SCOUTING ROBOTS AND DATA-DRIVEN CROP PRODUCTION A new wave of technology will bring an unprecedented level of data, information and analysis to horticultural crop production. Wayne Brough, Knowledge Exchange Manager, describes some of the new advancements coming from the Netherlands that may soon be helping you grow your crops
The advancement of sensors, smart cameras, artificial intelligence and ‘deep learning’ is creating a new generation of robotics that puts data gathering and analysis at the heart of horticulture crop production systems. Scouting robots that can monitor for a range of physiological, pest and disease issues, as well as provide yield predictions, were one of the key trends seen as part of an AHDB SmartHort study tour to the Netherlands this year. These robots offer detailed information and a decision support system to provide growers with plant-scale information in large-scale production systems. The IRIS Scoutrobot, winner of the GreenTech Innovation Concept Award 2018, is able to detect pests, diseases and deficiencies in pepper and tomato crops. Fully automated, it can assess the number and colour of the fruit in crops, as well as measure microclimate in different parts of the plant canopy.
Experts at Wageningen University and Research (WUR) have also developed scouting robots that can work within glasshouse crops of gerbera and tomatoes to both detect disease and predict crop yields. The PhenoBot scans tomato crops using a 3D lightfield camera to predict the number of fruit per plant and measure the quantity and weight of harvested fruit. It also uses chlorophyll fluorescence imaging to detect botrytis and can target fungicide treatments directly to the affected areas. A scout for gerbera crops, which can be fitted to a harvest trolley or spray boom, uses high-tech sensors and data management systems to monitor crops for growth, pest and diseases. Near-infrared image cameras can detect powdery mildew and image analysis can predict bud and flower yields to aid cut-flower production. It is hoped eventually that the robots can identify disease outbreaks prior to any visual symptoms on the leaf surface, which should result in both more effective plant protection as intervention can be done at an early stage of the infection, and also enable only the affected areas of the crops to be treated. The ability to predict and monitor flower development and crop yields could transform the relationship
between the farm or nursery with its customers, by being able to give accurate information about supply levels and timings, as well as helping to inform when best to harvest. USING DATA AND GPS In another new system developed by WUR, technology is being used to generate data and information to provide an understanding of the productivity of orchards. They have fitted a GPS unit to fruit-harvesting equipment to provide spatial yield information within the orchard. The data is then combined with information on fruit quality, level of fruit rots, etc to create ‘heat maps’ of the orchard. These data maps not only show productivity by individual row but also relative disease susceptibility, which is then used to amend future spray programmes to target specific problem areas within the orchard. One of the ultimate goals for Erik Pekkeriet, Business Development Manager for Agro Food Robotics at WUR, is to address the challenge of developing a ‘self-cultivating glasshouse’, where the human element involved in production is reduced or even eliminated. In such glasshouses, the computer will decide about optimum climate set-points, based upon a wide range of information from sensors and cameras, while self-learning software will partly take over human decisions.