10 Reasons to Install Commercial Kitchen Make up Air Systems kitchen.services/10-reasons-to-install-commercial-kitchen-make-up-air-systems/ October 29, 2021
A make-up air fan is actually a fan that is supposed to supply fresh air from your outside environment into your inside environment. These are also called supply fans or make-up air units. The real purpose of any make-up air fan is that it replaces the amount of air that is nearly equal to the air you are eliminating from inside of your commercial kitchen, restaurant, or any food truck. When you add a makeup air unit for your kitchen, it adds replacement air for what’s being drawn out of the kitchen by your exhaust hoods. Without it, you get back drafting, poor temperature control, negative air pressure, and air quality problems. Poor ventilation can also contribute to the spread of disease. Using a make-up air supply is usually required and stated by the law, but there can be many reasons for you to install a make-up air system. Let’s explore the reasons why Commercial Kitchen Make up Air Systems are important.
Make-up air system keeps your ventilation exhaust hood fan performing optimally In case you do not replace the air with the air that you eliminate, your vent hood would not be able to work at the best of its capabilities. Also, in that case, if you do not own a make-up air fan in your commercial kitchen, there are high chances that it will put extra stress on your up blast exhaust fan and it may also create a situation where the exhaust fan is no longer able to pull as many CFMs as it is designed to.
Make-up air system will keep your kitchen cleaner
In case you may notice that your exhaust fan and vent hoods are not able to perform their duties effectively and effectively, then you must have this makeup air system installed at your commercial kitchens without the proper makeup air system there will be a lot of grease and oil build-up in your kitchen. And for sure nobody would ever want to spend a lot of time cleaning up a dirty kitchen, particularly when all you have to do is to install a makeup air system where required.
Make-up air system would always Keep the noise down All the commercial kitchens that do not have proper make-up air fans installed in them will have vent hood fans that would be working even harder in order to release the contaminated air into the outside environment. Without a make-up air system installed in your commercial kitchens, the fans will perform their best to suck up the air from even a little crack and opening that is there around windows or even that are there under the doors. In this case, it can really get a lot noisy. For your better understanding, imagine a vacuum sucking air freely. And now, imagine the exact same vacuum with something partially covering it or blocking it, keeping it blocked from sucking in the air it needs. You must have imagined that as well that it would be a lot noisy.
Make-Up Air Unit Would Help in preventing dangerous gases and carbon monoxide leaks Your Commercial Kitchen Make up Air Systems can help in preventing the buildup of dangerous gases in your kitchen. These gases usually occur when the air pressure is not balanced, this creates a negative pressure inside your whole commercial kitchen. When
anything like this happens, apart from vents and chimneys exhausting smoke, flames, and dangerous vapors out of the kitchen, the exact opposite can happen, and they may as an alternative be pulled or back drafted into your kitchen. get a quote
Make-up air system helps in keeping your HVAC system running efficiently
Same as your ventilation hood exhaust, having a make-up air unit can help in keeping the air pressure balanced and can also help your HVAC system in order to run smoothly and at its best possible performance. Deprived of balanced air pressure in your kitchen, your HVAC system has to work a lot harder to do its job efficiently. This will make it ineffective, and it will also cause added deterioration it.
Make-Up Air Units helps in reducing energy bills If you have an imbalanced ventilation system, your heating and cooling conditions will also be chucked out of balance altogether. In case you try to fix these problems that are created by lack of make-up air with your existing HVAC and kitchen ventilation, you will only be left with costing yourself a lot more money than you should pay at first. From every spot no matter if it is hot or cold to congested dining areas from smoky kitchens to unnecessary condensation, all these problems that you could spend a lot of dollars on trying to fix by modifying your HVAC settings when all you really need is a simple make-up air system.
Make-Up Air unit will help minimizing smoke, nasty odors, and musty air 3/4
One of the major benefits of installing a make-up air system in order to have balanced air pressure for your restaurant’s kitchen or any commercial kitchen is that it may help in minimizing the existence of any traces of smoke, odors, and stuffy stale air. This is because of the fact that it prevents both the vent hood exhaust and the HVAC work at ideal levels.
Make-Up Air system will help in preventing common problems connected with unbalanced, negative air pressure Out of many problems that can be solved with a Commercial Kitchen Make up Air Systems, some of the more common problems you can avoid if you install a make-up air system are triggered by negative air pressure. In this case, it may cause doors to slam shut when are least expected as well as make doors and windows get stuck closed and be very tough to open. Not only entrance doors or windows but it also includes refrigerator doors, bathroom doors, and even the main door to your restaurant. This may also cause pockets of cold or hot air, strong drafts, and a whole host of problems that can affect your air quality.
Make-Up Air Units Help in preventing moisture and condensation buildup As discussed earlier, negative air pressure can affect the power of your vent hood to exhaust contaminants, but for your information, not only exhaust and vent hood but it also affects the vent hood’s capability to eliminate moisture from your kitchen. When there is a lot of moisture and unnecessary heat in your kitchen, it can immediately cause your kitchen to become unbearable if all your workers are present there. This may as well end up causing other more serious problems such as mold and mildew growth.
Make-up Air fans are typically required by law Even if all mentioned reasons were not enough to let you know the importance of having a make-up air fan installed in your commercial kitchen, this one you cannot ignore at any cost. Having a proper make-up air fan will keep everyone including you, your staff, and all your customers to feel safer and more comfortable, you will never have to put a lot of energy, and you will never have to fork over money to pay fines for any associated building or fire code violations.