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Meditation Love for

Meditation for Love

Tuesday, February 7, 2–3:15 p.m. Hendrickson Room


When it comes to cultivating and strengthening relationships with the people we love, some elements are beyond our control. By meditating, we create the space and conditions in our mind that are conducive to developing healthy, kind relationships.

Learn how to calm both mind and body through the practices of meditation and mindfulness with instructor Mark Zelkowitz. Explore proven methods to increase self-awareness and improve concentration in a relaxed and supportive environment.

Hablemos Español

(Let’s Speak Spanish)

Monday, February 6, 6–7 p.m. / Room H Monday, February 20, 6–7 p.m. / Zoom

A conversation club to improve and practice your Spanish en la Biblioteca! Meet other Spanish learners and speakers in your community and brush up your skills. All levels welcome.

Writer’s Ink

Wednesday, February 8, 7–9 p.m. / Zoom

Start the novel, short story or poem you always meant to write and join instructor Jacob Knabb for this facilitated meetup. All skill levels and writing styles are welcome.

Tuesday, February 7, 7–8:30 p.m. Hendrickson Room

Looking for a beautiful hand-made gift for your Valentine? Learn how to make your own hand lettered Valentine’s Day cards with artist Rebecca Smith. Supplies provided by the library. Space is limited. Arlington Heights cardholders only.

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