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Hero Shaun Duvall forges connections between Midwestern farmers and their Mexican
Building Bridges
Shaun Duvall helps Midwestern farmers and their Mexican-born employees understand one another.
BY JOAN FISCHER // PHOTOGRAPH BY JONATHAN CHAPMAN MISSION • To deepen cultural understanding and provide hands-on support to dairy farmers and their Mexican employees in Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. Farmers and workers are in a mutually benefi cial relationship, Duvall says, but problems sometimes arise in rural communities that are unaccustomed to large infl uxes of newcomers. In the late 1990s, Duvall started Puentes (meaning “Bridges”) to teach English to farmworkers and Spanish to their employers, as well as to provide interpreting and support services—everything from arranging doctor visits to helping fi gure out bills. Later she began taking agricultural professionals on annual 10-day “cultural immersion trips” to villages in Mexico where the farmers stay with workers’ families. Duvall knew something special was happening on their fi rst trip when she watched a strapping dairy farmer take the hand of two-year-old Lydia, the daughter of one of his workers. The toddler was the reason her father was in the United States—and the farmer, as his employer, was helping give Lydia a better life. On the Mexican side, the families were touched that a patron, an employer, would take the time to visit. MOTIVATION • “Changing hearts and minds,” Duvall says. “Encouraging people to become more understanding and compassionate.” Of course, it’s also pretty fl attering to be called “angel de los Mexicanos,” a nickname that makes her blush. IN HER SPARE TIME • Duvall enjoys running, though she calls it “plodding.” (So far, she’s plodded through two marathons.) She’s also planning to write a book about Puentes. HOW TO HELP • Duvall urges people to learn Spanish if they don’t already know it and reach out to non-English-speakers in their area. For more information, visit puentesbridges.org.

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Nearly a third of American managers blamed stressful work for their lack of sleep, followed by 27% of Germans, 24% of Britons, 20% of Japanese, and just 12% of Dutch managers. The global survey found that 72% of them were not getting the recommended eight hours a night. The worsening global economy was cited as the major reason for poor sleep by 40% of respondents. “People lose sleep either because they cannot sleep or because they are not setting aside enough time for sleep - both of which can happen because of work-related stress in the current economic environment,” said Dr David White, chief medical officer for Philips Home Healthcare Solutions.
“People simply need to take sleep much more seriously. Sleep is not optional – it is absolutely critical to people’s health,” said Dr White. Respondents were also polled on their awareness of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a condition in which people repeatedly stop breathing during sleep: 66% of all respondents had heard of OSA.
The survey was undertaken by TNS during March 2009, polling 2,500 managers in the UK, Germany, USA, Japan and The Netherlands. As a health and well-being company – and leader in the sleep management market - Philips commissioned the survey to get an indication of peoples’ sleep habits and their awareness of the impact of sleep on health and quality of life. Philips offers sleep therapy products that are designed to encourage patients’ acceptance of OSA therapy through increased comfort. The end result is improved sleep and, ultimately, improved quality of life. Find out more at www.Philips.com/because.