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Page 3 of 13 Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is of the view that if a person reciteth Kalimah, believeth in few articles of ‘Islam, claimeth to be a Muslim and Doeth not declare any Muslim as a Ka:fir then he continueth to be a Muslim even if he believeth in some article of Kufr or Shirk or both. In the case of Qa:diya:niah be doeth not declare them as Ka:fir in the ground that they disbelieve in the finality of Holy Prophet but on the ground that they declare Muslims as Ka:fir. Similarly Engineer “Ali: Mirza: doeth not declare Nus:airiah [also known as “Alavites of Syria] as Ka:fir on the graound that they believe Saiyiduna: “Ali: RD: as God Incarnate or Incarnated God but due to the reason that they declare Muslims as Ka:fir. See: Ref:- The total video is of 45:01 m See the Video from 5:35m to 7:09m

Not to declare a person as Ka:fir on the belief of Kufr is a Kufr in itself. Below fifty questions are asked with some conditions imposed so that the Heresy and Apostasy of the Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is exposed even to those who have not studied his code of believes strictly, critically and logically. It is suspected that instead of answering properly Engineer of Jhelum is suspected to refute these believes and doeth not declare those how hold these beliefs as Ka:fir. He may say that these are just the supposed cases. But such tactics only exposeth his belief that he doeth not consider a person as Ka:fir even if he holdeth some Articles Of Kufr or Shirk or Both under the following conditions:= 1] Recitation of Kalimah. 2] Believing in few article of ‘Isla:m. 3] Claimimg to be Muslim.4] Doeth not declare any Muslims as Kafir. Fifty questions ARE ASKED with these conditioned imposed and it is asked to the respected Engineer [Respected as a Human Being] just to answer whether he considereth such a person as Kafir or not as a Ka:fir in the Nomenclature of Shar”..He is not allowed to take the literal meaning. Let it be seen what are the limits of the Engineer of Jhelum and his sectarian and religious system. He is requested to answer either in affirmation or negation. No further answer is required. In each question If such a person existeth then according to ‘Isla:mic Teachings such a person cannot be a Muslim since if a person believeth in all the articles of ‘Isla:m and believeth in atleast one article of Kufr/Infidelity then he is not a Muslim. If not a Muslim then a Ka:fir/Infidel. Any other person who doubts in the Infidelity of such a person is infidel beyond doubt.

Page 4 of 13 Each question is an independent question. So if a Person is supposed such that he believeth in to or more such belief is also an infidel. How ever for sake of simplicity each question is independent or the other even if there are some similarities among some. But similiralities if it existeth among some doeth not effect the independency of each and every question.

THE QUESTIONS 1] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that some THE Divine Knowledge and the Knowledge of the Created Being are exactly Equal with the only difference that the Divine Knowledge is Essential [Dh:a:ti:] and The Knowledge of the Created Being is Bestowed [“At:a:’i]. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:f-rullah]

2] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case be believeth that Some Created Beings have Finite but Essential Knowledge [‘Al “Ilm ‘Adh: Dh:a:ti ‘Al Mah:du:]. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]

3] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that Qur’a:n that is conveyed to us is Z:anni [Naqlan ‘Ilaina Z:annan].

Page 5 of 13 [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]

4] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that Believeth that Parousia Of Saiyiduna Masi:h: doeth not occur. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]

5] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that Not a single tradition of Bukh:ariShari:f is reliable. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]

6] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that Each one of the Tradition of Holy Muslim is M-h:arr-f as there is Tah:ri:f in Divine Books of Past. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]

7] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that Fats of Swine and Pigs are H:ala:l but their meat is H:ra:m. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]

8] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that Circumcision is H:ara:m. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]

Page 6 of 13 9] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that Beatific Vision of God in Jannah is impossible and shall not occur. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]

10] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that Not a Single H:adi:th: which is accepted as S:ah:i:h: by Muh:addith:u:n is H:ujjah. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]

11] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that Divine Knowledge is neither Eternal nor Essential nor Comprehensive , in addition Divine Knowledge is Mutable. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]

12] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that God is Essential Rabb [‘Ar Rabb ‘Adh: Dh:a:ti:] of all the Worlds and Holy Prophet is Bestowed Rabb [‘Ar Rabb ‘A:a:’i] of all the Worlds. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]

13] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that ‘Abu: Jahl was not a Ka:fir [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]

14] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that

Page 7 of 13 There are some Hypostases in the Divine Essence of God. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]

15] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that The word Qul in the Su:rah ‘Ikh:la:s: is not a part of Qur’a:n. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]

16] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that God can incarnate in Human forms. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]

17] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that God can assume Human Natures. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]

18] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that God can incarnate in Animal Forms. 19] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that God can assume Animal Natures. 20] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that God can incarnate as a Woman.

Page 8 of 13 21] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that God can assume a female human nature. 22] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that Jibri:l “AS is a Manifestation of God. 23] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that God Manifests in Jibri:l “AS. 24] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that Holy Prophet is Manifested God. 25] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that God can die. 26] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that There is Only One Essential God [‘AL ‘ILA:H ‘ADH: DH:ATI: ] and there are several Bestowed Gods [‘AL A-LH-H ‘AL ‘AT:-‘IAH]. The Verses in Qur’a:n about Divine Unity means Unity of the Essential God; and that it is not Shirk to believe in Bestowed Gods but it is Shirk to believe in Essential Gods? 27] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that Prophet “I:sa: “AS was not Elevated above but only His Soul/Spirit was Elevated above? 28] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that ”I:sa: “AS was impaled on Cross/Torture Stake but was not crucified on it. He was latter rescued either by Romans or by his Disciples. 29] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that There is no heaven [Sama:’] above but just an illusion.

Page 9 of 13 30] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that There is neither Paradise nor Hell in Heavens [Sama:va:t] . 31] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that One can ask for assistance from Gh:airullah in beyond reason acts [Ma: Fauq ‘Al ‘Asba:b]. 32] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that God Hath Bestowed Power to Holy Prophet to make any change in Qur’a:n depending opon his choice of Will , but Holy Prophet never Exerciseth this Bestowed Power [‘AL QUDRARUL “AT:A’IAH]. 33] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that Holy Prophet is not a Human Being but some thing unknown to all Human Minds yet in form of a Human Being and to be in form of a Human Being doethnot imply to be a Human Being. 34] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that Qur’a:n is Created by God . 35] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that No Human Voluntary Act is Created by God, and these acts are not Creations of God neither in Primary meanings and nor in Secondary meanings.

36] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that Jibri:l Committed a Mistake in Revealing Qur’a:n to Holy Prophet. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:f-rullah]

37] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that Saiyiduna “Ali: RD: is Exalted above Holy Prophet “AS.

Page 10 of 13 [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:f-rullah]

38] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that God is only the Creator Of Holy Prophet and the rest of things are Created by Holy Prophet and not by God neither in the Primary meaning nor in the Secondary meaning. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:f-rullah]

39] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that God Neither Can See Nor Can Hear a single thing/Sound. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Asthagh:f-rullah]

40] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that God Hath no Power to forgive a person who died on Kufr and Shirk but Holy Prophet Hath this Power. How ever Holy Prophet shall never exercise his Power. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:f-rullah]

41] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that ‘Us:ul ‘Al Ka:fi: is more Authentic then Bukh:ari: Shari:f. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:f-rullah]

42] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that It is H:la:l/Muba:h: to borrow a boundmaid from her owner for sexual activities with the due permission of her Owner.

Page 11 of 13 [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:f-rullah]

43] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that It is not necessary to Offer Prayers in direction of Ka”bah, it can be any Arbitrary Direction depending on the will of one who offereth prayers. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:f-rullah]

44] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that The ‘A:yah << ‘I:YA KA NA”BUDU VA ‘I:YA:KA NASTA”I:M >> of Su:rah Fa:tih:ah is Mansu:kh: either totally or partially. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:f-rullah]

45] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that All the Traditions in regard to Dajja:l are incorrect and falsely ascribed to Holy Prophet with out an exception. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:f-rullah]

46] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that The “Water is Uncreated and Eternal and was not Created by God in the Beginning of Creations. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:f-rullah]

47] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that The Creator Exists in some of His Creations [Not in All Creations say Saints etc]. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Asthagh:farullah]

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48] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that There are some Metaphorical Sons Of God but no Real Son Of God, and the verses denying Son(s) of God are in the meaning of Real Son(s). [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:f-rullah]

49] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that God is Not Eternal but H:a:dith: Bila: Muh:d-th: [Temporal without a Cause /Maker]. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:f-rullah]

50] If a person reciteth Kalimah [K-l-m-h] , believeth in few articles of ‘Isla:m ,claimeth to be a Muslim and doeth not declare any Muslim as Ka:fir then the person is Ka:fir or not in the case he believeth that It is not Necessary to believe in the Holy Prophet, one must believe in God and Doomsday/Day of Resurrection to get salvation. [Na”udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:f-rullah]

Note :Assuming of a Created Nature is a Special case of incarnation which is a special case of Manifestations. That is why these questions are asked differently. THANKS DISCLAIMER THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MEANING DUE TO ERROR OF THE TYPIST. THANKS DISCLAIMER


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AS IT IS SHOWN THAT ENGINEER “ALI: MIRZA IS A HERETIC AND AN APOSTATE, FOR THE SAKE OF GOD PLEASE DO NOT LISTEN TO HIS LECTURES UNLESS AND OTHERWISE YOU HAVE SUFFICIENT KNOWLEDGE TO DETECT HIS FALLACIES AND APOSTASIES IN HIS LECTURES. He does not speak truth but he speaks falsehood and often accuses with out proper investigation. This is a sufficient proof that Engineer is a Ka:dh:ib [Speaker of Falsehood] . [Note: We do not like to use the words lie and liar, so we are compelled to use the expressions like speaks falsehood or speaker of falsehood]


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