Studio Brief

The studio focuses on the master planning and design of singleownership large Greenfield developments/ cleared brownfield development with a key emphasis on the design of livable neighborhoods. In the past few years, there has been increasing attention to redeveloping vacant and inefficiently used public land within cities to add much-needed housing, amenities, and an accessible and inclusive public realm. The Ministry of Defense is the largest land-owning public authority in the country, with 17.3 Lakh acres of land under its ownership. The studio unit makes a case for opening up part of the underutilized defense land along the Sabarmati River in Ahmedabad for redevelopment. This is aligned to the new National Defense Land Policy currently under consideration that encourages the development of surplus defense lands outside Cantonments for public infrastructure and improvements. The strategic location of the Ahmedabad Cantonment site close to the airport and abutting the riverfront phase 2 provides a unique opportunity to imagine future waterfront developments and to trigger further investments in the area.
UD4001: Master Plan Studio – Unit 1
Studio Mentor: Brijesh Bhatha
Studio Tutor : Vanishree Herlerkar
Teaching Associate: Jugal Bhatt

01 Introduction
This chapter lays down the preface for the project. Its intent and its legal background along with the rationalisation for the site demarcation. Apart from background, context and site analysis, case study for an existing project of similar line is documented with its learning.
1.1 Background Study 1.2 Site Study 1.3 Study Conclusion 1.4 Case Study
Disclaimer : Illustration presented in the background and site study sections are work of group collaboration. Illustration presented in the case study section are adapted from Sasaki’s profile of the project from the official website.

Background Study
Developing the Void

Generally, cantonments and military stations are built outside city boundaries. However, with urbanisation most of these military stations have now become a part of city. This underutilized land in midst of the city bounds offers an opportunity to cater to the rising housing demand along with providing much needed social and recreational public amenities for the city.

The New Defence Land Policy under consideration gives us an legal background for the project. The policy states that land under the defence can be leased in return of equal value infrastructure. This is welcome move in relooking our urban policies, for these lands can accomdate thousands of new

housing stock for the citizens as well as other amenities. The cantonment area in Ahmedabad lies in close proximity to the major transit hubs like airport, railway stations and upcoming multi-modal hub. CBD area of the both east and west Ahmedabad also falls within 6km radius of the cantonment zone. These factors makes the cantonment very promising for future developments.
Locating Cantonment Area in Ahmedabad

Site Study
About the site
Areas within the Ahmedabad cantonment are divided into multiple categories, of which A1 (marked in red hatch) are reserved for core military use. Other categories of land can be used for development based on specific terms and condition. Site identified for development lies outside the A1 area along the river front. Airport road passes through the site which can act as major thorough fare. Other assets include upcoming riverfront phase 2, multi-modal hub and a bridge connecting both sides through the site. Proximity to the airport can play a major factor in rationalising built use and district programs.

Site Demarcation

Contour Map Watershed Map Vegetation Map

The site is sloping towards river but the ground will be flattened to accomdate the phase 2 riverfront elevation. Water sheds channels concentrates on the northern side of the site, influenced by the contours. Most of wild vegetation are also found in the north. Most common type of tree found in the site is an invasive species to Ahmedabad ecology hence it can be cleared for more productive and native landscape.


Based on the site context study, it can be established that redevelopment of the demarcated site has an immense potential to refresh the image of Ahmedabad espcially east. Ecological and environmental study of site reveals that flattening of site to meet the riverfront phase 2 elevation nulls all the natural systems in the site and hence robust infrastructure has to replace them. Proximity of major transport hubs like airport, sabarmati railyway station and upcoming multi-modal hub along with AMTS route running through the site provides an excellent oppurtunity for integrating transit mobility.

The case study also provides a direction for masterplan framework and design development. The case study gives an useful insight in anchoring signature interventions, strategizing land parcelizations and programming districts.

Case Study
About the project Strategies

Thu Thiem New Urban Area is a CBD area designed by Sasaki associates. The masterplan covers the area of 647 hectare on the bank of river Saigon in Ho Chin Mihn the capital city of Vietnam. The new CBD area is developed to ease the pressure on old CBD area just opposite to the bank which also happens to be the old city. This study looks into the various aspects of the framework as adopted by Sasaki associates in developing the Thu Thiem New Urban area. The core vision of the project is to ease the commercial pressure on the existing CBD area of Ho Chin Mihn. The new proposed CBD would host around 13000 residents over the period of 20 years.

The site is riverbank with portion of wetlands. Being sensible to the ecological conditions, sections of land which are naturally occurring at higher level were marked for development. These lands were further elevated by 1.5 meter to cater to extreme flood situation. This helped in keeping existing watershed pattern undisturbed. A central arterial road which connects to the existing CBD area through the river with an underground tunnel is proposed. Sub-arterial branches from the main boulevard only wrap around at the bank edge, forming distinct land parcel as separate districts. These districts are further divided with internal roads. The street network further connected to the

Framework Plan

existing city with six bridges proposed to be built over next 50 years. After connecting the riverbank to the existing city around with 6 bridges, an integrated public transit network is proposed for greater and sustainable mobility. A network of waterways in connection with bus routes and metro lines are proposed.

Block Built Form

Built-form of the new CBD area is also designed sensitively to the local climate. Since Vietnam falls under hot-tropic climate, buildings are oriented towards north-south axis to reduce exposure to the sunlight along east-west axis. The oblique orientation of the buildings also helps in breaking the winds and channelling them to the internal roads as cool breeze.

The ground level of each block is also envisaged as an extension of the public space. Channelling downdraft winds inside a block. The buildings are also fitted with technologies for passive weather response. An integrated water network which collects grey water for reuse in public spaces.

Thu Thiem New Urban Area is also cleared brownfield project similar to the defence land redevelopment. Both areas being in close proximity to the current CBD of their respective cities provided ample oppurtunities and context for redevelopment.

Integrated mobilty and transit plan developed by Sasaki for the project is an important layer of the masterplan.This strategy along with activating ground levels along the street for public realm has formed the core principles of my design development.

02 FrameworkMasterplan
This chapter explains the personal interpretation of the project manifesting as vision statements followed by list of conceptual underpins set as objectives. These objectives then form the basis for the strategies of multiple layers guiding the design development.

What is a cleared brownfield project?
Cleared brownfield projects are an oppurtunity to demonstrate future of urban living within the city. A future which is smart, sensible and scalable. A future which offers smart mobility options and is sensible to the environmental and social context. Hence the intent is to create

Conceptual Underpins
Functional Green Space
To offset the loss of green coverage, a green belt is proposed which also acts as pedestrian connection.

Sponge-Shared Streets
The intent is achieved through multiple concepts obtained which forms the basis of the strategies applied on the masterplan. The concepts are listed beside
Neighbourhood roads are designed as sponge for ground water recharge and shared between cyclist and motorist.
A future which integrates sensible open spaces with smart mobility network.
Network of NMT priority streets is proposed with green shades. They are oriented to be scalable to the adjacent areas as well.

Mobility Strategy
Networks of micro mobility loop are proposed to ribbon around each neighbourhood blocks for last mile connectivity.

Open Space Strategy
Airport road which passes through the site is leveraged as major thorough fare with road network designed for feeder services for last mile connectivity.
The public realm of phase-2 riverfront is brought deep inside the site to percolate till the neighbourhood roads. These open space are placed to act as part of the mobility network.
Anchor Strategy
Signature interventions are placed at the edges of the site rationalized through immediate site context. Placing the anchors along the riverfront and the bridge provides oppurtunity for multiple vistas.
03 LayersMasterplan
The chapters explains each layers of the masterplan in detail along with key quantitative parameters of different aspects. These layers are guided by the masterplan framework and strategies which then come together as a whole in form of integrated masterplan.
3.1 Mobility and Transit
3.2 Anchors 3.3 Built Use 3.4 Land Map 3.5 Integrated Masterplan 3.6 Residential Typologies 3.7 Building Heights

Mobility Network
Mobility network is designed in staggered hierarchy concept. The hierarchy consists of five levels of road, the last level being NMT priority streets. Airport road, riverfront road and the bridge road act as primary roads. Airport road and the riverfront road are connected to each other with main neighbourhood roads at every 700m. Main neighbourhood avenues branch out from these roads parallel to primary roads culminating in the green spaces. These roads are designed sponge-shared streets. These neighbourhood avenues are connected to the primary roads through staggered local roads which act as vehicular entries to the parcels.
Land under streets
Link-node ratio

Dedicated for NMT from streets
19% 30% 120 x 200m
Average block size

Transit Network
Airport road which passes through the site has AMTS route with multiple bus stops, these bus stops are moved to align with the green spaces.Multiple loops of IPT network is proposed to provide last mile connectivity in every block. The green spaces where the bus stop are located also has NMT streets running along the perimeter making the space around the public transit nodes truly a non-motorized public realm. Presence of community cener and sport plaza etc further enhances the realm around the nodes.
Primary Streets (30m)

Secondary Streets (24m)
Neighbourhood Streets (18m)

Local streets (12m)
Pedestrian priority Street
Bus stops IPT stops
AMTS route IPT route

Multiple anchors are conceived in the masterplan at various location to activate districts and serve the framework intent. Some of the anchors serve the whole city apart from the immediate neighbourhood, while others are intended to act as localised catalyst.

Open Space
Buildings around the open space are aligned to provide maximum view to the green space and riverfront. Ground level is activated by providing commercial at the primary road junctions.Open space is itself is divided into different sections to serve the needs of changing transect.
Cultural Center
The signature architecture of cultural center provides vista to the hotels surrounding it and the opposite bank.
Office Complexes
The office buildings look into the open space which is programmed as break out spaces for employees. The open space is ribboned by ground level commercials.
The instutions are anchored to the open space to leverage the public open space. They are also placed near to the bus stops.
Shopping Mall
Shopping Mall is placed abutting the riverfront at the southern edge of the site, neighbouring residential areas of Shahi Baug.
Commercial Centers
The commercial centers are concentrated around the intersections at the airport road. Built form is prescribed as ground level courtyard plaza.

Built Use

The built programme are designed to work in synergy with the mobility network, open spaces and signature anchors. While residential form the bulk of floor spaces, commercial floor spaces consisting of retail, offices and hospitality are provided in proportionate volume.
Residential components accounts for more than 2/3rd of built use. They are concentrated at the center of the site, divided into two districts. Though principles of spatial arrangment of these residential district are same, open spaces in their core allows for distinct expression of identities.

The commercial centers are concentrated around the center intersection in the Airport road and around the edges of the residential open spaces. Distribution of commercial spaces proportionately between neighbourhoods can ensure that retail for daily convenience are available for all blocks.
Offices are located around the northern edges of the site forming a distinct district comprised of studio apartments for young people, co-working spaces and boutique retail and FOBs.
Hospitality buildings are located in line facing the cultural center and riverfront. This is done to maximize customer experience and provide a magnificient view of Ahmedabad. They can also serve the visitors for any large scale events that happens at cultural center,
Residential (68%)
Hospitality + Office (16%) Retail (10%)
Institutions/amenities (2%) Anchors (4%)

Land Map

The masterplan maintains a healthy ratio of 1:1.5 between public green space and built footprint. While providing an efficient road network and sufficient open spaces masterplan also offers staggering 2/3rd of the land as developable land for multiple uses. The developable parcels are geometrized in such a way that along with 25% of built footprint, 13% of private open spaces are also possible.
Ratio between public green space and built footprint

Land under developable parcels

1:1.5 13% 2/3rd
Public Open Space
Public open space are designed to hold different programs each suited to the need of changing transect. Sectioning the open space to different programmes also brings the area to humane scale for better experience.
Built footprint (25%)
Land parcels (68%)

Public green space (14%)
Private green space (13%)

Integrated Masterplan

The masterplan evolved with its various layers to come together as syncretic emergent. The two green spaces seen slicing through the site are a manifestation of the intent, marking two neighbourhoods each built on the modular components but with places which can accomdate distinct expression of identities. The cultural center and the shopping places at the northern and southern corner(respectively) are interventions rationalized based on surrounding context.

Hospital School Commercial Center

Residential Typologies

Residential buidings facing the riverfront are high end luxury apartment with direct view to the riverfront. Mid end resdientials are located one block behind with ample private green spaces. Affordable houses rehabiltating the existing residents of the area are placed along the Airport road in proximity to institutions and public transit. Studio apartments, conceived as students and young people housing are concentrated in mixed use district in proximity to boutique retail and co-working spaces.

Building Heights

The row of buildings facing the riverfront are restricted to G+5 storeys to allow vista to buildings behind, most of which is built up to their maximum limit of 12 storeys. The commercial buildings are maintained at 5-6 storeys keeping in mind limited demand but with possibility to go taller to meet demand upsurge. Signature interventions are conceived as low rise large footprint buildings. Prescribed buildings have the potential to achieve FSI of 2.2 with built footprint of just 25%.

04 Block Details
This chapter details the working of two different blocks. One residential and the other mixed use. It does so with the help of plans, isometric drawings and character views of each districts. Apart built use, mobilty and character intent, built form and street guidelines are also provided for both districts.
4.1 Residential District
4.1.1 Block Plan
4.1.2 Isometric View

4.1.3 Guidelines
4.2 Mixed Use District
4.2.1 Block Plan
4.2.2 Isometric View
4.2.3 Guidelines

Residential Block
Each residential block is designed as modular component. Adaptive multiplication of a residential block can be tesselated with continuity in open green spaces.Details of a residential block are explained in further sections.

Residential Block Plan
Open green space form the core of a residential block. It acts as main pedestrian connection from inside the block to the bus stops placed at junction of open spaces. Vehicular entry to the parcels are restricted to the local roads running perpendicular to the neighbourhood road, riverfront road and airport road. Neighbourhood road is designed as shared sponge street(detailed in ongoing sections).

Vehicular entries are allowed only through local roads, maximum of 2 vehicular entries are allowed of 7m wide. While the private open spaces in the riverfront block are contained within the perimeter arragnement of buildings, open spaces in the block behind are abutting the road. Residential
End Residential

Isometric View of Open Space

The open green space is divided into four sections, each sections programmed to respond to the need of changing transect. The open space itself is lined with pedestrian pathways connecting the bus stop in Aiport road to the riverfront promenades.

Community halls are placed at the center of the open space 18m wide road which are pedestrian priority with only emergency vehicle allowed. A green park is also located in front of community hall to act as spillover space. The pedestrian pathway running parallel to the open space are lined with boutique commercials and FOBs till the plaza section.

Public Plaza Floor

Bus Stop Community Center

Transit Nodes

Transit nodes are placed at the juncture of public place and the Airport road.NMT roads run parallel to the public place lined with commercial spaces intended to provided convenience retail for the neighbourhood block. The bus stop is also integrated with PBS stands.

Street Guidelines
Three major roads namely airport road, neighbourhood road and riverfront road represent the most important links in the road network.Their ROW division, ambience and edge interfaces are detailed below.


Airport Road
30 m wide airport road is intended to act as major thorough fare and hence two fast lanes and a slow lane is alloted beside the 2m cycling lane. The road hosts an AMTS route, the bus bays at the bus stops are shared with the cycling. The road also has a median with 4m footpaths on both sides. The street edges are meant to be active at ground floor with commercial plaza extending till the parcel edges. Edges of residential parcels are designed as green edges with only pedestrian entry/exits allowed.
BNeighbourhood Road
Neighbourhood road are designed with 18m wide ROW. Footpaths of 4.5m wide on each side with dense tree lines as swale for spongeity and shade. Footpath also houses parallel parking for visitors, PBS stands and parklets at specified intervals.The remaining 9m carriageway is designed as slow shared street between motorists and cyclist.. The edges are presecribed as low rise green walls with residential balconies facing directly and acting as eyes on the street. Only pedestrian entry/exits are allowed in these roads.
CRiverfront Road

The riverfront road is proposed to be 30m wide. It is intended to act as leisure road catering to the riverfront visitors from immediate neighbourhoods. 5m footpath on both sides is followed by 3m wide cyclig lane. Motor carriageway are restricted to 14 m to encourage pedestrian and NMT movements in the road to suit the public realm of the riverfront.

Built form Guidelines

The following guidelines are prescribed to achieve the desired built form in a neighbourhood block. Principal intent behind these guidelines are to maintain desired street enclosure, promote active or green edge, regulate types of opening, built use and desired building orientation.
• Parcels abutting the neighbourhood road are designated for residential.

• The edges of parcels are mandated to be low rise green walls.
• Vehicular entry exits are allowed only through local roads.
• 20-25% of plot lines are mandated to be abutting private green spaces.
• The corner of public realm and airport road are built to edge ground floor commercial. These are intended are neighbourhood convenience retails.

• The edges of parcels are mandated to be low rise green walls.

• Vehicular entry exits are allowed only through local roads.
• 20-25% of plot lines are mandated to be abutting private green spaces.
Common Guidelines
Maximum FSI allowed : 3.3
Minimum FSI required : 2.2

Front/rear Setback(max) : 6 m
Side Setback(max) : 10 m
• The parcel is designated for high end residential use.
• Maximum height of each blocks are mentioned in the illustration.
• The plot line facing the riverfront should have minimum 80% building line.
• The plot edges mandated to be green edges.

• The corner of public realm and riverfront road are built to edge ground floor commericial to activate the public plaza.
• The plot line facing the public plaza can have residentials facing it.

• Pedestrian openings from the parcels can be placed along the public realm as well.

Sponge-Shared Streets

The foorpath of neighbourhood streets are designed as sponge streets with dense tree lines. The private green spaces abutting the road also provide a borrowed vista to open spaces for passers by.

Mixed Use Block
The district at the northern edge is conceived as mixed use block of cultural center, luxury hotels, office spaces, studio apartments and boutique retails. Whole district is aimed to promote cultural activities and encourage startup culture among young people.

Mixed Use Block Plan

The office block are concentrated around the open space with ground level commercial arcades. The open plaza at the center of the office plaza is placed to act as shared open space between studio apartments and office spaces to accomdate interactions between two set of young people and encourage startup culture in Ahmedabad. Open space designed and located at the center of office complex to accomdate interactions between young people. Ground level arcade commercial ribboning around the open space to activate the edges and orient the activity within the space.
Line of luxury hotels all orienting the rooms towards the signature cultural center and riverfont beyond. The orientation also offers view to motera stadium. Expansive parcel dedicated to be developed as cultural center to encourage performance art in Ahmedabad.
Studio Apartments

Isometric View of Office Plaza

The office block are concentrated around the open space with ground level commercial arcades. The open plaza at the center of the office plaza is placed to act as shared open space between studio apartments and office spaces to accomdate interactions between two set of young people and encourage startup culture in Ahmedabad. The open plaza is divided into three parts ribboned with two levels of arcade commercial. The plaza itself is programmed to accomdate resting, informal meeting, eating among other range of activities.

Built form Guidelines
The following guidelines are prescribed to achieve the desired built form in a mixed use block. Principal intent behind these guidelines are to maintain desired street enclosure, promote active or green edge, regulate types of opening, built use and desired building orientation.

• Parcels opening onto the office plaza are mandated to have G+1 commercial arcade along the road.
• Vehicular access can be provided at the parcels edges based on requirements.
• The plot line abutting the office plaza should have minimum 60% building line.


• The parcels directly abutting the office plaza are mandated to have a line of G+1 commercial.
• The office towers behind the commercial arcade are restricted to 14 storeys.

The hospitality buildings around the cultural center will face their rooms for better customer experience and offering a magnificient view of Ahmedabad to the visitors.

Riverfront Drive

The riverfront skyline is marked by signature cultural center and shopping mall at the corners with two deep open spaces going deep inside the neighbourhood. The residential plot edges are lined with green cover to enhance the walking experience along the riverfront.

05 Learnings
The studio has helped in undertaking a large scale masterplan project in close proximity to the city. From the onstart, creative background and rationality for the project has realigned the thought process to approach the brief with an imaginative and bold vision and frameworks but grounded in the surrounding context. While the context gave a strong conception anchors for the framework, the magnitude of their influence and importance to the city also brought its own challenges to scale. After freezing down on vision, intent and objectives for the masterplan, developing strategies for various aspects demanded attention to multiple factors influencing the site. Negotiating your ideals for the masterplan with the realities of the vicinity has been a joyful exercise through out the semester.
Once the strategy has been zeroed in, design development for various districts required lowering the working scale from the site precinct to a block level. Providing humane and creative solutions to the design questions while staying true to our intent has also been an enormous task.
Overall, studio has helped in getting a working understading of an urban scale cleared brownfield project.
I express my immense gratitude to the program chair Brijesh Bhatha and my tutor Vani Herlerkar for insightful guidance. I am also thankful for TA Jugal Bhatt for co-ordinating studio works. I am also deeply grateful for visting lecturors and jurors during mid and end-term. I am also indebted to my unit mates, friends at college and hostel. Last but not the least, profoundly thanks for the support from folks back home and The God Almighty.