Competition Collections - 2024 Landscape Architecture Portfolio

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2024 landscape architecture portfolio of Muhammad Hafidz






Ahnaf, a bachelor of the Landscape Architecture program at IPB University. He has a strong passion for landscape architecture, with a particular focus on landscape ecology. He has achieved success in several student competitions within this field. Proficient in software such as ArcGIS, AutoCAD, SketchUp, Photoshop, and Twinmotion, Ahnaf also possesses skills in landscape planning, design, photography, videography, video editing, and graphic design. Eager to deepen his expertise, he is actively seeking opportunities to further develop his experience in landscape architecture.

IPB University

Bachelor study of landscape architecture

Bogor, Indonesia

SMAIT Insantama High School

Bogor, Indonesia







Advance Leadership and Management Training

Conducted a comparative study between New Zealand and Indonesia. Auckland-Wellington-Palmesrton North, New Zealand

Landscape Architecture Student Association (HIMASKAP IPB)

Media and branding division for the association. Bogor, Indonesia

Jejak Hijau

Community service by making a garden for a public elementary school. Bogor, Indonesia

URBAN+ Landscape Internship

Jakarta, Indonesia

Studio Project Course (Landscape Architecture Department of IPB University) Teaching Assistant Bogor, Indonesia


Autodesk Autocad



Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe After Effects

Adobe Premiere Pro










Runner up

Tangerang City Landmark Design Competition

Tangerang City Government, Department of Culture and Tourism

First winner

Indonesia Landscape Design Competition

IPB University, Landscape Architecture Department

Runner up

Mandala 2023 Student Design Competition

Udayana University, Landscape Architecture Department

Honorable mention

PARADESC 2023 Student Design Competition, Park Design Competition

Parahyangan University, Architecture Department

Runner up

Archworks 2024 Placemaking Architecture Competition

Pembangunan Jaya University, Architecture Department

Runner up

DISCO 2024 Student Design Competition, Park Design Competition

Diponegoro University, Architecture and Civil Department

First winner

Hijau Jakartaku Student Design Competition, Park Design Competition

Trisakti University, Landscape Architecture Department


Graphic design

Video making/animation


Research/writing papers



Indonesia : Native

English : Conversation, Reading


contact +62 815 8123 052

I affirm that all the aforementioned information is valid and verifiable.

Best regards, Muhammad Hafidz Ahnafuddin

Waste to Wonder 1

The degradation of Jakarta Bay and its coastal environment is a pressing issue, driven by rapid urban development and an anthropocentric approach that disregards nature’s balance. This proposal offers an innovative and sustainable solution for G Island, an abandoned reclamation island that has turned into a garbage dump. By combining ecological restoration with ecotourism development, this project aims to provide long-term benefits for both the community and the environment. This approach will not only save G Island and Jakarta Bay from further environmental degradation but also serve as a real example of how humans and nature can coexist harmoniously through island reclamation.

Year: 2024

Organizer: International Federation of Landscape Architect

Site Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Status: Concept, Competition submission

Role: Research and Concept, Designer, Visualization

Small islands coastal and marine ecosystems play a role in influencing global climate, hydrological and bioeconomic cycles, absorbing waste, sources of germplasm, alternative energy sources and other life support systems. The loss of small islands in Jakarta results in the loss of these ecological functions. The islands below are some of the small islands missing example.

Jakarta’s approach to reclamation has been heavily focused on humancentered activities such as settlements, tourism, trade, and the distribution of goods, while neglecting environmental concerns.

Marsh Habitat
Forest Habitat

Reviving Nature Canvas 2

Tanah Merah Citayam is a vacant lot seized as an asset from the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) program. This large space is utilized by the surrounding community as an open public area. Various activities take place here, from kite flying, children playing, street vendors selling their goods, teenagers racing motorcycles, families enjoying horse carriage rides, to visitors simply strolling around. This landscape planning concept repurposes the vacant land into an urban forest with a constructed wetland, based on the principles of ecological restoration. In addition to serving as an urban forest that accommodates various public activities, this concept also supports the development of urban ecology by creating habitats and water absorption areas.

Existing condition of Tanah Merah Citayam

Public space needs

Landscape degradation

Urban habitat concern

GIS Suitability Analysis for Constructed Wetland

Habitat concept of wetland, woodland, and meadow

Stormwater wetland concept
Circulation concept

The Living Delta 3

Delta 15 Ciliwung is an area located within the Ciliwung Watershed, formed due to river sedimentation processes. Its proximity to residential areas has led to its frequent use for recreational activities such as camping, cycling, fishing, and other waterrelated activities. However, over time, issues regarding the site have arisen, resulting in habitat loss and flooding. By integrating aspects of habitat, resilience, and community strategy, Delta 15 will be revitalized into an area rich in biodiversity, possessing ecological value, capable of accommodating community activities, and fostering a sustainable environment. We hope our concept can bring this river delta into a living area for people and wildlife.

Year: 2024

Organizer: Hijau Jakartaku Student Design Competition (HJKSDC)

Site Location: Bogor, Indonesia

Status: Concept, 1st Winner of the competition

Role: Research and Concept, Designer, Visualization

Delta 15 Ciliwung

Jl. Villa Bogor Indah 3 No.6, RT.07/RW.15, Kedunghalang, North Bogor District


West Java, Indonesia Existing documentation

the Ciliwung River has lost 92% of fish, 66.7% mollusks, and 66.7% shrimp and crabs.

Habitat Strategy
Farming Gathering
Outdoor Forest Walk
Adaptive Floodplain Zone
Nature learning Flower bathing
Forest playing River playing
Secondary Stream Strategy


1. Entrance Plaza

2. Main Plaza

3. Multifunctional Deck

4. Urban Permaculture

5. Educational Deck 6. Interactive Playforest

7. Woody Playground

Elevation Plan

Sensory Playground

Detention Pond


Riparian Lawn
Small Stream
Planting pallette
Habitat Island
Forest Deck Secondary stream

Sensory playground

Urban Permaculture

Memories at Market

Pasar Baru is a historic area that has witnessed the growth of Bogor City. However, along with its development, various issues have arisen, creating a neglected urban void. The streets surrounding the market fail to provide comfort or an engaging experience for visitors. Additionally, the heritage buildings in this area are in a state of disrepair. Our concept adopts placemaking to redefine the market, not only for commercial activities but also to accommodate a variety of public activities.



Organizer: Archworks Placemaking Architecture Competition

Site Location: Bogor, Indonesia

Status: Concept, 2nd winner of the competition

Role: Research and Concept, Designer, Visualization

Pasar Baru, Bogor Tengah
Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat
Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Historical Background

Fungsi jalan yang tak terdefinisi Aksesibilitas yang terbatas

Alih fungsi jalan menjadi tempat pembuangan Ruang kosong yang potensial

Linking City Experiences Preserving Cultural and Historical Identity



Landscape plan

Heritage & Main Park

Community Park

People’s Street

Thank you.

Muhammad Hafidz Ahnafuddin ahnafdien

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