5 minute read
Crossword and sudoku
124 JULY 2010 | UNITED.COM
1. The reserve players on a team
6. Poison plant 11. Outdated 14. “What are the ?” 18. Be crazy about 19. Scoundrel 20. Pub purchase 22. Support, with “up” 23. Challenger 24. Roswell crash victim, supposedly 25. Many miles off 26. Smidgen 27. Snail mail requirement 28. Perfect rating 29. It's hard to believe 31. Open-mouthed 33. Day to remember 35. Azria 36. Losing proposition? 37. Flora 41. A razor 44. Cast away 48. Come to light 49. Self center 50. Leg up 52. Pigeon sound 53. Mah-jongg piece 54. Stage hog 55. “Yes, !” 56. Baby’s toy 59. Country album? 61. Teaching
63. Practice
64. Hirsute 66. Coffee 67. Trim 68. Way out 71. Welcome 72. Snoozer 74. Milk purchase 75. Delivery vehicle 76. Kind of cake 77. Power glitch 78. Camper’s supply 80. Third of eight 85. Sign of affection 87. Feverish 88. Night before 89. In the buff 90. “We Family” 91. Sushi staple 93. King Kong, e.g. 94. Bay wreath 96. Early 99. Off-color 102. Put on a pedestal 103. An Inconvenient Truth presenter 104. Goose egg 105. Armor plate 107. Speak at length 109. “The played on” 111. Grp. concerned with law 112. Milk source 117. Mediocre 118. Exploiter 120. Steel girder 122. Superman player 123. Declare 124. Sir’s partner 125. Snare 126. In-box contents 127. Formally surrender 128. Like some smiles 129. Lost cause 130. Wheeled camera mount
DOWN 1. Night clubs 2. Clean up someone else's writing 3. Exploding star 4. Study for fi nals 5. Serving 6. Winter sports equipment 7. Except if 8. Primary 9. Fifth, e.g.: Abbr. 10. Fractional monetary unit of Brazil 11. Australian gem export 12. “That's ” 13. Chain letters? 14. Narcotic 15. Plummet 16. Shower with love 17. Jacuzzi 21. A workout guide 30. Terminate 32. Salon supply 34. Stain 35. Molten rock 36. Grooved on 37. carotene 38. Fail to mention 39. Be a snitch 40. Geometry calculation 42. Foolhardy 43. Have sovereign power 45. On the go 46. Hair curler 47. Yuletide 51. Like some wines 54. Roll call reply 55. Database command 57. Hang on 58. Animal catcher 60. Portions 61. Babe, e.g. 62. Bat excrement 65. Kitchen pest 67. “Understand?” 68. Rigidly conventional or old-fashioned 69. Tank top? 70. Storm 71. Dirt or soil 72. Right-minded 73. Strong cleaner 75. Type of consonant
76. Tear down so as to make fl at with the ground
77. Sign of healing 78. Relations 79. Floral leaf 81. Border on 82. Not common 83. Peach or beech 84. Bridge site 86. Chest protector 92. Bring into play 93. Tolerating 94. Hawaiian garland 95. Made certain of 97. Give the cold shoulder 98. Jersey call 100. Bed-and-breakfast 101. Knock down 106. Player 107. Wander 108. Not new 109. Tolerate 110. brat 111. Quite a stretch 113. Floor model 114. Bargain 115. Black hearted 116. Bank (on) 117. Small pouch
119. Perceive by sight
121. Stadium cry
It’s like having your very own wingwoman

We sat down with It’s Just Lunch Dating Specialist Betty Sinclair,
Seattle, WA, to discuss a twist on a popular element in the dating scene: the person who has the savvy to provide singles advice on how to meet people — the “wing-woman.” Betty shines some light on today’s dating scene and what singles need to consider to be successful.
Can you give us a 30,000 foot snapshot of the dating scene today?
Sure. Dating is complicated, especially for busy professionals, but it’s not calculus. Finding the right time and place to meet compatible people can be a challenge to navigate. The bar scene is just that: a scene. And having family and friends set you up doesn’t really work for most people. Even if you are introduced to someone, the pressure is there to ask them out — and what do you really have in common with them?
So what are singles doing about it, and why do they come to you?
Our clients understand that it makes sense to consult an expert to best optimize their dating life. So, yes, we really do function as wing-women, offering detailed introductions to help eliminate some of the stress that accompanies first dates.
What are singles looking for on a first date these days?
One quality that always ranks high on the list is confidence. Many of us describe ourselves as confident, but are we really confident on a first date? Most likely, the answer is no, as dating is the one arena that tests our egos and levels the playing field for all, whether you are 21 or 60. I often tell my clients to take a deep breath, relax and just have fun with the process!
What do you tell your clients before they go out?
As a first-date specialist, I never want to hear from a client that a date was “nice.” A first date should be fun and exciting! It doesn’t mean that the two of you are going to ride off into the sunset, but it does mean that you are going to put your best foot forward and give the date 100% of your authentic self — the self your circle of friends and family see.
IT’S JUST LUNCH has professional dating specialists just like Betty all around the world. Call us and discover how we can help you create a more rewarding dating life today.

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