CONTRIBUTORS Discover more about the people who have helped to contribute to this issue of The Grower magazine
Technical journalist Spence Gunn was editor of Horticulture Week and Kew (the membership magazine for the Royal Botanic Gardens) before embarking on a career as a freelance, specialising in commercial horticulture and plant science. He edited HDC News and then AHDB Grower from 2006 to 2017 and now writes for various titles serving professional growers.
Wayne Brough is part of the AHDB Horticulture Knowledge Exchange team, covering ornamental crops. He has responsibility for the generation of publications, electronic media and events into the hardy nursery stock, bedding plant, pot plant, cut flower and bulb sectors, along with a specific focus on the use of growing media across horticulture. Wayne joined AHDB in 2010 having spent 22 years with ADAS as an ornamentals consultant, specialising in the production of container-grown crops.
Matevz is a plant pathologist based at NIAB EMR in Kent. His career started at the National Institute for Biology, Slovenia, where he completed an MSc on phytoplasma of grapevine, followed by a PhD on Potato virus Y.
On page 10, Spence reports on the latest research trials at the Cut Flower Centre and on page 22, new advances in lighting for horticulture.
Wayne visited the Netherlands as part of our SmartHort campaign. On page 26, he shares the latest technology trends he discovered.
His postdoctoral research at the University of Nottingham focused on UV-induced defences in tomato and cut rose production to control Botrytis cinerea. In 2018, he joined the Pest and Pathogen Ecology team at NIAB EMR, where he is working on the development of new ecology-based pathogen control strategies for a variety of horticultural crops. Matevz takes a look at new approaches to tackling bacterial canker in cherry on page 15.
Spring 2020 5