Human Body Organs Booklet

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'fne 1}ody

TfLe b"dY haS,mnY Yndsc,fintestns',nilu uPonrni)e5 of cells md mcn{billions er ?Mfunes of nerues,ou

C-lqV The tornrnEn inall lit ingthingsis q subsiance clarp Tlie (brnnan

ff firs'-ltrr;i rnecning lan Cxn&u:onCs CailedprotoplqSm,from tX- helpshe h:nesan4bdy6rgan5u:oritright

Tne RsophqQu5 uhoseinnerSurhc.e The Ksophcgdsis qthiclr-oal,bd*ube, pugres tl"e The esePhqgus rnem/bfqne is linedr-i:ithfnucDos fcod do,*,ntc ti^,.esnrrnh.,qfk-r it hasbeerl-ihared thorouyhlOl the Tedfhqtd srnllourd#fier it teqChâ‚Źstn'e churnsqnd#ircif qnd.tlen the -fbtd is Slonnclthe..stornqcx digested.


Rpiolbtl"is Tl-re bqrecrt fir" t n$"ondepslots helpgnrtecf

' t)penirg qndUosed.The is<rlevqJed intcthe lorlnx.,rlhiqh thc*, receivetha fnu )L\esinthe bqLllof lhe rrnuth$rrst r.eJq?LiC

bolos,or ocl,ofrta. The L.-ungs tfhc-r, Dreq-l-nii^,i--r-c ln l^ci= lr'a--r.l-.*.isthr-:

elfhenouneb$eclr rra.jlh.-[he ffrueotrs fnern,braHe of fhe nose is

Qlu:aIsrnoistqnogives up sc{n€ofthis rrwisTurufa .t the <rirthq1 l5 inl'ro)ed, Thqfls,thisalr is /,rylslened andala etqffnd.lefl,r< tTenf€rs the lungstuebreaThe.fitTte cf thrs solteo,oarehmes. Lfe exhqle this air and,Tl*nwebfe(ttheqir ard tne sQrne pr00e55 5o€5orag<rn"


The il-eqrt heartisc'er1 rebntpqr1efthe,budvu-rrfhoutthe

heontrueeouldnat live.Theheaript)Wsthe bl,:edtaqndfro. -f he l^rearf p'''bbbodinto the veirsqndth€yeir6oorrythebloc tt oll

flecssary elq(u.

fh€ lflee.n The Spreen is onr of fl.p largest sTrtt.*ures.:f the rJ;filpasef, ,Oody ofaukjte pulpardihe tissuqof the red $onr

pulp.:Fi )iesonThet+t sidek/drrinrrn*orr.Tk wrrepis t-tsC es e btw f ilfer qndsfdr<s blufr.

The $Fontach , The sforncchis a peff shapect qndi,srmated ongsn in the irsPeflefi pcrnt' ofthe &dnninclcrur\ };1u,"fr"a hros r€,a0hCflw srdnacA fhe slarnq(h rnixes, Uwr*s.,andstrs rhcfud

uith a subsTontr, eqlle4Gcr.tric]u;ee.The ga,*ic.&&e_ breqyg cr iralpsOrecltdcu-lfi the €O4ond|he.nqfkr ql! lhetftupprn:t*e

frod,is digesled -The ?anc{-eas pqftcreds The poncneqiis inprTortindigshngfud"The is in the ordafilnch./rtieJ{"T+ is qooutf ivefo srr intlrs lang abdonen. Thnorgh fhis t0 the stnallintest'ine. Sis Connected ,?rnonL,$"Eur€5 The ;uic,es tu'beitpoursthedigefiue;uice.s heipbnecKdoulntG shrjcips,frt$,ard protfinsthdl errler+lr" is beusedtn thefudyThetrt"rice Cnfi digestireSlsfea,saThery c*llC insulinandisrnede 4 lh€parraffrepan(rvtsa.slledthe Tsie7sof Longertwns"The Wntre6of ame aniffntssJLh os andisusedqstn€d the \qmbqnd ulf is elkd su;eefbrwis Tf\,e kiYer'

aryr.)inlrtebo*)t Th€ l-sveris nofcnluthe largest of hraunfuncfions.The diseases nurrt'br lqryrst but has-l-h,e c rht. ]irrcrarc lfslerurderrnanyheo4sraM'fhae hrc&grect) d'sens<of tne liver sttbsfona ; fa) diseqse6f/h€wrtq/veirli f3)

lk wcts.-The infr.V toflrc liuer;(4 dis€nsecffrregol/hladdrartd q/'la/tfuetfoflhe tiuer kry Cn Ttle"ba'lfan li'teris sdntea,l,ataris untteLkdlathe tiuen isthe gllbl@4er.TheE*//blCderis

Tl"re Gollbl der sc ri gW ioa snollpearstoNr The Cxil tiqdder {'1o1tJot/re liuer in ?he afunenWrt oftheW}yThe liuer is

, q giondthnTrrrqhesbile,orgail,and ilL€gatlbtdler is aeedlc rhe glttiOladder $zne sorn€of this urrtilit is needed. is Ioccieririgrrt.rftderqndbehinalhe liuenThegcllbhwerie sorn€uhcTrourwli'hea t-ircie. The Srrrall*trnft€sfine is diu;deoinlu?Wrb-tttc The \ftw// inte-rrne js less duode nutn)fhe rieurn. The duodenum 3e3ufi;{n.,andtte thon o foot ln length:tt's ipolisofe thlcltercndrror€ $,rlly uith glandaTtve SiJpplre.d 1sdiffrerentin duodenurn u.n1s Srornthe restof the srnnllirfestine.TheJeJunurn is from five tc eightfeet in lengthThr.lelunumand rleurnqfe to l-hesno,Jinfesfin<bl+o merlbnao€ loosell a1lccfred ccl ted the nnesefif'erY.The coils in lhe rneserferl canilcde coout iuifh )n The qbdornino,i c.ovryThe jleum'$ioE ft€,t in lergth.



qre t'r:c tornpcund The F..rdne1s gbMsin ffe lurnbor regicncii tl,rabod1.Thtre i s cne Kdneycne.qch eidecf the spinol ulurril er&bmindfhe pedfoneql w'a;fy Fqch ltdney is obu$'\in lang,&.in. atide,efldlrn.fttitl{,and {fa bounees. weighs TIle riql"LfKidnelis q liffie louerlTwnfhe lefrbec.ouseCthe

torge 5po.ethCthe liuentoitesup > r{

fhe l=orqe fntestine" \J4

f he liningof f he iqrqeqndsrnailintestinei s f ull of rni)lionsof tiny o,:fpouchTng's f'n the'@uchings'ond afound rr;Ifi T|ri, smcllinTestirre the'(pouching*"is cplr)s ,fi"r"cfe or less d- rignlorrgtes irTfottelorffinfasfine. The Vzirr l-here is c vein in nqnl partsof the bodg The Veinsccrrlbloo"tbthe


ond o lmosJ. o/I pcrtsoffhebCV. Therc \s qutle.a nceMtweenthe. diiTere ortary ondtire vein.Tneveinstnrct1btudJuthelvqrTqnd th€ a,rtefies csrrTblc* qrny fmm the lwarl.

The ftrteries

The qrterieslcAd*wtne henrThdif,fene/TfgbceS in thebdrpThe oileriescarf1 bloodsuro:gfro nthe heq* There arn{nanyar1enes tnfnehurTta{t tudy

The ftppen4ir T-heoppen4iris wnnected Joffie ascending hurrwns , colon.Sorne hqvehaafheirapyuilix r€navd.Tf,.] did,n'fusedfo l\nw uhqtfheoppendixdd, butrtowfheysf'itl

s()re. arenff tonplefely

The tJrinoryfrlqdder




l-he Ur in cr1 'btcdder-seryesas0

!q.--t---rri ^r

I r€server forthre Urine,fhe urinarlbodderis cnnrlecfedle tx€ [arg.irfesfineq(tdis lcc,qted in fha lou.rer portof thn,

nornan bad\. I


The f,ect..-,rn The- re,ctum,the lo,stsectio nof the lerq intes*,ne, is divrd€C infotulopqris'thereclorn popr. o'trd Tre qnolccncl"I heeonclleods-lircnuwnin3 cclledthe ll




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L\nus. I he reclUrnCct)el.pAndqM c_ontract Ah-








The bodl is the mcsfcomplfcGfed rr^rq(-hine. opp6ile.

see nodelirtusTrutra, of the flurnan tocv dr$r6,

\%,-b bneu?'d ,*-r/+rr.4-Air;



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C{rodefor u,rrcle pnoject ftbr/e--/" gfa e{.au di'#, -



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