Agenda (Proposal)
• Introduction • Project review - Check what has been done and what has to be changed
• Updates and planning -Finalize the changes and agree on planning up to September 2007
Classroom Meeting Presentation by IES Cobera de Llobregat Presentation by Vöcklabruck
Group activity •Presentation of yourselves • What have you done so far • What would you like to do • How shall we do it Six groups (5 GTG students + 1 Spanish student) A GTG student is secretary and take notes
Classroom Meeting • Presentation of yourselves • What have you done so far • What would you like to do • How shall we do it
Six groups (5 GTG students + 1 Spanish student) A GTG student is secretary and take notes
Review 1. Concrete aims/expected impact • The objectives for this school project are set for both the region and the students. • Objectives for the students: • - increases the language knowledge • - increased security to handle the language in the working life (intercultural communication) • - increases the knowledge about other cultures • - increased understanding and tolerance for other cultures (cultural awareness) • - To give skills in information and communication technology • - increases the experiences of industrial engineering within EU • - creates networks within EU • Objectives for the region: • - strengthen the European dimension • - develop international contacts • - make the students attractive for the industry • - make the students aware of industrial activities in the region and of the technical competences that is needed in the production process.
Review 2. Project outline • School type: Upper secondary schools • Educational program: Technical profile • Partners involved: • Spain: I.E.S Corbera; Mercè Marin Sanchez a.o. • Austria: HTL Vöcklabruck (higher technical school, vocational); Eva Messer a.o. • France: (Etablissement Public local d´Enseignement Professionnel du Bâtiment “Le Sidobre”, Castres); Valerie Bellavista a.o. • Sweden: GTG; Marcela Saavedra, Kerstin Namuth, Franziska Gustafsson, Jean Marc Lemaire • Age of students: 15-19 years old • Amount of students involved: approximately 15-60 involved in the project /school • Amount of teachers involved: 2-5 teachers/ school • Time students spend working with the project: 1 h/ week • Amount of project meetings a year: 2 • Language of communication: Spanish, English, German, French • Project duration: 3 years (renewable every year) • Start of project: September 2006
Review 2a. Project contents: I) Intercultural communication • The students will discuss the definition of culture. They will do exercises concerning stereotypes, values and differences in communication techniques on the web platform. The students will continuously summarize their acknowledgments on the web. • Subjects involved: languages, business communication, history, civics, geography • As a first step students present themselves to each other via Power Point Presentations they mail to each other (support: language teachers). • Second they create folders about their school, the geographical areas around and their countries (short history, everyday life, local events……) – support: language teachers • Students present these results on the web platform. Support: language teachers. • Thirdly, as a follow up, they will work out differences between the cultures together in mixed groups by using different communication tools on the web platform. They will write contributions to a guide book for intercultural communication. • As a preparation for the second project meeting, the classes will prepare sketches or films about stereotypes and cultural collisions and how to solve them. The students who take part in the meeting will show the films/play the sketches to the others. They will also be saved on the platform.
Review 2a. Project contents: II) The industrial heritage • The students will review each region’s industrial history, heritage and cultural impact up to modern days. They’ll demonstrate similarities and differences of each country and region. They’ll seek explanations for the different or similar development. • Suggestion of subjects involved: languages, history, technology and geography • The second level might be getting deeper into the subject by working out possible reasons for different industrial development in the different countries (support: history, geography and language teachers as well as teachers of technical subjects, representatives of companies, former pupils talking about their working experience abroad,….) • Visit in a factory both in the home country with the guests and in the foreign country as visitors to be able to compare the way of working together. The students report about their trip and the experiences they made special focus on future working life and the differences they discovered during their stay. • This second level – which might turn out as the most interesting one! - might request a second year of involvement of the pupils. A longer period of cooperation also deepens contacts which might turn out important for future networking activities and can get permanent.
Review 2a. Project contents: III) Technology and engineering development • The students from the participating schools work together in order to do an invention or to solve an engineering problem. This will be accomplished by taking advantage of the knowledge the students receive in their regular teaching in the subjects of concern. • Subjects involved: languages, technical subjects, mathematics • This idea needs intense research and development for being carried out properly and thus we suggest doing it in the third year of the students’ cooperation phase. This will also deepen the contact and prolong the relation between the participants and schools and a longer e-mail correspondence also can help to improve their foreign language abilities. • And maybe it turns out as a new business idea which could be followed up in cooperation with the teachers of international relations, economy…… • Support: teachers of technical subject, teachers in the workshops, depending on the “invention” maybe mathematic teachers… • End products: prototype/invention/design; business plan?
Review 3. End products I) Intercultural communication: • a) PowerPoint presentation of themselves • b) Folders about their school and region. • c) Guide book for intercultural communication • d) Role play/sketches about stereotypes, intercultural collisions Role play/sketches about stereotypes, intercultural collisions II) The industrial heritage • a) A report on the research on industrial heritage in the four different areas involved in the project. • b) Movie/slide show/presentation about important companies in the regions. • III) Technology and engineering development: • Design/invention/prototype • Report/ideas for a business plan
Review 4. Evaluate the progress of the project • • • •
A monthly evaluation of the project will take place accompanied with action plan. The schools evaluate the progress of the students in accordance with their own criteria in the curriculum. The project will be evaluated and detailed plans will be made up at every project meeting. Both students and teachers will take part in the process of improving and tighten up the project. The final evaluation will take under consideration both initial and final objectives.
Review 5. Disseminate the results •
Dissemination happens through articles and elements in their internal newspapers and Intranet. Internal and external activity gives further possibility for dissemination e.g. Showcase on school exhibition. Our homepage is used for dissemination to our regional networks of schools authorities and education suppliers.
6. Specific measures •
The language classes are taking place during the whole time of education. The language teachers will support in the communication. Teachers of other subjects, which are of relevance to the project, will be of assistance and participating in the process. The participants' individual needs in the foreign language will be established through a personal development plan/ learning contract/ portfolio which will be established individually by each teacher in the school project. The schools will use the form for self assessment of language skills which is in the Euro pass.
Review 7. Role of participating institutions •
Implement the project in the education and to stand as host for project meetings for teachers and students. And contribute with those special knowledge and conditions as the detailed schools has. A teacher room on the web platform. A coordinator (teacher involved in the project) on each school who’s frequently in contact with the other coordinators.
8. Usage of information and communication technologies • • • • •
E-mail, NetMeeting and internet. Web platforms as the “Fronter” that GTG’s participant’s use. And other available communication possibilities like video conferences. GTG will open classrooms on their web platform where most of the communication will take place. The end products will also be exposed on the web platform.
Review 9. Ensure active participation •
The students will during the whole period (from planning to evaluation) be involved in various ways and will thereby be able to influence and to shape the project. Also the language education will in an apparent way focus on various aspects as the school project permits.
10. Integration of the project in the education •
The students will work with the project one hour a week in their language classes. The language teachers will support the students and assess their skills. During the different stages of the project, other subjects will be involved. This is explained more specifically in the contents of the project, (2a.)
Approximate date
September 2006
Installing mail contacts betw. students
October 2006
Prepare presentations about themselves
November 2006
Prepare presentations about their area
Beg. of Dec. 2006
1st project meeting at partner school (Teachers and students). a) Deepening the knowledge about the web platform. b) Planning of theme 1,”guide book of intercultural communication.”
January 2007
Work on the cultural differences in mixed groups.
February 2007
- “-
March 2007
Edit guide book for intercultural communication.
April 2007
Prepare project meeting; Write/design sketches about stereotypes/ cultural collisions and make films.
May 2007
2nd project meeting. • Students show films and sketches • Teachers and students evaluate the collaboration during the first year and plan the second theme more in detail.
June 2007
Detailed schedule for 2nd year of project
Location (in the case of mobility : from / to)
Approximate date
Industrial heritage research phase
Nov. 2007
3rd project meeting
Dec. 2007
Follow up meeting results
Jan. 2008
Industrial heritage documentation phase
Mai 2008
4th project meeting
June 2008
Follow up meeting results.
Sept 2008
Engineering project, create ideas of inventions
Nov 2008
5th project meeting
Jan 2009
Engineering project, design/make prototype.
May 2009
6th project meeting, final presentations, evaluation
June 2009
Evaluation and reports
Location (in the case of mobility : from / to)
Spain/ Barcelona
Sweden/ Gothenburg