Baltic Business Quarterly Spring 2020

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S P R I N G 2020

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B A LT I C B U S I N E S S Q U A R T E R LY | S P R I N G 2020

Organizers of the event

2nd German-Baltic Digital Summit 7 October 2020, Munich Germany is not only the biggest single European IT market. It also invest massively in its own digital infrastructure and services portfolio. Germany is therefore a main target market for Baltic services suppliers DQG EHQHĆŹWV DW WKH VDPH WLPH VLJQLĆŹFDQWO\ IURP FRRSHUDWLRQ ZLWK WKH innovative Baltic technology scene.

Digitizing Energy

(VWRQLD /DWYLD DQG /LWKXDQLD DUH (XURSHDQ ĆŹJXUHKHDGV DQG JOREDO forerunners when it comes to digitization. Digital Energy solutions, Sustainable Mobility in a Smart City, Cyber Security and Digital Administration & E-Government are the main topics of the 2nd GermanBaltic Digital Summit.

44 | B A LT I C S TA RT- U P S

Skeleton Technologies: Competing against big names

Partners of the event

12 | Personality

28 | Interview

Historic visit of the German Minister for Economics and Energy, Peter Altmaier, to the Baltics

Trading biomass like electricity, Andrius Smaliukas, Baltpool

34 | Baltic energy transformation What does the future energy system look like



German-Baltic business dialogue Extensive dialogues were held between Germany and the Baltic states during the visit of the German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Peter Altmaier, to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania from February 19 to 21. The main topics for discussion included pivotal issues that will shape the future and create both challenges and opportunities to business, such as climate change and digitization. “The Baltic countries are leaders in Europe with UHJDUG WR GLJLWL]DWLRQ DQG VWDUW XSVČŁ VDLG $OWPDLHU SUDLVLQJ WKH KRVW FRXQWULHV VHYHUDO WLPHV LQ 7DOOLQQ 9LOQLXV DQG Riga. Besides discussing the state of economic relations and measures to further enhance cooperation, the German minister also introduced the priorities of his country’s Presidency of the Council of the EU in the second half of 2020 to his Baltic counterparts. Altmaier also gave speeches to invited guests and met with representatives from the *HUPDQ %DOWLF EXVLQHVV FRPPXQLW\ DW HYHQWV RUJDQL]HG E\ WKH *HUPDQ %DOWLF &KDPEHU RI &RPPHUFH $+. AW

Minister Altmaier speaks to members of German- Baltic Chamber of Commerce (AHK) in Latvia in honour of the 25th anniversary of AHK in Riga

German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Peter Altmaier

German Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Peter Altmaier (in the middle) and members of German- Baltic Chamber of Commerce in Estonia Minister Altmaier hold a public lecture at the Riga School of Economics and discussed the future of the EU with the students

Minister Peter Altmaier and Management of German- Baltic Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania


64 | EVENTS Photo: Jenny Nieland

Extending economic cooperation and investments Bilateral economic relations as well as European and foreign policy matters were on the agenda when (VWRQLDÈ V )RUHLJQ 0LQLVWHU 8UPDV 5HLQVDOX PHW ZLWK $+. PHPEHUV LQ 7DOOLQQ RQ -DQXDU\ ,Q WKH ILUVW edition of the brand-new Members’ Luncheon seminar series, Estonia’s chief diplomat also talked about questions relevant to foreign investors, the business climate and the overall economic strategy of the government. Reinsalu praised Germany and Estonia as strategic partners that share the same vision UHJDUGLQJ PDQ\ LVVXHV DQG HQMR\ JRRG HFRQRPLF UHODWLRQV +LV ZRUGV ZHUH HFKRHG E\ WKH KRVW RI WKH luncheon, German Ambassador Christiane Hohmann, who also pointed to ties that go well beyond EXVLQHVV ,Q WKH VXEVHTXHQW GLVFXVVLRQ ZLWK $+. PHPEHUV DQG JXHVWV ERWK VSHDNHUV XQGHUOLQHG their commitment and support for further extending economic cooperation and investment. AW

Estonia‘s Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu (in the middle), Florian Schröder, CEO, GermanBaltic Chamber of Commerce (right) and Tarmo Mutso, Head of the Office in Estonia, German- Baltic Chamber of Commerce


66 | EVENTS Photo: Kaspars Garda

*HUPDQ\ DQG /DWYLD Č? close links in economic terms The close economic relations between Germany and Latvia and the recent rise of German investment in Latvia were praised by Latvian President Egils Levits at a meeting with members of the German-Baltic Chamber RI &RPPHUFH $+. RQ )HEUXDU\ LQ 5LJD Ȣ:H KDYH wonderful and strong Hanseatic ties and traditions. Our trade ties with Germany date back to 1150 and these ties have never been lost. They have only grown bigger and bigger. You are a part of these growing bilateral trade and economic relations, and I thank you for thatâ€?, said the Latvian head of state in remarks delivered to 50 representatives of the German-Latvian business community at the Pullman Riga Old Town hotel.

Latvian President Egils Levits

Christopher Zimmer, President, German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce

“Apart from bilateral relations, German investors have played a particularly significant role in our economic growth.â€? With these words, Levits welcomed the increasing number of German companies operating in KLV FRXQWU\ DQG FUHDWLQJ ORFDO MREV *HUPDQ SURGXFWV craftsmanship and professionalism are still regarded as some of the best, according to the 64 year-old IRUPHU (XURSHDQ MXGJH ZKR VSHQW SDUW RI KLV OLIH LQ Germany. Levits also praised Germany’s dual vocational WUDLQLQJ V\VWHP Č? DQ DSSUHQWLFHVKLS V\VWHP WKDW FRPELQHV SUDFWLFDO WUDLQLQJ RQ WKH MRE LQ D FRPSDQ\ ZLWK VFKRRO EDVHG WUDLQLQJ LQ D YRFDWLRQDO VFKRRO Č? DV “quite uniqueâ€? and stated that he would like to see that kind of system introduced in Latvia too. AW

„It is a very good journal. I can only recommend it,“ Latvian President Egils Levits about Baltic Business Quarterly

0ĂƒULV %DOĂ?Ä•QV +HDG RI WKH 2IILFH LQ Latvia, German- Baltic Chamber of Commerce (from left) and Reinhold Schneider, CEO, SCHWENK Latvija

Florian SchrĂśder, CEO, German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce


Strengthening successful teamwork The members and partners from the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce Lithuania met at the Regional Assembly LQ 9LOQLXV RQ 0DUFK 7KH SDVW \HDU ZDV HYDOXDWHG DQG SODQV IRU QHZ KLJKOLJKWV ZHUH PDGH 6RPH LPSRUWDQW GDWHV IRU DUH DOUHDG\ IL[HG Č? WKH 2NWREHUIHVW LQ 9LOQLXV ZLOO WDNH SODFH RQ 6HSWHPEHU ZKLOH WKH QG *HUPDQ Baltic Digital Summit will take place in Munich on 7 October. The Management Board Members of German-Baltic &KDPEHU RI &RPPHUFH ZHUH UH HOHFWHG DQG WKUHH QHZ %RDUG 0HPEHUV ZHUH DGGHG Č? 5DGRVWLQ 5RXVVHY 3HLQH &(2 DW /LGO /LHWXYD 'HLYLV 9DOLXOLV 3DUWQHU DW 7ULQLWL /7 DQG &KULVWRSK 6FKHO]NH &(2 DW 0LNURQ .DXQDV 8$% $W WKH $+. 5HJLRQDO $VVHPEO\ LQ 9LOQLXV WKH NH\ VSHDNHU WKLV WLPH ZDV .Ă—VWXWLV .HP]Ä•UD D IRUPHU SURIHVVLRQDO basketball player and champion coach. He spoke about successful teamwork and match making. The differences EHWZHHQ D FKDPSLRQ FRDFK DQG D WRS EXVLQHVV OHDGHU DUH QRW VR JUHDW 2QH RI .HP]Ä•UDČ V TXRWHV ZDV Ȣ%DVNHWEDOO OLNH D successful company, is a team game. You have to treat your team the same way as you want to be treated by them.â€? LM .Ă—VWXWLV %RJGDQDYLĂ?LXV Regional President at German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania

Matthias Sonn, German Ambassador to Lithuania

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