1 minute read
Using Data for Businesses
Monday, April 17, 7–8 p.m. / Zoom
Learn to use this new online resource that super-crunches millions of data points of local business intelligence to guide entrepreneurs starting businesses and business owners in using the power of data to make better decisions while assessing competitiveness, benchmarking performance and analyzing customer demographics, supplier data, and even strategizing the best marketing and advertising methods.
Discover your roots.
Researching Your Civil War Ancestors
Monday, April 10, 7–8 p.m. Zoom
Join Dan Jungclas as he teaches you how to find your Civil War ancestors.
Swedish Genealogy Help

Wednesday, April 12, noon–7 p.m. / Zoom
Sign up for a virtual appointment with genealogist Kathy Meade to get help with your Swedish ancestors. Meade can help you navigate ArkivDigital and direct you to additional Swedish research resources. Half-hour appointments available.
Take the next step.
Boost Your Visibility with a Professional Portfolio
Thursday, April 27, 7–8:30 p.m. / Zoom
Whether you’re ready to move up in your chosen field, transition to a new career, or stay where you are and thrive, a professional portfolio will help you stand out from the competition and get others to take notice. Bruce Bennett will explain how to create a custom portfolio and the elements to include.
Take Home Jobs Kit
Kits include a variety of information focused on job searching, skill building, resume writing and overall career exploration, as well as interview prep materials. Call 847392-0100 or email questions@ahml.info to request your kit while supplies last.
Scotland’s Resources
Wednesday, April 12, 7–8 p.m. Cardinal Room
Genealogist Tina Beaird reviews different genealogical records available for Scottish research.

Beginning Overseas
Wednesday, April 19, 6–7:30 p.m.
Genealogist Jacquie Schattner will review the history of immigrant travel into the U.S. and how to find genealogical records in most European countries.

Interview Prep Kit
The library’s Interview Prep Kit has all the essentials you need to ace your interview, including an Interview Prep Checklist, 15 Common Interview Questions and Answers, Interview Worksheet, Interview Settings and Questions to Ask the Hiring Committee.
For more resources and information, visit ahml.info/services/careers
Resume Reviews and LinkedIn Profile Reviews
Schedule an appointment to have your resume or LinkedIn profile reviewed by a professional and get tailored tips on how to optimize your network so that you get noticed by recruiters and hiring managers. Visit ahml.info/form/schedule-anappointment