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Connections United is upgrading cabins to upgrade your comfort.
Sit Back, Relax...
Cabin upgrades make it easier for you to enjoy your fl ight.
THERE’S A GOOD CHANCE you’re seated on a United or United Express fl ight right now. And except for the aroma of freshly brewed Starbucks coff ee or the view outside the window, nothing should distract you from this magazine.
Why? Because United has invested signifi cantly in cabin upgrades to ensure that your experience is a comfortable one.
For example, if you fl y frequently in North America, you’ll notice new leather seating throughout the cabin on many of our Airbus A320 aircraft. And all United aircraft are getting new, updated upholstery and carpeting.
Notice a brighter, cleaner appearance? We hope so. We’re installing “cool white” lighting on United aircraft and, perhaps most importantly, we’ve doubled the frequency of our most thorough interior aircraft scrubbings. And our cleaning solutions are EPA-rated as environmentally friendly.
We’ve upgraded audio and video systems, and increased the frequency of inspection, maintenance and replacement of seat controls, reading lights and window shades. All of that means that when you want to recline your seat, your seat will recline. When you want to dive into that great new mystery novel, you’ll have a working reading light.
Because when a fl ight attendant encourages you to “sit back, relax and enjoy your fl ight,” we want to make sure you can.
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If you’ve joined us recently in our United First or United Business cabins on a Boeing 747 or 767, you may have been seated in one of our new lie-fl at seats with ondemand entertainment.
We plan to start reconfi guring our B777 aircraft in 2010. And we expect a project to cover United First seats with leather on most Unitedoperated aircraft in North American markets will be complete by late 2010.
These changes come from the feedback of thousands of customers who have completed online surveys.
In summer 2009, groups of frequent travelers stepped onboard United aircraft in Denver, San Francisco and New York with our Marketing and Maintenance teams to tell us what they think is most important when they rank cabin condition.
Because of their feedback, you can look forward to more great changes to come.