The Jackals of Corruption and Relentless Suffering w/ Illustrations

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To the Taxpayer, producing public, and to the contributors of public and prirun by the worst underworld characters known, such as this Dr. I.D. Bronfin, daughters safe, to have them with an underworld character, and have them the charity funds intended for the poor, of $12,000.00 per year. Is it not a the Jackals of Corruption and Relentless Suffering � andrew t. hirsch an underworld character as is this Dr. I.D. Bronfin. Is the money you produce criminals? Are courts influenced by that wealth as to justify the general critishow to obtain justice in our courts against the modern criminals armed with that framing an innocent person is becoming so common that it is winked persons can have suspicion cast on them for the balance of their lives by an unand sends his victims to the mad house and escape punishment for perjury beto usurp the function of the courts to try persons by medical experts? Are there to the insane asylum a case of paranoia because the wife objected to the husbeen a National Jewish Hospital at 2800 East Colfax Avenue, Denver, Colorepresenting a patient cured when in fact the cripple is still crippled? They the doctors and officials of National Jewish Hospital connived at the decepthey men that would refuse to operate and kill, murder a person for a price? Is tal, who so conducted same as to cause suicide, and who is blacklisting his railroad his victims to the insane asylum for revenge or money purposes (as the a great protest meeting was held at the Hooker Street Synagogue where Rabbi ers against Dr. I.D. Bronfin where S. Hornbein, Mr. Sam Price and others as that Dr. I.D. Bronfin, Supt, of the N.J.H., this Dr. Bronfin when he was supatients so cruel that on patient, Mr. Charles Limpsky for whom Dr. Bronfin me personally that Dr. Bronfin is kicking me out of the institution, and I have do not know what to do, and that he couldn't stand the torture of Dr. Bronfin Windsor Hotel on July 22nd, 1922. This poor victim of Dr. Bronfin had an him?It is a fact that after I exposed some of their wrongs to the public, as a Hospital in 1924-25 to whom I complained about the bad food conditions, living too much on luxuries. You ought to live in Germany. You would be glad cooperate with Dr. I.D. Bronfin then superintendent of the J.C.R.S., gave me that after I was kicked out of the N.J.H., because I refused to take that poison poison and I attempted to get legal assistance and I was told by a number doctor. May I ask the public: Isn't that a conspiracy against the public? And who is brave enough to fight all these wrongs and after fighting the case alof technicalities which that prevented me of having my case tried before a jury the charity trust. Has a poor honest person any chance in court? I appeal to about a faking scheme carried out by the officials of the National Jewish Hostary, and Mrs. Strain, Assistant Secretary and others, because I exposed the Celia Glassman was admitted to the National Jewish Hospital about eight or pled: not cured. And after this crippled girl left the hospital they took another and had her to perform as the crippled girl. They gave her crutches to put over without the crutches. For the purposes of making a large drive to collect good people to donate to them. This is common practice among the com-

vate charitable organizations. Is it a fact that our noble institutions are to be who practices adultery with his female help right in the institution? Are your under his control? I am informed that Dr. I.D. Bronfin draws a salary out of shame to rob the poor sick patients by drawing a salary that is so high, and for and contribute by taxes and voluntary gifts being used to protect and maintain cism so often aimed at them? Does a poor honest person have any possible graduation papers hiding behind a supposed superior knowledge? Is it a fact at by attorneys and judges while criminals go free? Is it a fact that innocent scrupulous medical doctor who states for a price that he believes one is insane cause it is merely an opinion?Is it a fact that the medical profession is seeking cases when medical men (whom money is available) have condemned a wife band entertaining in their home a concubine without interference? Has there rado soliciting funds from the public on the strength of fraudulent pictures substituted a well child for a crippled child for collecting purposes. If so, and tion approved for the purpose of mulching the public of contributions? Are it a fact that Dr. I.D. Bronfin, superintendent of the National Jewish Hospipatients, victims, preventing them from getting any aid who attempted to medical doctors are getting; $30 for every person they declare insane) where Halpern was chairman as the head of the league of Mercy. Among the speakstated by the R. M. News. Didn't Dr. I.D. Bronfin get away with it? Is it a fact perintendent of the Jewish Consumptive Relief Society where he tortured his took a dislike and he ordered him out of the Hospital. This, Mr. Limpsky told no money, no friends and no place to go, and I am in a desperate situation. I any longer, and he used his last $5 and got a gun and killed himself in the insurance policy on his life. Who got it? Was it the very parties who tortured punishment, Dr. Felix Baum who was superintendent at the National Jewish and he answered me as follows: You American people are no good. You are to live on bread and water. Did he get by with this? Did the same Dr. Baum a dose of deadly poison with intent to kill me. Did he get by with it? Is it a fact and when I had their medicine analyzed and found eighty percent of deadly of attorneys that i can not get any medical doctors to testify against another finally when I did find a honest real true attorney in Mr. William Penn Collins most four years and it was dismissed by Judge Frank McDonough Sr., account of 12 citizens so the public wouldn't know what all the wrongs is going on in the good people of Denver and elsewhere, I wish you to know the whole truth pital, whose President is Rev. Dr. William S. Friedman, Mrs. S. Pisco, Secrefact they part or all of them gave me a dose of poison. A crippled girl named nine years ago and after a certain length of time left the institution still cripwell girl named Sadie Napolsky and gave her the name of Celia Glassman, the fake pretense that she was Celia Glassman. They Took pictures with and Funds for Charitable purposes, and use this fraudulent scheme to fool the mercialized charities where only a small percent ever reaches the poor inmate

Andrew T. Hirsch

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Copyright Š 2009 by Andrew T. Hirsch All rights reserved. Published in the United States by &E Publications, Denver. Printed in the United States. Design by Andrew Hirsch First Edition

To Karen Frances Hirsch, for making me want to change the world

Table of Contents




Chapter I The Beginning


Chapter II Nightmare in the San

Chapter III 25 Redemtion


Foreword In 1903, a group of dedicated Jewish immigrants in Denver met to devise a solution to care for indigent patients suffering from tuberculosis. Among these men were: Dr. Charles Spivak, a physician and community activist; Benjamin Diamond, a tinner; David Bernhardt, a furrier; Louis Bornstein, a silkweaver; Henry Cohen, a clerk; Jacob Cooper, a tailor; A. Heublum, a painter; David Kaufman, an actor; M. Levinger, a musician; J. Millstein, a photographer; Louis Shapiro, a cigar maker; Benjamin Wittenstein, a furrier; L. Wolf, a tailor; E. Aidelman, a wagonmaker; and Morris Yasness, a cigar maker.

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Although most of the group was poverty-stricken and plagued by ill-health, at their first meeting they collected $1.10 to establish a non-sectarian institution for the treatment of patients in any stage of tuberculosis. The Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society was born. At least five of these men were later patients at the facility.

Dear Madam, May I appeal to you in the name of humanity in the name of my wife and six children who are on starvation, through the trickery and brutal work of your husband Dr. Spivak, who got famous through coming in contact with the Jewish charity and now he says that nobody can do him harm. You may know him as the famous and good hearted Dr. Spivak, who goes all over the U.S. and Canada, and preaches humanity and kindness, and who says the saying of the "Talmud." "He who saves one life is considered as if he had preserved the whole world," and here is his human work as you will find printed in Jewish and this is only a small percent of the brutal work which he has done to me and my family. I am not the only victim, and I am going to picture him in the English press as Dr. Jeckle and Mr.

Hyde, and let the world know for what their money goes for and to expose all the crimes he is committing against the sick and poor. Doesn't his conscience persecute him (if he has any) by causing women and children to starve? Doesn't his conscience persecute him by causing suicides through his trickery work? Doesn't his conscience persecute him by declaring innocent people insane knowing it is not true? Doesn't his conscience persecute him by disguising sick people well known it is not so? Wasn't he the cause of my innocent child's death which was the result of poverty which Dr. Spivak wrote to the people and was supporting my family that I am able to go to work and they discontinued the support.

Hoping that you will use your influence and your good judgement on your husband that he may break the boycott against me.

I remain very sincerely yours, Lazarus Bearman december 22, 1924

Chapter I:

The Beginning

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I t’s about time I got out of this fucking place!

I’ve been rotting in here for nearly seven months, and I could have been here for a few months longer. It was about time those rotten twits on the parole board decided that with my deteriorating condition I was an eligible candidate. These prison walls were stealing every ounce of my soul and turning it against me, its exactly what ‘they’ would have wanted, those bastards, for me to die a slow rotten death in these walls. I’ll get those fuckers if it’s the last thing I do, those evil manipulators of the innocent. They’re the ones who put me here to die, I proved those fuckers wrong though, and Lazarus Bearman doesn’t go down without a fight. I have fought way too hard and long for my family and I, for it all to end that way.

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It’s time to grab my personal effects from the officer and have my way out. I walked down the corridor to the exit of the prison, freedom and fresh air nearly in sight. These guards never fancied me too much; being sick with T.B. will do that. I’m sure they are ready to be rid of me. That’s how this whole fucked up escapade started, tuberculosis, I contracted it back in New York. Where I used to live, with my wife Eva and my seven children. Once I get all of my family business in order, those criminals are going to pay.


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It was 1921, in the beginning of April, if I do recall, when I came to the Jewish Consumptives’ Relief Society hospital. I was at two other hospitals before this, it just didn’t work out for me and the other patients or the doctors at those other hospitals. I heard from some other T.B. victims that Colorado was the place to be, they said, “sunshine and high altitude were the miracle cure for tuberculosis”. I guess I was in for an unpleasant surprise. When I came here, the state of this sanatorium was in a horrendous state. They expected us to live if these god-awful ‘tents’ as they called them, I swear these damn things were smaller than the breadbox in my wife’s kitchen. It felt like my coffin, and I came here to die.

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The first day I was there I didn’t do much of anything, the people around here are so depressing, rolling around in their wheelchairs, helpless and pathetic. I kept thinking, “I need a goddamn drink! Maybe if I could get out of this place just for a few hours, I would be able to adjust a little better.” Unfortunately that was not an option at the time, being fresh off the train, I was new to the surroundings, and had no idea where I could find a trustworthy speakeasy. By now, I knew how these hospitals work when you arrive, first you get the tour and every one of the nurses is your best friend. “Glad you could make it”, “we’re happy you can be here with us”, and my favorite, “we will do everything in our power to make you comfortable and get you better”. All of this is done with a smile, when really they are screaming for dear life in their heads, contemplating why they have chosen a career

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with these disgusting disease stricken ‘humanbeings’. That’s the way life is for someone with this disease, at least it is for me. You don’t know if you will ever get any better, you don’t know if these medical professionals even have the slightest idea of what they were doing, and all you want is to be rid of this wicked sickness. The first couple of months I was there I kept to myself, trying to get a bearing on my surroundings, feel out the personality throughout the hospital. I befriended this young girl, Celia Glassman, she liked to play out by the big oak tree near my tent. I felt compassion for this young thing; she had to be only about ten years old, a horrible tragedy for such a young child, to be diagnosed at that age, taking away any hope for a future. We would sit out in the grass and I would tell her stories, just like the stories I

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used to tell my daughters. She had this beautiful toy kite, and she would come fly it with me, it was one of our favorite things to do. One day the kite got stuck in the oak tree and I had a fit when one of the orderlies wouldn’t get it down for her. You should have seen his face, the fear that was living inside of his chubby cheeks; I have always had a great power of persuasion. I spent a lot of time with her and we grew a strong relationship, sometimes Celia was the only reason I would get up in the morning. It can be tough being this sick and trying to keep a healthy attitude. Cecile helped me through these rough times; she brought me the memory of my family, which made me very homesick. Being homesick was something that was very easy to do being alone in a hospital thousands of miles from home. After a few months of spending time with Celia, I got some bad news. She was going home. Her condition wasn’t

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getting any better and the doctors at the J.C.R.S. believed she should spend the rest of her days with her family. This was devastating for my happiness and me, not only because she was leaving, because I started to see how evil and corrupt the J.C.R.S. really was.

Chapter II:

Nightmare in the San

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few days after Celia went home, there was

another young girl hanging around the hospital, I had never seen her before, and she didn’t look like she had any symptoms of disease of any sort, she was a perfectly healthy child. I was talking to one of the orderlies and asked her what she was doing here. The orderly was very hesitant and paused before saying anything, “she’s sick, she is a new patient”. I didn’t believe a word that was coming out of the orderly’s mouth. He was so full of shit, I decided to query him even further, “what’s her name then?” He replied, “Why that’s Celia Glassman, sir.” I was outraged, how could this be? There is no possible way there could by chance be another young girl at this hospital that happened to have the same name as my friend. I couldn’t believe it; I grabbed that son of a bitch and asked him what the hell he was talking about. I had him by the throat and as

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he was gasping for air, he screamed, “I DON’T UNDERSTAND, THAT’S WHAT THEY TOLD ME!” I questioned him more, “who told you that”, I asked. “Dr. Spivak! He told me that was her name. I’m sorry, I’m new here!” the orderly said. I loosened my grasp and let the poor bastard go. I guess he really didn’t know anything about this. This made me very unsettled, I lost my friend and now there is something very amiss, I decided I had to get to the bottom of this nonsense. I started asking questions, I first started talking to some of the other patients. I kept getting the same answer from all of them Celia was her name. This couldn’t be right, there was something going on here. As I was on my way back to my tent, I noticed a large panel van pull up into the back of the facility. This wasn’t the usual one that came delivering supplies;

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it was different, newer in style and not so beat up. It was in the condition of a vehicle that wasn’t used for deliveries at all; so I decided to follow it back to where it was parked. I stood back in the distance, trying not to be seen, hiding behind a large shrub. The driver of the vehicle stepped out and went towards the back doors of the truck. He opened the doors and started pulling out photography equipment, I was about to lose interest, but then the mysterious “Celia Glassman” was being escorted towards the photographer to be introduced. This got my curiosity going so I stayed around to catch what was going to happen next. A woman got out of the truck with some sort of makeup kit; she proceeded to walk towards the child. She told the child to hold still while she applied the makeup, she was at it for nearly twenty minutes. I caught a glimpse of what she was doing to the child and the makeup made

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it look like the child was about to die from some terminal illness. When she was finished she went back into the truck and pulled out some crutches, she handed them to the child, and instructed her on what to do. They proceeded to walk the child out into the front of one of the buildings and started taking photographs of her. “Look more sick!” said the photographer. By this time I was more furious then confused, the actions that were taking place in front of me were flabbergasting! What the hell were they doing? After a few sets of photographs were taken the photographer instructed the makeup woman to get ready for the next set. The child and the woman went back to the truck and I didn’t see them for about ten minutes. The two came back from the truck; the child didn’t have as much makeup on this

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time, looking much healthier this time and without the crutches. They continued to photograph the child and instructed her to smile, look happy; look like you’re not sick anymore. Not sick anymore?� I thought. What the hell is going on here? Were these people were taking publicity photos for this godforsaken hospital? This is an outrage, what kind of sick bastards run this place!? I am under the care of these madmen! This demon spawn Dr. Spivak!

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“It’s been thirty days since my encounter with the evil trickery of the criminal minds of the J.C.R.S. I haven’t been able to sleep, they have been putting some sort of drugs into my food, I know it. They saw me that day; they saw me that day they took the photographs. They’re onto me! This is not good, no one is safe. I have been avoiding all contact with anyone that has anything to do with this facility. They are all in it! I just know this can’t be a place for healing, it is all a lie. What kind of place is this? The things they do behind closed doors are unimaginable. What kind of inhuman testing is going on here? I saw a pregnant woman the other day; I figured she just came visit a friend or relative. I saw her walk into one of the buildings and didn’t come out. Maybe she just snuck past me, I wasn’t watching all day.

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Today though, oh today, I saw another one of those panel vans pull up near the back entrance of the same building the woman went into. There weren’t any photographers in this one though. The damn thing was loaded up with more pregnant woman! I couldn’t believe this shit, I heard a little about this kind of thing on the radio, but never thought it could be a possibility. Is this hospital is participating in eugenics? These doctors are taking their babies away from them! How can they do that, these doctors think it’s all right to slaughter their unborn children because they have so-called undesirable traits? This is madness; I can’t stay here any longer! I have been warning the other patients, but none of them listen, they are all destined to die. Not by natural means, they can count on that!”

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I began thinking about coming up with a plan of how I was going to get out of this place, and then hit me like a ton of bricks. My abdominal tuberculosis started acting up really bad, I could barely even walk. I didn’t know what to do then, I can’t get out of here in my current condition. They ‘appointed’ me a new doctor; I don’t know why they would do such a thing. The demon child was named Dr. I.D. Bronfin, someone to take care of me perhaps. By take care of me, I mean cold heartedly kill me. I know it, they aren’t my friends, he sure does act like it though. Best friends for life, that’s what he wanted to tell me with that fake pathetic grin of his maniacal face. He said he had some new treatment for me, something that should clear me up “lickity-split”. I was very weary about this doctor from the get go. I knew he was a bad

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seed; I was terrified of the son of a bitch. I read in a newspaper about a doctor, could have been Bronfin, I don’t recall the name. The doctor was being accused of poor treatment of patients, torture even. I was praying to god that this wasn’t true, that this doctor wasn’t the one I read about in the paper. He came in with a smile, told me everything was going to be fine and this wasn’t going to hurt a bit. He was right; it didn’t hurt a bit, the first time at least. He gave me anesthesia on his first experiment, it didn’t put me unconscious, I saw everything he did. I cant even speak of what this man did too me. He was pulling parts out of me that I would have thought should have killed me. I couldn’t move for days, the agony in my bowels was unimaginable. I started to feel a little better then I had another visit from the doctor, he said it was

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time for another treatment. “Oh God, you can’t be serious?” I kept thinking. This man is evil, he began to do the treatment, no anesthesia this time, I have never felt such pain ever in my life. I passed out, the pain was too great. By the time I woke up, I was in some special unit; I have never been in this building before.

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I thought maybe this was the building they were conducting the eugenics experiments, I couldn’t tell you much, I was stuck in bed, not able to move. I could move my mouth and speak, I wasn’t afraid to do that. I started screaming at these bringers of pain, the vile retched excuses of human beings that they claimed to be. “They can’t hear you”, said a voice from the other side of the room. “Who’s there?” I asked. “I’m just like you, you know. I too have had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Bronfin. The name’s Charles Limsky, but you can call me Charlie.” I laid in that room for days, still not able to move a muscle, someone would come in from time-totime to make sure we weren’t dead. They refused any of our questions of why we were in there and what they were planning to do to us. Thank God for Charlie, if he wasn’t in there, I would have died, I

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would have died from the madness. I was starting to get feeling back in my legs, then the feeling started to move up towards my head. I was in such relief that I wasn’t paralyzed. Charlie kept reassuring me that I would get my feelings back and he was right. I started thinking once I’m strong enough, I’m going to get the hell out of this prison, get away from these madmen. I got to the point of having enough strength in my body to sit up in my bed, in the midst of sitting up a nurse ran in and shot some kind of drug into my arm. I was out like a light. I came to some three or four months later, I had incisions all over my abdomen that were all stitched up like they were inspecting my insides piece-by-piece. What the hell were they doing to me? I didn’t wake up in the strange room this time; I woke up in my

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tent. It was strange to feel so at home in this little shitbox, rather than that horrifying white room. I immediately thought of Charlie, my only friend in this miserable torture camp. I thought about where he could be, where was his tent? I hoped he wasn’t still in that god-awful room, having all of those tests performed. I decided to leave my tent and go find him. I saw an old acquaintance of mine and asked him if he knew anything about Mr. Charles Limsky, he most definitely knew something about him. According to my acquaintance, a few months ago, Charlie somehow got out of that room on his own; he managed to break open a window and escape. He also told me two days after his escape, Charlie found himself at the Windsor Hotel in Denver. Charlie was afraid; he didn’t know what to do. He

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escaped the “Hospital of Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde”, only to find himself in a dark hotel room, feeling completely inhuman after all of the experimentation that was performed by Dr. Bronfin and Spivak. He felt his only option was to take his own life, so he wouldn’t have to feel the pain any longer.

‘Inhuman Burial' is asked in suicide's note because he dies by inhuman act Farewell Letter of Denver Man Who Shot Himself Directs That Body and All Possessions Be Burned—Leaves Money to Relief Society. That he be buried "in an inhuman way" by having his body and all his possessions burned because he was about to die in an inhuman way, was the strange request written by Charles Limsky, 50 years old, a moment before he blew out his brains in his room in the Windsor hotel at 4 o'clock Saturday morning. Limsky's body was found by the hotel clerk after Frank Williams, who occupied a room near by, reported that he had heard a pistol shot in Limsky's room. Limsky, a healthseeker, left a note written in Hebrew, which commenced with the following quotation from the Talmud: "He who saves one life is considered as if he had preserved the whole world." The note, as translated by J.C. Epstein for Deputy Coroner George Bostwick, continues: "Therefore I want to create a whole world by committing suicide. I want to thank Dr. Spivak and all others who were so kind to me while I was a patient at the Jewish Consumptive Relief sanitarium, rendering me kindness and financial aid. There is a

junk peddler on West Colfax avenue who owes me $33. That is to be collected and added to my estate." "Inasmuch as I am about to die in an inhuman way, I want to be disposed of in an inhuman way by having my trunk and my two grips and my body burned. I have a policy for $1,000 which I want to apply on my funeral expenses and on all my indebtedness. The balance is to be turned over to Dr. Spivak and his attendants." "I wish everybody good health, good luck and best of wishes" Linmsky also left a note addressed to Mrs. Ray David, head of a local Jewishcharitiesorganization,explaining that he had been a sufferer from tuberculosis for many years. Limsky formerly lived at Colorado Springs and at 1226 West Colfax avenue.

Chapter III:


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ll I could think about was getting the hell

out of here, that and exposing all of these maniacs to the world. My first priority was to get my strength back, so I could make it out of here alive. My current state was far from it, my wounds were still fresh, and were on the verge of infection, so I had to hide out at the hospital for a couple more months. I kept a low key; hoping the doctors wouldn’t have a fuss about me. I still kept a watchful eye on what was going on in the facility, keeping notes in my journal. Taking down anything that was out of the ordinary so I would have plenty of evidence for when my time to plead my case came around. I even managed to save a sample of one of the doses Dr. Bronfin was administering to me.

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The time came when I was just about healthy enough to escape this place and make my way to Denver and expose these phonies for what they are. It was 1923 and I had been there for almost two years, it was definitely time to go. It was around February when I decided to escape, I knew it might be dangerous for me to leave this place in the middle of winter, but I couldn’t stand this torture any longer. On the night of my escape the skies were clear and there was no snow on the ground. It was the perfect time for me to make my way to Denver, where I could be safe from the clutches of Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde.

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It took me quite some time to get established in Denver. Finding a place to live and work was difficult, considering the stage I was in from my disease. I managed to make a little money here and there working at a few tailor shops. The money wasn’t that great, but I managed to save up enough to get a temporary place to stay. In the first year I was staying in Denver, I made up handbills talking about what the J.C.R.S. was doing. I distributed these handbills at fundraisers for the J.C.R.S. talking about how the hospital is swindling all of their donations for themselves. They didn’t take too kindly to me attending their moneymakers exposing their true greed. Unfortunately, I was arrested and charged with distributing anti-Jewish and seditious propaganda. I’m sure that greedy bastard Dr. Spivak has plenty

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of pull with the Denver police, money can buy just about everything. After that incarceration, I felt I needed to make my voice heard with a better approach, maybe an appeal to the Public of Denver.

Means Investigates Man With Anti-Jewish and Seditious Propaganda Lazarus Bearman, 44 years old, 724 Thirty-first street, was held in city jail Friday on order of Manager of Safety Means. Bearman was booked for investigation of the charge that he was circulating propaghanda of a seditious and anti-Jewish nature. He was arrested at Twenty-seventh and Welton streets by Detective Zadowski and Patrolman Warren.

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I decided one other course of action was to get what was rightfully mine. I had been away from the hospital for almost four years now and I decided it was time to get something back from those thieves and get some compensation from their “charity”. I decided a civil suit was in order, and they should have to pay dearly, for the time I spent in their hospital while my wife and kids were suffering back in Brooklyn. They needed help more than anything, they were starving and there was no one there to provide for them. Since the hospital wasn’t doing anything for their support during the time of my stay, it was about time I did something about it. The things they did to me, I should get paid dearly for all of the torture they put onto me. I thought they would settle, since I’m one of the only torture victims that has ever gotten out of there alive.

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On March 1, 1926 - I took those rotten bastards to court, and I thought I was going to have my day in it. I thought wrong, horribly wrong. I should have thought back to three years ago when they had me locked up for distributing propaganda, those doctors had the judge eating out of their filthy money grubbing hands. The case was thrown out and I was back where I started, penniless and without redemption. It took me almost seven years to get enough money together to get my plans of exposing those evil doctors for what they were. I had enough to get a typewriter and then find a publisher that would put out my plea. Once word got out to the J.C.R.S., I started getting threats from one doctor, Dr. Samuel Sweazey. He told me if I had this plea published, he would make my 17-year-old son suffer. I wasn’t

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afraid of his threats, he was no match for me, and I had much bigger plans. I felt by the time this plea was published anyone that had anything to do with that hospital would be put to death for what they have done. After I found a publisher to release my plea, I decided to take the dosage that Dr. Bronfin was going to administer to me have tested. Finding a place to test it was indeed a great struggle, but I did manage to find a pharmacist that was willing to look at it. After the testing of the dosage, it was brought to my attention that this wasn’t any type of treatment whatsoever. It had trace amounts of lewisite, not enough to kill a person in that one dose, but just enough to see the effects on living tissue. I’m glad I got out of there when I did because any more of that exposure would have put me in my grave.

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After this discovery, I felt my appeal wasn’t enough. I decided to make another publication exposing all of the hellacious deeds this organization has done, exposing it to all, making this facility meet its demise. I wrote a four-page document exposing all of the incriminating acts that were being performed at the hospital facility, from the adulterous activities the doctors participated in, to the suicidal thoughts they implanted into the minds of the unsuspecting patients. Their empire of greed and inhuman acts would be no more.

38 Andrew Hirsch

“I can’t take this shit anymore, the rotten fuckers have pulled the wool over the eyes of the public again! They took my expose and buried it! How the hell am I supposed to get any justice? Of all of the copies that were printed, only two have survived? How can this be? How much goddamn power do these people have? How the fuck did they do this? Two fucking copies remain, one in their possession and one the hands of Denver Court! They’re telling me I’m going to prison because of this, I can’t believe I escape their clutches of evil, but they still have the power to destroy me! This is not libel, it is not slander, it’s the goddamn truth and not a single god fearing soul believes me.”

Lazarus Bearman Given Year in Pen on Libel Charge Plea of S ympathy Because O f Physical Condi tion Is Futile. After an impassioned plea in his own behalf, Lazarus Bearman, convicted of criminal libel, was sentenced by District Judge Robert W. Steele in the west side court Monday to eleven months to a year in the state penitentiary. The Maximum penalty for this crime is a year in prison and $500 fine. Bearman begged the court not to imprison him because of his weak physical condition and because a penitentiary term might result in his death. "I don't feel sorry for you," Judge Steele told him. "A burglar or thief sometimes steals to maintain himself or support his family. In other words, he commits the crime to help himself. Your offense was purely destructive of others' interests and of no help to you. Your crime was aimed at destroying a man's reputation. It was of no aid to you. As for your physical condition, I know of no better sanitarium than the state penitentiary." Counsel for Bearman argued more than two hours for a new trial. The motion was denied without arguement from District Attorney Earl Wetten gel, the prosecutor of the case, who appeared to resist the motion. Bearman circulated scurrilous literature about Dr. W.S. Friedman, Denver rabbi, and Dr. I.D. Bronfin, director of the National Jewish hospital.

Lazarus Bearman was a Russian immigrant who was a tailor by trade. He came to the J.C.R.S. Hospital at the age of 43, in the year 1921. This story is pure fiction, based off of actual persons and events. I chose this character for the uproar he brought upon the J.C.R.S. and the community. Typefaces Garamond Premier Pro Mrs. Eaves OT Akzidenz Grotesk Univers LT Prestige Elite Adobe Caslon Pro Champion HTF Paper Cover International Papers Accent速 Opaque Digital White Super Smooth 80lb. Cover Interior Neenah Paper Classic Linen Avalanche White 80lb. Text

Credits Patient Records Courtesy of Dr. Jeanne Abrams JCRS Collection Beck Archives Special Collections Penrose Library and Center for Judaic Studies University of Denver, 2009 Illustrations Gray, Henry. Anatomy of the Human Body. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1985. Gray, Henry. Gray's Anatomy. New York: Vintage Books, 1994.

which it is intended to benefit. This is simply professional charity graft used times. The Fake Pictures were taken to defraud the public and at the same time by a bunch of real Fakers. Under the guise of charity medical services of a pure here is the substitution crippled girl's and her mother's own statement: Statethe Jackals of Corruption and Relentless Suffering � andrew t. hirsch sworn, deposes and says: That about six years ago, two of my daughters were rado. They were there because of underweight according to Denver public years old at the time. There was another girl by the name of Celia Glassman was tuberculosis on the bones of the legs, and a few years later Celia was sent had been taken by the officials of the hospital to the Orpheum Theatre, and cessful imitating that crippled girl that she was often called on to sing and children. Soon after Celia was sent home, Mrs. S. Pisco and Mrs. Strain, be treated. They told Sadie she must look as sad as possible and that she must time she tried to make the face, Mrs. Pisco said it was not sad enough. Then later, Mrs. Pisco told Sadie to take off her clothes. They took every rag of fastened it like tights. Then they told Sadie to lay on the bed while they took while they took the clothes of Sadie. About ten minutes later, the Nurse got the Nurse pretended to teach Sadie how to make baskets. They took two more from middy to a gingham dress, white stockings, black slippers. They fixed her said it was fine, but not quite fine enough to make a grand success. So they had pictures of scene. The last picture was marked at the top that Celia is getting Sadie's mother, will not like for you to pose like that. And I didn't find out had Sadie pose for such pictures. Then they treated Sadie very nicely for someThen when things got quite about the pictures, they quit giving Sadie dancing sorry, but that she was going away, and Sadie wouldn't have any more lessons sometimes, and one time when they were playing there, Dr. Swaisie superincould do good dancing and other stunts. So the actors asked Sadie to do some and the actors gave Sadie six dollars. Mrs. Pisco told Sadie to treat the other hospital. (Taking advantage of a child). Mrs. Pisco sent Mrs. Davis with Sadie coat and hat should match. Mrs. davis looked at a coat for $20.00 then she them to change it, but they never did change it. It ripped on the side in three green coat, but it soon faded out and looked like a rag. They haven't got the tures of Sadie. Mrs. Pisco sent Mrs. Davis to tell me that they were going to piano, dance and be an actress, and they would get her a good job. They only eighth grade public school; and when I tried them to buy books for Sadie to business education, and she is now working for $8. a week. I have seven chilColeman head of the central Jewish Aid Society told me I should go picking any one who knows that she was in N.J.H., they want to know if T.B. of the fearing they will get the disease. The boys she meets soon shun and remark: 'It all seem to doubt her words and pity her." I am submitting this to the public and also take the right which the Constitution of the United States guarantees bring my case before a jury of twelve citizens. Good people, just think of the It's simply a heavy graft. Old-time bandits came and took it from us. Mod-

by the charity medical doctors who have the poor Inmates at their mercy at all destroyed the health and character of Sadie Napolsky for her whole future life Fake. This scheme brought them in about seventy-five thousand dollars and ment by Mrs. Napolsky, 1510 Federal Blvd., of lawful age, being first duly in the National Jewish Hospital at 3800 East Colfax Avenue, Denver, Coloschool rules. Sadie, was about eleven years old, and Sarah was about twelve who was unable to walk on account of what the doctors in the hospital said home to Albuquerque, New Mexico, as an incurable case. My daughter Sadie different shows to see how the actors put on their acts. Then Sadie was so sucdance, and she often acted at the hospital for the amusement of the other asked Sadie to pose as a crippled girl patient, first coming into the hospital to make her face look as sad and dejected as if she was in great pain. The first Sadie made another face which Mrs. Pisco said it was alright. A few minutes clothing that Sadie had on, and then the Nurse put a towel around her and two photographs. There was dozens of doctors, nurses and patients watching Sadie dressed up fine, and had her sit in a wheel chair, and in this pose while pictures. A few minutes later they had Sadie change part of her dresses and up, and told her to smile and look happy and pleased. The first she tried they her try this over again. And then took two more pictures. They took two more well, and at the bottom it said Celia to-day. My oldest daughter Sarah told about this for sometime. My husband was very angry when he heard that they time, and for a while they gave her dancing lessons. I think about a month. lessons any more. The teacher came to Sadie and told her that she was very for awhile. The Orpheum actors gave plays at the National Jewish Hospital tendent of the hospital, and Mrs. Pisco, told the Orpheum actors that Sadie of the stunts, so Sadie danced some russian, some fancy dancing and singing children, and Sadie spent the six dollars for ice cream for the children at the to Michaelson Brothers Dry Goods store to get a coat and a hat for Sadie. A changed her mind and bought one for $7. but I didn't like it and tried to get days, and one sleeve came out, it rattled like it would have paper in it. It was a hat for Sadie yet. When I complained to the hospital about making such piceducate Sadie as she was very talented, and they would teach her to play the gave her two hours schooling per day in the hospital and she got there to the go to high school, they refused to do it. Sadie couldn't get a job for she had no dren to take care of and when I tried to get the hospital to assist me, Miss. chickens. They never did get a job for me, or the children. When Sadie meets bones is still hurting her, and some of the girls refuse to associate with her, is too bad she has T.B. on the bones'. She tried to tell them the truth, but they that everyone should know for what their contributions to charity and taxes go every citizen for free speech and free press and may have an opportunity to vast sums of money paid the high salaried charity pilferers, underworld fakers. ern bandits, by fraud, get us to deliver it to them. -Lazarus Bearman

Andrew T. Hirsch

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