7 minute read
Support Your Cancer Community
from The Link Issue 45
by The AHLC
How To Take Care of Hair During Cancer Treatment
It is important to be washing the hair or scalp daily to every other day even when there are no visible follicles. It is important to keep the scalp as clean as possible to create a fresh clean slate for hair growth to occur.
Look for a paraben and sulfate-free shampoo, which is healthier and gentler on the skin and follicles. Baby shampoo would not be an appropriate cleanser for the scalp as the pH levels of an infant are different from that of an adult.
By Carly Klein, President, National Hair
Loss Medical Aesthetics
Cancer touches us all in some shape or forms over the course of our lives. Friends, family, colleagues, yourself. You never know who may get cancer or when, or exactly how it may impact your own life.
The first questions a cancer patient commonly asks are: Is this curable? Will I lose my hair with chemotherapy?
Hair loss is common with most chemotherapy treatments. Once treatment has been completed, it may take up to a year for hair to grow long enough to feel comfortable in.
We were one of the first in the country to have a specific cancer division devoted to helping patients with their hair loss after chemo. There are so many misconceptions and misinformation about hair loss and treatments that people seemed to lose hope and do not know which way to turn.
Even if hair loss is actively occurring from chemotherapy, it is important to still be washing hair and scalp consistently to help level out the amount of shedding you are seeing. Some find it helpful to cut the hair shorter to make loss less traumatic.
Ninety Percent of Women Regard Hair Loss as the Worst Side Effect of Cancer Treatment
If hair loss occurs from chemotherapy, it is typically between the second and third treatments. Adequate hair growth following chemotherapy may take 10 months to one year and returning hair may be different from the hair that was lost.
Due to the absence or alteration of pigment, the hair may grow back white, gray, or a different color. Eventually, as the pigment cells return to normal, the original color should return. It is common for the new hair to return finer in texture initially.
Misconception: As soon as chemo ends hair will grow back full and quickly.
In actuality, the rate of growth for hair post-chemo can be much slower. Normal hair grows ½ inch to one inch a month on a normal young adult. This is much slower when recovering from chemo, surgeries, and radiation series. Hair typically will grow on the sides and back of the headfirst, and the top grows in the slowest.
Your body pulls energy (mitochondria) from wherever it can get its resources internally to heal and recuperate. Your body always pulls the energy from the hair and skin and nails. That is why those areas are the last to return to normal after treatments.
Variables that can dictate hair growth following chemotherapy are a person’s overall health, the number of chemotherapy treatments, the type of chemotherapy that was used, and if there was hair loss before cancer treatments. We also find that those who may be on inhibitor medications following cancer may have a slower rate of regrowth compared to a person who is not on these medications.
Genetic Hair Loss and Chemotherapy Hair Regrowth
A staggering 90% of the population experience genetic hair thinning at some point in their lives. Throw into the mix of sickness, medications, or chemotherapy and a person can be faced with losing hair at an alarming rate.
We know that telogen effluvium or shock hair loss is not a permanent type of loss. However, if there is a mass exodus of hair there will also be a massive regrowth. When examining your client, check if the hair is growing more quickly in the back and sides of the head, is the hair finer and thinner in the temples and top of the head to the crown region? If you are trained to look at your client microscopically, what is the density of the new hair growth coming in? These are all signs that the client also has genetic hair thinning and will need not only a short-term plan of action but a long-term plan to grow the hair and keep normal density as much as possible.
Boosting Hair Growth Following Chemotherapy
There are a variety of ways to boost growth following cancer treatments. These are some of the methods we have successfully utilized for years with a great outcomes:
■ Compounded Prescription Topicals can be utilized to trick hairs into an active growth cycle. These do not need to be used long-term but rather as a booster until desired results are achieved.
■ At-Home Medical Grade Laser Therapy increases cell metabolism and the health of blood vessels in the scalp for thicker, supple, and more durable hair shafts. This method has no side effects, which makes it especially appropriate for long-term use to meet hair goals. Not to be mistaken with LED light or cohesive laser-red light devices which do not penetrate to the proper depth. We have results in 50% faster growth when using medical-grade laser therapy.
■ Hair Analysis Testing can be utilized to help your client healthily get into their cancer recovery phase. Strands of hair are collected from the scalp or eyebrows and tested for all food and drink intolerances, and vitamin, mineral, fatty acid, and antioxidant deficiencies. This also tests for the presence of toxic metals, parasites, or EMF disturbances in the body. We have long utilized this test for clients who seem to be doing everything right and still falling short of where they should be with results. Looking deeper within the body for additional puzzle pieces helps us to get a person on a faster pace toward hair and health recovery.
Supporting Your Own Cancer Community
Since the conception of my company, assisting cancer patients in their next chapter of recovery has always been held near and dear to my heart. My team has run with this passion and created a global support group called “HERE.” This is based on the premise that HERE, a client will find support, community, and resources before during, and after their cancer diagnosis and on into survivorship. We have trained numerous practitioners and image professionals the world over to take on their local cancer communities and offer care, support, and empathy. It is within your power to make a difference!
With state-of-the-art technology and a focus on unparalleled functionality, Progen Probe is proud to offer industry professionals the best and most accurate and user-friendly skin, hair scalp and hair cuticle analysis machines available in the world. These cameras have gained the attention of beauty and health experts across the globe including L'Oréal, Kérastase, and Aveda™ for its unparalleled analysis capabilities. By accurately assessing your client’s personal skin and hair health needs, these devices will help your salon increase: sales, services, profits and repeat business; helping your business to become the local skin and hair authority.
Nutrifuse is a daily treatment collection, specifically designed to mend, revive and ultimately reverse hair damage, and made to be used on hair replacement systems. Every product is filled with proteins and essential oils that help support the building blocks of hair, restoring and rebuilding dry, brittle strands, and helps bring hair systems back to life.
Going beyond beauty, and starting at the root with a deep knowledge of scalp and hair care, Progen Active care has four unique lines designed to help treat scalp care issues, each made with specially curated essential oils and effective active ingredients. Hair care specialists should have the tools to effectively assess their client’s hair and scalp condition to proactively offer the best recommendations. The Active Care scalp regimens are available in professional sizes and take-home kits.
Pro|Gen Fiberbond Daily Treatment Collection
Fiberbond is an instant solution to the age-old problem of hair loss and thinning in men and women. Through the body’s natural static charge, thousands of small protein fibers bond to the hair to create the immediate effect of fuller hair.
Fiberbond Keratin Thickening Fibers are the best hair fibers in the market today and will help you transform your client's fine, thin or thinning hair instantly with thousands of micro organic protein fibers that adhere statically to the hair. They can also be used it to add finishing touches to your client's final look, and to add fullness to facial hair, available in 8 artisanally crafted shades. Fiberbond includes the world’s first and only electric hair fiber applicator that is patented and ergonomically designed for an easier, more comfortable application.
Luxia Artiss Hand Crafted European Hair Extensions
Luxia Artiss hair extensions are made with 100% European fullcuticle hair. This is the most luxurious, healthy, and topperforming hair, which makes Luxia Artiss the best quality hair extensions in the world. Luxia Artiss Paris takes the utmost care in their cultivation process by employing the double drawn hair technique, a rare practice only used by a select few masters in the craft. Double drawn hair is the highest-grade possible and implements additional steps during the manufacturing process. This significantly increases the quality of the hair extensions and provides a healthier full appearance. The hair will be very thick, right to the tip; and that sought-after full-bodied look will be easily achieved. With Luxia Artiss Paris, impeccable lush European hair meets incredible innovation with an artisanal touch, for the hair your clients desire, they are available in 3 lengths, and 24 color tones.
Luxia Artiss Hair Thickening Fibers Hair Fibers for Women
Luxia Artiss Hair Thickening Fibers are made to help conceal the effects of coloring, styling, and excessive use of heat on hair that may lead to thinning hair or hair loss for women over time. The specially curated hair fibers are an instant solution to women's hair loss and thinning, as thousands of small protein fibers bond to the hair to create the immediate effect of fuller hair. Use Luxia Artiss hair fibers to help conceal problem areas, while creating a fuller look and boosting your client's confidence. Luxia Artiss Hair Fibers are available in 7 artisanally crafted shades, and includes the world’s first and only electric hair fiber applicator that is patented and ergonomically designed for easier, more comfortable application.
Or & Argan Daily Treatment Collection
Get the latest in luxury hair care with the Or & Argan hair care collection. All products in this collection are created with age-old ingredients such as virgin Argan oil, tiger nut oil, and gold dust that work together to restore, hydrate, protect, and add luster to dry, damaged, and chemically treated hair.