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Connections United gets you there on time.


Time Flies


United ranks fi rst in 2009 on-time performance among America’s fi ve largest global carriers.*

SINCE YOU NEVER SEEM to have enough time, United wants you to make the most of it. Celebrate the closing of a deal. Enjoy a reunion with an old friend. See the gamewinning score in a child’s soccer game.

When time matters, choose United, the #1 airline in on-time performance for domestic scheduled fl ights among America’s fi ve largest global carriers in 2009*, according to recently published arrival data in the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Air Travel Consumer Report. As you can imagine, we’re proud to be fi rst in this group.

On-time fl ights mean making it to your meetings as scheduled. On-time fl ights mean seeing your family as planned. On-time fl ights mean improved baggage handling, so you arrive ready to go. And on-time fl ights mean a generally happier travel experience, which we all appreciate.

For the past year, we have sharpened our focus on the fundamentals of running a good airline. Priority one: getting you safely to your destination on time, every time.

Because time fl ies. So have fun.

* According to recently published arrival data in the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Air Travel Consumer Report, United ranked highest in on-time performance for domestic scheduled fl ights as measured by the U.S. DOT (fl ights arriving within 14 minutes of scheduled arrival time) between January 1 and December 31, 2009, when compared to the largest U.S. global carriers based on available seat miles, enplaned passengers or passenger revenue, which includes Delta (including its Northwest subsidiary), American, Continental and US Airways.


Flight delays related to weather and air traffi c control do happen. Reduced visibility, wind speed or wind direction, high altitude weather conditions, or rain or snow anywhere along your route may cause delays. But we’ll always put your safety ahead of your schedule.

Technology can help you stay a step ahead. At United.com, you can check the status of your fl ight, and then sign up for mobile alerts to ensure you’re informed of any changes. And if you miss a connection, you may be able to use our self-service easyCheck-in Kiosks to rebook your fl ight and print a new boarding pass.

Whatever the reason for your travels, we understand your time is valuable. We’re proud to have risen to fi rst among America’s fi ve largest global carriers in on-time performance, and excited to keep delivering.

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