Muslim news no 51 november 2016

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The Muslim News Next Meeting Speakers: Dr Jawad Ahmad Date: Sunday, 6 November, 2016 Time: 15:00 Venue: 15 Stanley Avenue, Wembley, HA0 4JQ

News Suriname A noteworthy development has taken place in Suriname, which deserves to be recorded. Mr. Ishaq Rosan is an important member of the Suriname jamaat and president of the Meerzor g branch. He owns a civil engineering and water supply business, which recently won a substantial contract from the government to lay water pipes for outlying areas. To thank Allah, he decided to renovate many of the Lahore-Ahmadiyya Mosques in Suriname and to install air conditioning in them. He is also building a new mosque at Waterloo in Nickerie, for members in that area. He is

Dr Zahid Aziz waiting to lead Jummah at Paramaribo. The imam introducing him.

November 2016

Issue 51

Broadcasts on


Skype: Lahori-Ahmadi

Friday English khutba and monthly English lecture.

Day: Sunday

Friday broadcasts: 13:00 Monthly broadcasts: First Sunday of each month at 15:00. Mosque being built at Waterloo Suriname by Mr. Ishaq Rosan.


Time: 09:00 am (UK time)

Missionary tour of Suriname and Guyana Mr. Shahid Aziz and Dr. Zahid Aziz have undertaken a long missionary tour of Suriname and Guyana at the invitation of Mr. Robbert Bippat, the Centre’s coordinator for South America.

Dr Zahid Aziz, Mrs Mary Ghafoer Khan, her sister, and Maurits Hassankhan, a historian specialising in documenting history of people from India to Suriname.

spending 100,000 Euro on this project. We request all members to pray to Allah to greatly reward him for his efforts.

Dr Aziz, training imams , lectures on Ahmadiyyat.

This was a continuation of their previous two tours when they visited only Suriname. The purpose was to teach members of the Lahore-Ahmadiyya jamaat in Suriname the distinguishing

A public Jalsa at Paramaribo – a view of audience.

Moefidoel Islam Mosque, renovated this year.

Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore (UK) 15 Stanley Avenue, Wembley, UK, HA0 4JQ

features of our organization. And, to make them aware of the fact that we are not the same as Sunnis or Qadianis and that we don’t care about their fatwahs about our status. All Muslims have the same fundamental beliefs but after that we have a different set of beliefs from others. We have our own organization which takes its own decisions about various matters , independently of what others say or believe. This point was well taken and members, both in Guyana and Suriname, agreed to highlight the distinguishing features of the Lahore-Ahmadiy y a Movement rather than similarities . In addition, speeches were recorded for radio and T.V which will be broadcast after they had left Suriname. By Allah’s grace all the courses were very successful in achieving this objective. Although, the main course was run in Paramaribo, many other areas were visited and member s addressed. Dr. Zahid Aziz left the UK on September and Mr. Shahid Aziz followed on 19th September . They were accommodated in the guest house located next to the main mosque in Paramaribo . Members would gather for the Fajr prayers, after the prayers a short dars of the Holy Quran was given. Tea and biscuits were served in the hall below, after the dars and then members went to work.

spent carrying out research and preparing Power Point slides for the evening lecture. Approximately, 16 men and women attended the lectures and training as Ahmadi missionaries. Some of these are in their early twenties. In addition, on the weekend, there were public jalsas in different areas, which were attended by members in greater numbers. The jalsa in the central mosque in Paramaribo was attended by around 125 people. Other jalsas were held in surrounding villages. In addition to lectures and jalsas , people who had known Hazrat Maulana Abdul Haque Vidyarthi were traced. They were interviewed and asked if they had any information about Hazrat Maulana’s time in Suriname. We hope that this will provide invaluable material about him which can be made available on the web-site regarding his life.

Guyana trip


Members then gather ed again at the time of Maghrib prayers. After Isha prayers there was a presentation/lecture. Many of these had been prepared by the presenters while they were in the UK while others had to prepar ed on the spot to deal with questions as they arose. Their day was thus

Muhammad Anwar Shaheed Memorial Library at Brickdam Mosque, George Town.

“Say not of those who lay down their lives for Allah, they are dead. They are not dead they have attained life eternal.”

Nickerie. On Friday morning, 30th, the delegation left for Guyana. This meant a long drive to the ferry port followed by a 45-minute crossing of the river. The jamaat has a mosque in a village near the border and the plan was to say the Friday prayers at that mosque. However, the delays at the customs made this impossible. Also, the UK delegates needed reentry visas for Suriname and had to be at the Suriname embassy by 1500. At the border Mr Ishaq Khan, President of the Guyana jamaat and a young man Wasim received delegates. Mr. Khan then accompanied the delegates on the three-hour drive to George Town. Mr. Mansoor Bakhsh, imam at the Brickdam Mosque,

George Town, Guyana – The Brickdam Mosque.

On 29/09 a delegatio n consisting of Mr Robbert Bipat, Mr. Ishaq Rosan and his wife, Mr. Sjaikh Kaseim, Mr Shahid Aziz and Dr Zahid Aziz left for Nickeri. They were accommodated in the hous e Mr. Ishaq Rosan has in that area. On the way they visited mosques of the jamaat in different areas and in the evening they attended a jals a in the jamaat’s main mosque in

50 Louisa Row, the home of late Majid Ali. The address and the mosque from which The Guyana Lahore-Ahmadiy y a started.

The Promised Messiah’s revelation: “And your teaching shall be received in all corners of the world.” has come true! Delegat es then retraced their steps to George

Left to right: Dr Zahid Aziz (UK), Maulvi Rasheed who, in early days, played a leading role as missionary, Mr. Ishaq Rosan (Suriname), Mr. Shahid Aziz (UK).

met the delegates at the Suriname Embassy. After visa formalities were over, he accompanied them to Brickdam Mosque. It is a very large mosque built in a very posh area. It is just down the road from the parliament building. In terms of London it would like having the mosque in Trafalgar Square. On Saturday, the local George Town jamaat arranged a jalsa to meet and greet the guests. On Sunday, the delegatio n, which now included people from Guyana such as Mr Mansoor Bakhsh, left to visit the jamaats in Essequibo Coast area. Delegat es

A Hindu pandit (front) who embraced Islam, with Mr. Ishaq Rosan.

Town, arriving very tired but inspired by what they saw. Public jalsa at Essequibo Coast attended by about 300 members. Mr. Mansoor Bakhsh and Mr. Sjaikh Kaseim can be seen at the front.

bus waited at the other end for a drive which took about an hour or so. Around 300 people waited for the delegates to arrive. They warmly received everyone and keenly listened to all the speeches . Their enthusiasm and dedicatio n to the Lahore-Ahmadiyya Movement was amazing to behold! We learnt that if we had driven on for another half hour and crossed another river which takes another half hour and then driven for a

Boat ride to Essequebo. Mr Robbert Bippat and Dr Zahid Aziz

left the hotel at 06:00 to drive to a ferry port about two hours’ drive. The mini-bus was left at the river side and people boarded a powerboat which had been hired. This was in preference to the ferry which takes two hours to cross the water. The power boat took about 45 minutes. Mr Ishaq Khan, President of the Guyana Jamaat , welcomed the delegates. A rented

Mr. Mansoor Bakhsh is trying to acquire a small piece of land, the spot where Muhammad Anwar Shaheed laid down his life for Allah, and construct a memorial there in Anwar Shaheed’s memory.

Return to Suriname The following day they returned to Paramaribo, leaving the hotel at 07:00 and arriving back at around 22:00 with a twohour break. On Thursday 6 October, Mr Ishaq Rosan sent a car to take the overseas delegates to Meerzor g. Mr. Rosan and his wife then took them to visit different LahoreAhmadiyya mosques in that area, including Kroonenburg. This has about 14 families and a small mosque. This involved a drive and a boat ride to a very swampy area where bugs, insects an d mosquitoes are a problem for the locals. Mr Rosan hopes to install air conditioning in that mosque in the near future. Some families were paid a visit. In the evening, there was a

Mr Ishaq Khan, President of Guyana jamaat addressing the jalsa.

further 30 minutes, there are four villages with Lahore-Ahmadiy y a jamaats. We hope that at next trip we will visit those jamaats as well.

Mosque in a little village Kroonenburg.

public jalsa in the main mosque where, as at other places, it was emphasized that Ahmadis are a separate and distinct Islamic organization. We only follow our own Center and no one else. The need for baiat, payment of regular monthly subscription and leaving some assets to the jamaat in the will, were emphasized.

invited and the programme was broadcast on RBB television. Another representative of Muslims from India also attended the Ceremony.

Members were astonished to hear that Sunnis believ e parts of the Holy Quran are abrogated and that some verses are missing from it. They were also amazed to hear that Sunnis believe the Holy Prophet Muhammad married a six-year old girl, kept women as wive s without marrying them etc.

30th September 2016, after Friday Prayer a group of 25 people from Germany visited the mosque. They were given a presentation about AAIIL and the Mosque. Multimedia presentatio n is proving very beneficial for this cause. They were all present ed with brochures. We had a questio n answer session as well. It was clarified to them that Islam is a peaceful religion and our sole mission to present this message to every corner of world.

On Friday 7th there was a dars after Fajr and a lecture in the evening, apart from the usual Friday service. On Saturday, there was, as on every day, a dars after Fajr. In the afternoon, Dr Zahid Aziz left Paramaribo to return to the UK. On Sunday 9th there was a dars, which the history of belief in God was discussed and why it was important to believe that there was a single Divine Being. The last of the UK delegates left Paramaribo on Tuesday 11th.

Germany By Amir Aziz A most important achievement - District Government , Wilmersdorf, has allocated a tract of land for a graveyard for Muslims. I was invited for inauguration ceremony. I was the only Imam who represent ed Muslims and thanked the Government for this great favour . The allocated land has room for three hundred and thirty graves. It was big ceremony. Media was

The Mayor and other participants thanked me for participation in the inaugurat io n Ceremony.

Government has announ ced 3rd October 2016 as Open Day of Mosques in Germany. This day is also commemoration of Unification of West and East Germany. We also participated and the Mosque was kept open from 11:00 to 5:00 pm. With the blessings of Allah , more than 150 people visited the Mosque and attended the presen tation. Question Answer sessions were conducted. Leaflets and literature was distributed. The Open Day was advertised by the Government and Rbb Television with the photograph of our mosque. It was advertised on Television and other important places. One of the friends of the Mosque, Mr. Christian Fessel, saw the advertisement on the main train Berlin Station and sent its photo to me for information.

Pakistan Hazrat Ameer has arrived back in Pakistan after a long tour of

Advertisement on the main railway station with a picture of our mosque.

Germany, Sweden and Holland. During the Holland tour he opened a new mosque there. May Allah bless his efforts. (Amin)

Annual Prayer Meeting In 1891 CE, the Promised Messiah invited the whole jamaat , as well as others, to an annual meeting at Christmas time. The purpose was that members meet and develop fraternal bonds. Thus, turning the jamaat into a family rather than just another organization. So that members of the jamaat put the welfare of its own members before anything else, just as a family does. Our Center continues this tradition under the most difficult conditions. Please support them in every way that you can. The Promised Messiah also called the jamaat The Army of Islam. An army is a well-trained and disciplined force with a chain of command. An army that lacks in any of these aspects fails. The same thing applies to our jamaat. Let us pray that Allah keeps our Center safe and that the Annual Prayer Meeting is, as in previous years, a great success. Amin.

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