Theme 4 african american successes and hardships

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Table of Contents

pg. 1

The Editorial

pg. 2

The Harlem Renaissance and its Contribution Towards America

pg. 3

Political Cartoon Concerning the Black to Africa Movement

pg. 4

Stay or Run?

pg. 5-6


pg. 7


The Successes and Hardships of African Americans of our time The Successes

The Hardships

Jazz was one success, a very moving rhythm bringing us listeners to good vibes and bringing us out our seats. Jazz is barely ever written and also has been sung for more than two hundred years and Jazz is not what you play it was always how you play it.

As part of the hardships, you must add segregation. Segregation is setting apart someone from a group due to their skin, race, or ethnic group. Blacks are faced with danger with white people, and their torturous ways. Some ways they torture them is by throwing stones at them, calling them rude names, beating them, discriminate between whites and blacks. But, apparently this in our “great country� is just normal to the whites.

African Americans achieved a lot of success during our time pushed by the Harlem Renaissance. Artists and musicians had places to play and show people what they could do. Musicians like the talents of Duke Ellington. Singers such as Bessie Smith and Billie Holiday popularized blues and jazz vocals. Jelly Roll Morton and Louis Armstrong drew huge audiences as white Americans as well as African Americans caught onto the music they created and played. Artists like Aaron Douglas.


What is the Harlem Renaissance, and what is it contributing to American culture? By: Julian Fender The Herica. New York City was already a place of major opportunity and Harlem was the biggest African American neighborhood in New York City. Almost a city of its own, Harlem had a population of 150,000 African Americans in 1920 and the population increases to 325,000 African Americans over the 1920’s. This major concentration of African Americans made equality great in the community which will be talked about more in the next paragraph. Harlem was truly a place of equality for African Americans living there. Anyone could be part of law enforcement, medical staff, firefighter etc. Anything you wanted to be you had the opportunity to pursue that dream. The reason so many African Americans migrated to Harlem is because of the equality and opportunities it provided. Harlem was where almost every African Americans wanted to go because it was a place of equality and opportunity for anyone. So many great

things came out of Harlem because of the great equality and opportunity Renaissance is time and place where African Americans were given the opportunities to begin heavily contributing to American culture because of the neighborhood Harlem in New York City. Harlem was a place gave African Americans opportunities to have a career that they choose. There was little to no violence in Harlem which allowed people to feel safe and express themselves. By expressing themselves the people of Harlem created beautiful art and music. Harlem also provides plenty places to show and play what they could do. This allowed African Americans to thrive and express themselves as they pleased. Harlem was where almost every African Americans wanted to go because it was a place of equality and opportunity for anyone. So many great things came out of Harlem because of the great equality and opportunity it gave.


Political Cartoon


Stay or Run? By Agustin Colon-Sanchez

No matter how hard black's work they never get appreciated. Whites almost always put them as the bad guy and want them to go back to Africa “where they belong”. The “Back to Africa” movement is not in the right direction in equality and freedom. I strongly believe that everybody needs to stay and fight for what they believe in and not run away from their problems no matter the circumstances. But, if they decide to give up and hide from judgement, nobody blames them from the expectations society has for blacks. No matter how hard it gets, or how much pain we feel, we’re not alone. Groups like the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) try and create a system in which blacks don’t run away from their problems but solve them with peace, and conversations. Most blacks think that running away will solve everything, but it won’t. It will only make things worse and the NAACP believes in that too. This organization believes that we should stay and fight for our

freedom and give/keep the rights the black people already have. The NAACP tries and tries their hardest but gain no respect for their hard work. They’ve tried campaigns for voting, equal education and other groups/civil rights organizations have tried just this too. But little effort was ever made. Whips, burns, and other forms of torture give motivation and drive for other blacks to run away from the country. I would get why too due to the fact tens of hundreds of blacks are killed each month. Segregation is still a huge thing and is the “it” now and days. Apparently it’s nice to throw stones at a person, or attack someone for the shade of a skin color. This happened exactly to a man with a family known as Ossian Sweet, a physician who had bought a brand new home in a white neighborhood. He was attacked by 3,000 stone throwing whites from his neighborhood. He brought out a gun to keep them away from his house and was attacked for a long time and was fed up with it. He’s okay, but



, negatives

and positives

No matter how much negative groups, or organizations there are, we still have our freedom. The Great Migration has helped us so much and we’re thankful for the World War 1, it has helped us gain more independence and jobs. The Great Migration was when a bountiful of blacks moved to the north for more job opportunities and freedom. This also led to less hostility in the north because in the south they were worse. Along with this, this made it better for freedom to thrive and less attacks to be less evident. Along with all of these positive effects it gave to blacks, it gave them more ways to express themselves. For example, when blacks came, everything was more vibrant, more fun. The renaissance changed the way whites saw black a little bit. Blacks got more attention in sports, music, theatre, dancing, and writing. But, no matter how hard they worked or how much they changed, or how smart they were, they still got the pain of society. I’m glad they didn’t leave because they showed us things the whites couldn’t show us. No matter how much pain and suffering they had, they pushed through and the effects of it all were better than anybody could’ve hoped.

apparently the police weren’t okay in the mind. He shot a couple whites in self defense against them and was charged with armed self defense. No matter how much you think you’re safe with the police, you’re not. They lie saying they will protect you from all harm but all they do is encourage it, joining people in the enjoyment of torturing blacks. But, the police aren’t the only people like this. The Klu Klux Klan, also formally known as, the KKK, takes this to a whole new level. They steal you away from your families and abuse you, inflict pain you’ve never felt before… but worse. They will disassemble you limb from limb and keep alive while doing so. Nobody is safe with them around. No matter how much you want to be the hero of the story, or stand up and fight, you can’t. Nobody can due to the horror the KKK will inflict on you.


Bibliography sance/ tml ndards ew-of-the-african-american-experience nce-American-literature-and-art nce-American-literature-and-art ce-important-7d6c43067a02287b 917beyond/essays/jazz.htm us-garvey-mainstay-back-africa-movement


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