the consultation process per the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) could not be accommodated within the extension to 5 April 2017 provided by the minister of finance. Eskom will therefore not be applying for an additional price increase over and above the MYPD3 price increase of 2.2% already determined and granted by NERSA.
he Eskom tariffs to municipalities was tabled in Parliament on 29 March 2017 and the average price increase of 2.2% will be implemented to Eskom’s customers on 1 April 2017 and to municipalities
(0.31%) on 1 July 2017 in line with the Eskom Retail Tariff and Structural Adjustment (ERTSA) methodology that was approved by NERSA in March 2016. The tariff increases approved by NERSA for the 2017/18 financial year are as follows: Although the average price increase is 2.2%; customers on urban tariffs will experience an increase on their overall average increase (incorporating all charges) that may be ±0.2% higher, depending on the individual customer’s load-factor. This is due to the higher increase of the affordability subsidy. The affordability
subsidy charge was introduced by NERSA in MYPD3 to protect the poor increases by 8.2%. There are no tariff structural adjustments for 2017/18.
For customer impact calculations and Eskom’s schedule of standard prices, please refer to the website:\tariffs
Stats SA evolves with the world of technology Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) is introducing new technology in its data collection, which will see paper replaced with tablets. As from next year, Stats SA field workers will collect data from sampled households/ individuals using the electronic device.
tats SA will utilise this innovative method as it is better, faster and cheaper in order to enable technological efficiency and improve the quality of the collected information,” says statistician-general and head of Stats SA Dr Pali Lehohla. In addition, the digital mode of data collection will reduce financial and time costs in data processing, as well as data quality enhancement. It will also minimise volumes of logistics and paper, increase response rates, increase turn-around time for dissemination of results and consequently, improve Stats SA’s overall survey measurements. The organisation envisages conducting a pilot study in order to test its state of readiness on the CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing) system. The CAPI processes to be tested include the duration of interviews that will be conducted by Stats
SA fieldworkers, the efficiency of the devices that are going to be used and more. This will enable the organisation to implement and roll out the digital data collection by January 2018. The following household-based surveys will conduct the CAPI system test throughout 2017: General Household Survey (GHS); Domestic Tourism Survey (DTS); Victims of Crime Survey (VOCS); Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS); and Continuous Population Survey (CPS) In preparation to the above digital data collection processes, Stats SA is preparing a geo-referenced frame for sampling. The testing of the frame will be done from May to July. Stats SA is appealing to Agri SA and its members to co-operate with the statistical agency and to encourage its members to
open their households for fieldworkers.
For more information please contact the following: Names: Mr Moses Mnyaka Position: Chief Director, Household Survey Operations (HSO), Statistics South Africa Mobile number: 083 471 3531 Office Number: 012 310 8984 Email: agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
FOKUS â&#x20AC;¢ FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation
011 864 1601/2
FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation
Case IH marks 175th anniversary of founding firm with unveiling of autonomous tractor at SIMA show Driverless Magnum concept makes Europe debut / Tractor offers potential to relieve operators of need for long hours in the field / Latest Quantum models plus new precision technology also on display / 2017 marks 175 years since 1842 foundation of JI Case Threshing Machine Company in Racine, Wisconsin, today’s home of Magnum.
sub-2.5cm steering repeatability, the ACV development offers the potential to address these issues and enable farmers and farm staff to enjoy more sociable working hours, thereby helping support the industry and its existing labour force. It does this through a design which allows programming, control and monitoring of the tractor to be Case IH ACV SIMA Silver Inno Award medal carried out remotely available new precision farming technology via a tablet or PC. Safety being revealed by Case IH at SIMA, is assured through the use of in-built sensor, including AccuTurn, a new tractor option radar and laser-based lidar technology, which automates the process of turning on integrated into the restyled cabless design. the headland and entering the next chosen Where fields are interlinked by private tracks, swath. Also on show will be the benefits of the the ACV can even be programmed to move Case IH RTK+ network, designed to provide between them, and has the potential to use seamless correction signal coverage with RTK weather data to stop work if weather dictates, accuracy and maximum uptime. and even use that data to move to a field A number of new tractor models and with drier conditions. Currently, the ACV is updates also make their debut at the show, a concept, but its technologies are suited to alongside the 2017 Tractor of the Year, the integration into new conventional tractors in 270/300hp Optum CVX. the future, and are as applicable to smaller New are revised 65-105hp Quantum V tractors – those for orchard work, for example (vineyard) and F (fruit) tractors. They gain new – as they are to machines of the size of styling, a revised cab interior and controls, Magnum. and options including a new mid-mount This is reflected in the more imminentlyhydraulic coupler, a high-flow hydraulic pump, switchable cab filtration for use when spraying, and an integral front linkage/PTO. Meanwhile, SIMA will also see Case IH marking the first celebrations of its 175th anniversary year. Jerome Increase Case founded the JI Case Threshing Machine Company in 1842 in Racine, Wisconsin, USA. In 1984 the business was merged with the agricultural equipment division of International Harvester to form Case IH, before JI Case became a publicly-owned entity, Case Corporation, in 1994. Fiat acquired Case Corporation and the Case IH brand in 1999 and formed CNH, which later became today’s CNH Industrial. The coming year also marks the thirtieth anniversary of the introduction of the first Magnum tractors, the latest generation of which are still built in Case IH 175 years with autonomous concept vehicle at SIMA 2017 Racine today.
he first major international show of its 175th anniversary year will see Case IH unveil to farmers the very latest from the brand’s innovation team, in the form of the autonomous Magnum tractor revealed at the US Farm Progress Show last autumn. While the machine is currently a concept, it will be complemented on the Case IH stand at the SIMA show in Paris, France by recent product introductions including the updated Quantum plus uprated round and square balers and new precision farming technology. While auto-steering and other automated machine functions are already helping to improve circumstances for operators on currently-available machines, long hours in the field are often still essential, while sourcing staff sufficiently qualified and prepared to work them is becoming difficult. Designed to relieve drivers from long hours in the tractor seat and allow farm businesses to make better use of labour, while making possible unmanned work around the clock, the Autonomous Concept Vehicle (ACV) even offers the potential to automatically adapt to weather events, and can work alongside existing machines. The ACV has been awarded a silver medal in the SIMA Innovation Awards. Retaining its conventional engine, transmission, chassis and implement couplings, and using RTK GPS to provide
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation
Get the 232D Skid Steer Loader plus... Work Tools – Bale Grab, Material Handling Bucket and Single or Dual Bale Spears Equipment Protection Plan (EPP) – Protect your investment with 60 months / 4 000 hrs powertrain plus hydraulics protection plan Cat® Finance – R17 400 p.m (VAT incl.) over 36 months, with a 15% deposit
For more information visit or call 010 040 7614 Ts and Cs apply
© 2017 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved. CAT, CATERPILLAR, BUILT FOR IT, their respective logos, "Caterpillar Yellow", the "Power Edge" trade dress as agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.
FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation Johannesburg T: 011 397 4670 F: 011 397 4683 Oos-Londen T: 043 732 1428 F: 043 732 1601
Durban T: 031 700 3426 F: 031 700 3419 Kaapstad T: 021 905 0581 F: 021 905 0396
Landswyd: 086 022 7309
Hyundai vervaardig betroubare toerusting vir elke terrein High Power Equipment Africa (HPE Africa) is die alleenverskaffer van Hyundai Construction Equipment in Suid-Afrika.
ns het ‘n uitgebreide verspreidingsnetwerk van takke en geakkrediteerde handelaars wat nasionale verkope en tegniese ondersteuning moontlik maak. HPE Africa se onderdele-afdeling spog ook met omvattende vorrraad wat onderhoud en herstelwerk ‘n plesier maak. Hyundai is ’n wêreldbekende handelsnaam met ’n reputasie vir betroubare grondverskuiwingswerktuie en bied ’n wye reeks graafmasjiene, laaigrawe as ook sleepstuurlaaiers. Hyundai Construction Equipment streef daarna om grondverskuiwingstoerusting te ontwerp wat op enige soort terrein die taak doeltreffend kan afhandel en wat ook met die jonste tegnologie spog. HPE Africa gaan verskeie produkte op Nampo uitstal. Besoek ons gerus by standplaas 54.
H940S laaigraaf-nutswerktuig: Perkins-enjin 1104C-44T (4.4 L); Bedryfstelselgewig 7,650 kg; Perdekrag (bruto) 100 pk (74.5 kW) @ 2,200 rpm
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation
Quality Components Technical Expertise Superior Service
Dedicated to Brilliant Service
QUALITY AGRICULTURAL COMPONENTS BMG does more than supply industry with a vast range of superior quality engineering components, we also provide the technical resources needed to keep machinery operating at an optimal level. For more information, contact your nearest BMG branch.
FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation
BMG will exhibit its extensive range of agricultural components at Nampo BMG will again be exhibiting its extensive range of agricultural components at Nampo (Santam Hall, stands 15 and 16). This year’s stand highlights the importance of the company’s Boer Slim/Smart Farming concept, which was launched by BMG four years ago to assist farmers cope with constantly changing trends in the agricultural sector.
hrough the Boer Slim/Smart Farming initiative, BMG’s team of agricultural experts offers farming sustainability solutions throughout Africa that focus on effective food production, the correct use of suitable equipment for the specific task and the efficient application of advanced technologies,” explains Carlo Beukes, agricultural manager, BMG. “We work closely with farmers to demonstrate that the investment in the latest equipment is necessary to maximise productivity and does translate into tangible operational efficiencies. “A recent case study is testament to this. BMG was approached by a local farmer who wanted to accelerate his tobacco drying process and expand crop production, but was restricted by power supply limitations. After the installation of BMG Motoline variable speed drives, the farmer is able to run 22 tobacco drying containers at once, where previously he could only run and alternate between nine drying containers at any one time. As a result, he has more than doubled his crop production output.” Working demonstrations will showcase how BMG’s range of electronic, fluid technology, tools and power transmission components operate together, to form an efficient system that enhances productivity and energy efficiency. BMG’s high quality replacement agricultural components, which conform to relevant quality assurance and specification certifications, are engineered to improve productivity in the farming sector, to operate efficiently for extended periods and to reduce costs in the long term. As an example, BTC seed coulter discs are manufactured from 6 mm tough Boron steel and are hardened between 55 and 58 hrc. New to the agri range is the complete 8 series PTO drive shaft product line, designed and manufactured by La Magdalena in Italy, to meet the requirements in technical advancements in agriculture demand. This is an OEM quality
BMG will again be exhibiting its extensive range of agricultural components at Nampo (Santam Hall, stands 15 and 16).
product and caters for heavy duty applications. BMG provides solutions to all key players in the agricultural sector, including local manufacturers of equipment and implements, as well as agricultural re-sellers and the farmer.
New to the agri range is the complete 8 series PTO drive shaft product line, designed and manufactured by La Magdalena in Italy, to meet the requirements in technical advancements in agriculture demand.
Working demonstrations will showcase how BMG’s range of electronic, fluid technology, tools and power transmission components operate together, to form an efficient system that enhances productivity and energy efficiency. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation
Benut houtbronne op landbougrond beter Houtbronne op grond wat bestem is vir nuwe landbougrond of wat op reeds gevestigde plase voorkom, kan beter benut word.
Swak beplande oe dikwels gebeur dit egter dat ontbossingsprogramme wat ontbossingsprogramme op nuwe nie waarde aan ontboste landbougrond die bemarkbare materiaal toevoeg nie en ook hout wat daarop voorkom nie let op die uitwerking van grootliks onbenut laat? Dieselfde grootskaalse ontbossing op geld vir houtbronne op gevestigde plase. die langtermyn-drakapasitiet Indien die staande hout op nuut van die grond nie, is nie gevestigde of bestaande landbougrond van volhoubaar nie. goeie gehalte is en as saaghout benut kan Onbenutte ontboste word, sit die boer met ’n potensiële bate wat materiaal op nuutgevestigde ’n goeie bydrae kan lewer om die plaas se of bestaande plase beteken inkomste aan te vul. Dink byvoorbeeld aan kratte, palette, boumateriaal en heinings vir gebruik op die plaas self of gesaagde hout wat in nat of gedroogde vorm verkoop kan word teen ’n netjiese wins. ’n Saagmeul-onderneming wat van die plaas af bedryf word is nog ’n opsie, so ook ’n klein fabriek op die plaas wat gesaagde hout in produkte omskep vir eie gebruik of vir die mark. Die waarde van ontboste houtmateriaal en houthulpbronne op gevestigde plase 1 2017/04/07 12:15 PM gaan egterWM_AgiAdd_180X122_PR_C.pdf ook hand aan hand met volhoubaarheid.
nie net minder wins in die sak nie; dit kan ook as ’n sneller dien om nuwe plae en patogene te vestig, grondstruktuurveranderings teweeg te bring, bosindringing te bespoedig en uiteindelik die plaas se langtermynekonomiese waarde in gedrang te bring. Wood-Mizer se reeks rateltaai en Afrikabewese saagmeulens bied aan boere die kapasiteit om volhoubaar waarde te genereer uit houthulpbronne op die plaas.
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FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation
Rovic Leers vier fees by Nampo Rovic Leers vier vanjaar sy 90ste bestaansjaar en gaan dit behoorlik op Nampo uitkap.
oos elke jaar is Nampo ‘n spog geleentheid en word die nuutste tegnologie uit die Rovic-fabriek, asook ander topvervaardigers van reg oor die wêreld, bekendgestel. Ons is trots om die boer met ‘n meganiese oplossing te ondersteun. Ons stal vanjaar 60 implemente uit waarvan Rovic Leers beoog om 12 nuwe top- tegnologies gevorderde produkte bekend te stel. Groot fokus word geplaas op die graanprodusent waar boere gerus kan kyk na Rovic se grondvoorbe reidingsimplemente met die vele aanpasbaar heidsopsies waarmee dit toegerus kan word. Die baie bekende DLB12-reeks met sy betroubare onderhoudsvrye wegbreek meganisme is nou beskikbaar op rame wat toegerus kan word met “snykouters” om materiaalvloei te verbeter. Daar kan nou gekies word tussen gravitasierollers of dubbel dieptebeheerrollers. Rovic se nuwe wyespan-planter, toegerus met sentrale saadverspreiding asook Precision Planting, se wêreldleier-uitmeet meganisme, gaan boere baie beïndruk. Die planter is aanpasbaar vir konvensionele en geen-bewerkingstoestande sonder dat die hele planter verander moet word. Die oop ontwerp stel die operateur in staat om gemaklike toegang te hê tot elke deel van die planter. Met behulp van maklike verstellings op die saad en kunsmis word beide nou presies geplaas en te danke aan die nuutste tegnologie, gekontroleer vir gemoedsrus tot die optimale opbrengs. ‘n Nuwe Brasiliaanse model in geen-bewerkingsplanter vanaf Kuhn, ook met
‘n uitmeetmeganisme vir presisieplanting, en boonop mooi kurwes, gaan vanjaar baie harte steel. Ook uit die Rovic-fabriek in die Kaap gaan Rovic Leers vanjaar vir die eerste keer ‘n volledige reeks strooiers wys. Van die baie bekende beltstrooiers tot baie groot kettingstrooiers gaan uitgestal word. ‘n Nuwe volledige reeks aksiaal-waaierspuite in groottes van 1 000l tot 3 000l is deur die wêreld se voorste bespuitingsnavorsing ontwikkel. Verskillende opsies wat ook in die Rovic-fabriek vervaardig word, dra nie net by tot uitstekende resultate nie, maar het ekonomies ‘n groot voordeel bo die res. Die verbouing van pekanneute is tans een van Suid-Afrika se landbousektore wat die vinnigste groei en word vandag in meeste dele van die land aangeplant. Pekanneutproduksie is egter nie sommer ‘n eenvoudige proses nie. Voldoende spuit- en snoeiprogramme moet gevolg word vir optimale opbrengs, maar dit stop nie net daar nie. Om seker te maak dat elke neut perfek en so gou moontlik uit die boord verwyder word, het ‘n groot invloed op winsgewendheid. Dit is dus vandag van kardinale belang dat pekanneutboere meganiseer. Rovic Leers ondersteun boere in hierdie sektor met die beste produkte uit Amerika. Die COE-boomskudder, wat binne sekondes elke neut van die boom skud sonder om die boom te beskadig, asook ‘n volledige reeks trekkergemonteerde en selfaangedrewe veeen oesmasjiene gaan op Nampo uitgestal word. Die Cima Lae Volume-spuit word al vir
baie jare deur Rovic Leers ingevoer en word ook op Nampo uitgestal. Dit is nie net suksesvol in wingerde, vrugte en vele ander gewasse nie, maar is vandag die beste spuit vir pekanneute. Die Cimaspuit sorg vir optimale herwinning van die chemikalieë by jong en ou bome. Vloeistof kan by absoluut elke deel van die boom uitkom. Die spuite wat by Nampo te siene sal wees, sal ook toegerus wees met ‘n stelsel wat deur middel van klank kan bepaal waar die boom is en die spuit aan- en afskakel om te verhoed dat daar tussen elke jong boom gespuit word. Nie net dra dit by tot die besparing van duur chemikalieë wat in die wind verlore gaan nie, maar ook tot ‘n gesonder omgewing. Die maak van hooi en kuilvoer is Rovic Leers se trots. Ons stal vanjaar weer produkte van die wêreld se sterkste landbouimplementvervaardigers, Kuhn en Krone, uit. Daar is uitstekende gemeganiseerde toerusting vir die volledige proses van sny, hark en baal soos die nuwe Kuhn 4.4m-snyer met ‘n staalrollerkneuser. ‘n Indrukwekkende Kuhn Merger 900, wat die werking van ‘n hark vervang, is ook beskikbaar. Die materiaal word opgetel en met behulp van ‘n band in ‘n groot windry geplaas. Dit sorg nie net vir vinnige en versigtige hantering nie, maar dra ook by tot ‘n vinniger baalproses.
KONTAKNOMMERS CPT – 021 907 1700 JHB – 011 396 6200 PMB – 033 346 2727
Krone, wat die Suid-Afrikaanse mark vir die afgelope 17 jaar oorheers, is soos altyd die oplossing. Dit maak weer vanjaar die Rovic Leersuitstalling (standplaas 66, 67 en 68) by Nampo iets om te beleef. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
DUBBELKAJUIT 2.4 GD-6 4x4 SRX 6MT I 2.4 GD-6 4x4 SR 6MT I 2.4 GD-6 RB SRX 6MT I 2.7 VVTi RB SRX 5MT I 2.8 GD-6 RB RAIDER 6MT I 2.8 GD-6 RB RAIDER 6AT I 2.8 GD-6 4x4 RAIDER 6MT I 2.8 GD-6 4x4 RAIDER 6AT I 4.0 V6 RB RAIDER 6AT I 4.0 V6 4x4 RAIDER 6AT ENKELKAJUIT 2.0 VVTi 5MT I 2.0 VVTi 5MT A/C I 2.4 GD 5MT I 2.4 GD 5MT A/C I 2.4 GD-6 RB SRX 6MT I 2.4 GD-6 4x4 SRX 6MT I 2.4 GD-6 4x4 SR 6MT I 2.7 VVTi RB SRX 5MT I 2.8 GD-6 RB RAIDER 6MT I 2.8 GD-6 4x4 RAIDER 6MT I XTRAKAJUIT 2.4 GD-6 RB SRX 6MT I 2.8 GD-6 RB RAIDER 6MT I 2.8 GD-6 4x4 RAIDER 6MT I agri APRIL ‘17 bladsy/page Toyota SA • MEI/MAY @ToyotaSA
FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation
FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation
Trekkerverkope kry hupstoot SA boere het tot dusver vanjaar nie oorboord gegaan met hul aankope van landboutoerusting nie. Hoewel boere in Maart vanjaar 18,7% meer trekkers gekoop het as in dieselfde maand verlede jaar, was die trekkerverkope vir die eerste drie maande van vanjaar steeds 4,4% minder as vir die eerste kwartaal van verlede jaar.
oere het 515 trekkers in Maart aangeskaf, volgens syfers van die SA Landboumasjinerie-assosiasie (Salma). Dit vergelyk met die 434 trekkers wat in Maart 2016 verkoop is. Altesaam 1 668 trekkers is van Januarie tot einde Maart vanjaar deur handelaars verkoop, wat met die 1 745 trekkers van die eerste kwartaal van verlede jaar vergelyk. Salma skryf die verhoogde verkope van meer as 18% in Maart toe aan die goeie vooruitsigte vir somergewasse, nadat dit baie en tydig in die belangrikste produksiegebiede gereën het. Die verwagte mielieoes van 14,3 miljoen ton – die jongste beskikbare syfers met die ter perse gaan van Agri – kan dit die grootste oes in 36 jaar maak. Die rand was
ook redelik sterk tot en met die onlangse kabinetskommeling. Dit het boere gehelp wat trekkerpryse betref, sê Salma. Dr Jim Rankin, gerekende statistikus, sê in die April-uitgawe van sy Agfacts Newsbrief dat die pryse van landboutoerusting sterk geraak word deur die randwaarde, omdat die invoerkomponent daarvan baie hoog is. “Pryse fluktueer dus in ooreenstemming met ’n sterk of swak rand.” In die onlangse jare het die prysverhoging van landboutoerusting aan die begin van 2014 skerp gedaal – nadat die randwaarde op ’n jaargrondslag heelwat teen die Amerikaanse dollar verstewig het. Aan die begin
van die volgende jaar, nadat die randwaarde teenoor die dollar met sowat 22% op ’n jaargrondslag verswak het, is dié verswakking in die verhoogde pryse van trekkers en ander landboutoerusting deur groot prysstygings gereflekteer. Volgens Rankin sal die verswakking van die rand trekkerpryse binnekort laat styg – in die mate wat die randwaarde afneem. In Maart en April vanjaar was die prystendens nog afwaarts: in April was trekkerpryse gemiddeld slegs 0,2% hoër as in April verlede jaar. Die April 2017-prys van stropers was gemiddeld selfs 0,3% laer as in April 2016. Hooimaaktoerusting was 5% hoër as in April 2016 en implemente slegs 3%. Rankin verwag dat stroperverkope vanjaar weer tot oor die 200 kan styg, nadat die droogte verlede jaar se verkope tot slegs 185 beperk het. “Trekkerverkope vir vanjaar behoort minstens 2016 se totale syfer te haal.”
Besoek N1 4x4 Toyota Land Cruiser-spesialiste by Nampo
eg langs die N1-hoofweg in Pretoria sal jy N1 4x4, een van Suid-Afrika se grootste verskaffers van nuwe, herboude en gebruikte onderdele vir Toyota Land Cruisers en Toyotavierwielaangedrewe voertuie, aantref. Sedert ons ontstaan in 1995 het N1 4x4 ontwikkel en gegroei en vandag is ons ook vir ons kundigheid met die herstel, sowel as die vervaardiging van gespesialiseerde Toyota 4x4-voertuie, bekend. Ons nooi jou graag om ons stalletjie by Nampo Oesdag by standplaas 179 te besoek. Ons is opgewonde om ons nuutste projek aan jou bekend te stel, ’n Land Cruiser wat spog met ’n 3.0 liter D4D-motor en Dobinsons 4x4-veringstelsel. Sien jou daar!
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
MSS UD Nampo Agri SA 01
FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation
Need a reliable solution for your various loads?
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Product in photograph is for illustration purposes only and is subject to stock availability.
Telematics is included in every Quester giving you peace of mind as well as being able to monitor your driver’s performance. Ask your nearest UD Trucks Dealer how they go the extra mile for you. Going the Extra Mile agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
Call our 24-Hour Roadside Assistance 0800 008 800 (in breakdown situations)
Pasmaak-oplossings vir vervoer in die landboubedryf Vervoer in die landboubedryf is werklikwaar ’n perd van ’n gans ander kleur. Van die besluit oor watter model vragmotor jou tipe besigheid die beste sal pas en die samestellings van sleepwagroepe tot bedrywighede en padtoestande – elkeen is ’n belangrike oorweging voordat jy in ’n nuwe vragmotor belê.
owenal moet dit ’n staatmaker- en slim werker wees wat die moeilikste omstandighede kan baasraak. Tydens Nampo Oesdag, stal UD Trucks jaarliks hul reeks vragmotors uit met ‘n wye verskeidenheid toepassings wat spesifiek op die landboubedryf gemik is. UD Trucks sal hierdie jaar ook oudergewoonte ‘n hele span kundiges en goed ingeligte tegnici op die skou hê om enige vrae wat skougangers mag hê, op die plek te antwoord. Volgens Gert Swanepoel, besturende direkteur van UD Trucks Suidelike Afrika, is daar twee fundamentele toepassingskonsepte wat oorweeg moet word om vee, graan of varsprodukte van die plaas na die mark te vervoer: vaste vragmotors met trekstangsleepwaens of voorhakers met tweeasleunwaens.
“Die voordeel van vaste vragmotors lê in die aanpasbaarheid om uiteenlopende tipes vrag te kan vervoer. Sou ’n groter vrag vervoer moet word, kan die betroubare trekstangsleepwa ingespan word,” sê Swanepoel. “Afhangend van wat die boer beplan om met die voertuig te vervoer en die plaas se werksomstandighede, is dit moontlik meer voordelig om die vaste kombinasie te gebruik. Dié tuig is veel meer aanpasbaar as die leunwakombinasie.”
Voertuie wat vir Afrika taai gemaak word Vervoerkonsultante by UD Trucks se landwye handelaarsnetwerk oorweeg ’n aantal faktore wanneer ’n kliënt geadviseer word oor watter spesifieke model en tuig om te gebruik. Heel belangrik is die loonvragproduktiwiteitsfaktor wat gereeld bepaal watter spesifieke kombinasie gebruik word en wat die loonvrag-, gemiddeldesnelheid- en brandstofverbruiksyfers in ag neem. “By UD Trucks glo ons nie net dat die keuse van die regte voertuig die kliënt in staat stel om sy sake doeltreffend te kan bestuur nie, maar ook dat dit die hoeksteen van staatmakerdiens vorm,” sê
FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation
Swanepoel. “Ons vervoerkonsultasiediens laat ons uiteindelik toe om kliënte oor die beste voertuig vir die voorgenome werk te adviseer.” Die voorhakermodelle in UD Trucks se Quon-reeks ekstra swaar vragmotors is ideaal vir die langafstandvervoer van byvoorbeeld graan of melk. Quon neem die voortou wat bestuursvermoë en algemene doeltreffendheid betref, en handhaaf UD Trucks se verbintenis om die laagste lewensikluskoste moontlik aan vervoeroperateurs te bied. Die Quon se kajuit bied veral vir langafstandgebruik ’n bestuurdervriendelike, veilige en gemaklike omgewing vir insittendes en verseker werksgemak en hoër produksievlakke op die koop toe. Die Quester-reeks, wat verlede jaar bekendgestel is, leen hom perfek toe tot die landboumark met 6x4 vaste vragmotors wat aan voertuigeienaars 330 perdekrag teen 2 220 opm bied, asook 1 200 Nmwringkrag teen 1 200 en 1 600 opm. Dié vragmotors kom standaard met dakslaapkajuit en kajuitbed. Ook standaard is die Fuel Coach, wat die bestuurder oor die beste bestuurstoestande inlig om brandstof te spaar. “Die Quester-reeks kombineer UD Trucks se Japannese kwaliteitserfenis met wêreldwye hulpbronne en die kennis van ons plaaslike kenners,” sê Swanepoel. “Dit is taai en maklik om te onderhou – essensieel ’n besigheidshulpmiddel wat harde daaglikse gebruik kan hanteer, veral van die pad af. Dit staan vir gehalte en duursaamheid, wat ondersteun word deur ’n wye reeks konfigurasies met maklike bakwerkmontering om ons kliënte ’n pasmaak-, doelgemaakte oplossing vir alle tipes toepassings te bied.” Swanepoel sê dat dit UD Trucks se passie is om vlooteienaars se werkdag eenvoudiger en meer produktief te maak – of hulle nou met streeksverspreiding of in langafstandvervoer gemoeid is. UD Trucks het ’n uitgebreide handelaarnetwerk dwarsdeur Suid-Afrika, en het ook handelaars regoor die streek in lande soos in Botswana, Lesotho, Mosambiek, Namibië, Swaziland, Zambië en Zimbabwe. “Ons plaas groot klem op langtermynverhoudings met ons klante, en verskaf deurlopende steun vir die duur van ’n produk se lewensiklus. UD Trucks se handelaars bly verbind tot die lewering van innoverende vervoeroplossings en diensaanbiedinge aan hul klante; dit word gebou op vertroue, grondige kennis van die bedryf en ’n stewige arsenaal tegniese vaardighede,” sê Swanepoel. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation
Goscor Group to showcase agricultural solutions at Nampo 2017 Industrial equipment supplier the Goscor Group, a part of Industrial Services Holdings (InServe), will have a major presence at Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day 2017 from 16 to 19 May near Bothaville in the Free State.
ast year the 50th anniversary of the annual four-day event attracted a record 75 116 visitors and a total of 685 exhibitors. The Goscor Group has secured a prime outdoor stand this year, and will be out in force, showcasing the latest products and solutions from Goscor Power Products, Bobcat and Sany, Goscor Cleaning Equipment, and Goscor Access Rental. With an extensive range of firefighting equipment, water pumps, and sprayers, Goscor Power Products is actively involved in the agricultural sector, as well as supplying co-operatives, MD Mark Bester comments. “The Goscor Group stand is much better positioned this year, which means it will attract a lot more traffic, and is likely to improve on the impressive results we achieved from attending last year’s event,” he adds. Goscor Compressed Air Systems will showcase its portable and stationary compressors from the Ozen and Sullair stable. It will also highlight its capability to service and repair all makes of compressors, air tools and dryers, in addition to offering a highly cost-competitive compressed-air equipment rental service. A highlight of Goscor Power Products’ will be the presence of the all new Rato engine brand, which can be incorporated into bakkie-mounted firefighting equipment as rapid-response units for the farming community. “We will also have our full range of water pumps on display, in addition to special products such as diesel-driven irrigation pumps for remote farming areas where electricity supply is constrained,” Bester elaborates. Another new brand to be introduced to the Goscor Power Products’ stable at NAMPO 2017 will be WEIMA diesel engines for welding gensets. Goscor Power Products’ Free State and Northern Cape dealerships will be represented fully at the event, with extra stock available at nearby Bothaville at special
NAMPO 2017 prices. “This is a unique sell-and-fetch service we will introduce at the event for the first time, giving us a distinct competitive edge,” Bester stresses. Live demonstrations at the Goscor Group stand will give visitors insight into how the various firefighting equipment actually operates, and what the tangible benefits and advantages are for the farming community in terms of reduced total cost of ownership. “We will also be running some of our gensets in order to demonstrate the low decibel levels,” Bester points out. Goscor Cleaning Equipment, in turn, will showcase its Maer range of Italian highpressure cleaners. National sales manager Peter Esterhuizen says the main aim is to generate awareness of the high-quality brand among the farming community, in addition to the flagship Tennant range of outdoor environmental cleaning solutions. Esterhuizen adds that traditionally the agricultural sector has focused on coldwater pressure cleaners from 150 to 200 bar. “We want to highlight to visitors’ additional applications presented by our larger machines, including cleaning farming equipment such as combine harvesters
and tractors for maintenance purposes.” Describing the event as a traditionally busy show, Esterhuizen says Nampo is distinguished by the fact that actual sales orders are generated on the stands, which translates into a tangible return on investment for the Goscor Group, in addition to brand awareness. In order to capitalise on this trend, Goscor Cleaning Equipment will offer special prices on two of its highpressure cleaning machines. Goscor Access Rental will be represented by Tanya Brummer and Lavesh Gunpath, who concur that the event is not only extremely well-known in the farming community, but has an exceptional customer footprint as well. Given the price-sensitivity of the agricultural sector, refurbished and highly cost-efficient Doosan forklifts will take pride of place, to showcase the total cost of ownership benefits for customers. On the Bobcat and Sany side, a special focus will be the launch of a new compact backhoe loader and telehandler especially for the farming community, as well as a mini-excavator. The new compact backhoe loader has been developed in conjunction with Kukorova of Turkey, featuring a 74.5 kW Perkins engine. Additional products will include a double-drum ride-on roller and a small grader. The latter products are aimed particularly at farmers upgrading road infrastructure in rural and remote areas, which is a new growth area the equipment supplier wishes to tap into. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
Met dosering van LacticonTM S pas skape nou in ’n japtrap aan op mielie-oesreste/weimielies. Die innovasie van LacticonTM S beteken:
Skape wat mielies/ mielievoeding ken kan nou direk op mielie-oesreste/weimielies gejaag word sonder die gebruiklike omslagtige aanpassingspraktyke. Mortaliteite a.g.v. suurpens word dramaties verlaag. Verbeterde groei en gesondheid.
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Vir meer inligting kontak: ABE Biotech: T 012 665 5087 C 078 785 9121 Registrasie houer: Megastarter Biotech (Pty) Ltd T/A MS Biotech, Reg. No. 2009/000123/07 Old Nutrition Building, Nellmapius Drive, ARC Irene, Irene, 0157 T 012 665 5087 agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Nuus/News
Operasie Phakisa, om dit kortliks te stel, is ’n resultaat-gedrewe inisiatief onder leiding van die presidensie. Die metodologie het sy oorsprong in Maleisië, waar dit blykbaar groot sukses behaal het in terme van spoedige en effektiewe dienslewering deur staatsdepartmente en die bereiking van vinnige en uitgebreide resultate.
ie woord Phakisa is ’n Sothowoord wat “maak gou” beteken en het die spoedige lewering van prioriteite, soos in die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan uiteengesit,
ten doel. Verder behels die Operasie Phakisametodologie agt opeenvolgende stappe. Die eerste stap bring sleutelrolspelers uit die openbare, private, akademiese en burgerlike sektore byeen om saam te werk. Een van die voorvereistes was dat Agri SA en al die nege provinsiale en 24 geaffilieerde kommoditeite-organisasies kundiges vir vyf weke voltyds moes beskikbaar stel om verskeie inisiatiewe te ontwikkel. Dit het nie konsternasie veroorsaak nie. Almal was op een of ander wyse aktief betrokke by onderhandelinge met regerings departmente, die reël van kongresse en besoeke aan landbouverenigings. So ook Agri SA se personeel. Ons span gemoeid met arbeid was by Nedlac en Busa besig met die nasionale minimumloon-
onderhandelinge. Die rampbestuurspan was voltyds besig om ramphulp aan landbouers en hul werkers in droogtegeteisterde gebiede te verskaf. Die span by landelike veiligheid was landwyd besig om plaasveiligheid te bevorder en projekte te finansier om groter veiligheid op plase te verseker. Die span gemoeid met grondhervorming se dag-tot-dag-interaksies met die departement grondhervorming en ander rolspelers kon ook nie net stopgesit word nie. Nog minder kon ons diegene betrokke by natuurlike hulpbronne onthef van hulle verpligtinge en interaksies met onder meer die departemente van mynbou en waterwese. So ook ons ekonome wat besig was met allerlei onderhandelinge en interaksies met die departement van handel en nywerheid, Eskom, tesourie en SA Inkomstediens (SAID). Uiteindelik is ooreengekom dat Agri SA ’n span van drie kundiges sou beskikbaar stel wat voltyds sou deelneem aan die Phakisa-proses en wat spesifiek sou fokus op die werkstrome verantwoordelik vir arbeid, grondhervorming en produsenteondersteuning. Verskillende bedrywe soos Graan SA, Wildbedryf SA, Vinpro, sitrusbedryf, Hortgro, wolprodusente, suikerbedryf, Vrugte SA, Aartappels SA, Nerpo, Suiker SA, veeartsenykundiges, lede van Afasa, Nafu, verskeie agri-ondernemings soos Tiger Brands en Tongaat Hulett het ook kundiges beskikbaar gestel. Verskeie regerings departemente, gemeenskapsorgani sasies, internasionale belangegroepe soos die Verenigde Nasies-ontwikkelings program, Internasionale Arbeidsorganisasie en werkersunies, onder meer Afriwu, Bawsi,
Cosatu, Fawu, Christo Sikhula Sonke van der Rheede en CEPPWAWU was ook teenwoordig. So ook die Land Bank, verskeie ontwikkelingsagentskappe, LNR en die Nasionale Landboubemarkingsraad. In totaal het 130 voltydse deelnemers van soggens vroeg tot saans laat oor ’n periode van vyf weke uiteindelik 27 inisiatiewe die lig laat sien. Dit was die resultaat van robuuste debatvoering, stel van sterk en soms ekstreme standpunte, hewige argumentvoering, indiepte-navorsing, konseptualisering van innoverende idees, formulering van inisiatiewe, die omskakeling daarvan in projekplanne en koppeling daarvan aan begrotings. Alle deelnemers is vooraf in drie fokus areas van hul keuse ingedeel. Dit behels die uitbou van waardekettings, waaronder lewende hawe-, graan- en groente- en vrugteverbouing; arbeid en produsenteondersteuning en grondhervorming. Aanvullend daartoe is daar ook gefokus op landelike ontwikkeling, voedselprosessering, marktoegang en -ontwikkeling, navorsing en innovasie, natuurlike hulpbronne- en risikobestuur. Sentraal tot die opdrag was om voedselsekerheid vir alle Suid-Afrikaners en werkgeleenthede as die hoof-uitkomste te verseker. Verder is daar ruim gebruik gemaak van wêreldklas kundiges om voorleggings te doen en om voorstelle krities te ontleed en deurlopend te meet aan voormelde uitkomste. Van die grootste uitdagings was om ekstreme eise en politieke retoriek met goeie navorsing en goeie idees te troef. In die proses is wedersydse respek, vertroue en goeie verhoudings tussen verskillende rolspelers gevestig. Van die programme behels onder meer die integrasie van kleinskaal-graanboere in die graan-waardeketting deur Safex, gestruktureerde finansiële oplossings vir kleinboere, vestiging van graaninligtingsentrums, die integrasie van groenteen vrugtekleinboere in die bestaande waardeketting, ontsluiting van nuwe uitvoermarkte, die vernuwing van bestaande en ontwikkeling van nuwe waterskemas. >>> bladsy 73 agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Promosie/Promotional
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
International agricultural journalists treated to South African hospitality
agri Nuus/News
The International Federation of Agricultural Journalists’ (IFAJ) congress was hosted in South Africa from 2 to 5 April. In total 136 journalists from 30 counties attended. Delegates enjoyed informative discussion panels, good food and wine, warm South African hospitality, but best of all we had the opportunity to proudly showcase a few farmers and their farming operations in Gauteng and the Western Cape. Agri SA was a proud sponsor of this event.
n Monday 3 April, Agri SA’s executive director, Omri van Zyl, participated in a panel discussion that introduced visitors to the agricultural sector in South Africa. Theo Vorster, Galileo Capital/Nation in Conversation led the
Omri van Zyl (Agri SA’s executive director) addressing the Alltech Young Farmers Master Class
Cornelis Verbeek (Tabobanl), Charl van Rooyen (Landbouweekblad) en Owen Roberts (president of the IFAJ)
<<< bladsy 71 Om die derduisende klein veeboere na die volgende vlak te neem, is ’n kennis- en vaardigheid-oordragprogram ontwikkel. Groot klem word ook gelê op die uitbreiding van bestaande kommersiële en nuwe lewende hawe-waardekettings, ’n nasionale veeidentifikasie- en -naspeurbaarheidsisteem vir klein veeboere en ook ’n nasionale veeartsenykundestelsel. ’n Omvattende veldrehabilitering- en bestuurstelsel is ook ontwikkel. Die ontwikkeling van ’n gesentraliseerde virtuele platform wat produsente in verbinding plaas met diensverskaffers wat hulle toegang bied tot omvattende dienste is van die opwindende voorstelle. Verder is die
discussion. The other panel members were Dr John Purchase (CEO of Agbiz), Kobus Steenekamp (MD Monsanto SA), Dr Langa Simela (ABSA Agri Business) and Francois Strydom (CEO Senwes). On Monday night, Francois Strydom (CEO Senwes), Dr John Purchase (CEO of Agbiz), the winners of various Dr Langa Simela (ABSA Agri Business), Kobus Steenekamp (MD IFAJ competitions Monsanto SA), Omri van Zyl (Agri SA’s executive director) and were announced. The Theo Vorster (Galileo Capital/Nation in Conversation) competition recognises which was published in Landbouweekblad. excellence in agricultural communication in Charl was the 2016 winner of the Agricultural the print and digital media, photography, Writers SA Journalist of the year award. This as well as video and audio production. Two competition was initiated by the Agri Securitas South African entries received recognition. Trust Fund and it is sponsored by Santam In the print category Charl van Rooyen Agriculture. Congratulations Charl! of South Africa received special mention for Theuns Botha, also from Landbouweek his article “Kleinjan makes farming history”, blad, was the winner in the production category of the photography competition. Agri SA hosted the Alltech Young Leaders and Master Class on Friday 31 March 2017. The Young Leader award includes participation in a twoday professional development workshop immediately prior to the IFAJ congress. The programme, sponsored by Altech, a global animal nutrition and crop science company, emphasises reporting skills and leadership training. Theuns Botha of Landbouweekblad’s winning photograph
probleme wat grondhervorming betref in detail bespreek en is ’n Distrik- Grondhervorming Diensleweringsentrum gekonsepsualiseer wat ’n omvattende diens moet lewer en wat korrupsie ten volle moet uitskakel. Groei, integrasie, konsolidasie, eenstop diens, ontsluiting, innovasie, aansporing, nakoming, produktiwiteit, standaardisering, eienaarskap, ontwikkeling, transformasie, mededingendheid, kwaliteit, werkskepping, voedselsekerheid, vennootskappe, naspeur baarheid, vertroue, respek, maar bowenal kommersialisering is van die sleutelbegrippe wat die fondament skep waarop al die Phakisa-programme gegrond is. In die volgende weke sal Agri SA in meer
*Thea Liebenberg is the secretary of the Agriculture Writers SA
detail op elke inisiatief berig. Intussen hou ons duim vas dat die presidensie die leiding sal neem om uitvoering aan die inisiatiewe te gee. Maar meer nog: hier is ’n venster van geleenthede vir georganiseerde landbou en alle ander spelers in die landbouwaardeketting om hande te vat en mede-verantwoordelikheid te neem vir die suksesvolle implementering van Operasie Phakisa in die landbousektor. Want nóg die regering, nóg enige ander deelnemer aan Phakisa kan nou op hul woord teruggaan. Dit sal veral politici wat floreer op politieke retoriek en organisasies wat dink dat hul onbetrokkenheid en vingerwysing landbou in die breë tot voordeel strek, twee keer laat dink oor waarmee hulle eintlik besig is. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Promosie/Promotional
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KONTAK ONS VIR ‘N DOELGEMAAKDE DEKGEWAS OPLOSSING. Johannesburg: 8 Jacobs Street, Chamdor, Krugersdorp, South Africa, 1740 Tel: +27 11 762 5261 • Fax: +27 11 762 4111 Cape Town: Tel: +27 21 552 0456 Kwa-Zulu Natal: Tel: +27 33 346 0639 agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Promosie/Promotional
Plant vanjaar bestrykte SuperSonic-lusern Lusernproduksie word deur verskeie faktore beïnvloed. Onvoorspelbare klimaatstoestande kan nie beheer word nie, maar bestuur speel ‘n kritiese rol. ‘n Optimale plantestand van die regte kultivar vorm die basis vir sukses, voordat die boer met goeie bestuur die opbrengspotensiaal kan ontsluit.
Plantestand estrykte (“coated”) saad is fisies groter as skoon (onbestrykte) saad en bevat daarom minder saad per kilogram. Daar word gewoonlik twee foute gemaak wanneer bestrykte saad geplant word: (1) planters word nie vir die groter saad gekalibreer nie en (2) die saaidigtheid word nie effens opwaarts aangepas nie. Teoreties is daar oorgenoeg bestrykte saad/kg om teen dieselfde digtheid (kg/ha) as skoon saad te plant; maar uiteindelik moet die saailingdigtheid waarmee die spesifieke boer tevrede is, behaal word. Advance Seed het oor seisoene, in menigte standproewe in die Luckhoff, Jacobsdal, Douglas- en Hartswater omgewings, bewys dat die gewenste stand met bestrykte saad verkry sal word indien die saaidigtheid (kg/ ha) opwaarts (met 20-30%) aangepas word. Die voordeel wat die boer kry, is dat selfs met ‘n verhoogde saaidigtheid, die saadkoste/ha van die bestrykte saad heelwat laer bly. Boere wat al Pieter Cronje bestrykte saad van Jacobsdal teen die regte saaidigthede geplant het, sal nie weer skoon saad teen die huidige saadpryse plant nie. Abrie de Wet en Pieter Cronje, buurmanne van Jacobsdal, is voorbeelde van sulke boere. Volgens De Wet het hy
Cronje sê hy was veral beïndruk met die kwaliteit van die bestrykte saad wat pit-virpit eweredig bestryk is. Hy skryf die sukses van bestrykte saad toe aan die voordelige invloed wat die bestrykingstof fisies op die saad het: “…die verspreiding van saad is meer eweredig, saad-grond-kontak is beter en elke saadjie kry ‘n beter kans om ‘n lusernsaailing te word”. Vir Jacques Cilliers van Dinamis Boerdery by Hartswater en Nicky van der Walt van Luckhoff, beteken die aanplant van bestrykte lusernsaad ‘n kostebesparing, mits dit reg gedoen word.
geen standverskille waargeneem waar hy bestrykte en skoon saad teen dieselfde kilogram/ha langs mekaar geplant het nie.
Figuur 1: Dit lyk op die oog af of SuperSonic stadiger herstel, maar as’t ware word daar meer spruite per plant gevorm. Die vroeë hoogteverskil word verkeerdelik geïnterpreteer as stadiger herstel en laer produksie. SuperSonic het dun, blaarryke spruite en (danksy ‘n lae groeiwyse) ‘n uitstekende blaar-retensievermoë. Die totale blaarproduksie is heelwat hoër wat beter voerkwaliteit tot gevolg het.
Kultivarkeuse Daar bestaan ‘n persepsie dat hooggroeiende kultivars (>dormansie 9) altyd die hoogste produksiepotensiaal het. Die werklikheid is dat daar wél produksiepotensiaal in hoogtegroei lê, maar net tot op ‘n sekere punt, waarna produksie en kwaliteit weer kan verlaag. Deur van hierdie punt af te selekteer vir spruitdigtheid en blaarmassa kan die opbrengspotensiaal en kwaliteit van ‘n kultivar verder verhoog word. SuperSonic, ‘n Advance Seed dormansie-9-kultivar, is so geselekteer. In proewe teen ‘n baie gewilde opposisie-kultivar (hoë-groeier) is verskeie waarnemings en gevolgtrekkings gemaak (figuur 1). Boere soos Cronje, De Wet en Cilliers is almal oortuig van SuperSonic se uitstekende opbrengspotensiaal. Vir meer inligting, kontak Dirk Coetzee op 076 791 4245 of hoofkantoor op 011 762 5261. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
uppe marketing A15984
agri Promosie/Promotional
Uiters geskik vir besproeiingsgebiede Kultivars
Groei jou wins natuurlik met DEKALB®-mielies! DEKALB® spog nou met nuwe mieliebasters wat by uitstek geskik is vir besproeiingsgebiede. DEKALB® is sinoniem met innoverende idees, uitstekende kiemplasma en saad waarop jy kan vertrou.
DKC61-90 DKC62-84R DKC62-80BR GEN DKC63-53 DKC64-54BR DKC64-78BR GEN DKC65-52BR
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
Kontak gerus ons kliëntediens by: 011 790-8200 of DEKALB® en Monsanto is geregistreerde handelsname van Monsanto Technology LLC. Monsanto Suid-Afrika (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 69933, Bryanston, 2021.
agri Promosie/Promotional
PhosPro 17 – Meer as net ‘n fosfaat Fosfaat is tradisioneel die enigste somer-aanvulling in Suid-Afrika, maar dit gebeur dikwels dat fosfaat alleen gedurende die somer en laatsomer, nie altyd voldoende is vir optimale produksie en reproduksie van plaasdiere nie.
edurende swakker jare asook mid- tot laatsomer wanneer proteïene in die gras onvoldoende is of begin daal, is die aanvulling van ‘n klein hoeveelheid proteïene (stikstof) in die vorm van ureum voordelig om optimale diereproduksie te verseker. Ongepubliseerde proewe het getoon dat die daaglikse aanvulling van 50 tot 80 g proteïene diere produksie bevorder en onnodige massa verliese beperk. Om die probleem van ’n proteïentekort gedurende die somermaande aan te spreek,
bo-op die produk. Diere leer vinnig om ná die reën die lagie te breek en verder te vreet aan die droë lek daaronder. Minder lek hoef dus weggegooi te word as gevolg van reënskade. Phospro 17 bevat verder ook al die belangrikste spoorminerale in die regte verhouding tot fosfaat om ‘n gereelde daaglikse inname van spoorminerale te verseker vir optimale gesondheid, produksie en reproduksie. PhosPro 17 het die volgende samestelling: Gebruiksaanwysings Tabel 1 Samestelling van PhosPro 17 g/kg mg/kg PhosPro 17 is ’n gerieflike, klaargemengde Proteïen (min) 170 Koper 300 produk en kan sonder Afkomstig vanaf ureum (maks) 100 % Mangaan 1200 enige verdere vermenging Vog (maks) 100 Sink 1200 gedurende die somer of Kalsium (maks) 120 Kobalt 3 herfs aan beeste, skape Fosfor (min) 60 Jodium 15 en bokke gevoer word. Selenium 8 Gee jou diere wat Tabel 2 Daaglikse aanbevole inname hulle nodig het, gee Beeste (g/dag) Skape/bokke (g/dag) hulle PhosPro 17. Nie-lakterende, volwasse 200 18 Vir verdere inligting Groeiende, laat-dragtige 250 22 kontak Alina Taute by Lakterend 300 36 tel 082 322 0333. het Yara Animal Nutrition ’n produk, PhosPro 17 ontwikkel. PhosPro 17 bevat 6% fosfaat, en 17% proteïene in die vorm van ureum om maksimale vertering en inname van weiding te verseker. Phospro 17 is nie net ’n fosfaaten proteïenaanvulling nie, maar is ook uniek in die opsig dat dit weerbestand is. Phospro 17 is verryk met ‘n melasse as byproduk en wanneer dit natreën, vorm dit ‘n harde lagie
Meng jou eie lekke en spaar Die belang van winterlekke in die instandhouding van diere se liggaamsmassa en kondisie moet nie onderskat word nie. Maak gebruik van jou eie plaasgeproduseerde produkte saam met Yara Animal Nutrition SA se produkte en beproefde resepte en bespaar hierdie winter op lekkoste. Kalori 3000 - Reg. Nr. V2809, Voergraad Ureum - Reg. Nr. V15681, Voergraad Swael - Reg. Nr. V16738, Kimtrafos 12 Grandé - Reg. Nr. V18670, PhosSure 12 - Reg. Nr. V12858. Alle produkte geregistreer onder Wet 36 van 1947.
Tel: +27 31 910 5100 Web: E-pos:
Voorbeeld van ‘n winterlek vir beeste en skape Beeslek
Mieliemeel/Hominy Chop Oliekoek Voergraad Ureum Kimtrafos 12 Grandé/PhosSure 12 Kalori 3000 Voergraad Swael Sout Totaal
250 150 150 50 7 350 957
250 150 100 100 50 5 350 1005
475 95.6 3.8 MJ/kg 41 21 8 350 - 500 Nie gesik vir skape
367 77.5 5.25 MJ/kg 27 14 5 450 - 650 80 - 120
Ruproteïen % Vanaf NPN ME Kalsium Fosfaat Swael Inname Beeste (g/bees/dag) Inname Skape (g/skaap/dag)
* Voergraad Ureum kan lei tot ureum vergiftiging indien dit onoordeelkundig gebruik word. Lees aanwysings op sak noukeurig.
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Promosie/Promotional
Verskeidenheid gewasse deur 4CROP beskerm Dit is reeds oor baie jare bewys dat die jaarlikse NAMPO Oesdag die ideale plek is om innoverende nuwe produkte aan SA boere bekend te stel. Vanjaar kan boere eerstehands beleef hoe hul lewe deur ’n baie opwindende nuwe oesbeskermingsproduk van 4CROP verander kan word.
CROP is ’n sustermaatskappy van FSSB Plant International, wat sy stempel die afgelope tien jaar internasionaal afgedruk het op die gebied van beheeringenieurswese, hoëvlak-outomatisasie en elektriese oplossings. Wat 4CROP betref, kan dié pasgemaakte oesbeskerming SA boere help om die koste van onder meer aartappels en aarbeie, druiwe en lemoene te verlaag en gehalte te verhoog. Om seker te maak dat die toerusting wat dié gewasbedekking vervaardig keer op keer ’n gehalteproduk verseker, het 4CROP ’n hele span ingenieurs van Italië af hier gehad. Hulle moes onder meer toesien dat die temperatuur, spanning
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
en spoedbeheer in die vervaardigingsproses sodanig is dat die materiaal nie skeur nie. 4CROP is die ideale keuse vir plaaslike boere wat ’n verskeidenheid gewasse en grond teen klimaatverandering en omgewingsuitwerking wil beskerm. Dit is sterk, met ’n oop struktuur om die vloei van water en lug te optimaliseer en daardeur plantgroei te verbeter deur ’n kweekhuis-uitwerking. Hoewel dit hoofsaaklik rypbeskerming verseker, beskerm dit gewasse ook teen erge sonuitstraling (UV), insekte en selfs gronderosie. Die gewasbedekking is wit materiaal – van polipropileen gemaak - wat baie lig is en maklik hanteer. Dit is wel in verskillende massas beskikbaar, waarvan 17GSM en 22GSM die gewildste is (GSM staan vir gram per vierkante meter materiaal), maar 30GSM
ook deur sommige boere verlang word. 4CROP doen verskeie toetse om te verseker dat die gewig en sterkte van die materiaal absoluut korrek is. Omdat dit ’n nuwe produk in Suid-Afrika is, gaan 4CROP ’n groot veldtog loods om boere van die pluspunte daarvan bewus te maak. Dit sluit in die uitstalling en demonstrasie daarvan by die jaarlikse Nampo-uitstallings. Kyk gerus uit daarvoor.
agri Promosie/Promotional
Sercadis® bied uitstekende siektebeheer RITA VAN DER MERWE, GEWASBESTUURDER, BASF SA
BASF SA stel binnekort Sercadis®, ‘n nuwe swamdoder, bekend wat ‘n innoverende oplossing bied vir appelskurf (Venturia inaequalis), poeieragtige meeldou (Podosphaera Leucotricha) en peerskurfsiekte (Venturia pirina).
ercadis® is betroubaar. Die aktiewe bestanddeel in Sercadis®, Xemium® word deur BASF vervaardig, die oorspronklike SDHI-swamdoderspesialiste. Xemium® is die mees onlangse generasie van SDHI-swamdoders. Dit bied uitstekende siektebeheer. Voorkomende plantoppervlakbeskerming is die mees effektiewe metode om Skurfsiekteinfeksies gedurende die lenteseisoen te voorkom wanneer die risiko vir infeksies hoog is. Die aktiewe bestanddeel Xemium® in Sercadis® toon sterk, blywende werking teen skurfsiekte sowel as poeieragtige meeldou in kernvrugte. ‘n Unieke eienskap van Xemium® is dat dit die vermoë het om baie sterk aan die plantoppervlak te heg sodat ‘n reënvaste neerslag gevorm word. Hierdie neerslag versprei die gevorderde chemie oor die blaaroppervlak oor tyd wat deurgaans effektiewe beskerming teen die teikensiektes bied. Die hoë vlakke van Xemium® se mobiliteit en verspreiding stel die produk in staat om uitstekende oppervlakbedekking te bewerkstellig en die intense herverspreiding sorg vir besonder doeltreffende beskerming. Die kenmerkende beweeglikheid van Xemium® stel dit in staat om die teikenswam vinniger en doeltreffend te bereik deurdat die
Die besonderse vermoë van Xemium® se mobiliteit stel Sercadis® in staat om uitstekende oppervlakbedekking te bewerkstellig.
lipofiliese en hidrofiliese versperrings rondom die selle suksesvol deurgedring word. Die produk is volhoubaar. Sercadis® kan doeltreffend deur die hele blomperiode gebruik word vir doeltreffende beskerming teen skurfsiekte sowel as poeieragtige meeldou-infeksies. Die kombinasie van Sercadis® en Delan® bevorder weerstandsbestuur en verseker dus ‘n
volhoubare oplossing vir die toekoms. As gevolg van die hoë werkverrigting van Xemium®, word uitnemende voorkomende beheer van skurfsiekte en poeieragtige meeldou verkry met die laagste dosisse binne die SDHI-swamdoderklas. Die produk is verder buigsaam en gerieflik. Sercadis® is nie temperatuurgevoelig nie en het uitstekende resultate in beide koue en nat toestande getoon. Sercadis® is geskik om in GPB-(geïntegreerde plaagbestuur) stelsels gebruik te word. Sercadis® toon geen nadelige gevolge op voordelige insekte wat belangrik in GPB-stelsels is nie. Xemium® (fluxapyroxad) word deur die uitvoermarkte aanvaar en MRLwaardes is reeds vasgestel in die EU.
Kontak: Francois Brink: Streeksverkoopsbestuurder Wes-Kaap: Vrugte
Sercadis® bied uitstekende voorkomende beskerming gedurende die blomperiode. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
Cumberland provides complete feeding, drinking and ventilation systems for the maximum return on your investment
Quality Price Service
124 Ridge Road, Laser Park, Honeydew, Ext 15, Gauteng P O Box 4012, Honeydew, 2040, South Africa Phone: +27 (011) 794 4455, Ext 214 I Fax: +27 (011) 794 4515 Email: I Website:
Plan for your future with a complete farm system from GSI
Whether you are planning to farm more hectares or want to increase your marketing flexibility, use our expertise to design a system to meet your specific grain facility needs with the utmost efficiency. 124 Ridge Road, Laser Park, Honeydew, Ext 15, Gauteng PO Box 4012, Honeydew, 2040, Republic of South Africa Phone: +27 (011) 794 4455, Ext 214 | Fax: +27 (011) 794 4515 Email: | Website:
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
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What you must know about the reproductive stage of the maize plant
When we look at a maize field we are seeing thousands of efficient plant “factories” that produce energy through photosynthesis. The raw materials for the factories (plants) are water and mineral nutrients from the soil and carbon dioxide and oxygen from the atmosphere.
he plants use sunlight as an energy source to produce carbohydrates, protein and oil that are stored as grain. The maize plant is largely dependent on nature for its growth, development and yield. However, the farmer can manipulate the environment through management of aspects such as hybrid choice, tillage, crop rotation, fertilisation, irrigation and pest control. A farmer who understands the growth and development of maize will apply the right production practice at the right time to achieve higher yields and profits. The growth stages of a plant can be divided into different development stages. With the first stage called the vegetative stage, where the plant develops the “factory” that is going to produce the raw material to be stored as grain. In the vegetative stage the plant used all the energy to produce the leaves and stalks – the “factory”. When the maize plant is fully developed, it will go over into the reproductive stage and the leaves will produce sugar to be converted and stored as carbohydrates, protein and oil in the grain. A typical characteristic of the first stages of reproductive growth is when the silk appears at the tip of the ear. The silk usually grows for three to four days, while pollen shedding takes place mainly in the mornings for a period of about seven days. Drought stress in this stage will reduce the time of pollen shedding and delay silk development, while cool, moist conditions are responsible for an increase in silk and pollen production. Tillers will shed pollen seven to ten days later than the main plant, which could be advantageous in some dry seasons.
DRYLAND PRODUCTION AND POLLINATION PERIOD The growth stage of the maize plant at the time of pollen shedding and silk development in dryland production is of utmost importance. In the western production areas of the country it is the determining factor for the best planting time for the biggest portion of the crop. During pollination, the pollen lands on the sticky silks, germinates and grows down to the egg nucleus on the cob where fertilisation takes place. The whole process takes about 24 hours, which makes it one of
The reproduction stage starts as soon as the silks appear. Pollination takes place over a 5- to 10-day period. It is critical to maintain optimal conditions if possible. The ovules are fertilised during pollination and it is important to ensure that the number of potential kernels (ovules) develop into kernels. Maize is very sensitive to stress during this period. Stress can cause abortion of kernels at the tip of the cob.
the quickest growth processes in nature.
MANAGEMENT HINTS The most important management tools are the choice of planting date and plant populations under dryland production, especially in the western production areas of South Africa. These choices are linked to the long-term climatic conditions of the area. This is the most critical time in the development of the maize plant, as the moisture requirement of the plant is at its highest level and damage due to drought stress the most severe. From the above it is imperative that long-term rainfall records are studied carefully to determine the peak rainfall periods as well as the obvious mid-summer drought periods (if applicable) that need to be avoided to ensure a good crop. From the above information, it has been proved that the peak planting date for the Western production regions are after 20 November for the best results. Hybrid choice is another tool that can assist in reducing risk. The yield of prolificeared hybrids (two or more ears per plant) is more stable under stress conditions, although non-prolific hybrids (strongly single-eared) that are available often will out yield prolific
hybrids under non-stress conditions. Hybrids that have proved themselves over the years under dryland conditions, as well as at low plant populations during good and bad seasons, must receive first choice. Prolific hybrids play a vital role in hybrid choice in the western production regions. In the eastern Highveld, the primary factor determining plant date is the number of heat units required by the crop, which means that the bulk of the planting should take place in October for best results. With an irrigated crop, it is especially important to take note of the critical time, two weeks before and two weeks after silk development when enough moisture should be available to the plant. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
i a a
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DIE SAAD VAN SUKSES Tel: +27 12 683 5700 |
© 2016 PHII. Die DuPont Ovaal Logo is ‘n geregistreerde handelsmerk van DuPont. ®, SM, TM Geregistreerde handelsmerke van Pioneer.
Met Pioneer se revolusionêre ProBox stelsel plant jy vinniger en makliker. Dink net aan die spoed en gerief van vier ton saad in die grond, sonder om aan ‘n enkele sak mielies of sojas te raak!
agri Promosie/Promotional
Du Pont PIONEER-sojaboonprodukreeks = optimale opbrengspotensiaal EMILE VAN DEN BERG, HOOFLANDBOUKUNDIGE, DUPONT PIONEER SA
Kom gesels met ons by NAMPO 2017 en kom vind uit waarom hierdie sojaboonreeks jou opbrengsmikpunt ‘n werklikheid kan maak.
DuPont PIONEER ie nuwe PIONEER-sojaboon se dienste dek jou produkte is kenmerkend van onderneming van ‘n opwindende nuwe era vir die sak tot in die DuPont PIONEER-produsente. planterbak. Dié produkte bied produsente • Gerieflike verpakking ‘n nuwe keuse in die volwassenheidsgroep en leweringsopsies is 6, wat die verkoopspersoneel van PIONEER beskikbaar. in staat stel om die regte produk op die Om die nuwe regte hektaar te plaas om verhoogde produkreeks van die vorige opbrengste te verseker. Hierdie produkreeks reeks te onderskei en is aangepas vir ‘n wye spektrum omgewings. verskille in die nuwe reeks Die produkte kan aangewend word vir beide aan te dui, het PIONEER ‘n droëland en besproeiingsisteme. nuwe produknommerstelsel Plaaslik getoetste PIONEER-handelsmerkbekendgestel. Die nuwe sojabone is geteel vir goeie produksie en stelsel maak gebruik van om die oes te beskerm. Die uitgebreide sleutel identifiseerders wat reeks elite-genetika, saam met agronomiese produsente help om maklik eienskappe van die nuwe PIONEER volwassenheidsgroepe te Premium-saadbehandeling (PPST), gee identifiseer. jou sojabone ‘n beter kans om in swak Voordat die variëteite omgewingstoestande konstant verhoogde vrygestel is, is dit vir vier jaar opbrengste te lewer. intensief in statistiese proewe Die nuwe sojaboonprodukreeks kan getoets en daarna het opjou opbrengsmikpunt ‘n werklikheid maak, die-plaas-proewe oor twee danksy plaaslike navorsing, die produkte wat jaar gevolg wat die hele ons getoets het. Dit sluit ook professionele produksiegebied van Suid-Afrika agronomiese kundigheid in. ingesluit het (kyk figuur 1). Neem in ag: Hierdie proewe het omvangryke • Veelvuldige op-die plaas-proewe deur inligting verskaf onder die hele produksiegebied van Suid-Afrika Figuur 1: Oppervlaktes in Suid-Afrika se produksiegebiede veranderlike en uiteenlopende is gedoen. getoets. omgewingstoestande wat • Uitgebreide navorsing en ‘n toegelaat is vir die evaluasie van telingsprogram met ‘n toegewyde gegaan het, het dit duidelik getoon dat opbrengspotensiaal, stabiliteit, navorsingspan. die genetika baie goed aangepas is vir die aanpasbaarheid en verskeie strestoleransies. • Plaaslik professionele agronomiese Suid-Afrikaanse toestande en die variëteite Nadat dit deur die intensiewe toetsfases deskundigheid. op uitstaande opbrengspotensiaal dui. • Sojaboonproewe 2016 Daarby is dit ook getoets vir die beste Variëteite % Wenne Koel Mod Warm bestuurs- en agronomiesepraktyke wat P61t38r 62.30% 64.00% 57.89% 64.71% saadbehandeling, plantpopulasies, rywydtes Konkurrent A 37.70% 36.00% 42.11% 35.29% en bemestingspraktyke insluit. Aantal Proewe 61 25 19 17 Uit die opbrengs resultate Sojaboonproewe 2016 in die bygaande Variëteite % Wenne Koel Mod Warm tabelle is dit P64t39r 78.69% 80.00% 78.95% 76.47% duidelik dat die Konkurrent B 21.31% 20.00% 21.05% 23.53% nuwe sojaboon Aantal Proewe 61 25 19 17 produkreeks wat Sojaboonproewe 2015 & 2016 plaaslik beskikbaar Variëteite % Wenne Koel Mod Warm is stabiele en P96t06r 57.94% 78.05% 43.33% 60.00% verhoogde Konkurrent C 42.06% 21.95% 56.67% 40.00% opbrengs lewer. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Nuus/News
Aankope vanaf 10 April 2017 tot 25 Junie 2017 by jou deelnemende Agribesigheid of jou deelnemende Veearts.
Aflewerings kan tot 7 werksdae neem as die afsetpunt nie voorraad het nie. Plaas dus so gou moontlik jou bestelling. Die aanbod is geldig terwyl voorraad hou!
KONTAK: Merial Kantoor: 011 348 2575 Merial Helplyn: 0860 637425 Roger Frewen: 082 651 9026
Merial South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Reg Nr.: 1997/022402/07. Posbus 5924, HALFWAY HOUSE, 1685. Tel: 011 348 2575. Ivomec Inspuiting (Reg. No. G2329 Wet 36/1947) Bevat Ivermektin (1% m/v). Ivomec Super Inspuiting (Reg. No. G2629 Wet 36/1947) Bevat Ivermektin (1% m/v) en Klorsulon (10% m/v). agri APRIL • MEI/MAY bladsy/page Ivomec Gold Inspuiting (Reg. ‘17 No. G3080 Wet 36/1947) Bevat Ivermektin (3.15% m/v).
Merial is nou deel van Boehringer Ingelheim (Pty) Ltd
agri Promosie/Promotional
Twee gesondheidsreuse smelt saam Die gerekende dieregesondheidsmaatskappy Boehringer Ingelheim het bekend gemaak dat Merial onlangs by dié groep ingeskakel is.
oehringer Ingelheim het die sterktes van dié twee dieregesondheidsgroepe saamgevoeg om die nuwe Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) Animal Health Business Unit te vorm,” sê Joachim Hasenmaier, hoof van die nuwe sake-eenheid en ’n lid van die maatskappy se raad van besturende direkteure. “Ons gekombineerde sake maak ons nou die tweede grootste dieregesondheidsgroep ter wêreld.” Volgens Hasenmaier sorg BI en Merial se komplementerende portefeuljes dat die twee maatskappye soomloos by mekaar inskakel. “As een dieregesondheidsgroep het BI nou sy kundigheid en hulpbronne ’n goeie hupstoot gegee om met meer innovasie en ’n groter reeks dieregesondheidsoplossings die MiddeOoste, Turkye en Afrika-streek te bedien. Ons is passievol oor dieregesondheid en ons deel ’n gesamentlike visie.” Hasenmaier sê BI erken die kritieke belangrikheid daarvan om dieregesondheid
wêreldwyd te bevorder, met die fokus op voorkoming. “Wanneer diere gesond is, is mense ook gesonder. Daarom verbind ons ons daaraan om die gesondheidsbedryf beter te maak deur beide mense- en dieregesondheid te verbeter.” Tim Snell, hoofbestuurder van Boehringer Ingelheim in Suid-Afrika, stem saam oor die meriete van die samesmelting. “Die lewe en gesondheid van diere in die land – sowel as mense – gaan baat by BI en Merial se integrasie. ’n Belangrike voortvloeisel is die verhoogde
“As een dieregesondheidsgroep het BI nou sy kundigheid en hulpbronne ’n goeie hupstoot gegee om met meer innovasie en ’n groter reeks dieregesondheidsoplossings die Midde-Ooste, Turkye en Afrika-streek te bedien. Ons is passievol oor dieregesondheid en ons deel ’n gesamentlike visie.”
kundigheid en hulpbronne, wat ons sal help om landwyd nóg beter aan die behoeftes van ons kliënte en hul diere aandag te gee.” Boehringer Ingelheim is daarvan oortuig dat die samesmelting almal sal bevoordeel en streef daarna om sy leierskapposisie in die perde- en troeteldiermarkte uit te bou. Hy wil ook sy posisie versterk wat pluimvee, beeste en ander vee betref. Daarbenewens wil BI ook sy spesiale fokus op voorkoming verskerp as ’n leier in entstowwe en teenparasietmiddels, terwyl hy aandag gee aan die eiesoortige en diverse spektrum van gesondheidsbehoeftes van die streek. “Ons wil boere bystaan om diere groot te maak en vir hulle om te gee op ’n gesonde, volhoubare en finansieel lonende manier – wat ook vertroue by verbruikers skep,” sê Hasenmaier. “Ons verbind ons daaraan om die uitstaande diens wat ons kliënte en vennote in die streek van ons verwag te handhaaf. As ’n gesinsonderneming het ons die langtermynperspektief om dit te vermag.”
Merial South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Reg Nr.: 1997/022402/07. PO Box 5924, HALFWAY HOUSE, 1685. Tel: 011 348 2575. Merial is now part of Boehringer Ingelheim
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Geelmielies Nuwe kultivars
Bestaande kultivars
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... saam vorm julle ’n vennootskap van kennis wat sal sorg vir die regte kultivarkeuse wat aan jou behoeftes sal voldoen.
Kontak ons gerus by: 011 790-8200 of
DKC73-74BR GEN DKC80-30R
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DEKALB® en Monsanto is geregistreerde handelsname van Monsanto Technology LLC. Monsanto Suid-Afrika (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 69933, Bryanston, 2021.
2017/04/21 3:23 PM uppe marketing A15948
A15983 Monsanto Dekalb yellow mielie 122x180 AFR AgriSA .indd 1
Witmielies Nuwe kultivars DKC63-53 DKC75-65BR DKC76-67BR
Bestaande kultivars DKC76-61B DKC77-85B GEN DKC77-77BR CRN3505 DKC78-17B DKC78-35R DKC78-45BR GEN DKC78-27 DKC78-87B DKC78-83R DKC78-79BR
... saam vorm julle ’n vennootskap van kennis wat sal sorg vir die regte kultivarkeuse wat aan jou behoeftes sal voldoen. Met DEKALB® as deel van jou boerdery is dit maklik om trots te voel op dit wat jy doen. Boonop weet jy dat Monsanto deurentyd dáár is vir jou. Ons doen voortdurend navorsing om ons reeds uitstekende DEKALB®-kultivars te verbeter sodat ons mieliebasters ooreenkomstig jou behoeftes kan lewer. Ons tegnologie en navorsing, gerugsteun deur professionele diens en advies, dra by tot jou volgehoue sukses. Só oortref ons jou verwagtinge keer op keer.
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Kontak ons gerus by: 011 790-8200 of DEKALB® en Monsanto is geregistreerde handelsname van Monsanto Technology LLC. Monsanto Suid-Afrika (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 69933, Bryanston, 2021.
agri Nuus/News
Baie boere by Monsanto se inligtingsdag 1
Monsanto se jaarlikse inligtingsdag by Nampo Park buite Bothaville is weer deur vele boere vanuit die distrik en ook van regoor Suid-Afrika bygewoon (foto 1 en 2). Verskeie nuwe basters is bekendgestel. 3. Jaco van Zyl (Monsanto) bespreek die DKC71-44B-reeks wat uiters droogteverdraagsaam is. 4. Thomas Strydom (SGS) verduidelik grondvrugbaarheid. 5. Paul Groenewald (Monsanto) aan die woord oor die nuwe witpakket, DKC75-65BR. 7. Boere was beïndruk met hierdie bielie van ‘n spuiter van New Holland, die SP240. 7/8. Kruger van Wyk (Monsanto) verduidelik die Field Viewsagteware wat ideaal vir presisieplanting is. 9. Prof Bradley Flett, ‘n plantpatoloog van die LNR op Potchefstroom gesels mieliesiektes. 10. Des van Heerden van Syngenta verduidelik die siklus van die herfskommandowurm. 11. Johan Swiegers (New Farmer), Magda du Toit (Monsanto), Hanlie du Plessis (Agri Promo), Denene Erasmus, (Farmer’s Weekly) en Louise Kunz (Infoworks) proe aan ‘n soeterige geelmielie. 12. Alf Essendrup (Quantum Field Services) bespreek onkruidbeheer en nuwe toerusting daarvoor.
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Nuus/News
Akwanze Agricultural Finance, a sugar man’s bank, shows that partnerships between agribusiness and farmers can have sweet results.
he sugar industry in Mpumalanga has developed a very successful model of a partnership between agribusiness and farmers. According to Justin Murray, the CEO of Akwanze, the South African Sugar Association (SASA) has always supported small-scale sugar farmers with financial aid since 1973 in a fund then called Financial Aid fund. Farmers would then produce the crop and supply TSB (Pty) Ltd, a sugar milling agribusiness in Malelane. The fund later changed its name to Umthombo Agricultural Finance (UAF) and continued the financial support until 2006, when SASA decided that the provision of production credit was not its core competency nor responsibility and ceased the operation. For most small-scale farmers, who by then included some land reform beneficiaries and farmers on communal land without a title deed, such a decision meant an uncertain future. It is also known that financial institutions are not so keen on providing credit to farmers with no title deed to their land. Without production finance, farming operations come to a grinding halt.
Creating the bank Concerned about the looming doom, a group of farmers approached TSB, now a wholly owned subsidiary of RCL Foods and renamed RCL Foods: Sugar and Milling (Pty) Ltd. After a series of meetings, both parties agreed to form a sugar man’s bank, leveraging on UAF’s existing infrastructure. After exploring a number of business ventures, the parties agreed that the farmers will form a cooperative, later named Liguguletfu. “The members of Liguguletfu Cooperative agreed to contribute R1 000/ha to a maximum of R8 000 per farmer; most small-scale farmers in the region have less than 10 hectares on communal land,” says Justin. This eventually meant that the cooperative had some R5m as there were over 700 small-scale farmers who formed Liguguletfu Cooperative. On the other hand, RCL Foods: Sugar and Milling (Pty) Ltd also contributed R5m and the joint venture, the sugar man’s bank, was born and named Akwanze Agricultural Finance, with both parties having 50% ownership and risk. It was clear from the start that the agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
available funds would not meet the demand as they were used up in no time. Akwanze Agricultural Finance was then able to source more funding from other development finance institutions like SEFA, the Land Bank and most recently the Jobs Fund.
Model success Other than the benefit of the UAF infrastructure, the other main benefit mainly lies in the fact that sugar cane has no value to anyone else other than the sugar mill. Part of the agreement is that Akwanze Agricultural Finance always registers a cession on the client’s proceeds with RCL Foods: Sugar and Milling (Pty) Ltd to mitigate risk, as such, bad debt is very low, usually only due to crop failure, added Justin. “This despite that as a development financial institution, our highest interest rate will be prime plus 2%.” Another pillar is that all these farmers are required to register savings accounts for retention savings, electricity and irrigation infrastructure savings. This ensures that all the small-scale growers have all the resources required to ratoon their crop for the following season. On top of that, a team of agronomists from RCL Foods: Sugar and Milling (Pty) Ltd’s TS Grow assists the farmers technically to ensure that they adhere to the standard agronomic practices to obtain some sweet harvest. After the land restitution program in the Nkomati area, three communities had successful land claims on sugar cane land, therefore three joint ventures were entered by RCL Foods: Sugar and Milling (Pty) Ltd with each of the three communities either as trust or CPA’s. The resulting joint ventures are also 50% owned by each party and are: Sivunosetfu (Pty) Ltd, Mgubho Farming Services (Pty) Ltd, Libuyile Farming Services (Pty) Ltd. Akwanze Agricultural Finance finances these ventures. Mduduzi Nkambule of Akwanze Agricultural Finance, who is responsible
for joint ventures, says that the three joint ventures have more than 10 000 hectares of cane and they have to ensure that they continue delivering to the mill.
Impact and fund’s milestones The delivery by all these joint ventures that RCL Foods has with farmers was 1 017 796t in 2015. This accounts for 26% of Nkomazi cane supply and 6.8% of national cane supply. Apart from being extremely highly productive agribusinesses these joint ventures have also pursued a significant development program. During the financial year ending 30 June 2014 three joint ventures had: • Distributed rent and dividends worth R38.8m per year to their respective Trusts /CPA’s; • 41% of the joint venture employees were beneficiaries; • Supported 2 682 agricultural jobs; • Employed 16 in-service and 9 bursary students; • Generated R71m in enterprise development revenue to vendors owned by beneficiaries from the communities. Since the fund’s inception a total of R463.6m has been disbursed through 37 short and medium term loans. As at 31 July 2016 the outstanding loan book is R244m >>> page 89
agri Nuus/News
Agricultural Landholdings Bill not well thought through Since 2011 the concept of land ceilings has been hotly debated. A number of studies have been undertaken on the feasibility of taking such a measure and many articles have been written about it.
ome of the advisors appointed by Minister Gugile Nkwinti’s department of rural development and land reform had advised against such a step. Agri SA has made it very clear why the organisation regards this as an ill-considered idea. Nonetheless, Minister Nkwinti has decided to publish the draft Bill on 17 March, allowing only 30 calendar days for public comments. Agri SA will request an extension of the deadline. Ernest Pringle, chairman of Agri SA’s Policy Committee on Agricultural
Development, said that international experience with ceilings demonstrated that land ceilings had several negative impacts, including: • The fragmentation of agricultural land; • Affecting productivity adversely; • Contributing towards agricultural being considered a low-profit venture in several parts of the world; • Having neutral or negative effects on poverty; • Leading to unsatisfied levels of equity and efficiency; • Failing, to a large extent, to change
agrarian structures with large inequalities continuing to exist; • Impacting negatively on functional land rental markets; • Proving costly and difficult to administrate; • Being characterised by circumvention, contestation, corruption and litigation; • Leading to tenure insecurity; and • Discouraging land-related investment. Pringle added that the proposed system would be costly, and that the huge administration cost would outweigh any potential benefits that government was punting. Also, the proposed scheme would make planning extremely difficult if bits and pieces of agricultural land were to be excised from farms all over the place. This would likely leave farmers and beneficiaries with uneconomical units. Providing services to far-flung beneficiaries would also be a huge challenge. This policy would deliver fragmented pieces of land spread across the furthest reaches of a district. Small parcels may end up being ‘sliced-off’ larger landholdings with little or no access to natural resources, infrastructure or services. “Agri SA holds the view that the Bill also faces constitutional challenges and is in the process of getting senior counsel opinion on that,” said Pringle. Agri SA has proposed alternative approaches to achieve speedier and sustainable redistribution of land.
services company owned by Matsamo Communal Property Association and RCL Foods: Sugar and Milling (Pty) Ltd. Each party has 50% shareholding in the company. It operates in the Mpumalanga Province under the Ehlanzeni District, within the Nkomazi Local Municipality in the Kaalrug area. Otto Nyalungu is production manager of Sivunosetfu and looks after some four cane farms
with four sub cane managers for each. “We have 2 880 hectares of sugar cane under production,” he says. “We signed an agreement with RCL Foods: Sugar and Milling (Pty) Ltd in 2012. Akwanze is the financier. We average 98 ton per hectare per year and we have some 150 permanent workers. We are able to deliver 10 tons per day to the mill. More than 60% of our contractors are from the community and they in turn also employ members of the community. “The structure is such that I report to the joint venture operation manager and the board chairman. We adhere to strict financial controls and have managed to grow our revenue by some 15% annually since inception to over R140m in 2015. We work very hard to ensure the success of the partnership and the community,” Otto concludes.
>>> page 88 with a R0 bad debt provision and R0 written off.
Joint venture Sivunosetfu (Pty) Ltd Sivunosetfu (Pty) Ltd is a joint private farming
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Verhoog jou boerderyinkomste met wetenskaplike waarnemings, analises en aanbevelings. SoilTrition spesialiseer in chemiese en fisiese opnames op gronde met verskillende groottes ruitpatrone naamlik 0.5 ha, 1 ha, 2 ha en 4 ha. Kry voorskrifkaarte vir presisie kalkstrooi en ander chemiese regstellings op jou lande. Kontak SoilTrition vandag nog vir jou opname by 018 464 7823
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Agrico herfokus op eie produkmandjie ALFRED ANDRAG, OPERASIONELE HOOF VAN AGRICO
Agrico is ’n naam waarmee die meeste landbouers bekend is. Ná meer as ’n eeu se sukses in die landboumasjinerie- en besproeiingsbedryf het dié landbou-onderneming verlede jaar besluit om voortaan op sy eie vervaardigde produkte en waterverwante sake te konsentreer. In die proses is die landboumasjinerie-afdeling (insluitende verskeie agentskappe) aan ander handelaars verkoop.
ie nuwe fokus-areas is so gekies dat Agrico ’n homogene firma word wat al sy produkte deur al sy takke kan bemark en ook dié produkmandjie na nuwe markte kan neem. Daar is dus uitstekende geleenthede om die onderneming nou sterk te laat groei, danksy die nuwe fokus. Verskeie robuuste en betroubare imple mente word in Agrico se fabrieke vervaar dig, insluitend Agrico-trekkers, -spuite, -bytelploeë, -skottelêe, -skroppe, -skrapers, -skeurploeë, -wentersnyers ens. Wat besproeiing betref, vervaardig die firma self Agrico-spilpunte, PVC-, poliëti leen- en staalpype, filterstelsels, pomp stelle, kleppe ens. Ander komponente vir besproeiingstelsels word direk by vervaar digers oorsee en plaaslik gekoop. Dit sluit in mikro-, drup-, sprinkel- en turfbesproeiing, beheerkleppe, lugkleppe, sentrifugale pompe, boorgatpompe, sonpompe, elektriese motore, wisselspoedreëlaars (VSD’s), filters ens. Al die komponente van ’n besproeiingstelsel word dus mededingend aan klante gebied. Agrico verskaf egter nie net komponente nie. Die maatskappy voldoen volledig aan die behoeftes van ’n besproeiingsboer. Van opmeet, ontwerp, vergelyk van verskillende oplossings, lewering, konstruksie, indiens
stelling tot naverkopediens, alles onder een dak. Die knellende droogtes van die afgelope paar jaar het maar net weer bewys dat besproeiing ’n noodsaaklike, lewegewende sektor van die landboubedryf is. Water is ’n skaars hulpbron regoor die wêreld. Daarom is dit belangrik dat besproeiingsgroepe die gepaste tegnologie aanbied om water so effektief moontlik te benut en sodoende opbrengste te maksimeer. Of dit nou drup besproeiing vir wyndruiwe, mikrobesproeiing vir vrugte- of neutbome of spilpuntbesproeiing vir graan, groente of weidings is; Agrico bied kwaliteitstelsels met die korrekte advies aan. Ander skaars hulpbronne soos energie en mannekrag moet ook deesdae goed bestuur word om winsgewend te boer. Daarom bied Agrico ge-optimeerde stelsels aan wat energie-doeltreffend is. Wrywing word beperk deur behoorlike ontwerp, sodat die lopende koste met die kapitale koste gebalanseer word. Die stelsels kan verder geoutomatiseer word om meer betroubaar en ekonomies te wees. Een van die nuwe produkte wat Agrico onlangs bekend gestel het, is sy internet beheer vir spilpunte en -pompe. Hiermee kan baie groot besproeiingstelsels maklik en effektief beheer en geoptimeer word. Groot
energiebesparings is moontlik deur pompe se lewering met behulp van hierdie stelsel na gelang van die veranderende behoefte van ’n dinamiese besproeiingstelsel te reguleer. Agrico se bestaansreg is dat hy boere in staat stel om meer winsgewend te boer deur die toepaslike tegnologie wat beskikbaar is koste-effektief te implementeer. Daar moet dus voortdurend nuwe oplossings ontwikkel en aangebied word om aan die voorpunt hiermee te bly. Tans bedryf Agrico 27 van sy eie takke in Suidelike Afrika. Christiana, Wellington en Lusaka in Zambië is gedurende die laaste jaar bygevoeg om groeigeleenthede te benut. Agrico sien daarna uit om met die nuwe fokus wat hy nou het verder sterk te groei. Hierdie doelwit berus op die langtermyn verhoudings wat Agrico met sy klante het. Die maatskappy se sukses in die verlede is op goeie diens geskoei. Diens is ook die kernwaarde waarop sy toekomsplanne gebou is. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
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Let your farm prosper with us
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Standard Bank Exhibition Nampo Park 16 – 19 May 2017 Visit us at Nampo and find out how Standard Bank is moving agribusiness forward. Our agriculture team consists of various specialists from different fields who are ready to assist you with all agriculture-related matters. Come and meet your local Standard Bank team and find out how we can get your farming operation Moving Forward.
Authorised financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP15). The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1962/000738/06).
agri Moving APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page Forward is a trademark of The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited. SBSA 264011-04/17
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Maize price drop proves the value of farmers hedging their prices Producers lose up to R1 860 per ton as prices fall sharply from import to export parity. In spite of maize crop estimates indicating that this year’s production, at 14.32 million tons, will be the third biggest on record, farmers will gain less benefit than they should.
ccording to MC Loock, Senior Manager: Agribusiness Primary at Standard Bank, this is mostly due to the fact that some 60% of producers chose not to hedge their prices and lost some R 1 860 per ton when grain prices did a U-turn. For white maize, 56% of the crop, the price dropped from above import parity of R4 081/t in December 2016 to below export parity of R2 220/t currently. “It would have cost farmers R400/t to protect themselves against the fall in prices,” Loock says. “The amount they’ve lost is more than four times the cost of protecting themselves. “While it is true that no-one could have foreseen this particular sharp drop in prices, everyone in agriculture knows that prices can vary at any time. If you’re lucky, they go up. If you’re sensible, you’ll cover yourself for when they go down. Had the prices gone up instead of down in this case, the R400 per ton cost of protection would have been more than offset. “One can’t lose using a hedging strategy. Especially if, as we always recommend, you
hedge only one third of your crop. The ideal scenario is to sell one third of the crop on a pre-season minimum price contract and one third on a pre-season fixed price contract. One can then keep the last third for the end of season premiums, without risking losing good income from the main part of the crop. “In many respects, not hedging your crop in today’s extremely volatile market is reckless business practice.” This season’s large crop brings a few additional problems with it, including increased pressure on the logistics needed to bring it to market. “The fact that we are ranked 20th on the World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index gives us the confidence that we can handle today’s export volumes of 2.8 million tons with ease,” Loock says. “Also, we proved in the 2011/2012 season (2.5 million tons exported) that we could manage high levels of output. “What is going to be more challenging is that we’ve been out of the market for the past two years because of the drought. Our absence has enabled other countries to take a share of our usual markets. The USA
and Argentina, for instance, have made inroads into our traditional MC Loock, Senior international Manager: Agribusiness markets and Primary at Standard Bank Zambia has moved into our regional markets. “So, marketing this year’s export volumes may mean having to quickly develop new markets. That will not be easy.” An additional factor affecting this season’s marketing efforts is an increase in carryover stocks, globally – up by 7%. Also, the International Grains Council’s Grains & Oilseeds Index for maize has dipped slightly over the past five weeks (-1,8%) on the back of favourable weather for South America supporting crop expectations. “None of these are insurmountable problems,” Loock says. “They’re simply a reminder to us that we need to be pro-active on an ongoing basis about developing new markets alongside the skills to compete more effectively, whether in new or established markets.”
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agri Nuus/News
The new era has new challenges Agri SA’s Elize van der Westhuizen recently interviewed Retha Louw, GM of Siza You were recently appointed as the new GM of the Sustainability Initiative of South Africa, better known as Siza. Why Siza and what is your vision for Siza? After 13 years of experience in the fruit industry, having worked at Hortgro, an industry organisation for deciduous fruit, I felt like I needed a change of scenery. My work in agriculture and Hortgro involved a number of activities, such as human resources management, communication, public relations, training and talent management, but it also included several corporate social investment projects. I always loved these projects, especially the interaction with the farm workers and it was more a heart-thing than a work-thing. These projects keep my feet on the ground and they give me a purpose in life. There is a self-worthiness in changing the lives of people living and working on farms and therefore, when the opportunity arrived, it was time to make the change and take on the challenges in the ethical and social trade environment. Siza is a unique organisation, one of its kind and a leader in the field where a country has its own ethical trade programme. The demand for ethical and sustainable assurance is becoming more and more a market requirement. If we would like to change the image of agriculture in South Africa, and in the
process the lives of people living and working on farms, we have to improve our ethical practices, not only in the fruit industry, but on all farms. Therefore, my vision is to grow and expand Siza to all the different sectors in South African agriculture and to make sure that it offers a cost effective approach for growers by supplying one standard and one audit – no matter which market a producer supplies. Who is Retha Louw when you are not at work? Mother of two successful young women, Rachelle, (29) and Arné (26). I like to spend my weekends taking part in running events, especially trail running and spending time with my girls. I also like to read and to enjoy a glass of wine with friends. What was your dream job as a kid and why? When I started thinking about a career in those days, television started to surface in South Africa and the thought of becoming a news anchor crossed my mind. I remembered the days of Bettie Kemp and the news; it was just magic and so very new to see and to experience in those days. I also like the political arena and the thought of being an advisor or communicator seemed very attractive. What is the best and worst decision you’ve ever made? Best decision: To have children – they are my motivation in life. Worst: To trust people on face value. What do you think is the most significant barrier to female leadership? The first thing that comes to mind is juggling a career and a family, but I do not believe that women’s responsibilities with regard to her family should stand in her way of becoming a top leader. A woman does not have to take on the stereotypical “women” role in a family and with shared responsibilities and making the most out of the resources available these days, it is possible for a women to be in a leadership position and have a successful career. However, the most significant barrier that I foresee will always be the emotional side of
women. Ninety per cent of all surveys finds that the characteristic “emotional” applied more to women than to men. Therefore, I think women needs to actively work towards controlling their emotions in the work environment, especially if they would like to rise as leaders. They have to learn to be objective and clinical when making decisions. What woman inspires you and why? Since I started my career, especially in social investment, my path crossed with very strong women who I admire and respect a lot, but very few of them are well-known or identifiable. But if I must mention someone in the public arena it will be Thuli Madonsela, a South African advocate who served as the Public Protector of South Africa. She is someone that I can relate to, a strong woman, fearless in her approach and she aims to do things according to what’s ethical and what’s right. What will be the biggest challenge for the generation of women behind you? To live according to their own era and standards and not to the expectations of the parents that raised them according to their era and standards they were raised in. Seeing that they will probably have strong careers and leadership positions, they have to make peace with the fact that their story might not read the same as their previous generation’s story. Happiness is relative and success is determined according to your own standards. A full and satisfactory life might not include marriage or having children. What’s the accomplishment that you are proudest of? For me, accomplishments is the small things in life, things that is not visible and touchable. Things that give you peace, make you smile and that you can be thankful for. I had the opportunity to design and to develop the Agri’s Got Talent project and for me the most amazing experience was when those first 10 finalist (farm workers), transformed in one week from being a packer or a picker into a grand finale finalist who walked on stage and performed, in front of 500 guests, in such a manner that it touched the heart. It was an amazing experience to see how someone who has so little in life grabbed the opportunity that was provided and made the most of it. I can only thank them for the role they played in my life and the lessons that I have learnt from them. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
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30 jaar gelede in 1987 het Unigrain sy "Plaas Na Meule” besigheidsmodel begin. 30 jaar gelede in 1987 was Unigrain die eerste om “Plaaslaai” te doen. 30 jaar van ongeëwenaarde "Plaaslaai" volumes van “Plaas Na Meule”. 30 jaar van uitgebreide ervaring in Verhandeling en Risikobestuur. 30 jaar se pogings met integriteit om die Verhandelingslandskap te verbeter.
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agri Promosie/Promotional
Graanboere baat vir 30 jaar by Unigrain se oplossings Die ontstaan van die Unigrain-groep van maatskappye dateer terug na April 1987, toe Hennie de Lange begin het om graansorghum vanaf produsente in die Sasolburg/Heilbron-omgewing aan te koop en direk aan King Foods in Potchefstroom te lewer.
ennie het in die daaropvolgende jare nou saam met Hamish McBain van Tiger Oats gewerk om ‘n wettige alternatiewe graanleweringskanaal direk tussen produsente en meulens te skep. Die eenkanaalbemarkingstelsel het ná 1987 vinnig verkrummel en die markomgewing het verander. Dit het nuwe uitdagings gestel, maar daar was ook nuwe geleenthede vir produsente, koöperasies, handelaars en meulenaars. Unigrain se bedrywighede het vinnig van graansorghum na ander kommoditeite soos wit- en geelmielies uitgebrei en daarna ook na oliesade soos sonneblom en soja. Grain Carriers is in 1991 gestig toe Tom Terblanche deel van die span geword het. Tom het in die jare daarna Grain Carriers onafhanklik van Unigrain opgebou tot die grootste padvervoerder van graan in Suid-Afrika en Namibië. Gert van der Walt het in 2002 deel van die Unigrain-span geword en Unigrain in die wintergraan verhandelingsomgewing gevestig. Unigrain is verbind tot die hoogste morele standaarde, norme en goeie korporatiewe bestuur. ‘n Ouditkomitee met ‘n onafhanklike voorsitter moniteer, namens die Unigraindireksie, alle bedryfspraktyke en -risiko’s. Gert van der Walt, besturende direkteur van Unigrain, sê die verwydering van graan vanaf plase het ’n kopseer geword vir graanboere wat oor die jare produksie vinnig
Gert van der Walt, besturende direkteur
Hennie de Lange, voorsitter
en indrukwekkend verhoog het. “Omdat boere soveel meer graan per hektaar teen die negentigerjare begin produseer het, het dit nie meer so maklik geword om graan van plase tot by silo’s en die meulenaars te kry nie. Afnemers soos meulens, perse en voerfabrieke het nie almal die vermoë om hierdie verhoogde kapasiteit te hanteer nie.” En dis waar Unigrain toe in die prentjie kom. Van der Walt sê dat hulle die eerste onderneming in Suid-Afrika is wat boere begin help het om graan van die plaas te verwyder en by meulenaars se voordeur af te laai. Die vinnige verwydering van graan vanaf plase was om verskeie redes noodsaaklik, sê Van der Walt. “Graan moet gestroop en vervoer word wanneer die vogparameters reg is, en om risiko’s soos brand, diefstal en ander stoopverliese hok te slaan, beteken dit dat daar nie tyd gemors kan word nie. ’n Verdere voordeel van dié vinnige verwydering
Tom Terblanche, besturende direkteur
is dat die oesreste deur vee benut kan word. Hoe vroeër bekalking en bewerking ook op dié lande gedoen kan word, hoe beter.” Unigrain se diens sluit veel meer in as bloot graanverwydering en -verhandeling. Verskeie kontrakopsies is aan boere beskikbaar, afhangend van wanneer hulle wil bemark. Die onderneming verskaf ook hulp met Safex-verhandeling namens boere, vervoerlogistiek en ’n natuurlike uitvloeisel van Unigrain se diens was dat hulle boere help om graan op die plaas op te berg. “Hoewel dit sin maak om die grootste deel van die oes teen die regte tyd van die plaas te verwyder, is daar goeie redes waarom boere soms ’n deel van die oes op die plaas wil hou.” Van der Walt sê graanberging op plase is nie so eenvoudig soos wat dit mag klink nie. Unigrain help boere om eers ’n deeglike studie van die situasie te maak. Dit behels ’n sakeplan en ’n behoorlike begroting. “Ons vra eers vir boere waarom hulle self graan wil opberg en of dit finansiële sin gaan maak. Dit is ook belangrik om saam met die boer te besluit of graanopberging op die plaas volhoubaar gaan wees. Ons kyk ook na waar ’n opbergingsilo op die plaas die meeste sin gaan maak.” Unigrain se oplossing hiervoor sluit tegnologies gevorderde opbergingsopsies in, wat wissel van plaas tot kommersiële opbergingskomplekse. Finansieringspakkette is beskikbaar en Unigrain gaan ook strategiese opbergingsvennootskappe met produsente of ’n groep produsente aan. Unigrain staan boere verder by met besluite oor watter gewasse op ’n plaas aangeplant behoort te word. Faktore soos wisselbou, winsgewendheid en markvooruitsigte word onder meer onder die loep geneem. >>> bladsy 101 agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Wyn/Wine
Linton Park se geskiedkundige herehuis.
Die eienaars van hierdie spog-wynmakery het besluit dat dit tyd is om uit hul dop te kruip en ‘n dinamiese deel te wees van die Wellington-distrik se ontwaking.
inton Park, geleë teen die skilderagtige hange van Groenberg aan die buitewyke van dié Bolandse dorp, is in der waarheid ‘n gesertifiseerde landgoedkelder ‘n streng kwalifikasie wat onder meer beteken dat die wyn in die bottel spesifiek van daardie boerdery-eenheid afkomstig is en in sy eie kelder berei word. Net 210 wynmakerye uit ‘n totaal van 566 in die land sien kans vir hierdie beperking ter wille van egtheid van oorsprong en unieke terroir – ‘n uitdaging waarvoor die internasionale sakegroep Camellia plc, wat die eiendom in 1995 met Malcolm Perkins as voorsitter aangekoop het, nie teruggedeins het nie. Hulle het sedertdien groot belê in die ontwikkeling van die oorspronklike Slangrivier-plaas wat uit 1699 dateer. ‘n Lae profiel is egter gehandhaaf met hul uitgebreide wynreeks, maar ‘n golf van vernuwing beteken dat die reeks nou gerasionaliseer en meer gefokus is, terwyl twee nuwelinge bygekom het, tradisionele styl vonkelwyn (Méthode Cap Classique) en agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
koffie-agtige Cabernet Sauvignon. Met die spoggerige bekendstelling van al die nuwighede op ‘n hittige Vrydagmiddag, ja, Wellington is nogal bekend vir somerhitte, het Linton Park daarin geslaag om die mediagroep en hoogwaardigheidsbekleërs koel te hou onder skaduryke bome langs ‘n dam en ook onder die wingerdprieel op die stoep van die elegante herehuis. Onthou, die distrik se bergagtigheid leen hom wel tot allerhande variasies van ligging, skaduryke berghange met koel briese en beskermde klowe wat die tuiste is van verskeie juweel-wynmakerye – grootliks onontdek, maar ‘n hanetree van Kaapstad af. Linton Park se naam is ontleen aan ‘n herehuis in Kent wat as hoofkantoor dien vir Camellia plc, ‘n genoteerde maatskappy op die Londense aandelemark met 76 000 werknemers en betrokkenheid by ‘n magdom bedrywe, die produksie van tee, avokado’s, neute, graankosse, bosbou, rubber en sitrus, asook finansiering, versekering,
ingenieurswese, eiendom en voedsel verspreiding. Voorsitter Malcolm Perkins het by die geleentheid gesê: “Slangrivier het 22 jaar gelede nie veel gehad om aan te beveel behalwe sy buitengewone skoonheid nie.” Intussen is ou wingerde vervang, die herehuis gerestoureer, werkers in nuwe huise in Wellington geplaas, die kelder herbou en uitgebrei en ‘n proesentrum gebou. “Wynmaker JG Auret en die res van die span het ook die nuutste tegnologie en speelgoed gekry.” ‘n Omvattende wingerd-vernuwings program is aangepak, terwyl uitheemse bome verwyder is om die waterbronne te beskerm. Volhoubaarheid en omgewing bewaring is belangrike oorwegings. Die 70 hektaar wingerd, van ‘n totale >>> bladsy 101
Teks en foto: Cassie du Plessis
Linton Park help Wellington ontwaak
agri Wyn/Wine
>>> bladsy 100 294 hektaar met uitgestrekte renosterveld, wissel in hoogte van 200 – 550 meter met ‘n verskeidenheid grondsoorte. Ses hektaar nuwe wingerd word jaarliks aangeplant, veral Chardonnay en Cabernet. JG Auret glo in aandag aan detail van wingerd tot kelder vir gehalte en karakter in die nuwe geslag wyne. Die portefeulje bestaan uit die nuwe Café Cabernet en MCC Brut en Rosé, asook gevestigde Estate- en Rhino-reekse. Die Estate-wyne verkoop teen R90 – R120 per bottel en die “renosterwyne” ‘n besonder bekostigbare R50 – R65 in die kleinhandel. Vir elke bottel Rhino wat verkoop word, gaan R1 na die Rhinos Without Borders-veldtog vir renosterbewaring, wat verlede jaar op ‘n allemintige R50 000 te staan gekom het.
‘n Linton Park-landskap teen die hange van Groenberg.
>>> bladsy 99 Boere word deurentyd op die hoogte van prysbewegings en weervooruitsigte gebring. Markontledings word weekliks aan kliënte gestuur. Gedurende strooptyd word hulle ook voortdurend op die hoogte van pryse gehou. Van Unigrain se indrukwekkende kliënte sluit in SAB Miller, Pioneer Foods, Tiger Milling, Meadow Foods, Epol, Rainbow Chicken, Food Corp en Willowton Oil. Altesaam 600 graanprodusente is ook op hulle kliëntebasis. Unigrain is ook nou betrokke by die Grain Care Trust, ’n nie-winsgewende organisasie wat deur aandeelhouers gestig
Diemersfontein Wyne, Doolhof Landgoed, Douglas Green Bellingham, Dunstone Wyne, Mischa Landgoed, Imbuko Wyne, Jacaranda Wyne, Jacques Smit Wyne, Malan de Versailles, Upland Organiese Wyn en Brandewyn Landgoed, Wellington Wyne by Bovlei, Welvanpas Familiewingerde, en Welbedacht Landgoed van Schalk Burger en Seuns – die laasgenoemde naam sal by alle rugbymense ‘n klokkie lui. Wellington is maar 45 minute se ry van Kaapstad af, nie veel verder as Stellenbosch, Somerset-Wes en die Paarl se woelige wynbestemmings nie – beslis langs stiller paaie en met ‘n rustige, landelike atmosfeer wat wag om verken te word.
Die Linton Park MCC’s is karaktervolle droë cuvée’s wat groet met ‘n aanloklike aroma van gis en vars gebakte brood. Dit prys R217 per bottel en is slegs by die landgoed beskikbaar. Die Café Cabernet 2016 is kompleks en gelaai met kultivarkarakter, veral bessievrug wat lank en gebalanseerd op die smaak lê met geure van koffie, mokka en sjokolade, sowat R90 per bottel. Met sy vars wynportefeulje en nuwe proelokaal, voeg Linton Park hom nou by die bakgat besoekerspakket van die Wellington-wynroete, waar jy ook kan uitkyk vir name soos Andreas Wyne, Bosman Familiewingerde,
Vrugtig en vol geure, met koffie en mokka aan die voorpunt, die Café Cabernet 2016.
is om na behoeftiges om te sien. En kry Suid-Afrika se ekonomiese afgradering en die deurmekaar politiek Unigrain onder? “Nee,” sê Van der Walt. “Ons is baie positief oor landbou se toekoms in Suid-Afrika en in Afrika. Voedselsekerheid is belangrik. Mense moet kos hê om te eet en dit is boere se werk om kos te voorsien. Ek dink net landbou word nie genoeg bemark nie. Jou gemiddelde verbruiker het nie regtig ’n idee waar sy aandete vandaan kom nie.” En is daar gevaarligte? “Die rolspelers in die kanaal tussen plaas en meule se onvermoë om saam te werk om produktiwiteit te verbeter en die agteruitgang
van die paaie en ander infrastruktuur van nasionale belang bekommer ons. Hoe gaan Unigrain vir die volgende 30 jaar relevant bly? Hennie de Lange, die stigter, antwoord: Ralph Waldo Emerson kwoteer “Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” “Dit beskryf die Unigrain-karakter die beste en ons gaan daarom getrou aan ons karakter bly by dit wat ons gebring, gemaak en onderskei het in die graanbedryf. Die plaaslaaileweringskonsep gaan geherdefinieer word om ongekende nuwe dinamika en waarde vir produsente en meulenaars te bring.” agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Promosie/Promotional
Franklin Electric launches all-inone solar system pumping solution Franklin Electric has developed a rugged, high-output solar pumping system which tackles the challenges of harsh and remote environments and provides maximum pumping power on sunny days when water is needed most.
he new modular and compact Fhoton SolarPAK was jointly developed by Franklin Electric USA and Franklin Electric South Africa and offers a more versatile, all-inone system solution for all solar pumping requirements. Based on conventional borehole tech nology, the Fhoton SolarPAK pumps are the first of their kind on the South African market and include submersible, water-filled motors that operate at variable speeds, providing quiet, pollution-free, corrosion-free and selflubricating water pumping solutions. Application engineering manager for Franklin Electric SA Lyon van der Merwe notes that the Franklin Electric SolarPAK is unique in its use of standard borehole equipment backed up by access to full industry logistics and support, in comparison to other solar products on the market that use pump and motor technologies not necessarily suitable for
reliable borehole applications. “Franklin Electric SA is bringing depend able, standard borehole equipment to the solar market for the first time in South Africa, giving our customers access to solar pumping systems with the same consistency as conventional borehole equipment,” says van der Merwe. Besides negating the need for fuel-burning generators, the Fhoton SolarPAK is also more economical in the long run with many of the smaller sized systems costing little more than their fuel-powered equivalents. In addition, the solar system minimises future costs and cost uncertainties as the fuel is free and the pump element, which can be removed and replaced alone, is the only wearing part, with little or no maintenance required. “With a solar pumping system there is a significant reduction of cost of ownership and customers are assured of many years of reliable water supply at near-zero operating
cost,” says van der Merwe. He adds that the investment payback period for Franklin Electric’s Fhoton SolarPAK is 12 – 24 months, allowing customers to quickly realise the benefits of a solar-powered water pumping system. For further information about Franklin Electric’s Fhoton SolarPAK, contact Neall Venter at Franklin Electric on or 011 723 6500, or visit
Alles-in-een-sonkragpomp-oplossing Die Fhoton SolarPAK is die nuwe modulêre, kompakte en meer buigbare oplossing vir al jou sonpompvereistes. Deur gehalte-komponente, vernuwende denke, wêreldwye markinsette en tegniese kundigheid te gebruik om grondwater uit te pomp, het Franklin Electric ‘n taai, hoë-uitsetstelsel ontwikkel wat die uitdagings van ongenaakbare en afgeleë omgewings aanpak. Gebruike sluit in water vir vee- en wildplase, landelike waterlewering, besproeiingstelsels, wingerde en hernieubare energie-projekte. Kenmerke sluit in: - Hoë-vloei-stelsel; - Omgewingsbestande (IP65) verpakking minimaliseer die impak van die omgewing; - Maksimum Drywingspunt Volging (MDPV) om die doeltreffendheid van die insetkrag te maksimaliseer; - Kan vir ‘n nuwe sonkragaanleg of omskakeling van aanleg gebruik word; - Ingeboude diagnose en beskerming. Kontak ons vir betroubare handelsmerke, uitstekende diens en wêreldklas-pompstelseloplossings. 13 Engwena Road, Sebenza, Edenvale, 1610, South Africa Tel: +27 11 723-6500 Branches: Bloemfontein: +27 51 434-1565, Cape Town: +27 21 949-5458, Durban: +27 31 700-4160 Depot: Port Elizabeth: +27 41 487-2866, Export Division: +27 11 723-6500 Franklin Electric Botswana (Pty) Ltd: +267 397-4926 Franklin Electric Zambia: +260-966-014-144, +260-966-303-019
Fhoton Solar Afri.indd 1 agri APRIL • 122x180 MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
2017/03/14 12:29 PM
agri Water In this series of articles, Agri is in discussion with Dr Gerhard Backeberg, executive manager: water utilisation in agriculture of the WRC, in order to obtain information on water use and what the WRC is doing for investment of funds in water research.
Many irrigation farmers in South Africa pay an annual research levy to the Water Research Fund (WRF) in respect of water, which is used for irrigation on scheduled land. This fund is dedicated to financing the activities of the Water Research Commission (WRC) to support and undertake research on the use of water for agricultural, industrial and domestic purposes. The levy on irrigation water is, however, not the only source of income for the fund: Levies on water use for urban, industrial and domestic purposes makes by far the biggest contribution.
Agri: The current drought has again emphasised the importance of correctly quantifying water use of crops. What advice can be given to irrigation farmers in this regard? Backeberg: Since 1996, the WRC has funded a sequence of projects to determine a scientific basis for estimating the irrigation water requirements of crops. This has led to the development, testing (through technology exchange projects) and application of SAPWAT. During 2008 the report for SAPWAT3 was published, which established a decision-making procedure for estimating crop water requirements, for application by mainly irrigation planners and advisors. The program SAPWAT3 has been extensively applied in South Africa and internationally. After verifying the correctness and expanded adoption potential in 2011, the revised and updated version of SAPWAT4 was published in 2016. In the summary of the report by Dr Pieter van Heerden, it is stated that the development of the current SAPWAT4 program is also based on the FAO published Irrigation and Drainage Report No. 56, Crop evapotranspiration: Guidelines for computing crop water requirements. As the calculation of crop evapotranspiration is the first and essential element of any routine for estimating crop irrigation requirements, SAPWAT4 has at its core the computer procedures contained in FAO 56 and all recommendations have
been followed consistently. The irrigation requirement of crops is dominated by climate, particularly the annual and seasonal variation in the evaporative demand of the atmosphere as well as precipitation. SAPWAT4 has included in its installed database comprehensive weather data that is immediately available to the user. SAPWAT4 utilises the four stage crop development curve procedure, which is based on relating crop evapotranspiration in each growth stage to the short grass reference evapotranspiration (Penman-Monteith approach) by applying a crop coefficient. Typical values of expected average crop coefficients under a mild, standard climatic condition are published in FAO 56 and applied in SAPWAT4. The corrections required by the FAO 56 procedure are followed in SAPWAT4 and in addition allowance is made for the effect of climate, crop varieties, planting date or management strategies on the specific crop development stage lengths or the total irrigation period. SAPWAT4 provides for this with default stage length values for each of the crops listed for each of the five climatic zones found in South Africa. Furthermore, there are options for each crop with differing cultivars and modified stage lengths, where these are influenced by planting dates. SAPWAT4 goes one step further by also including a module that can use measured crop water use data to adjust both Kcb values and
stage lengths. The crop coefficient files were developed according to rules derived with the help of crop scientists. Experience showed that it was necessary to modify the approach to suit irrigation as opposed to the normal rain-fed development stages. Editing has been simplified by the provision of options available on drop-down menus. It is envisaged that users concerned with groups of irrigators would develop their own sets of defaults tailored to their conditions. With application of SAPWAT3, the conviction grew that planning irrigation water use without considering the economic impact does not provide enough information on which to base future planning for crop production. On request of a number of users, the module for an enterprise budget has been included and further developed in SAPWAT4. Consideration is therefore given to enterprise budgets as part of the irrigation water requirement planning process. Planners and advisors who are interested to apply SAPWAT4 should contact Dr P S van Heerden for advice, based on WRC report number TT 662/16 “Upgrading of SAPWAT3 as a management tool to estimate the irrigation water use of crops: Revised edition SAPWAT4”
Visit the Water Research Commission’s webpage for more information and/or ordering of research reports Tel: 012 330 0340 Fax: 012 331 2565 Email: Private Bag X03, Gezina, Pretoria 0031 agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
Dr Gerhard Backeberg
Estimating water use of irrigated crops
agri Bewaring/Conservation
Grondsekerheid, huurkontrakte en bewaring
nsekerheid, veral deesdae in Suid-Afrika, het amper ’n deel van ons daaglikse bestaan en woordeskat geword. Dink maar aan die politiek, die ekonomie, grondeienaarskap! So om die woord ‘sekerheid’ te gebruik in die konteks van grondeienaarskap, is miskien ietwat van ’n lang skoot in die donker … Hoe dit ook al sy, in hierdie artikel wil ek graag die kwessie van grondeienaarskap en die sekerheid van gebruiksreg aanspreek – veral ten opsigte van die impak daarvan op die bewaring van natuurlike hulpbronne. In die literatuur word dit algemeen aanvaar dat grondeienaarskap en sekerheid van gebruiksreg noodsaaklik is vir goeie hulpbronbestuur. Boere wat langtermynbeleggings vir grondbewaring maak, mag op die kort termyn inkomste verloor, maar doen dit met die wete van verbeterde grondvrugbaarheid en ’n
verhoogde produksiepotensiaal vir die toekoms. Huurders of gebruikers van kommunale grond het geen langtermynwaarborg of sekuriteit dat hulle op die lang termyn die vrugte gaan pluk van hul beleggings en insette in grondbewaring en grondverbetering nie. Daarom is huurders somtyds geforseer om bestuurstrategieë te gebruik wat korttermynproduksie verhoog, soms ten koste van langtermynproduktiwiteit of grondvrugbaarheid. In Suid-Afrika is daar baie bedreigings vir grondeienaarskap en Agri SA doen op strategiese en beleidsvlak baie om aktief deel te wees van onderhandelinge, alternatiewe voor te stel en beleidmakers bewus te maak van die moontlike implikasies en gevolge van ’n verlies aan eienaarskap op voedselsekerheid, arbeid en so meer. So, as gewone boere is daar nie veel wat ons aan die politiek-gedrewe proses van grondhervorming kan doen behalwe om te vertrou dat dié wat ons gekies het, ons Lehman Lindeque:
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
saak as klein- en kommersiële boere so goed moontlik sal voordoen. Met grondpryse wat die laaste paar jaar die hoogte ingeskiet het, is die verhuring van grond vir baie beginnerboere en boere met beperkte kapitaal die enigste opsie om boerderybedrywighede uit te brei. Boere wat ook nie meer die risiko wil neem van kontantgewasverbouiing nie, verhuur hul landerye of het ekstra veld beskikbaar wat verhuur word as weiding. Hoe dit ook al sy, dit is hier waar ons ’n verskil kan maak en waar ’n goed deurdinkte en bewoorde huurkontrak ’n wesentlike bydrae kan maak tot die volhoubare benutting van ons natuurlike hulpbronne. In hierdie artikel wil ek kortliks vyf beginsels noem wat oorweeg kan word
“The tenant who expects to remain but a short time on a farm has little incentive to conserve and improve the soil; he has equally little incentive to maintain and improve the wood lot, the house, barn, shed or other structures on the farm.” – Report of the President’s Committee on Farm Tenancy in the United Stated of America, February 1937.
agri Bewaring/Conservation
<<< bladsy 104 om die huurder aan te moedig om volhoubare boerderypraktyke toe te pas:
1. Verhuringstydperk ’n Huurkontrak van etlike jare verseker gebruiksekerheid aan die huurder. Hierdie sekerheid regverdig ’n belegging in grondbewaring, die opbou en instandhouding van grondvrugbaarheid deur die gereelde strooi van kalk en korrekte bemesting en, laastens, die instandhouding van infrastruktuur. 2. Terugbetaling vir verbeterings aangebring Die meeste huurders sal nie bereid wees om ’n belegging te maak in die verbetering van die hulpbrontoestand of infrastruktuur as hulle nie verseker is dat hul die voordeel daarvan gaan pluk voor die huurtydperk verstryk nie. Terugbetaling van ooreengekome verbeterings aangebring, kan die scenario verander. In ’n poging om die volhoubaarheid van huurgrond te verbeter, is dit belangrik om nie net te kyk na strukturele veranderinge nie, soos heinings en grondbewaringswerke, maar ook na die voortgesette of opgeboude voordele voortspruitend uit volhoubare praktyke soos minimumbewerking, dekgewasse en ’n volhoubare beweidingstelsel. 3. Kosteverdeling Die verdeling van kostes van sekere aktiwiteite kan die huurder aanmoedig om volhoubare beginsels toe te pas. Kostes word makliker en meer geredelik gedeel as daar om ’n deel van die oes verhuur word, maar niks verhoed die partye om ooreen te kom om sekere kostes te deel in ’n gewone kontant- huurooreenkoms nie. Kosteverdeling kan veral voordelig wees waar gespesialiseerde toerusting soos ’n geenbewerkingplanter of konstruksietoerusting ter sprake is, ekstra mannekrag of materiaal benodig word. ’n Laaste oorweging onder kosteverdeling is natuurlik om die huur te verminder ten einde die huurder aan te moedig om volhoubare praktyke toe te pas. 4. Risikoverdeling Daar is groot risiko verbonde aan boerdery en die mate waartoe daardie risiko
verminder kan word, sal die bereidwilligheid van die boer verhoog om alternatiewe en meer volhoubare bestuurspraktyke uit te probeer of daarna oor te skakel. Een van die algemeenste metodes om die risiko vir die huurder te verlig, is om die huurbedrag aan te pas by die grootte van die oes of die opbrengs (verhuur om ’n deel), die prys van produkte of beide.
5. Bewaringsverwante voorskrifte Spesifieke voorskrifte kan in die huurkontrak aangebring word om seker te maak dat die huurder volhoubare boerderypraktyke toepas. Dit kan breed en algemeen wees deur byvoorbeeld te noem dat alle regulasies en wette wat verband hou met die omgewing en hulpbronbewaring, soos byvoorbeeld die Hulpbronbewaringswet, Wet 43 van 1983, nagekom moet word. Voorskrifte kan baie spesifiek wees deur byvoorbeeld te verwys na die instandhouding van grondvrugbaarheid, die onderhoud en instandhouding van infrastruktuur soos drade en grondbewaringswerke. Dit sluit in die instandhouding van kontoere en waterbane en die bemesting van aangeplante weidings. Die beheer van onkruid, die benutting van wild en natuurlike plante en die maak van voorbrande is nog voorbeelde van spesifieke voorskrifte. Grondeienaars kan ook spesifiek wees oor bewerkingsmetodes, gewaskeuses, wisselbou, die gebruik van oesreste en weikapasiteitsnorme, om maar net ‘n paar te noem. “The biggest challenge to leasing land
sustainably is the relative personal values of the parties to the agreement. Both parties need to appreciate the ecological or social good that can be created by sustainable farming. Sustainable leases are therefore best used between sustainable landlords and sustainable farmers. The ecological or social benefits may not be obvious to all landlords, or to all farmers for that matter, but sustainable leasing has truly tangible and quantifiable value nonetheless. The sustainable lease begins with a mutual appreciation of these values.” Foscolo, 2013 Volhoubare landbou is ’n sambreelterm wat gebruik word om die verskillende produksiemetodes, sisteme en benaderings wat ten doel het om die doelwitte van winsgewendheid, rentmeesterskap en ’n kwaliteitlewe, saam te vat. Ten slotte, met die daaglikse toename en toegang tot meer omgewingsvriendelike produksiemetodes en die groter bewuswording onder boere van die nodigheid van volhoubare boerderypraktyke, kan ’n huurkontrak baie meer wees as net ’n regsdokument om toegang tot grond te verseker. Huurkontrakte kan ’n belangrike skakel wees wat kan verseker dat, deur volhoubare benutting van die huurgrond, ’n legio ekologiese en sosiale voordele verseker word wat belangrik is vir die groei van landbou en die winsgewendheid van beide die eienaar en die huurder. Ons kreatiwiteit in die gebruik daarvan is ons enigste beperking. agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
agri Fauna
Die herfskommandowurm: Waardevolle lesse geleer
root paniek het onder boere geheers veral toe die produsente agterkom dat die piretroïedeplaagdoders geen uitwerking op die wurms gehad het nie. ’n Groot geskarrel het ontstaan om geskikte plaagdoders te vind om die ongewenste indringer onder beheer te bring, terwyl kleinboere en saadmielieboere se oeste feitlik totaal verwoes is. Die departement van landbou het ingegryp en ’n taakspan saamgestel, terwyl plaagdodermaatskappye blitsig aansoeke om noodregistrasie by die Registrateur van Wet 36 van 1947 ingedien het. CropLife Suid-Afrika het sy lede aangemoedig om hulle nuwe chemiese asook biologiese middels te laat registreer en die SuidAfikaanse Biologiese Organisasie se lede het ook middels laat registreer. Akademici soos prof Johny van den Berg van Noordwes-Universiteit en die Landbounavorsingsraad se entomoloë het gaan snuffel om vas te stel watter wurm die chaos veroorsaak het. Provinsiale departmente van landbou se beamptes het ook besoeke aan plase gebring om die plaag te
identifiseer. Die Insekweerstandaksiegroep se Desiree van Heerden het landwyd gaan ondersoek instel na die gewasskade en die plaag. Boere het foto’s geneem en per selfoon vir identifikasie ingestuur. Tussen alles deur het Jan Hendrik Venter van die department van landbou die skip bestuur en die nasionale aanslag teen die herfskommandowurm gekoördineer. Graan Suid-Afrika en die saadmense (Sansor) het ook saamgewerk om boere ingelig te hou. Die meeste kommersiële boere het daarin geslaag om die wurm met die plaagdoders onder beheer te bring, maar kleinboere het groot slae van die wurm verduur. Daar is selfs enkele CropLife SA- landbouchemiese agente wat vir kleinboere saad en plaagdoders geskenk het om weer ’n oes aan die gang te kry. Baie van die agente het hard gewerk om boere ingelig te hou en van sinvolle raad te voorsien. Dit het baie vinnig duidelik geword dat die herfskommandowurm wel baie wyd versprei is maar nie in alle mieliegebiede aangeteken is nie én dat ander wurmplae
ook erg was. Dit het dikwels onnodige verwarring veroorsaak omdat elke wurm as kommandowurm beskou is. Gelukkig kon die land se entomoloë dit spesies identifiseer en die verwarring uitskakel. Die herfskommandowurm het ons beslis onkant gevang maar ons het ’n paar waardevolle lesse geleer: Eerstens moet ’n mens elke plaagspesie korrek identifiseer, want ons kan nuwe plae in die toekoms verwag. Tweedens is daar in Suid-Afrika baie kundigheid en bereidwilligheid om kundigheid te deel. Derdens is dit belangrik om alle pogings ter oplossing van probleme te koördineer. Die wurm het daarin geslaag om al hierdie lesse baie vinnig aan te bied en ons het vinnig geleer. Samewerking van ’n groot aantal staats-, semi-staats-, akademiese en bedryforganisasies het ’n gekoördineerde pogings teen die wurm geloods en die groot mielieoes is bewys daarvan dat ons die eerste rondte gewen het. Nou moet SuidAfrika net saamstaan en ’n bestuursplan in plek stel as die wurm dit sou durf waag om weer sy kop in die komende jare uit te steek. Daar is wel nog baie werk nodig soos om die GM-gewasse te laat registreer as teëvoeter vir die herfskommandowurm, veldproewe om die doeltreffendheid te bewys van die plaagdoders waarvoor noodregistrasie toegestaan is, inligtingsessies met boere te organiseer en aan te bied, en ’n geïntegreerde plaagbestuurstelsel vir die herfskommandowurm te ontwikkel. Daar is ander plae soos die tamatie blaarmyner, ’n nuwe piesangvirus, die vrugtevlieg en natuurlik ook die dreigende droogte wat die land steeds op baie plekke in beklemming het waaraan aandag gegee moet word. Kom ons takel al hierdie uitdagings soos wat ons die herfskommandowurm getakel het met samewerking en koördinering – ons sal oorwin!
Dr Gerhard H Verdoorn, Griffon Gifinligtingsentrum, 082-446-8946 agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
Suid-Afrika se boere is op pad na ’n ongekend goeie mielieoes maar skaars drie maande gelede het die yswater teen ruggrate afgeloop toe die vreemde, hardekwas herfskommandowurm op baie plekke in die land se mielies geïdentifiseer is.
agri Uit ‘n ander hoek
Tempus fugit et nos in illis FRIKKIE KRAAMWINKEL©
“Die tyd vlieg en ons daarmee saam,” het die ou Romeine glo gesê wanneer hulle filosofies in die wynbeker gekyk het.
ít val my op toe ek onlangs ‘n prenteboek oor Holland uit die rak haal met ‘n inskrywing “Ter herinnering aan je verblijf in Nederland.” Dit was 56 jaar gelede. Sedertdien “gaat het leven steeds – razend snel – voort” op maat van die kleurvolle draaiorrel se meevoerende musiek op die voorblad. Uit die klerekas haal ek my universteit kleurbaadjie. “Ad destinatum Persequor.” Vier en sestig jaar gelede was hy nog splinternuut. ‘n Kiekie van my kom uit ‘n ou foto-album te voorskyn. My eerste trapkar. Dit was 81 jaar gelede dat die Kodakbokskamera geklik het. Waar het die tyd nie heen gevlieg nie! As die goeie feetjie met haar towerstaf my maar net ‘n enkele wens wou gun, sou ek gewens het dat ons toe die geleent hede daar was, soveel meer van elke lewensoomblik gemaak het. Toe was ons nog vol jeugdige entoesiasme en sou ons die digitale kameras van vandag, die rekenaars, die mobiele telefone, trouens al die wonderlike tegnologie van vandag beskikbaar gehad het kon dit ‘n verskil gemaak het. En natuurlik mag elke boer wens dat hy of sy al eergister vandag se presisie-boerderytoerusting en ander hulpmiddele gehad het. Nege en vyftig jaar gelede het daar op ‘n winterse Saterdagoggend soveel as twee skroefaangedrewe vliegmasjiene op Jan Smuts Internasionale Lughawe gestaan. Met een DC7B is ek vort Holland toe. Ná tussenlandings op Kano, Rome en Zurich het ons Schiphol 24 uur later in lieflike somerse weer bereik. In vergelyking met vandag het die tyd toe nog stadig aangestap. Altans so voel dit.
Tegnologie het indiwidue vandag sodanig bemagtig dat hulle letterlik die wêreld op hulle vingerpunte het. Hiervan is die mobiele telefoon met al sy wonderbaarlike vermoëns en samelewings-dryfkrag seker die mees sprekende voorbeeld. Tog, maar tog, het iets ons nie dalk met al die grootsheid van tegnologie ontval nie? Staan ons nog in stille, byna in verdwaasde verwondering, by die aanskoue van dinge wat tegnologie vandag moontlik maak of het dit net vanselfsprekend geword? Op die plaas van 79 jaar gelede was daar nie radio, televisie, ‘n telefoon of elektrisiteit nie. Saans met kinders se bedtoegaantyd het pa en ma ons stories vertel en die hasies en kabouters en feetjies kon ons almal in skadubeelde van die kerslig in die blaker sien soos pa en ma dit met hulle hande tussen die kerslig en muur opgetower het. Dit was eie skeppinge wat ons verbeelding aangegryp het. Soos die dolosse, fluitjiesriet gevoude blare wat seilbootjies op die damwater geword het en garetolletjie-kruiptrekkerspeelgoed wat ons self met ons kinderhande gemaak het. Wanneer die dorsmasjien gekom het, was al die bure daar om hand by te sit om die koringgerwe te voer, kaf weg te werk en mudsakke vol te maak en weg te stapel. Bees en vark is geslag en gemmerbier in die kolekoelkas was tradisie. Daar is boerseep gekook, kaiings uitgebraai en biltonge gesny en gedroog. Praat nie eers van al die konfyttertjies en ander gebak wat ook vir die okkasie gemaak is nie. Mense was nog in voeling met mekaar, kon mekaar die hand reik. Hoe verbasend vandag se wêreldwye
tegnologiese van-aangesig-tot-aangesigkommunikasie ook al mag wees, ontbreek dit nog steeds daardie persoonlike lekker ou hartlike bladskud. Sewe en vyftig jaar gelede het ons op die beroemde Lovćen Bukovica-bergpas bokant die Joegoeslaavse Kotorbaai en stad op een van die soveelste wentelinge van die uitgekapte grondpad teen die Karstgebergte gestaan. In die destydse kommunistiese land was voetslaan, donkiery, of perde en muilwaens die vervoermiddels van die volk. Ons privaatmotor was by hoë uitsondering die enigste op die pad en heel selde het ons ‘n militêre voertuig teengekom. In Kotor, op die mark, het ons ‘n heerlike potbrood en plaasbotter gekoop. Waar ons stilgehou het, het ons regte beeswagtersnye uit die potbrood gesny, botter en appelkooskonfyt opgesmeer, en saam met ‘n groot beker stomende Nescafé-koffie vir brekfis geniet. Ons had benewens ‘n lieflike uitsig oor die Skutarimeer en in die verte die Albanese Alpe, ook ‘n towerlantern-uitsig oor die stad en Boka Kotorska-baai van Kotor met sy veertiende eeuse herboude Sveti Triptun-katedraal. Jy moes op daar gewees het om dit te ervaar en te geniet. Vandag kan mens Kotor enige tyd op jou mobiele foon oor die internet besoek. Die verskil is egter dat jy nog nie die heerlike smaak van varsgebakte potbrood en geurige koffie saam met die appelkooskonfyt kan smaak nie. Daaraan werk die tegnologie nog hard om ons nog meer soos tegnologies gedrewe slawe aan ons rekenaars en mobiele telefone vas te kluister. Of wat praat ek alles, sou Doorsie van die Mielieblaarklub gesê het!
agri APRIL • MEI/MAY ‘17 bladsy/page
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