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Korean Asparagus Charms the World



CEO Kim Young-rim

Asparagus tile food is drawing attention as a versaingredient that is used to make salads and soups and roasted and grilled with meat. In Korea, Yanggu in Gangwon-do has emerged as the main region that produces asparagus of good quality. The asparagus produced in this region was recognized for its high quality from Japan and started being exported to Singapore this year, and is now broadening its presence to Hong Kong. At the center of this success, there is an agricultural company called Yanggu Aspara CO., LTD.

Smooth sailing in a shower of favorable reviews from buyers

Yanggu Aspara consists of farmers who have been cultivating asparagus only for over 15 years. It was established in 2017 to expand the

アスパラガスはサラダ?ス―プに使われるほか?肉と一緖 に炒めたり燒いたりしても美味しいことから?樣?な料理 の食材として脚光を浴びている?韓國の江原道(カンウォ ンド)楊口(ヤング)では良質のアスパラガスが生産され? 主産地として浮上している?特に?韓國はもちろん?日本 で質の高さが認められるにつれ?今年はシンガポ―ルへの 輸出に成功した?これに續き?香港市場まで輸出先を廣げ ている?こうした成果の中心には?農業會社法人(株)楊口 アスパラがいる?


農業會社法人(株)楊口アスパラは?アスパラガスだけを 15年以上栽培する專門農家で構成されている?2017年に アスパラガスの輸出擴大を目的として農業會社法人を設立 し?日本への輸出に乘り出した?質の高さと價格競爭力を 備えており?日本のバイヤ―からも好評だ?輸入の要請が 增えているとはいえ?輸出量はまだまだの狀況だ? こうした人氣の秘密は?他の商品に比べて高い認知度があ

Asparagus of Yanggu Aspara is rich in nutrients and great in texture, helping the export increase further.

export of Korean asparagus and started exporting asparagus to Japan. The high quality and appealing prices were enough to receive great reviews from Japanese buyers. The stock the company secured to export is now running short amid the growing request for the export.

Behind this popularity, there are a relatively high level of recognition compared to other products, and the firm and solid stalks which contribute to the longer shelf life. What’s more, the vegetable is rich in nutrients and great in texture, helping the export increase further. Thanks to these merits, the asparagus Yanggu Aspara produces is very popular particularly among salad bars, sandwich izakaya, and highend Japanese restaurants, and fried food restaurants in Japan.

Kim Young-rim, CEO of Yanggu Aspara, said, “Japan was a major market for the export, but we succeeded in expanding the export market to Singapore this year and sending some samples to Hong Kong. Korean asparagus is of a high class in the foreign markets. Currently,

ることとアスパラガスの組織が丈夫で流通期間が長いとい うことだ?これが功を奏したのだ?また?アスパラガス特 有の榮養成分と食感の面ですぐれている点も輸出に大きく 寄與している?これにより?日本の現地のサラダバ― ?サ ンドイッチ?居酒屋?高級日本料理店?天ぷら專門店など での人氣も高い? 金英林(キム·ヨンリム)農業會社法人(株)楊口アスパラ代 表は?「日本が主力輸出市場だったが?今年はシンガポ―ル まで輸出市場を擴大し?香港にもサンプルを送った?韓國 のアスパラガスは海外市場で上位クラスに屬する?現在? 輸出量を擴大してほしいとのニ―ズがあるが?量が足りな い狀況だ?」と述べた?


農業會社法人(株)楊口アスパラがこのように海外で認めら れている理由は?他にもある?それは?徹底した栽培管理 システムでバイヤ―の信賴を高めたということだ?生産過 程で收穫までの全過程にまたがる管理システムは?嚴しい 日本の新鮮農産物の輸入規定に合格するほどだ?このよう に?安全性への取組みが國際的にも高い商品の認知度維持 に一役買っているのだ? 繼續的にバイヤ―の購入要請が續くことから?最近では栽 培面積擴大のために栽培を希望する農家の敎育も强化して

we are struggling to meet the demand for an increase in the export volume because it is too much to handle.”

Vying in the global market with high quality and reliability

There is another reason that Yanggu Aspara has been recognized abroad this much. It is its thorough cultivation control system, which contributed to winning buyers’ trust. This control system applied to the whole process from production to harvest satisfies Japan’s import regulations on fresh produce that are notorious for their demanding and thorough standards.

As there is a ceaseless request for Korean asparagus from foreign buyers, reinforced education is being provided to would-be farmers who desire to cultivate asparagus in order to expand the combined asparagus cultivation area. The Rural Development Administration(RDA) provides professional consulting on a regular basis to help the asparagus farmers to solve some challenges they face when they cultivate the vegetable. In the meantime, the Korea AgroFisheries & Food Trade Corporation(aT) offers additional support for export distribution, and the RDA supports research on various processed asparagus products and helps Korean asparagus go global.

Kim said, “We are planning to increase the export volume by expanding the cultivation area and employing various export marketing strategies. We are also planning to find a way to increase added values by developing various processed food products including snacks, noodles, and tea products.”

Yanggu Aspara CO., LTD.

+82-33-481-7588 z1954@hanmail.net いる?農村振興廳から專門的なコンサルティングを定期的 に受け?栽培過程での未熟な部分や困難な課題を解決して いる?こうした過程を通して?栽培技術が段階的に高まる とともに?農業會社法人(株)楊口アスパラの商品は最高の ものと認められている? また?韓國農水産食品流通公社(aT)は輸出物流費の追加 支援に乘り出し?農村振興廳では樣?な加工製品の硏究を 支援し?韓國のアスパラガスの世界進出を支えている? 金英林代表は?「栽培面積の擴大と樣?な輸出マ―ケティ ングにより?輸出量をさらに增やす計畵だ?また?スナッ ク?麵?茶など樣?な加工食品を開發し?付加價値も高め ていきたい?」と述べた?

Virtues of Asparagus

Asparagus is rich in various nutrients including vitamins, amino acids, and protein. It contains an ample amount of aspartic acid that is known to be good for fatigue recovery and hangover removal. It also contains rutin and quercetin of flavonoids and protodioscin of steroidal saponins, which are known to have great anticancer and antioxidant effects.


アスパラガスはビタミン?アミノ酸?タンパク 質が豊富に含まれている?特に?アスパラギン 酸が大量に含まれており?疲勞回復と二日醉い の解消にすぐれていることが認められている? アスパラガスにはフラボノイド系の成分のなか にルチンとケルセチン?ステロイド系サポニン の成分のなかにプロトジオシンなどが大量に含 まれており?抗がん·抗酸化にすぐれ た效果があることが 知られている?

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