Employee hand book

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Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


Contents EMPLOYMENT…………………………………………………………………………………1 Types of Employment………………………………………………………………………….1 Permanent……………………………………………………………………………………….1 Temporary……………………………………………………………………………………….1 Summer Employment………………………………………………………………………….1 Probationary Period…………………………………………………………………………….2 Conditions of Pay/Reimbursement……………………………………………………………2 Compensation…………………………………………………………………………………..2 Reward and Performance……………………………………………………………………..3 Hours of work, Punctuality and Attendance…………………………………………………3 Reporting Absence…………………………………………………………………………….3 Punctuality………………………………………………………………………………………4 Staff Function and Recognition………………………………………………………………4 Salary Advance………………………………………………………………………………..4 AGREEMENT FOR LEAVE AND TIME OFF………………………………………………5 Time off…………………………………………………………………………………………5 Maternity Leave………………………………………………………………………………..5 Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


Sick Leave…………………………………………………………………………………..6 Compassionate Leave……………………………………………………………………..6 Vacation Leave……………………………………………………………………………..7 OPPORTUNITIES FOR DEVELOPMENT………………………………………………7 Performance Appraisals…………………………………………………………………..7 Promotions………………………………………………………………………………….8 Training and Development………………………………………………………………..9 Working Conditions………………………………………………………………………..9 Health and Safety Responsibilities……………………………………………………..10 Health and Safety at Work……………………………………………………………….10 First Aid…………………………………………………………………………………….11 Accident Reporting and Investigation…………………………………………………..11 Dress Code………………………………………………………………………………..11 Uniform…………………………………………………………………………………….11 Lunch………………………………………………………………………………………12 COMMUNICATION………………………………………………………………………12 The Policy………………………………………………………………………………....12 Voting……………………………………………………………………………………...12 Jury Service………………………………………………………………………………13 Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


Disciplinary Procedures………………………………………………………………….13 Dismissals…………………………………………………………………………………14 TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT……………………………………………………15 Voluntary Resignations…………………………………………………………………..15 Redundancy……………………………………………………………………………….15 Death Payment……………………………………………………………………………16 CARE STATEMENT……………………………………………………………………...17 Sales Floor ………………………………………………………………………………..17 Telephone Etiquette ……………………………………………………………………..17 Check List for Improving Listening Skills ………………………………………………19 How can I Achieve Successful Customer Service Relationship…………………….19 Ten Tips for Dealing with Difficult Customers…………………………………………20 Turning Negative Phrases into Positive Phrases……………………………………..21

Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


EMPLOYMENT Types of Employment Two types of employment are offered- permanent or temporary. Permanent Whenever vacancies which entail duties and tasks of a permanent nature exist, such vacancies will be filled by the employees who are initially placed upon probation and who will become permanent employees if the complete their probation, successfully. Persons will be engaged as temporary employees only in instances where tasks or jobs necessitate the hiring of individuals for limited and specific periods of time. (Refer to Jamaica Labour Law) Temporary A temporary employee may be considered for permanent employment if there is a vacancy for which he/ she possess the required qualifications. Permanent appointment will also depend upon ability, performance, attitude to work and assessment by the management. The employee will be subjected to all applicable requirements pertaining to employment of any permanent person with the Company. Summer Employment A summer programme is designed for students from 16 years of age and a full time registered student at an educational institution. The minimum employment period must be one month.

Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


Probationary Period All new permanent employees will serve a probationary period of three (3) months, during which time service may be terminated without notice on either side. If the employee performs satisfactorily during this period, the employee should be recommended for permanent employment. During the probationary period, managers/ supervisors must keep new employees aware of their progress and performance on a regular basis. At the end of the probationary period the Probationary Report Form (ninety-day performance) must be completed and returned to the Administrative Department. If the employee does not perform satisfactorily during the probationary period considerations may be given to extend the period, if not, his/her service will be terminated. No notice is required for such termination as it is done during the three-month probationary period (90 days). An employee who resigns during this period is not required to give notice. Conditions of pay/Reimbursement Compensation The basic consideration in the determination of wage and salary rates depends on the nature of the work performed. The company will always attempt to ensure the wages and salaries are in keeping with those provided by companies in relevant industries for similar work performed under comparable circumstances.

Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


Reward and Performance The company reserves the right to implement such appraisal system and performance incentive programmes as it sees fit in developing and rewarding its employees. Hours of Work, Punctuality and Attendance The official working hours will be determined by the management of the company. The company will maintain a working schedule of daily and weekly hours consistent with normal practice in the industry in which we operate. When necessary, employees will be required to work overtime as requested by management. Clerical employees are paid a fixed week-day/week –end rate per occasion. Reporting of Absence Should an employee be unexpectedly absent from work (i.e. due to illness or for other reasons) a notification outlining the reasons should be given within the first day of such absence or, as soon as possible. In the case of sickness, a sick leave certificate should be presented to the Administrative Department if the period of absence is in excess of three days. Some indication of the expected period of absence should also be stated. It should be possible to contact any employee at any time. A senior member of staff should be informed when any employee has to leave the store (e.g. going on the road). All absences must be recorded by the supervisor/ manager.

Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


Punctuality Being Punctual enables employees to use time effectively and increases efficiency. Employees are expected to be punctual and at their work-station at the appropriate start time. Any anticipated delay in reaching work on time should be reported as soon as possible. Punctuality and attendance at work form part of the employee’s performance record and are considered during performance review. Managers will lead by example. Persistent absence and tardiness will be dealt with under the disciplinary process. Staff Functions and Recognition We recognize the long and faithful service of all employees and realize the value of the skills, knowledge and judgment gained through years of experience. As a token of the appreciation of management for such service, each employee will be honoured on specified milestones. Employee recognition is also demonstrated through our Rewards and Recognition program whereby outstanding employees are identified on a quarterly basis. The awardee enjoys a monetary reward and or day off and display of photograph. Salary Advance Application for financial assistance/ salary advance will be considered. In cases of extreme hardship or a genuine emergency, financial assistance may be effected. However, such assistance will be made at the Company’s discretion with regards to the amount and the repayment terms. The processing and administering of such application will be approved by Management.

Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


To qualify for financial assistance, the employee must be a permanent employee, with the ability to finance loan and security of tenure. Application for salary advances are processed during the first two weeks within the month and is required to be repaid in full by the end of the month within which it was disbursed. Such applications are routed through Management for approval. ARRENGEMENT FOR LEAVE & TIME OFF Time Off Application for time off must be done through the manager or supervisor. The granting of this privilege depends, among other things, upon the work load of the store and the employee at the time. The manager / supervisor must be convinced of the urgency and the need for time off. Maternity Leave To qualify for maternity leave, the employee must have been in continuous employment with the company for a period of not less than fifty-two (52) weeks. Employees without this minimum requirement but who require maternity leave may be granted leave without pay. Employees should submit applications for the maternity leave along with doctor’s certificate indicating pregnancy to Management. The application must be received at least three (3) months prior to the expected date of confinement. Eligible employees are entitled to eight (8) weeks maternity leave with pay. A discretionary twelve (12) weeks will be considered. In the event the employee has to leave before the agreed date, she must send a written application to the manager accompanied by a doctor’s certificate. Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


A request for an extension of leave, supported by a medical certificate for a maximum of three months without pay, may be granted due to an illness caused by the pregnancy, confinement or the state of health of the child. The manager should respond in writing to the initial request, as well as any other subsequent requests. Each female employee is permitted a maximum of three periods of maternity leave with pay during the time of employment with the Company. Sick Leave The well-being of every employee is a matter of great importance. Sick leave will be granted so that employees who are ill can receive proper treatment and return to their jobs in good health. A medical certificate is required from medical practitioners, once an employee is sick after three days or more. The employee should advise the Company of the illness not later than the second day of absence (failure to do so can result in immediate termination). Each permanent employee is entitled to sick leave with pay for two (2) normal working weeks, after the first twelve (12) months of his/her employment and during each succeeding twelve (12) month period. Compassionate Leave If there is a death in the immediate family of an employee (e.g. spouse, child, mother, father, brother, sister) leave with full pay for an absence not exceeding three days may be granted. In the case of a relative other than these, one day with pay may be granted.

Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


Vacation Leave Employees will be granted annual vacation with pay to afford them the opportunity for rest and relaxation. Payment in lieu of vacation leave at credit is permissible only upon the separation of the employee from the company. The following are vacation leave entitlements in effect since January 1, 2005: Two weeks with full pay on completion of the first year and second year of service By 31st January each year, each employee must have finalized the vacation leave schedule for the calendar year. Vacation leave is not normally granted during the first year of employment. The timing for vacation leave each year is decided upon the employee’s manager who will consider both the needs of the store and the wishes of the employee. All arrangements for vacation leave must be discussed and approved by the employee’s supervisor/manager prior to commencement of the leave. Leave application forms must be maintained on the employee’s personal file. Vacation leave cannot be accumulated except in cases where postponement is unavoidable in the interest of the Store. Request to carry forward vacation leave earned by the employee from one year to another must be made in writing, and supported by manager/supervisor indicating the reason for the carry-forward request. OPPERTUNITIES FOR DEVEPLOMENT Performance Appraisals There is a continuous appraisal of each employee’s job performance and overall progress in the Company, based on the requirements and expectations of the job. Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


The objectives are: -

To evaluate performance again against agreed objectives between the employee and supervisor/manager using evaluation indicators and criteria


To contribute to staff development through assessment of past performance and the identification of future development needs.


To reward employees of his/her personal efforts in achieving targets or exceeding performance expectations.


To determine promotions, Of each employee’s attitude and to identify training needs of the employee

Performance appraisals are done at least once per year (January) followed by midyear interviews. Promotions The Company places great importance on the development of its employees and the shaping of career paths best suited to the employee’s ability and potential. Manager/supervisor will ensure that employees under their direction receive the training and experience needed for their advancement and that at least two persons are prepared to replace him/her if necessary. Once employee possesses the necessary qualifications and attitude for a job at the higher level they will be considered for promotions when there is an opportunity. To achieve this, the company encourages and contributes to the training, development and advancement of its employees. The Company seeks to fill all positions, including senior ones, from within. Promotions can take the form of a move to a higher position within the company.

Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


Promotions will be based primarily on performance and ability rather than length of service. Promotions will warrant an automatic review of salary and other benefits. Training and Development To ensure adequate training, there is a clearly defined process for the identification of training needs and for the provision of requisite training and subsequent follow up to ensure its effectiveness. Training shall include the skills required in specific job functions as well as areas related to the personal and career development of the employee Employees are required to attend training courses identified for their development and authorized by their manager. Working Conditions Sanitation, Cleanliness and Hygiene All national laws will be observed and special attention be paid to the provision of pleasant and healthy working conditions. Cleanliness, sanitation and hygiene are of special importance. Each employee must take personal pride in keeping the department/work area in good order. All facilities provided must be kept neat, tidy and clean. No areas, fixtures or equipment must be defaced or damaged. Eating and drinking should be confined to the lunchroom. Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


Health & Safety Responsibilities The safest possible working conditions will be provided for all employees. Any hazards must be eliminated by constant vigilance and through regular supervision and inspection of all facilities. The prime responsibility for the health and safety of staff rests on management. Management is responsible for ensuring that adequate policies, facilities and procedures exist to ensure a safe and healthy environment. Management is responsible for ensuring that employees and customers have a safe and healthy environment. Employees must observe all safety regulations, which will be posted in accessible places. Each employee is expected to be vigilant and report any safety hazards. Health and Safety at Work The Company’s main objectives are to achieve, so far as is reasonable practicable: 

The prevention of injuries at the place of work

The avoidance of exposure at work to health hazards,

The safeguarding at all times of Company property, equipment and other assets at the work place.

The monitoring and implementation of all relevant legislative and Company requirements.

The provision of appropriate training.

Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


First Aid The company provides a First Aid kit which is located in the Company’s rest room. Accident Reporting and Investigation If an accident occurs to an employee of the Company, or any individual upon Company premises, it should be immediately reported to Management. The manager will ensure that the accident is recorded in accordance with Company policies and where appropriate, a thorough investigation will be conducted. If an accident involving Company staff or property occurs away from the Company premises it should be reported immediately. Dress Code All employees shall dress in a tidy and presentable manner. Employees who are not required to wear uniforms must dress conservatively in sober cut and colours. All employees are required to wear uniforms. The entitlement is five uniforms every twelve months. Uniform The calendar year for issue of uniforms for male and female respectively is January through December. If there is separation of employment, uniform must be returned. New employees must be confirmed in employment by the end of the sixth month (second quarter) of the uniform year to receive the full entitlement.

Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


Lunch The importance of good nutrition to the health and well-being of employees is recognized. All employees will have a lunch period of up to 45 minutes. Rostering for lunch will be agreed on, in consultation with supervisor/manager. COMMUNICATION The Policy The company recognizes the importance of effective communication to the efficient operation of the organization and the part it plays in stimulating and motivating employees. The objective of the Company is to ensure that systems and procedure are in place which facilitates the flow of information within the Company. To this end it is vital that all employees understand the Company’s objectives, policies and methods of operation and are kept up-to-date on matters of interest and concern to them. Notice Board Periodically, when the need arises, bulletins are issued to staff on significant and current topics. The notice board is another medium by which information is disseminated to employees/staff. Voting Employees are urged to exercise their rights and fulfill their responsibilities as voters in both local and general elections, and therefore, time off with pay will be granted for two hours. Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


Jury Service Jury service is the duty of every citizen. Employees will normally be given time off with pay if selected for jury service. Disciplinary Procedures 

No disciplinary action should be taken against a member of staff until the circumstances have been fully investigated.

When disciplinary action is being contemplated against an employee he/she will be given opportunity to state his/her case.

Disciplinary action at all levels will be carried out in a private and proper manner.

All serious disciplinary warnings will be properly and systematically documented.

The Disciplinary Procedure is as follows:Stage 1 Oral Warning The normal action in the first instance of a serious failure to meet standards of persistent minor infringements of the established standards will be formal oral warning from you supervisor/manager. The oral warning is a warning of possible serious disciplinary action if the required standards are not met. This should be noted on the person’s file. Stage 2 First Written Warning Further serious failure to meet standards or the first instance of a more serious failure or misconduct will justify one or more written warnings from management. The number of warnings issued will depend upon the individual circumstances. The first written warning will include details of the complaint, the improvement required, the period during which monitoring will occur, the action to be taken if improvement is not Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


achieved, and the right to appeal. It will also detail any disciplinary action to be implemented as part of the warning. A copy of this warning shall be given to the individual and a copy placed on the individual’s personal file. Stage 3 Final Written Warning A final warning is given when, either further misconduct occurs after a written warning has been given, or a more serious offense has occurred. This takes the same form as a first written warning. It shall state that if the required improvement is not forthcoming, the individual may be liable to disciplinary action under Stage 3 of the Procedure, which includes dismissal. Stage 4 Further Disciplinary action/s may only be taken by the Managing Director All reasonable efforts are made during the course of disciplinary procedures to offer help, training and guidance. Dismissals The following are some of the areas of misconduct which will warrant dismissal:  Fraud and Theft  Insubordination  Consistent inefficiency: Frequent unauthorized absenteeism; frequent lateness; unauthorized leave.  Misconduct: Violations of rules; Habitual carelessness or Recklessness; Disorderly conduct; Fighting or drinking on the job, Continuous sleeping on the job. Any other reason not specified above which in the Company’s opinion warrants dismissal. Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


In the event if dismissal, every employee has the right to appeal to the Managing Director for a review of the particular case. The final right or decision lies with the Managing Director. Should it become necessary to dismiss an employee, he/she will be given sufficient notice or payment in lieu thereof, as outlined in the terms of the employment except where the reason of dismissal is such that there is no entitlement to such notice. TERNINATION OF EMPLOYMENT Voluntary Resignations Should an employee resign, sufficient notice as outlined is his/her term of employment is required. The Company reserves the right to waive the notice and pay the employee for the period involved. An exit interview should take place for every employee leaving the Company. This interview will identify the reasons for the resignation and ensure that the employee leaves the Company in the best of faith. Redundancy The company aims to provide an employment opportunity beneficial to both the company and its employees. In the event the redundancies have to be contemplated, consideration will be given to placing employees who will be affected in other jobs within the company if appropriate vacancies are available. We cannot however, guarantee placement in such circumstances. If all other factors are equal, decisions will be based primarily on the employee’s ability to efficiently. Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


Should an employee employed continuously for a period of 104 weeks and over be made redundant, the minimum requirement is that the employer pas the employee a sum calculated as outlined under the Employment (Termination and Redundancy Payment) Act 1974 Death Payment When an employee in active service dies, the salary or wage which the employees had earned during the pay period in which the death occurred and any actual vacation pay up to the time death forms part of the deceased’s estate and will be given to the employee’s next of kin.

Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


Care Statement Below is a list of care statements for use when having direct dialogue with customers on the sales floor or on the telephone:Sales Floor When ask or request merchandise, a guide to reply…  I will be happy to assist you  It will be my pleasure to assist you  Absolutely  Certainly  Sure, no problem  Delighted to assist you  I would be glad to help you  Let me get that information right away for you  I will have this rectified for you right away  Delighted to assist  I would be happy to help you Telephone Etiquette When answering the telephone, begin by saying… Good day/ Morning/Afternoon/Evening, Wineagle Clothing and Lingerie, how may I help you? If calling for someone specific, say…

Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


“May I ask who is calling?” Always use the customer’s name Below are a few care statements: I will be happy to assist you  I would be delighted to assist you  I apologize for the difficulties that you are experiencing with your… (be specific)  I would be happy to advise you  Delighted to assist  Let me get that information right away for you  I would love to help  Allow me to ask you a few questions in order to assist you  I would need to ask you a few questions in order to better assist you  May I have a few details from you so that I can check on your account?  To further assist I will need a bit more information from you

Negative  Hold on, Please hold  One moment Please  Just a Second

Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie

Positive  May I place you on hold while I assist you further  Would you care to hold?


Check List for Improving Listening Skills  Stop Talking  Work hard at listening  Block out competing thoughts  Control the listening environment  Maintain an open mind  Paraphrase the speaker’s idea (repeating what the customer said)  Listen between the lines

How can I Achieve successful Customer Service Relationship  Use the customer’s name periodically  Smile at all times (the customer can hear if you are smiling or not)  Be prepared and well organized  Speak distinctly and articulate  Answer promptly  Be sincere  Give clear and complete information  Be positive, persuasive and persistent  Speak clearly, slowly and convincingly  Apologize where necessary  Acknowledge the uniqueness of each customer  Value the customer as an individual

Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


Ten Tips for Dealing with Difficult Customers  Don’t interrupt – Let them vent – hear them out  Don’t judge – They may be right – they think they are!  Listen for “hot” buttons – What do they repeat or emphasize?  Listen for ideas – They will tell you what will make them happy!  Apologize for the situation/ dissatisfaction – sometimes they just need to hear that “we apologize for this situation?  Don’t take it personally.  Listen for unstated concerns – What has happened to them as a result of the situation?  Acknowledge what they say – It is their perception of reality. 

Fix the customer first then you fix their problems

Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


Turning Negative Phrases into Positive Phrases Negative


 You have to

 Have you considered

 You should have

 Have you tries

 You Must

 May I suggest

 All you have to do is

 What I recommend is

 What I’m going to have to do is  Unfortunately

 As a result of

 Regrettably  I can’t

 Let me check on that for you

 I don’t know

 What I can do is  I will get back to you  Here’s is what I will do for you

 I’m sorry

 I apologize for (be specific)  Please accept my apology

 I’m sorry  I understand  I’m not sure

 I’ve had that same situation happen to me  I can’t imagine  Help me understand  Let me check on that for you

 But

 Here are some options

 However

 Here are a few alternatives  Which do you prefer

Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


Publisher: Wineagle Limited Clothing & Lingerie


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