Resume / CV

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AHMED SABECK Ar chi t ect&Ur banPl anner PROFI LE Hi ghl ydr i ven and passi onat e aboutwhat Ido.Mosti nt er est ed i n mul t i di sci pl i nar y appr oaches t o ar chi t ect ur e and ur banpl anni ng,wi t haf ocusoni ssuesofpol i t i cal andhi st or i calsensi t i vi t yandbui l di ngr euse


mi l ano,i t

ahmedsabeck@gmai l . com

19/ 10/ 96

cel l :



^Por t f ol i o

2021+ Pol i t ecni codiMi l ano M. Sci nUr banPl anni ngandPol i cyDesi gn

2021+ 11t . hour Nar r at i veDesi gner ,I l l ust r at or

20202021 ZDSAr chi t ect s

Cur r ent l yPur sui ngmyMast er sDegr ee Fi r stYearAver age:28. 8( Equi val entt oA)

2019 Fr eder i ckUni ver si t yNi cosi a B. Sci nAr chi t ect ur eEngi neer i ng

Associ at eAr chi t ect-Concept ualDesi gn

2019 Hi l lI nt er nat i onalDevel opment s SummerI nt er nshi p-TheGr andEgypt i anMusuem

Er asmus+Gr anti nCooper at i onwi t ht heGUC GPA:10( Equi val entt oA+)

2018 Consol i datedContractorsCompany( CCC)

2018 GUCBer l i n B. Sci nAr chi t ect ur eandUr banDesi gn

SummerI nt er nshi p-Cai r oWestPower pl ant

2018 LaserScanni ngRevi tBI M Wor kshop

Semest erAbr oadPr ogr am -Semest er6-Ur banPl anni ng GPA:0. 7( Equi val entt oA+)

GUCBer l i nTr ai ni ngWor kshop

20172019 ARCHI PRI SM

20152020 TheGer manUni ver si t yi nCai r o( GUC) B. Sci nAr chi t ect ur eandUr banDesi gn

LeadDesi gner-Pr oductDesi gn/ Gr aphi cDesi gn

TopRanki ngSt udent-Cl assof2020 GPA:1. 08( Equi val entt oA)

2016 Consol i datedContractorsCompany( CCC)

20012015 NozhaLanguageSchool s( NLS) Egypt i anEducat i onSyst em) ThanaweyyaAmma(

SummerI nt er nshi p-Cai r oWestPower pl ant

2016 TheGer manUni ver si t yi nCai r o( GUC)

Fi nalGr ade:96. 5%

St udi oX-St udentResear chAssi st ant-Pr of .T.Naga


LANGUAGE Engl i sh Ar abi c I t al i an Ger man Fr ench

C2 B1 A2 B1

^Tr avel

G r a p h i c D e s i g n

P r o d u c t D e s i g n

I n t e r i o r D e s i g n

l i nkedi n. com/ i n/ ahmdsabeck/

A r c h i t e c t u r a l D e s i g n


i nst agr am. com/ ahmedsabeck

L a n d s c a p eD e s i g n

U r b a nP l a n n i n g

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