Jhelumi is a Henotheist Source of Jhelumi’s Henotheism Home
Jhelumi: has tried to graft the henotheism of Mormons and Jehovah Witness in his founded religion which he claims to be ‘Isla:m. In this work sources of Jhelumi:’s henotheism are discussed. Jhelumi: is not so wise to propose a dogma, he has borrowed the dogma from Mormons and some Jehovah Witnesses.
Page 1 of 5 Jhelumi (b:1977 CE) is a henotheist . He does believe that people in heavens shall become Gods/gods. How ever he does not assert that the shall be worshipped. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G37JHax4ojo&t=7s This is a proof that Jhelumi is a Henotheist. Belief of Jhelumi: Jhelumi believes that people who shall go in heavens shall become Mini-Gods /Mini-gods there. How ever he does not equate them with the Eternal G-d ‘ALL-H. So he call them Mini-Gods /Mini-gods. In this article the sources of Jhelumi’s henotheism is discussed. Preliminary One There are two Christian cults , each one of them is accused of henotheism. They are Jehovah Witness and Mormons [Church of Jesus Christ]. If not all them majority of Mormons are Henotheists. If not none of them then minority of Jehovah Witness are henotheist. There are some evidences for these two views. Second Preliminary In Mormon theology it is said that:1) Exaltation is a belief among members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) that mankind can reach the highest level of salvation, to eternally live in God's presence, become gods themselves, and continue as families.[1] Exaltation is believed to be what God desires for all humankind. The Church teaches that through exaltation believers may become joint-heirs with Jesus Christ as stated in Romans 8:12 and Revelation 21:7.[2] The objective of adherents is to strive for purity and righteousness and to become one with Jesus as Jesus is one with the Father (God).[3] A verse in the canonized scripture, Doctrine and Covenants, states that those who are exalted will become gods,[4] and a 1925 statement from the church's highest governing body said that "All men and women are in the similitude of the universal Father and Mother ... [and are] capable, by experience through ages and aeons, of evolving into a God."[5][6][7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exaltation_(Mormonism)
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Page 2 of 5 2) Latter-day Saints posit that God has the power to exalt mortal man and even that without the possibility, there is little reason for mortality.[13] They also point to comments made by Christ and Psalmists among others that refer to the Divine nature and potential of humans as children of God.[14] They include passages in the Book of Revelation that describe the joint heirship with Christ of those who overcome by faith in Jesus Christ.[15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exaltation_(Mormonism) 3) Plurality of gods Latter-day Saints believe in an eternal cycle where God's children may progress to become "heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ" (Romans 8:17) and thus become one with God or like God. This is commonly called exaltation within the LDS Church. In addressing this issue, former church president Gordon B. Hinckley, noted the church believes that man may become as Gods. Hinckley said that growth, learning and gaining intelligence are eternal principles, and is one of the reasons why education is important to members of the LDS Church.[49] 4) Exaltation and eternal progression In LDS doctrine, the goal of each adherent is to receive "exaltation" through the atonement of Jesus. If a person receives exaltation, they inherit all the attributes of God the Father, including godhood.[7] Mormons believe that these people will become gods and goddesses in the afterlife, and will have "all power, glory, dominion, and knowledge".[8] Mormons teach that exalted people will live with their earthly families and will also "have spirit children":[9] their posterity will grow forever. According to the belief, exaltation is available only to those who have earned the highest "degree" of the celestial kingdom.[10] As prerequisites for this "greatest gift of God",[11] adherents believe that either in this life or the afterlife, they must become "perfect" and they must participate in all the required ordinances. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormon_cosmology
Third Preliminary Even other sects of Christianity make objections on Mormonism of Deification. Mormons—and to be fair many others throughout church history—cite Psalm 82:6, “I said, ‘Ye are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High,’” in support of the idea that exalted humans may become gods. However, this doctrinal idea simply will not fit the context of the psalm. http://mit.irr.org/can-human-beings-become-gods-answers-mormon-arguments-bible Forth Preliminary Some Jehovah Witness do accept that the charge of henotheism against them as correct. Page 2 of 5
Page 3 of 5 We should begin by differentiating Biblical monotheism from the monotheism that Bowman holds to. I have after a careful study come to the conclusion that there are currently two forms of monotheism. There is Biblical monotheism and then there is strict monotheism. Simply put Biblical monotheism is the belief in one Almighty and Supreme God, but this allows for others to wear the title "god" without actually being a false god. This differs from henotheism by the fact that in henotheistic belief, one worships one Almighty God without denying the existence of other Gods that can be worshipped. Henotheism should not be confused with monotheism or polytheism (the worship of more than one god). In Biblical monotheism one worships and serves only one Almighty God. There are NO other gods that can be worshipped. There are, however, beings that can wear the title of "god" but are not gods in toto. The Almighty God gives them (or allows them) a position and measure of authority to do his will; act as his agents (or simply rule with great power). Take, for example, the angels. They can be called "gods" but are not worshipped as gods (Rev. 22:8-9). They have the title "gods" bestowed upon them by the One Almighty God because they act as his agents. They are (in)visible representatives of him. They deliver messages to humans for Him. They exercise great power and authority, granted to them by the Almighty God. They can kill, chastise, or punish anyone if they deem it necessary (Luke 1:8-20; Acts 7:53; Heb. 2:2; Gen. 19:11). Humans, likewise can be known as "gods." There are Biblical examples for all of this (along with extraBiblical) which I will present later. Bowman objects to Biblical monotheism and subscribes instead to strict monotheism. Strict monotheism is quite different than Biblical monotheism. Strict monotheism was built by people that pushed for an ever stricter sense of definition of monotheism than that which is defined in the Bible. I can only assume that it was the early churches (or the later churches) way of battling heretics, those such as the Gnostics and Marcions. As more ideas about the nature of God and his relationship to Jesus surfaced, the Christians (and Jews) felt the need to change the meaning of monotheism (consciously or subconsciously) to keep these "heretical" ideas from entering Christian theology. Strict monotheism is what abounds today. There can be only one God. No one can wear the title "god" and if they do they are false gods. This view, though, was not held by the Jews and early Christians. https://jehovah.to/exe/general/monotheism.htm How ever it is possible that some Jehovah witness advocate for the metaphorical or figurative use of the word G-d and Gods for Beings other than the only G-d instead of advocating Lenient Monotheism. Fifth Preliminary A created being can be believed to be a g-d/G-d in different senses. One of the basic sense is to associate any incommunicable Attribute of G-d. Page 3 of 5
Page 4 of 5 There are several subcases of this sense. 1) To ascribe the ability to be worshipped [to deserve to be worshipped]. 2) To associate some other Incommunicable Divine Attribute say Attribute of Creativity , the Ability to do what one can Will/Wish. Even the Deification or Apotheosis in regard to a single Attribute is Henotheism and Shirc. So this proves that Jhelumi and Jhelumites are henotheists beyond any shadow of doubt. A possible Reponse. Inspite of such explicit and strict sentences uttered by Jhelumi, some people may try to say that this is a parable or a metaphor or figure. But this is a false apology and Jhelumite Apologists try to twist strict words and strict sentences of Jhelumi: to deceive Muslims. If we had not pointed at Jhelumi’s Henotheism , there would have been no such explanation of such horable, disgracing and blasphemous dogma in the Jhelumi’s apostate lecture. Epilogue Further inspite of explicit sentences of Jhelumi ,which do not accept any interpretation by any student of Jhelumi , any supporter of jhelumi: and not even by very self of Jhelumi: , Jhelumi ascribes an Incommunicable Divine Attribute “Ability to do what is able to be willed” proves that the Jhelumi believes in Deification in the world after , and this is neither a metaphor nor figure nor parable. Jhelumi: is a henotheist and a henotheist cannot be a Muslim . not in the least sense.
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